Chapter 6

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Lucy wakes up early again. She remembers telling Mira she'll keep her posted on what happens with Rogue, so she gets ready and heads to the guild.

When she arrives she sees Mira and waves at the take-over mage saying, "Good morning Mira!"

Said woman turns her head and grins at the blonde girl before she inquires, "Come bearing juicy details have you?"

Lucy only nodded and sat down as the she-demon went into the kitchen to make a strawberry milkshake. When she came back she walked around the bar and sat next to the celestial mage and they turned towards each other as Lucy began her story, "Well we went training yesterday. I was working on strength, and in the middle of doing push ups he all of a sudden sits on my back. Of course I tell him to get off but he doesn't, saying that he's 'just helping me train'. Then out of no where he started tickling my sides causing me to collapse and laugh while trying to get him to stop. While he was still tickling me we heard a roar, and he immediately stopped. After I caught my breath we both slowly stood up and readied ourselves for anything."

Lucy's expression turned into one of slight amusement, "But we didn't expect Rogue and Sting's exceeds to come full speed out of the bushes and crash into us. They said they were being chased by Vulcans so we immediately put them down and said to let us handle them. About twenty Vulcans showed up and all but the leader charged for us. I quickly told Rogue to take the ten on the left while I took the ten on the right and we both take out the leader. He agreed and we both shot off. We both easily defeated our targets and re-grouped to take down the leader. Rogue transformed into a shadow and glided up a tree where he launched off the top and I quickly lunged my whip at him, grabbed him, and threw him towards the Vulcan. He easily took it down since he had so much power from the throw and the fall. After we asked the exceeds what they were doing here, Sting came out of hiding and said that they were with him. He was apparently looking for Rogue. We told him of our little arrangement and he said once I got stronger he wanted to fight me. I told him that I can take the form of you and Erza and he was like okay maybe with some restrictions. Then I told him how I already defeated Rogue as Gray."

Lucy chuckled and continued, "Rogue grumbled about how he wasn't at his strongest and that's why I won, the sore loser. Rogue told Sting about how he was ambushed after a dangerous mission and how I saved his life. Sting did his stupid smirk at me and asked why I saved him then asked if I had the quote 'hots' for him. Of course I do like Rogue but they don't need to know that. I think Sting can tell I like Rogue though. Luckily he said he wouldn't tell Sabertooth about any of it."

Lucy winced as she remembered their conversation after they got home, "When we got home Rogue offered to cook since I was so tired. Then he said how Sting said he'd be the perfect housewife because he cooks and cleans so well. Before I could stop myself I said just marry me now. Needless to say it was an awkward dinner. Then we went to bed after saying good night."

Mira stared at Lucy for a moment and then squealed. Lucy was pretty sure she woke up the whole of Magnolia. After the take-over mage stopped squealing Lucy removed her hands from over her ears and said, "Jeez Mira, I think you woke up the whole town."

Mira smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry Lucy I'm just so happy. I think he totally likes you."

Lucy sighs and shakes her head, "I don't know Mira."

Said mage looks at the saddened girl and says, "Lucy you don't have much time with him. Once he gets better and finishes helping you train he goes back to Sabertooth. There's a chance you won't see each other again so you gotta tell him at some point."

Lucy sighs again and says, "Yeah I know. Maybe I tell him when he leaves? Just in case he doesn't feel the same so training wouldn't be awkward. Plus it will give me time to figure out if he likes me too."

Mira winks and says with a smirk, "You may not see it but I think at least Sting saw it. And if I saw you two together I'd think the same thing. I bet he does like you. He may not even know it yet but he does."

Lucy smiles sadly and says, "I just don't want to get my hopes up and my heart broken."

Mira nods at this and says with a wink, "Well if I did wake up the whole town that means your dragon slayer's awake so you should go before he worries."

Lucy blushes and, before storming out, says, "HE IS NOT MY DRAGON SLAYER!!"

With a devious smile, Mira says under her breath, "Not yet."

Lucy busted through the front door with a scowl on her face. When she walked into the kitchen she saw Rogue sitting at the table eating some bacon and eggs. He turned around and asked with a raised eyebrow, "What's up with you?"

Lucy, keeping the scowl on her face, quickly made up an excuse that wasn't exactly far from the truth, "Mira called me down to the guild. I get there and she tries to set me up with a guy that she thinks would be 'the perfect boyfriend for me'."

She paused and crossed her arms, "I swear that woman wants me to have children before I even turn 20."

Rogue was upset at the thought of Lucy having a boyfriend, and he didn't know why he was. Then she mentioned having kids, he blushed a shade of pink when he thought of what it would be like having them with her. He quickly got rid of that thought and continued eating his bacon before he said, "There's bacon and eggs on a plate for you if you want any."

Lucy nodded and said, "Alright cool."

As they sat in silence Rogue breaks it and asks, "What are you going to do today? Train?"

Lucy tapped her index finger to her chin in thought, "Hmm, I think I'm gonna go into town today. Shop or something."

She looked at Rogue with an apologetic smile, "I would take you with me but if people saw us together shit could hit the fan and-"

Rogue cut in with a smirk, "Us and the walls would all be covered in shit?"

Lucy just stared at him before she chuckled a little and shook her head, "No we would both be deep in shit."

"That's like the same thing."

"Well sorry I'm not a shit Mage. I don't know much about shit except it comes out of people's asses and most of the time their mouths."

Rogue smirked and said, "You got that second part right."

Lucy giggled and got up to take the plates to the sink. She came back to grab her keys, whip, and purse. Before she walked out the door she said, "You can do whatever. You know where the forest is so you could even explore a little while I'm gone. I'll be back at around lunch time so we can eat together."

Rogue waved to her and said, "Alright sounds good."

After closing the door behind her Lucy inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth with a sigh, "Today is going to be eventful, I can tell."

Time Skip In Town

Lucy went into the market for some food shopping. If you didn't already know, dragon slayers eat a lot so she needed lots of ingredients to keep her guest happy.

'He seems to like chocolate. Maybe I could make him a chocolate cake?' Lucy thought as she went past a cake shop. She decided to buy the ingredients to make one for Rogue.

She went to the shopping center to get some new training clothes. She decided on three pairs capris and two T shirts instead of shorts and a spaghetti strap, according to Rogue's advice on the proper training attire. She wasn't too keen on changing her style, but after seeing how cute the capris and T shirts looked on her she thought it would be a nice change.

When she touched Horologium's key it was 11:00am. She decided maybe it would be nice to see how the guild is so she started to head there.

She walked in and was greeted with Hi's and questions of where she had been. As she made her way to the bar she said, "I was taking a break from jobs and went off training some."

Lucy made it to the bar and sat down as Mira started walking towards her. Mira smiled sweetly and assumed, "Strawberry milkshake?"

Lucy shook her head and said, "Not today Mira. I'm just here to see how the guild is. I'm eating lunch at home so..."

Mira winked and said, "Lunch Huh?"

Lucy rolled her eyes at her friend's antics and said, "Yes, lunch. That's it."

Mira pouts and walks off to get Laxus a mug of beer. As she does this Lucy turns around and looks around to see if Natsu and Lisanna are back from their mission. When she didn't see them she assumed that they were still on it.

Someone tapped Lucy's shoulder, as said girl turned around she was met with the impatient face of her best friend Levy. Lucy immediately started sweating and her eyes darted around for a quick escape. Levy noticed this and said, "There's no way you're getting out of this interrogation Lucy."

Lucy sighed and said, "Alright what do you want?"

Levy smirked and asked, "So what are you hiding from us. It seems like Mira knows so that may mean it's a boy."

Levy gasps at the realization and just as she's about to scream Lucy covered her mouth and said, "Yes it does have to do with a boy but it's not in the way you think."

Lucy sighs and looks around before she gets up from the bar stool, grabs her shopping bags, and waves for Levy to follow her out of the guild. Levy follows her out as they start walking to Lucy's house.

While walking Lucy rings her hands together nervously as Levy watches her trying to figure her out. After getting her thoughts together Lucy said, "Alright it's been almost a week now but I have a guest in my house that I had to keep hidden from the guild for...certain reasons...and HE has been there recovering because I found him injured in the forest on my last mission."

Levy blinks and picks apart every word of what the celestial Mage said before asking, "Well who is it that the guild can't know about? A past enemy?"

Lucy took in a sharp breath threw her teeth and said, "Ah, well you could...say that. Sort of."

Levy rose a brow and inquired, "Sort of? How can you sort of be an enemy?"

Lucy winced and said, "Well he is close to people who we consider enemies, I guess you could say, but he didn't really do anything to us. At least I don't think so."

Levy tried to rack her brain for who her friend could be taking care of. She finally gave up and demanded, "Lucy just tell me who it is. It's obvious he hasn't hurt you so why should I care whether or not he's an enemy?"

Lucy sighed in defeat and said, "We're almost to my house I'll just show you who it is and if you want you can stay and eat lunch with us."

Levy just nods as they come upon the front door. Lucy unlocks it and walks inside with Levy just behind her. When they walked in the kitchen Rogue looked up from the book he was reading and looked between the two girls and then back to Levy and nodded towards her and stoically said, "Hello."

The script Mage stared with her mouth agape and dumbly said, "Uh, hi?"

Rogue turned to Lucy with an indifferent facial expression and asked, "I'm guessing she started to interrogate you so you just brought her here to show her."

Lucy scratched the back of her neck shyly and said, "Yah. And I told her she could stay for lunch if she wanted to."

Rogue just nodded and turned back to Levy and said, "You're the one that Gajeel hangs out with, am I correct? I can smell him on you so I would assume so."

Levy quickly came out of her thoughts and blushed as she said, "I mean I guess we hang out. We both just sit at the same table and do our own thing."

Lucy looks over at Levy and seeing the blush says, "Hehe, seems like someone has a crush on a certain iron dragon slayer."

Levy's blush darkens as she turns to the blonde girl and says in horror, "Wha- of course not!"

Lucy rolls her eyes and says, "Oh come on Levy everyone knows you like him. Hell, it seems like even Rogue can see it. The only one oblivious is the guy himself. With these things he's as dense as Natsu."

Levy slumps and gives up as she says, "Yeah I know. Maybe even more so since Natsu is dating Lisanna."

Lucy puts a hand on her friend's shoulder and says, "If he doesn't notice I'll talk to him or something."

The script Mage looks up at the celestial Mage and says, "Really? You don't have to."

Lucy waves her off, "Nonsense, it's the least I can do for my best friend. I've always wondered why Mira is so addicted to pairing people up together. Maybe I can be her partner in crime." She finishes with a devilish look in her eyes and a smirk that makes both Rogue and Levy shiver.

Rogue says sarcastically, "Yes because people love having their private lives invaded."

Lucy sticks her tongue out at him, gaining a slight smirk and chuckle from the shadow dragon that doesn't go unnoticed by the solid script Mage.

Levy finally comes back to the problem at hand and asks, "So you guys are going to explain your situation right?"

Lucy nods and heads to kitchen counter as she says, "Yes we can talk over lunch."

Time Skip

As they ate lunch Levy finally asked, "So when did you guys meet or come across each other?"

Lucy finishes chewing before she starts, "Well I finished my mission and was training when I heard a male scream from across the lake I had just taken a bath in. When I came upon a small clearing..."

She explained everything from it taking two days for Rogue to wake up, to Sting finding them while they were training, leaving out the awkward moments and the sleeping together.

"And now we are here eating lunch with you." Rogue finished.

Levy nodded and said, "Well, these are...strange circumstances, but I can see nothing wrong with you staying here Rogue. Although I would still keep it from the guild unless you want a guild war."

The script Mage turned to Lucy and said, "When Natsu gets back I'll visit to let you know so you can avoid the guild. He may not have recognized Rogue's scent the first day, but that doesn't mean he will stay oblivious forever."

Lucy nods and says, "Alright thanks Levy, I'm glad you're on our side."

Said girl smiles and says, "Well he hasn't done anything to you so I'm cool with it."

Rogue says, "I would never hurt Lucy. Especially since she risked possibly getting kicked out of the guild just to take me in."

The celestial spirit Mage smiles at the black haired Mage fondly. A smile not missed by Levy as she has to fight back a smirk.

Levy bows her head slightly to the pair and says, "Well I should go. Gajeel is probably wondering where I am."

Lucy smirks and says, "I'll talk to him after Rogue goes back and his scent disappears. Gods know Gajeel will most definitely remember Rogue's scent."

Levy smiles and nods as she walks towards the front door. Rogue and Lucy hear the open and close of said door and remain silent for a minute before Lucy broke it, "So Uh, what do you wanna do now?"

Rogue shrugged and remained silent. Lucy tapped her finger to her chin before she rose it as an idea came to mind, "Do you want to just get some fresh air and walk around the outskirts of town?"

Rogue looked up in thought before he shrugged and said, "Sure, why not."

They walked out of the house and started their early evening, late afternoon, walk around Magnolia. They stayed silent for a while, not knowing what to talk about.

After walking in silence for half an hour, Lucy spotted a beautiful lake that conveniently had a clear view of the sunset, "Hey Rogue. Why don't we chill and watch the sunset by this lake?"

Rogue looked at the lake then to the setting sun before he nodded and followed Lucy to the lake shore. They sat down in the grass and watched the reflection of the sun slowly descend into the horizon.

A cool breeze came through and Lucy tipped her head back and let the wind flap her hair around as she inhaled through her nose. She looked over at Rogue and saw him admiring the sunset and stated, "This is nice."

Rogue turned towards the blonde Mage before she continued, "I've never actually got to enjoy a sunset in piece and quiet before."

Rogue stared and rose a brow before he remembered, "Oh, because of Team Natsu?"

With her eyes closed Lucy replied, "That and even after I started going solo I was always training or at the guild when not on a job. Then I would just head home."

Rogue blinked and turned his head back to the horizon when she pointed and exclaimed, "Oh! The last of the sun is disappearing."

He watched as the tip of the orange circle disappeared with a bright pink and purple surrounding it. When it finally disappeared Lucy started to get up, Rogue following shortly after her. She dusted off her shorts and said, "Welp, I guess we should head home."

Rogue just nodded and walked next to Lucy as they headed back home.

When they walked in the door, Lucy went to the kitchen to make a quick and simple Mac n' cheese dinner so they could go to sleep after the long day they'd had. Rogue finished first and decided he was going to shower tonight and went upstairs to do so.

Lucy finished eating and cleaned the dishes before she went upstairs. As she passed Rogue's bathroom she could smell the mint from his body wash and shampoo. She stopped in her tracks and just zoned out while she drooled slightly at the smell and remembered what Rogue looked like shirtless.

She finally snapped out of it when she heard the shower turn off and quickly wiped off the drool and rushed back to her room. Trying hard not to let her writers brain set up different scenarios of lewd things happening with the shadow dragon slayer across the hall, she got into her pajamas and crawled in bed where she quickly fell asleep.

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