Chapter Eleven: Daughter of a Villian

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Thanks to catmikaelson for the name of chapter, name of Joker and Harley's daughter and song! This song is so catchy! I love it!
Outfit Harley and Joker's daughter is wearing:
(P.S. Sorry it's blurry. I couldn't get a clearer imagine and some things I will not use, the phone case, the necklace.) Enjoy!❤️

~Gotham Arcade~

Scarlett's POV
"YES!! I won! I won!"
"Yeah, yeah! Rub it in!" Althea spats. I laugh.
"Oh wait... I shouldn't laugh you could crush me or laser me.." I say almost forgetting that Althea was the daughter of Superman and WonderWoman.
"You're fine." She replies.
"Nice job!" Celeste say beaming at me.
"Yeah, nice job!" Paige adds.
"Thanks!" I reply.
"I just realized how good you look in human form." I whisper to Celeste and she looks down at herself admiring the skin.
"Well anyway. You guys want to go to the diner in here?" All three of my friends nod and we go in the diner inside the arcade.

~Diner inside Gotham Arcade~

(Unknown POV)
I look over from my seat and I see four girls. One with black hair and a wallet... Hm...

Scarlett's POV
After we finish eating I get out my wallet...
"Uh, guys? Have you seen my wallet?"
"I thought you had it with you?" Paige asks in between sips of Reach Soda.
"I did, but now it's-" I look over at a girl with a red and black hoodie and blonde hair. She has my wallet! We run after her into an alleyway.
"P-please don't hurt me! I'm sorry I took your wallet!" She begged giving me back my wallet.
"Guys, can you get the bill and pay with my wallet while I talk to the girl?" Paige and Celeste walk away but Althea stops.
"Are you sure she won't hurt you?"
"Althea, relax you know me. I have a sixth sense. She's running from someone." Althea sighs and runs inside to try and find Paige and Celeste.
"Hi there! Do you need some help?" I ask the girl getting down to her sitting level. (I think I just invented a new word XD)
"You want me to help you? I can take you to my house if you want."
"T-that be nice. My name's Lucy by the way." I smile.

(Lucy's POV)
"Well then hi Lucy. My name's Scarlett." I smile back at her. She's so nice...

~Wayne Manor~

Scarlett's POV
"Mom?! Dad?! Grandpa?! Grandma?! Hello?" I sigh.
"Can I trust you to keep a secret?" Lucy nods as I turn the hands of the clock to 10:27 pm-the time my great grandparents died.
"C'mon." I say holding out my hand to Lucy.


Tim's POV
"What is it Scarle-"
"Who is this?" Helena asks.
"My name is Lucy Quinn. I'm the daughter Harley Quinn and the Joker. I need your help."

(Lucy's POV)
"Why do you need our help?" Damian asks.
"Because you're the children of my father's greatest enemy." The all look at me wide eyed.
"What's going... On?" A women asks coming down. She looked familiar to me... Not sure from where...
"Selina, this Lucy Quinn. Harley Quinn and Joker's daughter." She goes down to my level and smiles.
"You look like your mom."
"You knew her?"
"You could say we had our run ins with the law."
"Are you Catwoman or Poison Ivy?" I ask.
"I was Catwoman. I'm retired."
"Oh. Well any chance you've seen my Aunt Ivy?" She shakes her head.
"Not in years."
"Anyway, what do you what us to help you with?" One of them asks.
"I want my father away from my mother. I want him to go to jail and never return. Please, Batman!" I beg.
"How did you know that?"
"My dad talks about killing all of you all the time."
"Wait... I saw you. You were here yesterday." I nod to Red Robin's comment.
"I'm guessing you're not going back home?" Batwoman asks. I nod again.
"You can stay here. My name's Helena by the way." Batwoman replies to my nod.
"Hi..." I reply.


(Lucy's POV)
I couldn't sleep. The bed was comfortable... I just couldn't sleep. Someone knocked on my door and came in. I turned and smiled to see my Aunt Selina.
"Hey. I had a question for you. Why do you want to keep your father away from your mother and you?"
"He abuses my mom. She can't get out of it. She doesn't want to. She's in love. And I hate it."
"I know what he does to her." I nod and after talking for a bit she leaves.

~Bruce's Room~

Selina's POV
"I don't think we can trust her."
"Bruce, she just wants her mom-Harley- to be safe. It's like Hel-"
"Leave Helena out of this!" Bruce replies almost enraged but calm.
"Her parents are criminals. She could be dangerous."
"Says the man who married a criminal." I mutter getting into bed.
"That's different..."
"Sure... Look let's just go to bed. We'll discuss this in morning alright? Goodnight Bruce." I say kissing his cheek.

~Next Day, Wayne Manor~

Scarlett's POV
"Scarlett Sandra Todd is here! I'm not a stalker!" I shout just in case someone thought I was breaking in.
"You don't have to shout, Scarlett, you can just come in."
"I know Grandpa! It's just more fun that way." He smiles at me.
"Wow! Who knew you could smile!" Grandma teased.
"Where are your parents?" Grandpa asked changing the subject.
"Dad dropped me off. I need you two to full out some questions for my History class."
"Alright. I'll fill it out first."
"Great!" I say sitting down on the couch.
"You know it's very weird not having everyone here... It's so empty." Grandpa says sighing.
"I thought you would like it?" I asked.
"Oh don't worry. It's better than screaming at your father and his brothers that's true. However, it's a little too quiet, but my grandchildren make up for it." Grandpa says kissing my head.
"Thanks, Grandpa." I say smiling at him.
"Ok, I'm done. Here, honey." Grandma says handing Grandpa the papers.
"Dad!" I exclaim getting up from the couch and hugging him.
"Hey! You ready to go?" Dad asks smiling at me.
"Never mind." I say as Grandpa gives me back the papers.
"Oh, do you know where Lucy is?"
"She's coming." We've decided to do trade offs until my uncles, aunts and dad have a plan.
"Hey Lucy!" I say beaming at her. She smiles back at me as we go in my mom's car- my dad's can only have two people in it, the driver and the passenger.

~Evening, Joker's hideout~

Tim's POV
We're at Joker's hideout. We brought Lucy along so she could tell us where Joker could be. We find him on the roof.
"Hello there! I see you brought my daughter back!" He tries to grab her shoulder but she smacks his hand away.
"What's the matter?"
"You!" We start attacking him until he goes over to Harley.

(Lucy's POV)
"NO!!" I shout putting myself in front of mom.
"Oh really?! I thought I was your father?!"
"You're not my father!! You're an abuser and a murderous psychopath!!!!" I shout coldly.


Tim's POV
"You meant all those things you said to him?" Lucy nods.
"W-where do you think you'll go?"
"That depends. Where do you want to go?"

~Jason's apartment~

Scarlett's POV
"I'm glad you decided to stay with us!"
"I know. Do you think my mom will be alright? You know going back to being a psychiatrist?"
"Yeah. I think she'll be fine."

~Joker's safe house~

Selina's POV
"I'm gonna miss ya' Selina!" Harley says hugging me.
"We'll both miss you." Ivy adds.
"I hope you both enjoy retirement! Bye!"
"Bye!" They both said as they got in Harley's car about to start a new life.

Author's Notes
What did you think of Lucy Quinn? I think she's an interesting addition!

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