Chapter Forty: The Littlest Bird

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<<Here we are! The final chapter!! Thank you all so much for reading- but don't worry, this not the end of the story!>>
WARNING: Slight swearing in this chapter (I just got off a writing kick of writing Detroit: Become Human Fanfic, soo... that's probably where that comes from😂)

~One year later~

Narrator's POV

For once in Gotham, it was quiet. Not a complaint from one citizen or even a single criminal out on the street. And Helena, well, she was getting bored.

Helena looked up and glared at Dick playfully.
"To answer your question, there is still nothing." Damien explained, glancing quickly at his half sister while keeping an eye on the monitor of the Batcomputer, Jason sitting next to him, fiddling with a Batarang. Dick and Helena sat in chairs behind them.

"Is this what crime fighting is like? If it is, why did I sign up for this?" Scarlett pipped up, and Helena turned back to face them. All the kids were in their costumes waiting for some action.
"On slow days. Yeah. It's boring I know." Helena explained with an eye roll.
"If you were patient, then maybe you wouldn't be so proud!" Damien snapped at her, making her pout and the kids snicker.

"I'm sorry sir. Mr. Wayne isn't here right now." Damien's eyes focused on the ceiling at the sound of his wife's voice, trying to hear who she was talking to.
"You are just on top of it today!" Helena exclaimed with a smirk.
"I'm just... observant of the things around me." Damien answered vaguely, though none of his adopted brothers nor his half-sister believed him.
"Damien, just go! I'll watch the monitors, go be with your wife and do whatever it is you do." Jason mumbles the last part, as Damien stands up to investigate.

A few moments later, Damien returns with Hope following behind, boxes in each of their arms.
"What's with the boxes?" Birdie asks as the rest of the kids look on curiously.
"It's the invitations for your farewell party!" Hope exclaims and realization crosses Carmen's face as her mother finishes explaining.
"Oh shoot! Guys we have to go!!!" Carmen explains, rushing upstairs to change.
"What? Why?" Aiden questioned. Just then, Cosima gets an alert.
"GUYS!! We're in charge of the decorating!!!" She exclaims, rushing upstairs as fast as William West-Allen, Erica Thawne and David Thawne combined. Scarlett, Derrick, Janie, Alexa, Aidan, Honey, Birdie, Allen and Lucy then shoot up the stairs as well to change.

~Time skip~

Scarlett, Janie, Alexa, Derrick, Honey, Aiden, Birdie, Carmen, Allen, Cosima and Lucy all ran down the stairs to the living room nearly running each other over.
"WAIT!" Scarlet shouts making everyone jump.
"Who. Is driving?!" Everyone ponders that for a second, before Birdie piped up running out of patience.
"I will!!!" She grabs the keys and they all rush outside, taking Bruce's van and beginning to drive to Mount Justice.

~Meanwhile at the local mall~

Tula's POV🐳

"Hm... what do you think of this dress, Paige?" I ask, showing her a green dress and she ponders it.
"Honestly, I think it looks ugly."
"Lian!" Celeste, Erica, Althea, Heather and I scolded her.
"Y'know I kind of agree with her."
"See!" Lian explains and I shake my head.
"Ok, look, whatever! We've looked through at least a thousand dress for you. Let's just see if we can find Zelda, Ambrosia, Theodosia, Misty and Brooke." They all nod and we spilt off, knowing that they had gone to different stores. We decided to look for dresses for our farewell Young Justice party. Ambrosia and Zelda we're leaving, and it was time we all left too. We are all grown now. 18 year olds and counting. I sighed. I'm going to miss everyone...

Celeste's POV👽

I looked around a bit before I found a familiar figure.
"Hey, Adam!" I explain trying my best to wave to my brother with the bags in my hands. Adam, William, Arthur, Martin and Edward all were shopping for the food for our party tomorrow. Man... our farewell party... I keep forgetting that this isn't just a fun get together, we might never see each other after this...

Adam's POV👽
"Hey sis!" I reply, seeming to snap out of her thoughts.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about the party tomorrow." She explained with a sad smile, as I nodded. Yeah, I'm gonna miss everyone too...

Arthur's POV💫
I paid for the cake and made a realization.
"Hey, uhh... guys, where are... Edward and Martin?" They all shrugged and that got me worried. They better not have bailed on us! Not today, not right before the day of our farewell.

William's POV⚡️
"Dude, you need to chill out. We'll find 'em." I said that to reassure Arthur, but really I was nervous too, but more about our party than anything. Can I even call it a party when it's such a sad occasion? Wouldn't funeral be fitting?

Adam's POV👽

"Seriously, Will?! We need to find them!!" I explain in a panic as we ran off leaving my sister behind.
"Wait!! Do any of you know where Theodosia is?!"
"Uh... I think she's by the food court!!" Will explains quickly as we run off.

Celeste's POV👽

I cross my arms and sigh in annoyance. I guess I'll find her there!

~Meanwhile, at the entrance of the mall~

Martin's POV💚

"Shoot!" I mutter as I crouch down on the floor. I'll never find my ring now!!
"Martin? It's going to be ok! We'll find it!" Edward reassures me kissing my forehead before we continue to search.
"Edward! Martin!!" I hear Will's voice call out, but I don't look up. I do see Adam and Arthur's silloeutes though. Oh, did I ever mention that Arthur controlled his ability to use his wings? He can now open and close them without the fed of leaving his home. But anyway, as Edward greeted them politely as I continued to search for the ring.
"What the heck are you looking for?"
"I'm looking for my ring!" I snapped.
"What ring?" Will asked, making me and more irritated.
"My ring!!"
"It's just a ring, you can get another one!" Adam replied, and I turn my head upwards with a very serious look on my face.
"No. That ring!" I snapped, finally losing it. With the farewell party tomorrow, everyone was on edge- including myself. That effin farewell party!

Edward's POV🐝

"Oh! Oh crap! That sucks!" Will exclaims as realization crossed all their faces.
"Does that ring even work anymore? Didn't your dad retire from being a... green lantern." Arthur asked, whispering the last part so no one would here.
"Yeah. But he still gave it to me. And I think he'll kill me if I don't find it!" My boyfriend replied in a calm manner as he, ironically, was doing the opposite while checking for the ring.
"Speaking of things that your dad will kill you for, are you guys still going to tell him that you two are dating?" Adam questions in a whisper and Martin temporarily freezes, before continuing his search not saying a word. I forgot that was our plan for tomorrow's farewell party, telling everyone about us. Why did I agree to that?! Everyone will had us and we might not see each other. Ever. Again.

"Um... actually we were planning to tell everyone tomorrow at the farewell party."
"Oh." Adam, Arthur and Will stated in shocked unison. They clearly weren't expecting me to say that.
"Are you sure that you want to do that?" Will asked with genuine concern, he was joker sure, but he was also a great friend when the time came.
"We've already agreed to it, so... no backing down now." I state awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck as Martin stands up again.
"I found the ring." He announced in a slight deadpan, holding up his father's dull Green Lantern ring. He slipped back on his finger and then turned to Adam, William and Arthur.
"Well, what are we standing around for?! You got the cake right? Let's go!" He snapped, as the three of them looked at him bewildered at how nonchalant he was being after our conversation. They then turn me.
"I think he's more terrified than I am." I admit.
"Typical Martin and not revealing his emotions!" Arthur explained with an eye roll as we left to go to the food court.

~Meanwhile, at the food court~

Narrator's POV

Zelda, Ambrosia, Theodosia, Misty and Brooke all sat in silence at the food court. They had gotten their dresses and the drinks for the party, but they were still down in the dumps, and thinking the same thing: would we ever see each other again?

"Earth to Zelda, Ambrosia, Theodosia, Misty and Brooke!!" Celeste sing singed cupping her hands up to the sides of her mouth, grasping their attention, but they didn't show much emotion.
"Hey." Theodosia replied unenthusiastically.
"Hey, why so down in the dumps?"
"We may not see each other after tomorrow." Misty stated in a glum and dramatic tone.
"Yeah, I know. But hey, let's focus on true bright side!! We're going to have an awesome party!!" Celeste exclaimed, hugging Brooke making her smile.
"I guess you're right." Zelda replied
"I suppose." Ambrosia stated, still not happy, but least their spirits were up a bit.

"There you guys are!!" Tula's exclaimed as she, Lian, Paige, Erica, Althea and Heather came up to the group. Ironically, William, Arthur, Adam, Edward and Martin came up at the same time, just on opposite sides of the table.
"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Althea questioned.
"I was looking for my ring!" Martin stated, as though it was the most important thing in the world.
"Who cares? It's just a dumb ring!" Althea snapped back.
"It's the ring!" Everyone exclaimed back to her.
"Oh. By the way, I meant to ask, are you still going to tell your father, about.. Y'know?" Althea asked gesturing to Martin and Edward as one.
"Yes. Now can everyone stop asking me?!" Martin snapped, making everyone blink at him in shock.
"I'm sorry," he said after a few seconds, "can-can we just change the subject?" Althea nodded and proceeded to change the subject.
"Did you guys get the cake?"
"Oh, yeah!" Arthur said, taking the cake out of the box and placed on the table, making everyone look at it in awe. They may fight a lot on tactics, battle moves and fighting style, but there was one thing they could agree on: food. So, they all agreed to get a vanilla cake and ordered it last night. Because it was their farewell party, the adults made the invitations while they were in charge of decorating and getting the food for the party. Currently, River and Jinny were at Mount Justice with Scarlett, Derrick, Janie, Alexa, Honey, Aiden, Birdie, Carmen, Allen and Cosima decorating the space that River had meticulously planned out the day before long into the night. Suddenly, Althea's phone rang on the table, making everyone jump.

"Hey, River. What's wrong?" Althea asked, recognizing her number.
"Actually this is Jinny." The voice on the other end answered.
"Oh, hey Jinny! What's wrong?"
"I'd prefer to talk with everyone if that's ok."
"Oh, alright. We'll go the car and put you on speaker." Althea said putting Jinny on mute for a moment, turning to everyone explaining that she would like everyone to hear the news.

~In the car~

"Ok, we're crammed in here as we took separate cars, and obviously were not super rich billionaires." Althea mumbled the last part, putting Jinny on speaker.
"So, what's wrong?" Celeste asked.
"Well um-"
"This is a disaster!!! A disaster, I tell you!!!" River exclaimed dramatically, interrupting Jinny.
"What? It's my phone!" River stated as the others presumed she had taken her phone back from Jinny's hands.
"Anyway, what is wrong?!" Paige snapped impatiently, tired of River's theatrics.
"Oh nothing big, just Scarlett, Derrick, Janie, Alexa, Honey, Aiden, Birdie, Carmen, Allen, Cosima and Lucy haven't shown up yet!" River stated in a sickly sweet voice, which only meant one thing- she was mad.
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed, surprised as they had assumed they were already there.
"Yes. They're not here yet. Could you contact them and ask where they are?" Jinny asked hesitantly in the background.
"Yeah. Sure, I'll call them right." Althea promised, contacting them, keeping River and Jinny on speaker.

~On the highway~

Birdie's POV
"I told you! We should have taken the freeway!" Aiden shouted at Derrick.
"That would have solved nothing!" Derrick argued.
"We've already past the freeway. What does it matter now?!" Honey argued as Cosima, Janie and Lucy nodded in agreement.
"It does that matter!"
"No it doesn't!" Allen and Alexa snapped back. I kept my eyes on the road trying to remain calm, but between the fact we were late and were in traffic I lost it.
"GUYS!! Stop it!!! I'm driving to drive!!" Scarlett blinked in surprise and everyone stopped talking.
"But... but we're stuck-"
"SHHH!!!" They all shouted back at Alexa, as I rested my head on the car seat headboard and sighed.
Just then, my phone rang.
"Scar, can you get that?"
"Yeah sure. It's Althea."
"Oh?" I expected it to be her voice, but it was River's instead...
"Hey Al-"
"DON'T. Where in all of Atlantis are you guys?!?!" River screamed over the phone, as I heard Jinny's quiet voice begging her to not get angry.
"They're probably on their way." Althea said over the line as the rest murmured in agreement.
"Actually... we're stuck in traffic." Everyone groaned on the other two lines (as Althea had both us and River on the phone)
"It's going to be ok. We'll get there in time. Happy Harbor is just up ahead!" I explain to them as I see the sign a few cars away.
"Well you better hurry up then!" River snapped (I had never heard her so angry!).
"River, chill out sis! They're going to be on their way!!" River's sister, Misty, protested in her naturally high pitched girly voice.
"UGHH!!!!" River groaned at her sibling, hanging up abruptly.
"Well, you heard the woman! Hurry up!" River's other sister, Brooke shouted.
"Oh yeah, sure, Brooke I'll do that. Let me get back to you when I get the power to control traffic!" I quipped sarcastically as some horns honked behind us, frustrated as we were.
"Well, we will be going and bringing the-"
"FINALLY WE'RE MOVING!!!" I shout interrupting whoever was talking on accident. I hear Paige chuckle.
"Alright. We'll try to get there when we can."
"Ok. See you all then!" Scarlett replied before hanging up. I didn't pay attention though, I was too giddy from actually moving away from this darn traffic. We were moving!!!!

~Time skip~

Jinny's POV🏳️‍🌈

I looked over at the sound of shuffling feet, to see Birdie, Scar, Derrick, Jan, Ax, Lucy, Allen, Aiden, Honey and Cosima rush in.
"Oh look, River. They made it!" I stated happily as River looked pissed off to know end. I bite my lip.
"River!! We're so sorry!! Look, everything will be fine, we will finish these decorations in no time!!!" Honey stated in her usual enthusiastic tone of voice.
"You know she's right," I piped up, "instead of just being angry at each other, why don't we just finish decorations- it'll be so much quicker!" River and the rest then looked at me. Oh no.. have I made a mistake? Nah, it'll be fine, there all without superpowers, at least it isn't Althea- River has no powers so-

"You know, Jinny? You're right! Sorry guys," River stated interrupting my thoughts and turning to them, "it's just I'm so stressed with the party, and everything!" They nodded in understanding and we finished our work.

~An hour later~

Finally, we were finished, and I mean with everything. The decorations, the food-oh! It was all so perfect!!!

"I think we're done!" River stated satisfied, and then turned to everyone.
"Oh... I'm gonna miss you guys!" She stated, pulling us into a big hug. I have a small smile that she couldn't see. I'm gonna miss them too.

Author's Notes

And that's the end of the story! Hope you all enjoyed!

Just kidding! This one is a doozy! On a side note, honestly, sure, Jinny may be the daughter of two crime fighters (Midnighter and Apollo) BUT she also like us, people that read about these heroes, a normal person, so I'd imagine that she would have a mini panic in her head about having to fight these powerful beings😂 >> Below are the girls' dresses and then back to the story!

~The next day, 6:00 pm, Young Justice Farewell Party~

Scarlett's POV
"Aw, geez! Not again!" Birdie laughed beside me and asked what I was worried about.
"I thought Wally's welcome back party was huge, but look at this!!! Everyone. Is. HERE!!!" I say, turning and shaking her shoulders.
"Oh c'mon! Don't panic, Scar! We'll get through it!!" Birdie stated with a laugh. I take in a breath and nod.
"You're right! Especially with you here with me!" She puts her hand over her heart, seemingly touched and hugs me.

(Lucy's POV)

I stood near a wall, looking around trying to find someone I knew, it was so hard to tell- especially with all the crime fighters in this room. I felt like an outsider, all these kids came from heroes, and I, well... didn't. As I turned to my left to look around once more a familiar voice called out to me.
"Wow! I love your dress!" I turned around and nearly cried when I was who it was.
"Rosette!!!!" I nearly screamed, too emotional to contain my excitement, giving my half-sister a hug.
"Hey, Luc!! I've missed you!"
"What are you doing here? Is my mom or Ivy with you?" I ask, pulling away. She shook her head.
"They just dropped me off. And what do you mean, what am I doing here?! I came to see you- duh! Those phone calls and dms just weren't enough!" She explains as I nod while smiling. Over the past year, me and Rosette had been keeping in touch a lot, it was especially hard considering I lived in Gotham while she lived in New York, she had told me last month that she was now studying botany, moving away from being undecided.
"We need to catch up! How have your classes been!" I start as she tells me all about it.

River's POV

I began to mingle and found that they really loved the decorations, it made me so proud! I then spotted Jinny and called out to her.
"Jinny!" She turned her head in alarm and finally saw me, as I smiled waving her over. She began to speak to her dads, before speed walking over to me.
"What is it?"
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me with all of this!" She smiles and said it was nothing as both Apollo and Midnighter came over to greet me.
"I did plan where they would go, but I think Jinny deserves the most credit!" I explain.
"Whaaat? No I don't!" Jinny states, scoffing embarrassed by my comment.
"Are you kidding me? Without you, I would've had a huge meltdown yesterday!"
"Oh my god, Riv! Chill out!!" My sister Misty stated coming over.
"Yeah, seriously, don't embarrass our sweet Jinny! If she wants to tell her dads she can!" My sister Brooke added apparently defending Jinny's honor. Ever since Wally's Welcome Back Party my sisters grew quite an attachment to Jinny, and, admittedly I have too. But as I was about to protest that I wasn't hurting her, my sisters dragged me away.

Jinny's POV🏳️‍🌈

"Did you really do that?" My dad Apollo asked. I nodded.
"Good job." He said impressed. I may have been their daughter since I was at least three years old, but these little moments of their gratitude and impressiveness always made me smile.

~Meanwhile in the living room~

Martin's POV💚

I let out a breath, terrified, my heart beating out of my chest. I get it, cliche, I know, but this is big! I'm coming out to my dad! Green Lantern is my father! How the hell am I going to pull this off?!
"It's going to be ok!" Edward tried to reassure me, but it didn't help, not one bit.
"Um... I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" That didn't help either. My father appeared, and I was still sacred. Yeah, I know he's retired, but I can't help it. I'm too nervous!
"Uh... n-no! I'm actually going to get some punch! I'm really thirsty!" Edward said, patting on the back before leaving the room, giving me and dad some time to talk.
"Hey, so, um... I need to talk to you about something."
"Alright? What is it? You seem nervous?" He said with a laugh and a warm smile.
"Well, uh... it's something huge. Listen, I just wanted to talk to you!"
"Ok, then talk." He said, moving towards the door.
"I... I mean.. argh! You're not making this easier!" I explain as my dad moves closer to the door.
"Son what's wrong?"
"I... DAD I'M GAY!" People gasped around me and I just realized what I've done. I just...came out to... full.... of superheroes! Crap!! I tried to ignore their faces, and tried to look for one I recognized, the first face I saw. She didn't look shocked at all. She gave me a look. It was sympathetic. It was kind. It was warm. She didn't say a thing, but her eyes gave it away. Her eyes told me: it was going to be okay.


When I was six, I didn't know what dad did, saving the plant and all that. I was scared because I wouldn't see him. I thought he didn't love me. But he did. I just didn't realize that. But mom knew, and she reassured me.
"Martin, why are you crying?"
"I... Mommy does Daddy love me?" I hiccuped as she hugged me and gasped.
"Of course he does! He's just busy. He's making our lives better is all. You don't understand now, but you will in the future. Listen, Martin. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here for you." She said softly, holding me close.

End of Flashback...

I couldn't take it anymore- I had to get out of there. Everyone's faces staring at me in shock, my friends' worried looks, Edward's nervousness. I ran out to a secluded part of the cave where I could be alone.

~Abandoned room~

I attempted to breath normally again, my heartbeat going down. No- don't cry! I'm not going to cry!! Don't cry!! You have to be strong... you have to be...

It was too late, I began to sob for no reason at all. Why... why did they have to judge me?!
"Martin?" I turned my head to see my mother standing in the doorway. No words were exchanged, she just sat next to me and we hugged.
"Martin... your father's not angry. Everyone was just surprised. It's going to be ok." She whispered, kissing my forehead and brushing her hands through my hair.
"Why weren't you surprised like everyone else?" She stopped and looked down at me with those sympathetic eyes.
"Mothers don't judge their children. They are disappointed, upset and angry. But they love their children, no matter what. If they don't, then... they're not mothers at all. That's why I wasn't surprised. I... I can't judge you for who you love. Besides, I knew it was coming. You think I didn't see the signs? After Wally's welcome back party you started hanging out more and often. The signs were there. Very subtle. But there." Saying that made me chuckle and she smiled down at me warmly.
"If you ever need to talk, I'm always here for you!" Mom said, echoing her words from when I was six, with a wink before standing up and taking me out of the abandoned room.

~In the party area~

"Oh you're back! Is everything alright?" Birdie's mom questioned as everyone had seemingly gone back to the party like nothing happened.
"Yes. Everything is fine." Mom replied, letting go of my hand so I could talk to dad, as I had spotted him across the room.

Narrator's POV

"Good!" Helena said, before walking away as Apollo and Midnighter walked over to Carol.
"Should you really coddle him like that?" Midnight questioned, sizing up the room, despite the fact the party had begun 45 minutes ago.
"Why? Wouldn't you do the same thing for Jinny?" Carol Ferris challenged, as Apollo turned to Midnighter who grunted, walking off. Apollo turned to Carol.
"Touché." He said with a smirk, taking a sip from his drink.
"Apollo!" Apollo and Carol turned to see Arthur's father, Carter Hall waving Apollo down as Shiera stood beside him.
"Apparently, Carter wants to talk me. See you later, Carol!" Apollo said, giving the Air Ferris President a polite smile.

~Four hours later, 10:00 pm~

Birdie's POV
After the party, we all returned home to unwind and relax after a successful evening. As I changed and sat on my bed, I noticed something peculiar at my window, a note.

I gasped. What did this mean? I didn't know, but it couldn't be good, I called my mom over and she looked at it.
"It's ok. Right now it's just a warning. We'll deal with it in the morning." Mom advises, but dad just looks worried. He usually was, I didn't blame him, he knew what villains were capable of. After all, Hugo Strange is technically my grandfather. A jailed grandfather, but a grandfather all the same. Ignoring my evil parental issues and the threat aside, I drifted off thinking about what a success the party was.

~The next day, 10:00 am~

Scarlett's POV

Despite our fears, we did see each other again. After the party, Lil' Bird has received a warning to watch her back. I looked around the room. For the most part, we were all here, except for River, Misty, Brooke and Jinny, as they weren't part of 'The Team'.
"You all know why you're here. We need to track down whoever is doing this and stop them." Celeste's mother explained, her tone bleak and her eyes showing little life. I've never seen her so sad and so serious. Who could have done this? Why would they do this? My thoughts were interrupted by Birdie's mother speaking.
"It may not be anything, but we still need to make sure." Her voice, unlike Miss Martian's, was full of worry and doubt.

It took us at least an hour, but we found out who it was. The League of Shadows. Why? Who knows. It didn't make sense from a standpoint of Aiden and Carmen being like family to me and everyone else, but who knows?

Author's Update: I was just trying to get gmail notes out of notes and I ended up losing ALL my notes. So now I'm waiting for them to reappear again, and I'm on LTE, in my high school, where WiFi is crappy. Me? I'm fine. Totally not dying inside🙂

NEW UPDATE: All my notes are back! ^-^ Back to the story we go!

{Carmen's POV}
I looked at my brother worried. League of Assassins... why would they want to harm us? It didn't make sense, but we decided to go after them anyway. I was just worried, what if we faced our great-grandfather, or worse- our grandmother?

Birdie's POV
We arrived at an abandoned construction site. It was interesting, it seemed dead of life and a weird structure made of cement stood in the middle of it.
"H-hello?" I called out hesitantly, I thought putting on my Robin suit would give me confidence... it did... for a little while... until right now. I was down right terrified!

{Allen's POV}
"I see you've found us!" The assassins cackled. I looked composed, but really I was scared. They weren't like the League, far too crazy and out there to be part of the League. The League was much more rigid and disciplined than this.

Honey's POV
I realized something as they were talking gibberish, their smiles... those were Joker smiles...

Moments later, the insane assassins felt through the big cement structure. Then there was a heavy silence, only accompanied by the sound of wind and
"Guys," everyone turned, "those are... those are Joker smiles." Everyone face turned to shock, except Lucy, who went pale.
"How did I not notice?" Lucy murmured with despair, her face continuing to be pale.
"Ok, we... we need to figure something out, if Joker IS in there, then we to-" but before Scarlett could finish, Birdie bolted for the structure.
"BIRDIE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" We all shouted at her.

Birdie's POV
I know what you're thinking. I'm crazy and insane to go through with this. To abandoned my teammates. To bolt towards the unknown. I should have talked to them first, we should have figured a plan out first, we should have- No. I couldn't sit by while we thought of something, I needed to act. I could feel it in my bones. But there was another feeling too. A feeling that I couldn't suppress no matter how hard I would try. It was a feeling of dread. A feeling of regret and sadness. I had the feeling that... that death was waiting for me in there. But despite my brain's protest. My heart, my feet, legs and every fiber in my being was telling me... keep running.

I burst into the room. Four assassins, and the man himself, Joker stood before me. His smile, his laugh, his outfit, his hair, his face... everything. Everything that made him my grandfather's insane arch enemy I remembered so clearly in that moment. The assassins were easy to take down, to knocked up on laughed gas to fight back. Then I looked at Joker, everything my family went through. All the scars he had caused. My Uncle Jason's death... I saw and remembered everything from all their stories. And I swear I heard the cries of a thousand tormented souls that he had caused harm. My vision blurred with tears, but my face kept a look of determination. I tightened the grip on the baton in my hand, and kept a stance, reminding myself of the all important 'R' that was on my chest. I looked at the Joker and knew one thing. If I win, I will avenge all the death he's caused. If I lose... then I will have died for a worthy cause.
"THIS is for my family!" I shouted proudly, before running towards him in a fit of rage and anger. And... it was all in vain. He stabbed me in the stomach, and I dropped to the floor, tears in my eyes as he looked at me with his sick, twisted smile. And that's when I knew. I had lost, but at least I thought for a rightful cause...

He had fled, and as my vision cleared, I saw a foggy outline of Althea. She went over to me and called my name, asking if I was alright, but her voice... it was... distant. She was right there... why couldn't I hear her properly. She called my name again, but I couldn't answer, I felt so... sleepy.
"Birdie?! Can you hear me?!" She screamed distantly. I can't answer you Althea. I'm... so... tired. Suddenly, my vision became clear as she looked at me. I saw her face. Her pale skin, her brown eyes and dark hair. It all looked so enhanced. She looked beautiful, like a Greek goddess. Then I looked around and saw the sun peaking out of the structure. If the sun is shining, why do I feel so cold? As Althea called my name again, I drifted off to sleep, and it didn't feel so cold anymore. Goodnight... Althea.

Althea's POV

"B-b-b-Birdie?!" I called out to her in a quivering mess. I was shaking. I couldn't hold her for very long. I had to get out of there.

Scarlett's POV

I turned at the sound of footsteps and my eyes blurred with tears. I couldn't look. Althea sunk her knees into the ground, holding Birdie's body and sobbing to no end. I took Birdie and laid her in my arms. I could feel her body. It was cold. Her eyes closed and fresh blood from a stab wound in her stomach.
"Birdie? Come back to me. Come back to us. Please!" I whispered, in vain. She was not coming back. And my worst nightmare came true... someone in my family as died.

Adam's POV

Silent tears went down my face as I looked at her body. I... I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't get to tell her that I... loved her.

Narrator's POV

The heroes arrived and saw the sight before them. Birdie lied in the middle of everyone unmoving, as they looked at her body, without emotion. They had already cried for her. They were tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of crying. Tired of... everything. Birdie was gone. No matter what. They felt guilt. They should've stopped her. They should've... but it was too late. Birdie was dead.

~Wayne Manor~

{Damien's POV}
"Helena?!" I shout out into the hall of Father's house. I ran down to the Batcave, my brothers following behind me.
"What are you shouting about? I'm right here!" She was smiling, I didn't want to hurt her, but someone had to tell her.
"We have something to tell you." Jason said.
"Oh? What? C'mon tell me! This isn't about the peppers again is it?" She said laughing.
"Helena. This is serious." Dick explained. She stopped smiling and looked at me.
"What is it? Tell me, Damien! Now! I'm not a little kid anymore! TELL ME!"
"Alright. It's about Birdie. She's... she's not here."
"I can see that." Helena replied.
"Listen to me!!!" I shouted at her.
"Birdie... is not here, she's not with anyone upstairs, she's not in Gotham. Birdie is... well Birdie is gone."

Helena's POV
Tears fell down my cheeks and I hugged my half-brother crying.
"NO!!! NO SHE'S NOT!!! SHE IS NOT GONE!!!! SHE IS HERE!!!" I shouted crying and in denial.
"We're sorry-"
"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL!!!!" I screamed running upstairs to meet my mother's embrace, sobbing into her shoulder.
"Shh... Shh." She whispered trying to soothe me.

Narrator's POV

For at least an hour, Helena cried, to shook up and in denial to accept her daughter's death. After the hour was over, she stormed into the living room, where some of the kids were trying sleep, to find a little peace in the wake of this tragedy.
"Helena, the kids are-"
"No! I don't care! Look at me!! All four of you!!" She replied interrupting Jason, making all her brothers stand up. She sat down a couch near the window sill, rage taking over her entire being.
"Listen to me! All of you have risked your lives with that name!! So have I!! But my daughter. She is dead because of that stupid LEGACY!" Helena spat in a whispery tone.
"What are you saying?" Dick asked calmly. She breathed heavy, seething rage. She couldn't tell them, not like this. But what choice did she have? Dick, Damien and Tim could have died many times. Stephanie caused a war. Jason died. This had to end. No more heartbreak.
"There will be no more Robins."
You were the littlest bird.
The sweetest of all of them.
The quietest and the shyest.
You were they're beacon, they're little shining star.
You were the daughter of a hero and a villain's son.
You were your mother's pride and joy.
You were the last of all Robins.
You were one of the bats and birds.
You were Birdie. A friend, cousin, daughter, Robin.
You are mourned, day and night.
My Lil' Bird.

Author's Notes

6,000 words. I think this shows a lot. I rush into writing usually. I don't edit, and I settle for good enough. But this chapter was not one of those. I believe I made a masterpiece. I may be a little boastful here, but I believe this is one of my greatest work. I worked hard for this. And I'm proud of it. I know Birdie would die. I just wasn't sure how. And I think I did a pretty good job. This came at a good time too. In a week I will be auditioning for my school's play. I'm growing as a person. I've made friends and I'm a few months I'll be sixteen.

My achievements aside, I'm sorry for all the hearts I've broken. But for now... this is the end. The fourth book will be coming out soon. I'm not exactly sure when. But I will release soon. Details on the final book are on the next chapter which I will publish when this is published.
I hope you all have a great evening and a great weekend- and that school is going ok for everyone!

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