Chapter One: We're like Fire and Gold

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*Fire n' Gold plays*
10 years later...

{Carmen's POV}
"Carmen? Sweetheart are you coming out?" I sigh.
"I'm coming, Father."
"You'd better hurry up! I don't want to be late!!"
"Allen!" Father scolding my brother, Allen. Truth is I was lying my head on the wall of my room. I had my Gotham Academy uniform on. I didn't like it but I went outside my room, petting our cat Alfred II and leaving with my brother for school.

{Damian's POV}
I start fixing my tie.
"Hey, don't be nervous, you'll do fine." My wife says kissing my cheek. I nod smiling at Hope and leave to go to Wayne Enterprises. I didn't own it, I gave it to Helena, but now I had to actually get a job there. I couldn't just get in because I am her brother, along with Jason and Dick.


Scarlett's POV
"You ready, Scar?" Dad asks, I nod as I wait for Carm and Al to arrive clutching my phone in my hand.
"Alright, I'll pick you up later." Dad says kissing my head.

Jason's POV
I walk away from my daughter as Damian's kids, Carmen and Allen join her and they walk to school. *Ding*

Hey, how is she?

Cass will you quit worrying about Scarlett? She's fine.

I know. It's just her first day. I'm just nervous for her.

I know but she has my confidence remember?

Uh huh😒 Listen, good luck w/ the interview, ok?

You know this is, Helena, we're talking about right?

I know. Just...good luck. Ok? I love you.

I love you too😉

Stop it and go before you're late😡

Alright! I'll see you later.

~Barbara's apartment~

Derrick's POV
"Derrick? Are you up?! You're going to be late!" My father shouts from downstairs. Shoot!!! I quickly run around trying to grab everything I needed for school. It was just like me to be late! I rush downstairs in a huff when I see my sisters, Alexa and Janie sitting downstairs casually eating some cereal.
"Am- am I late?"
"No, you're ok. Why? Do you want to see someone? Like, I don't know, Scar?" Alexa mocks.
"Shut up!" I reply to my second oldest sister.

Janie's POV
"Oh c'mon, Ax, cut Rick some slack!" I add as Ax just shrugs and I roll my eyes. Derrick likes Scarlett, but he's shy, he wouldn't be able to tell her how he feels even if he tried. So far...

~Gotham Academy~

Birdie's POV
"Hey Birdie!" I hear someone call my name and I take off my headphones and smile as I see Peter, a kid I met a couple of days ago during lunch. He's pretty sweet and I like talking it him. Mom had had a tough time at Gotham Academy, however her name was Wayne, mine is Opal.
"Hey Peter. How are you?"
"I'm fine listen, could you help with some math?" He asks.
"Oh, well I'm sorry I've got a project about my family."
"Oh ok. I'll see you later then."
"Bye!" I reply walking off.

~Wayne Enterprises~

Helena's POV
I look at my watch and see three panicked men, in other words, my brothers approach me.
"Are we late?" Dick asks.
"You're just on time," I reply looking at my watch and smirking. Oh boy! This was going to be fun!

~Afternoon, Wayne Manor~

Honey's POV
Alexa, Janie, Derrick, Allen, Carmen, Scarlett, Birdie and I were sitting in chairs in the library becoming impatient. We had a project due on our family tree. Only one problem, we were missing my brother, Aidan.

Scarlett's POV
I sigh and pick up my phone and dial Adian's number.
"Hello? Aidan? You there?"

Aidan's POV
"Huh?! Oh yeah! No! I'm not doing anything. I'm just reading... Look I've got to call you back! Bye Scar!" I lied, I wasn't reading. I was jumping over some chain link fences.

Scarlett's POV
I hang up the phone.
"He was jumping a chain link fence." I say a bit annoyed.
"Forget him! Let's start this project without him!" Ax exclaims and we get to work. This was going to be a piece of cake!

{Allen's POV}
We were wrong. It took FIVE HOURS of our afternoon!
"Who knew grandpa had so many relatives." Honey comments and we all nod in a agreement.
"Hello! Carmen?" I hear Mother shout.

Scarlett's POV
Carmen groans a bit and goes downstairs and we follow.
"You forgot this." Aunt Hope says to Carm shaking a bottle. Carm begins to whine.
"Come down here and take them." Aunt Hope says calmly.
"Why do I have to?"
"Because it will make you feel better from your illness." Uncle Damian says coming over. Dad glances over but says nothing.
"Damian! It's not an illness, Carm. It's just stopping from enjoying some things in life." Aunt Hope always refused to call what Carm had an illness, even though that's what it was. Truth is that bottle, is antidepressants. Carmen is living with depression. I always stopped and watched her take them, trying not to cry. She shallowed the pills and went back to what we were doing.

~Evening, Dinner~

Scarlett's POV
We were all eating at Wayne Manor, grandpa and grandma's place. Only one problem, we were missing someone, Aidan. We all sat there until I stood up.
"I'm going to find him." I declare. What was surprising is that... Not one person stopped me.
"Be careful, and bring your phone." Mom says calmly. I pat my pocket and give her a thumbs up.

Bruce's POV
"Well, now, we either wait some more or eat."
"Eat! Please grandpa!!" My grandchildren beg getting on their knees.
"Alright." I say sighing and they begin to eat, and we all follow.


Scarlett's POV
I go to this bar. It's my cousin's "hang out" place. Personally, I think it could be a shelter for the homeless. I walk inside and everyone stares at me. They were wearing short shorts, ripped tops and had wild hair and colors.
"I'm looking... I'm looking for..."
"What's tha matta girly? Cat got ya' tongue?" A girl with a pink Afro and yellow sunglasses asked and everyone laughed. I had a feeling that my black hair looked green in her yellow tinted sunglasses. I clutch my hands to fists. Stay calm, Scar, stay calm.
"I'm looking for Aidan!" I declare my voice almost a shout. Everyone stops having the conversations and looks at me.
"Who are you? To him?"
"I'm his cousin." There was a big silence.
"He's outside." Everyone turns towards a boy with black hair and a ring on his lip. I nod going out the back door. There. I see him.

~Bar, Back~

Aidan's POV
"Aidan?" I turn to find Scarlett staring at me.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"I want you to come home, be with the family and have some dinner." I seethe. Family. That word made me angry. I turn towards her.
"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!!!" Scarlett shouts back.
"Because it's true!!!" There was a brief silence.
"Fine!!! Don't come back!!! Stay here at this dump for... For all I care!!!" Scar shouts again leaving in tears. I sigh again and look down a puddle. So this was my reflection, a monster who fights with his cousin.

~Wayne Manor~

Scarlett's POV
I slam the door in a rage.
"Scarlett, what happened?" Uncle Tim says coming into the room and see me crying.
"Aidan said that we're not a real family!!!!" I say enraged and bawling.
"Hey, hey Scar. Shh, shh. Calm down alright?" Dad says coming in and putting his hand on my shoulders. I sniffle a bit.
"What if, what if he doesn't come back?"
"He will, I promise."
"How can you tel-"
"Because even he wouldn't be able to live with that guilt." I hug dad and just stay there.

~8:49 pm~

Aidan's POV
I come to Wayne Manor. I couldn't live with the guilt. I go inside.

{Carmen's POV}
"Oh shoot." Aidan said. It was true. He was screwed. He was standing in front of Uncle Tim, Uncle Jason and Uncle Dick. It was so awkward I started cringing!

Scarlett's POV
After an argument about Adian, everyone went home. I went upstairs to my room, Titus II following behind me. Our pets were all named second but we didn't no why... Anyway, I listened to "Woman Up" by Meghan Trainer. My favorite song in the world!

Stephanie's POV
I look through our mail. I had a letter from my dad. I sigh. Tim comes in the room perfect timing. I've been meaning to talk to him anyway...

Honey's POV
"We need to talk about Aidan. You need to stop having a goal for him. He doesn't want it. Let him have his own path." I hear mom say as I'm reading a book in my room. I sneak outside and eavesdrop on the conversation.
"Well. At the moment he will become a criminal." Dad replies.
"You don't know that."
"Yeah, but he keeps doing rebellious things and-"
"He does them because you put to much pressure on him." Mom says cutting off dad, "you never do that with Honey, so why do it with Aidan?" Mom adds.
"Yeah. Alright. I'll try and stop, Steph."
"You'd better, it's unjust for him." She replied and sneak back into my room.

Author's Notes
First chapter!! What does everyone think? Sorry about the title, I could not think of one😂

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