Chapter Thrity-Eight: The Blackout

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Another one of HopeWayne ideas. Thanks Hope! You're truly a life saver!😂

~Jason and Cassandra's home~
~Scarlett's room~

Scarlett's POV
"AHH!!!" I screamed as lightning and thunder crackled in the wind outside my house. I looked at my alarm clock to see 6:00 am and groaned. I was so tired, but was too scared to go back to sleep with that thunder.
"You alright, sweetheart?" I turned to see dad in the doorway, probably woken up by my screaming. I clutch my sheets.
"I don't know." I admitted as dad yawned and was trying his best to stay awake.
"It'll be ok. The thunder and lightning will go away, eventually-hopefully."
"Gee! Thanks for that optimism dad!" I say sarcastically making dad chuckle and ruffle my hair. That was one thing we had in common, our sarcasm.
"Hey, it got you to calm down didn't it? Isn't that a good thing?" Dad asked as his blue eyes gleamed. I smiled and nodded. I reached over to try and turn on my lamp. But then it didn't turn on. And I tried again. It still didn't turn on.
"Crap!" I mutter.
"Language!" Dad replies glaring at me. See most people knew dad as Red Hood, the Robin that came back from the dead. He used to shoot people and say "mean words" but he gave that all up when I was born.
"Sorry." I reply guilty. If there was anything I didn't want, it was to not get on dad's bad side.
"It's ok," he says apologetically, "it looks like we have power outage." Dad said gazing at my lamp.
"What's happening?" I raise my head to see mom in the hallway coming over to my room.
"Scar got scared over the lightning, and now we've got a power outage." Mom nods as dad explains the situation wiping her eyes.
"Did you just wake up now?" I ask and she nods.
"It's going to subside, don't worry."
"Funny. Dad said the same thing!" I say with a smirk that probably couldn't be seen in the darkness of my room.
"You going to be ok by yourself?" Dad asks snapping my attention to him.
"Yeah. I think I'll be fine." I say putting on a brave appearance. Was I scared? Absolutely! But I wasn't going to admit. Mom gave dad a look. Shoot! She knew. She always knows!!
"Ok. Well, if you want you can always stay in our room." Mom offers, and then they both leave.
"Stop looking at me like that!" Dad says from the hallway.
"What? She got her stubbornness from your genes!" Mom replies.
"Ohhhh! So this is my fault!" Dad says getting defensive. I'm sure mom is shaking her head right now.
"No, I'm not saying that!" Her voice says, but it trails off as she closes the door to their room. I chuckle and shake my head. Oh I love my parents! With that happy thought in mind, I finally went to sleep.

~Tim and Steph's apartment~
~Honey's room~

Honey's POV
I woke up to pitch black darkness and immediately called Scar out of instinct.
"Hello?" A groggily voice replies over the phone.
"Scar!" I shout.
"Aw! Geez, Hon! Why are waking me up so early?" I glance at my clock and blink.
"It's 10:00 am, Scar."
"Oh sorry, I woke up to thunder and lightning at 5:00 am." Scar explains.
"Oh. Ok, sorry! Anyway, are your light's not turning on too??"
"Yeah. We got a power outage. Why are you so freaked out about it."
"Because unlike some people, I don't sleep in pitch black darkness!" I accidentally snap. It was true, Scar always sleep with her Lights on and I slept with my lamp on (Honey is me!!).
"Right. Sorry, forgot you don't turn your lights off." She says nearly chuckling. She also thought it was funny that a 16 year old still slept with a light on, but never questioned it.
"Mm hmm. By the way, sorry for snapping at you." I reply.
"It's ok. Is that all you wanted to ask?"
"Yeah that's all. Goodnight."
"Yeah. Night." She replies and we then hang up. I guess I'll go back to sleep, no one else is up yet.

~Bette and Luke's house~
~Cosima's Bedroom~

Cosima's POV
I glance at my clock and see that's 1 pm as the rain pours down outside my window. I turn over to my right side and see a flashlight on my nightstand with a note.
The grocery store near us has power so we've gone there to grab as much as we can. You never though how long will be like this. Here's a flashlight so you can find a way in the dark. Also, your father wants you to know that you must use your phone as little as possible-- that means no games!
Love you <3

I smile at the note and take the flashlight and my phone downstairs. I guess I'll get some cereal and watch some cartoon on the app I have until they get home, shouldn't take them too long since it's only a block from our house.

~Dick and Barbara's apartment~

Janie's POV
Because me and my siblings were trapped inside the house while my parents got groceries, we decided to play 20 questions while we wait.
"Is it small?" Derrick asked my sister.
"No." She replied annoyed, this has been going on for an hour.
"Is it big?"
"Is it... a Cane Corse??" By brother guesses yawing all the clues he had guessed before.
"YES!!!" I giggle at my sister's rejoice.
"Ok, my turn!"

~Damien and Hope's house~

{Carmen's POV}
Travel log: I have made it. I have survived the power outage. It is currently 5 pm and me and my brother have made!! (And mom and dad of course). I have to say I am impressed with myself I survived this-
"Do you seriously have to keep writing in that thing?" Allen questions and I glare at him.
"Shut up!!" I say in a whiny tone as I smack him with my journal.
I am impressed that I survived this. Especially with an annoying brother like Allen :) Til the next power outage!
Carmen <3

Author's Note
This chapter was short, but sometimes that's how chapters are I guess. BTW, a Carne Corse is a type of dog. Ohh, BatgirlGeek can you give us some trivia on the- no. No I can't. I literally searched up "big dogs" and that's what came up!

How everyone had a great Easter/April Fools. Play any pranks? Let me know (I didn't because I'm lame😂). I've been writing stories with more detail than I usually do so that's why this chapter is different than others. Hope you enjoyed!

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