Chapter Thrity-Four: Lights Out

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I was going to do a haunted house chapter, but decided to do this instead. Also, I am currently writing a Halloween special for later bc I couldn't do one last year and I won't be able to do on Halloween this year. Guess what I also realized while I was in the middle of writing it?

Aiden. I have been spelling my own character's name wrong THIS WHOLE TIME! I'm such an idiot!🤦‍♀️😂 (And, no, I'm not going to change it because I can't, it'll just keep being spelled like that by accident) Anyway, hope you enjoy!❤️

~Wayne Manor~

Birdie's POV
Our parents were all out of town so Grandpa let us stay in his house, so we all decided to stay up and have sleepover (although the guys are just saying that we're staying up late). We all had our own pjs on. I especially liked Honey's, it fit her so well!
"So... what should we play?" Alexa asked awkwardly.

Their pjs:

{Allen's POV}
We decided to a few rounds of Villain Go Fish.
"Al, you gonna go or not?" Lucy asks impatiently.
"I am, Lucy. I'm planning my strategy." I explain while gritting my teeth and sneering at former villain kid. She lets out a heavy sigh and then Scar, with a Teddy Bear between her criss-crossed legs, boldly announces, "normally I would sit here and be patient, but Allen, c'mon! We have been waiting here for 3 minutes! Just go!!" I glare at her and finally ask Lucy if she has Lex Luther. She shakes her no.
"Go Fish." She explains as I pick up another card.
"I'm not surprised you got Lex Luther, I mean, you both are calculating geniuses." Alexa states with popcorn in her mouth. We all look at her in confusion.
"What?!" She shouts and Birdie grabs the bowl from her and looks disappointed.
"Alexa! That popcorn was for all of us!" Birdie explains and we all groan about the popcorn being gone as Birdie goes out to get some more from downstairs.
"I swear, you're such a pig, Alexa." Janie says with a smile on her face. Alexa rolled her eyes.
"Haha! Very funny!" She said making some of us laugh as she lightly punched Janie in the shoulder.
"Ok, Adian, do you have Floronic Man?" Lucy asked Adian as he sighed and gave her the card (from what I've heard this guy feeds off marijuana or something, he's also a pretty unknown Batman villain).

Birdie's POV
I went downstairs to get some more popcorn, but I could seem to find any. I hear Grandma sipping tea and shuffling her feet across the kitchen floor. I popped my head out of a cabinet.
"Hey Grandma. Do you know where I can find more popcorn?" I asked and she looked perplexed.
"Hmm... you know I'm not actually sure. Bruce, honey!"
"Yes?" Grandpa shouted from the living room (probably reading a newspaper).
"Do you know where the popcorn bags are? Birdie's looking for them! Alexa ate the whole bag!" Grandma shouted in reply and I laughed at how she could tell who had done what, it was probably from us being here so often.
"They're in the cabinet on your left, dear!" Grandpa replied.
"Thank you, sweetheart!" Grandma said to Grandpa.
"You're welcome, sweetie!" Grandpa replied. (I couldn't resist putting this interaction in XD)
After we found the popcorn and I put in the microwave Grandma and I decided to chat.
"So, how's your sleepover going?" Grandma asked in her calm voice while sipping her tea.
"I think it's going well. We're playing a few round of Villain Go Fish." I explain.
"Oh. Anybody got me yet?" She jokes with a wink and I shake my head.
"Good. That's good." She explained, turning her attention to Grandpa as he read the newspaper.
"Do you still love him now, even though he isn't as handsome?" I whisper remembering the stories mom used to tell.
"Ah! I see your mother had told you about our younger years."
"Yeah, but... she never mentioned you to being married." I say.
"Actually at that time we weren't married. After everyone left the house, you're mother was getting married, your Uncle Damien and your mother had graduated, Scar was born. I spent a lot of time here with Bruce. So we just decided to get married. A very private ceremony with our family of course."
"And I couldn't be happier." My attention turns to grandpa as he plants a kiss on Grandma's cheek while he looks through the fridge. I then turned again to hear the beeping of the microwave.
"Looks like your popcorn is ready." Grandma explains as I grab the popcorn and head back upstairs.

Scarlett's POV
"I'm back!" Birdie announces
"Oh good! You seemed to take a while though." Birdie nodded.
"I was talking to Grandma." I nod while focused on the bowl of popcorn.
"Ugh!" I turn to the grunted noise and see Derrick trying to open a candy box with his teeth.
"Here. Let me help." Cosima offers and goes over to a dresser and grabs some scissors and cuts the box open.
"Thanks." He says popping some blue gummies into is mouth. Cosima smiles and nods in response stealing an orange gummy from the pack.
"So. What now?" I ask, it was already our third round of playing Villain Go Fish and we were all starting to get a bit bored.
"How about a movie?" Honey suggested and we all nodded in agreement. Birdie said that she was going to bring some movies, so this was the perfect time. She pulled out several movies, including some superhero movies.
"How about this one?" I ask pointing to the original classic Superman. We all agree, especially Derrick and play the movie.

~An hour or so later~

Janie's POV
After the movie, Alexa proposed to tell a ghost story, because of course she would!
"And then, as Deadman entered the house, he saw Etrigan the demon charge at him, and suddenly... THE LIGHTS WENT OUT!" She shouted.
"AHHH!!" We all screamed. Then our light came out and we screamed again. We all started to panic.
"Shh! It's ok! It's a power outage!" Grandma explains coming in with a lantern as a thunderstorm rages outside. She gives us another lantern and tells us to follow her.
"We may unfortunately have the power out till tomorrow or maybe a couple more days."
"Wait, Grandma. We're only sleeping here for tonight." I say realizing what she had did. She stopped in her tracks and turned to us with a guilty look on her face.
"I knew I forgot to mention something. Your parents called while you watched the movie. They're going to be gone for a couple more days." She explained.
"Well, let's be thankful that it's now summer." Adian explains.
"But it's not Thanksgiving." Honey explains with confusion.
"Oh, you can always be thankful, Honey." Grandma reminds her as we continue along until we finally get to the living room.
"We've decided that you can stay up in our room with us." Grandpa explains getting up and going upstairs.
"That's it?! We came all the way down there for that tiny speech!" Adian says annoyed and bewildered making us laugh, forgetting all about the story. We got up to their room with our sleeping bags and huddled together on the floor. Let's hope we can have power tomorrow.

~The Next Day~

Alexa's POV
Really?! We're not getting power till Thursday! Two days away!! We go back inside and think about something to do.
"How about you do a cross word puzzle?" Grandma suggests and we all shrug. Why not? We had nothing better to do.
I really wanted to get it done, so I stayed up until past 2 am! Almost at three in the morning I decided to stop here. On the bright side, I slept in longer than I have my entire vacation!

{Carmen's POV}
After a while we stopped playing the crossword puzzle.
"Truth or Dare?" I suggested.
"Hmm... why not?" Honey said shrugging.
"No!" The boys complained.
"Let's take a vote." Lucy suggested.
"All in favor of playing raise your hands." I explain. Honey, Scar, Lucy, Cosima, Janie and I raise our hands.
"All against?" I ask. Alexa, Derrick, Adien, Allen and Birdie raised their hands.
"Birdie? Really? I thought you loved Truth or Dare?" Honey asks Birdie in confusion.
"I did... remember Peter? The kid that I had math class with?" We all nod and she continues.
"Well, I played Truth or Dare with him, and he humiliated me... he was really mean." Birdie explained looking down at the floor.
"You want me to punch him?" Adien offered breaking the silence and making Birdie laugh.
"No. But thank you, he's in the past now. Besides, he moved to Keystone." She said and then giving Adien a hug. That was the interesting thing about the guys, they could protect us if they wanted to. When Birdie was 10, someone was bullying her, Adien threatened to give the kid a black eye if he didn't move away from her.
"Well, we will have to play, it's 6 to 5." They all nod and decide to play.
"Ok, Birdie. Truth or Dare?" Scar asks.
"Hmm... Truth!"
"What is your favorite color?"
"Do you even need to ask that? Purple of course!"
"Carmen, Truth or Dare?" Honey asks me next.
"Dare!" I say making everyone "ooh".
"I dare you to-"

~The Next Day~

Scarlett's POV
We all decided to sleep on the living room, well, actually we didn't decide. We just ended up sleeping on the living room floor and couch. I swear I hearing the faint noise of footsteps?

Jason's POV
I shake my daughter to wake her up.
"Scar?" She opens her eyes slowly looking up at me and then lights up.
"Dad!!!" She shouts hugging me and waking everyone else.
"Ugh! Scar why!!" They complained and after a few moments blinked at us. Honey smiled.
"Yeah!! You're home!!" She exclaimed hugging Steph.
"Yes we are. Did they enjoy themselves, mom?" Helena asked Selina while hugging Birdie.
"Oh, I think they enjoyed themselves." Selina said smiling.
"Where's dad? I want to say hi." Helena asked as Birdie let go of her.
"He's in his office."
"Of course he is." Helena muttered and walking off.

Helena's POV
I knocked on the door.
"Dad?" He looked up and me and smiled.
"Hey sweetie." He said standing up and hugging me.
"Hey, just thought I'd say hi, how are you?" I asked him.
"Fine." He replied.
"How are you really feeling, dad?" I asked. He was getting pretty old, just wanted to make sure he was alright.
"I'm fine. Really, I am." He said smiling at me. I nod, but I knew that he was lying, he just didn't want to admit that he isn't the same anymore. Like I said, he's getting old.

Cassandra's POV
"How was it, sweetheart?" I asked Scar as we get in the car.
"Good. It was really fun!"
"Good!" I reply and she proceeds to tell us about what happened as we drove off.

Author's Notes
Hope you guys enjoyed! This is pretty interesting uploading two chapters just a day apart! I might upload a new chapter soon! Not sure! I'm going to try and work on that Halloween special for October bc I won't have time when it comes around to Halloween. Fingers crossed🤞and wish me luck!
P.S. I'm BatgirlGeek from the future ooh!!! *cue spooky music*. I forgot to credit this chapter!! So, thanks HopeWayne for the idea and I'm so sorry I forgot to credit you my friend!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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