Chapter Thrity-One: The Sorceresses

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~Mount Justice~

Scarlett's POV
Let me give you a list of what's happening: Two new teammates, magical sisters, the Justice League has been knocked out- including Zatanna- and demons, lots and lots of demons. We were basically just hanging out in the living room, as usual, when Miss Martian called us over...


Honey's POV
"Team! Come in here a second!" Miss Martian called and we got up. I froze. Oh god! It's Zatanna!!
"Hon, you ok?" Birdie asked concerned.
"No! It's Zatanna! The sorceress!!!" I explained biting my nails. Birdie rolled her eyes.
"Calm down. It's probably nothing!" She said with a warm smile.
"Thanks, Lil' Bird."
"Don't mention it, Hon!"
"Oh good. You're all here! I want to meet your new teammates, Ambrosia and Zelda." Zelda had her mom's black hair, she also looked very cheerful. Ambrosia was the opposite. She had dusty blonde hair and looked very serious. They were both very nice though when we introduced ourselves. Zatanna left because Miss Martian needed something apparently.

~Living Room~

Tula's POV🐳
We decided to play Villain Go Fish, so far Ambrosia was winning.
"I'm guessing you've played this before?" I asked, but it was left on deaf ears, because she was too immersed in the cards.
"We do at home when mom isn't home." Zelda explains taking a card out of the card pile and not looking up.
"What about your dad?" Scar asks picking up a card.
"We don't have a father." Zelda says leavings some us confused.
"We do have a father, but mom just hasn't told us." Ambrosia explains before her sister spoke anything else.
"Althea do you have a... Lex Luther?" Honey asks.
"Go Fish."
"What is it with you and Lex Luther?!" Heather exclaims.
"What do you mean?"
"Hon, you asked me the same question last time we played this." Heather explains.
"I don't know! It just happened to happen ok?" Heather shrugged.
"Do you have Black Manta, Tula?" I glare at Scar.
"What?! It's not my fault that I got your grandfather as a card!" Scar exclaims defensively.
"Go Fish."
"Zelda, do you Reverse Flash?" David asked.
"Yes." Zelda said nodding and holding out the card.
"Do you have Captain Cold, Heather?" Adian asks while sitting up side down on the couch.
"Yes." Heather replies sliding the card over to him. I turn to arguing coming from the computer room.
"Tula? You ok?" Carmen asks me. I nod.
"I think the Justice League is there, arguing?" I explain and the room becomes silent for a moment, except for the sound of David shuffling his cards.
"Yeah, you're right." Theodosia replies. We go back to our game when we hear a thud.
"What was that?!" Martin exclaims as we all get up. We go into the computer room to investigate.

~Computer Room~

Scarlett's POV
We all gasped. The Justice League was knocked out!
"What is that noise!" I say aloud, please don't tell me I'm becoming paranoid. I turned around, it was a demon!
"Dlrowemoh ot kcab og!" Ambrosia shouted something backwards and the demon disappeared.
"What did you do?" I asked. She turned to me.
"Told it to go back to its homeworld." She explained shrugging like it was the most casual thing in the world.
"But why do we have demons in Mount Justice??" Honey whispered to herself aloud. She was next to me, so I could hear her.
"Well what do we do now?" Althea asked.
"We need to search for clues or try and figure out this whole mess." I explained. We decided to stick together, after all there were only three people with magical powers in our group.

Honey's POV
We snuck around for a bit and eventually ended up in another room. Doctor Fate was knocked out. Ambrosia bent down on one knee and observed the Helmet of Nabu.

λMBƦØ$łλ'$ POV
I rested my head on the cold metal of the golden helmet. I felt like crying, but I didn't. It is a shame, grandpa can't see us. He's stuck in that stupid helmet!!! I don't even know if he would be proud or not. Or even if our father would either. I had his hair... what am I doing? This is so stupid! I'm such a fool!
"Ambrosia!!" Honey shouted and I turned to find a demon right in front of her!
"Dlrowemoh kcab o-o-" My sister tried to say the spell, but I was faster.
"Dlrowemoh ot kcab og!" I shouted and turned to Zelda, "honestly Zelda, you're too slow!"
"Yeah, yeah! Rub it in!" Zelda replied annoyed. As Honey walked off to inspect another room, my sister looked at me with concern.
"You ok?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder and leaning on it.
"Yeah. I'm fine," I explain leaning my head on hers and pouring, "do you think we'll actually see our grandfather?" I whisper.
"I believe so," Zelda exclaimed cheerfully and gave me a long look, "it's ok. It'll get better. They'll get him out- someday." I nod and we hear screeching.
"HELP!!! DEMON!!" Scarlett shouted and we ran off to investigate.

We came around but we were too late. Theodosia already handled it.
"Oh thank god everyone's safe!" I exclaim. They all turn to me, but then Heather looks at us in confusion.
"Wait, where's Honey?" My eyes go wide and I run off. I can't believe we forgot all about Honey!!!

Honey's POV
I was searching around, seeing if I could figure out what caused this mess when suddenly I heard a terrifying cackle. I turned.
"AHHHH!!! DEMON!!!" I shouted terrified.
"We're coming, Honey!!!!" A voice that sounds like Ambrosia shouts.
"Dlrowemoh ot kcab-"
"Dlrowemoh ot kcab og!!" Zelda exclaimed and turned to her sister.
"Honestly, Ambrosia! You're too slow!!" Zelda said mockingly and Ambrosia growled and glared at her sister.
"Guys! Can we focus!" Scar asked coming into the room with everyone else. We then heard a cackle.
"What was that?" Erica asked terrified.
"Well this should be fun, going up against the Team- again."
"KLARION?!" We all shouted.
"That's right." He replied laughing evilly and rubbing his hands together.
"I want to see what you can do." He explains summoning in several demons.
"Do we fight him?" David whispered.
"No! We have to attack the cat!"
"Why defeat a cat?"
"Because it's not a cat at all." Ambrosia replied trying to attack. Everything became chaos, fitting considering who we were fighting. Althea attacked, Scar dodged, Speedsters zipped around. It was no use. They're was no way we could fight a witch boy! Then, a miracle came. He turned to see a bright light. It was Doctor Fate! After the defeat of Klarion and his familiar (and the Justice League was back), we found out it wasn't Zatara at all.
"Ambrosia! No!!! Please!! This can't be happening!! She didn't!! She wouldn't!!" Zelda shouted blinded by grief.
"Let her go Nabu! Please let go of my daughter!" Zatanna pleaded.
"No. I have found a host. I will not give them up."
"Please! Spare her! Take me back!" Nabu looked at Zatarra and then accepted at last. The sisters were back together, but without a grandfather to see them.

~Zatanna's House~

I unlocked the door of our house. When me and my sister came in we saw our mother and a man with a tan trench coat and Ambrosia's hair.
"You don't think that's him to you?" I whisper.
"Our father? Of course! I'm just wondering if she's told him yet." Ambrosia whispered back as we ran upstairs to our room.

Zatanna's POV
"Who were they?"
"They're my daughters. Our daughters, John."

Author's Notes
Oh drama! Isn't it just wonderful!😏 Anyway, I deeply apologize for the very, very, long wait!! I hoping another chapter will be up soon! Then I'll take a break and try and deal with my other stories! (Please leave suggestions!!). Oh! And sorry for the lame and rushed ending. Oh, and yes, John Constantine and Zatanna have two daughters (out of wed lock if that wasn't obvious to you! XD)

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