Chapter Thrity: Rosette Quinn

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~Mount Justice, Training Room~

Cosima's POV
We were in the training room fighting, no, trying to beat Black Canary. So far it wasn't working, and Paige was ticked off.
"You can do better than this, Paige!" Black Canary advised.
"I know that mom!" Paige shouted back.
"Then why aren't you?" Paige groaned, I think she meant to scream, but all she did was make a Canary Cry. We covered our ears and I think I heard a few pieces of glass shatter. Paige covered her mouth.
"I'm so sorry!!" She said turning to us. Canary sighed.
"We'll continue this later." We all walked out of the room and sat on the green couch in the living room.

~Living room~

{Allen's POV}
"Again, I'm really sorry guys!" Paige apologized again.
"It's ok, Paige. I mean, my ears are still ringing, but it's really fine. Really." I explain to Paige. She smiles and hugs me from behind.
"Thanks, Allen."
"Don't mention it, Paige."
"Hey, Allen. Just don't steal my girlfriend ok?" Lian explains cautiously to me in warning.
"And if you hurt, I swear I'll-"
"Lian, I think he gets it." Martin explains interrupting her. She glared at him.
"Speak for yourself! You're dating a guy!" He turned to face her.
"Nevermind. I have no argument." Paige kissed Lian's cheek.
"Hey, why haven't you told your parents about Edward yet?" Scarlett asks curiously.
"I'd rather not be crushed by a green anvil. To be honest, I don't know how they'll react. I'm too afraid."
"Well what if one of us goes with you?" Honey suggests.
"Yeah, Paige and I could go. We've been through this."
"I guess that could help. Do... do you mind if all of you go with me?" He asked.
"Sure. We can stand there." Derrick explains and the guys nod, me included.
"If you need motivation, I can help!" Scarlett offered cheerfully.
"Thanks." He said.
"Team, are you in here?" Miss Martian asked and then smiled.
"I need you to come in here a second." We all followed Miss Martian into the computer room.

~Batcave, a few moments earlier~

Dick's POV
"Who is that? Is that... Poison Ivy?" I asked as we were all unsure of what we were seeing.
"No. Ivy doesn't look like that." Selina explained.
"Then who is it?" Tim asked putting his hand on his chin thinking.
"Maybe they had a daughter?" Damien suggested and then Selina nodded.
"I'm not certain, but they were awfully close."

~Mount Justice~

(Lucy's POV)
While Miss Martian was explaining the Batfamily's theory, suddenly we heard a noise outside.
"What is that?" Birdie asked curiously. Miss Martian looked at the door concerned.
"Go. Go and find out what it is. I'll contact the Justice League in here." She explained tapping on the computer as we headed outside.
It certainly was the sandy terrain we were use to, however, it was turned into a lush green jungle by a girl with brown hair and blue eyes controlling it all.
"Glad you could come. Now I must end you for what you've done to my parents!" She shouted and started grabbing some of my friends with vines. As I looked up with my eyes wide in terror, someone grabbed my arm. I turned and saw Scar in front of me.
"Sorry to scare you," she whispered, "but we need a plan! How are we supposed to defeat a girl with Poison Ivy's powers?!" Scar asked frustrated.
"Honestly," I looked over the rock we were hiding behind, she just got Derrick, "I don't know!" I said. We kept hiding behind the rock. We made several attempts too. Erica and David sped around her before her finally caught them. She had said that we would "pay for what we've done". But two names caught my attention. She named my Aunt Ivy and my mom Harley. Then it hit me. I know what I need to do.
"Lucy?! What are you doing?!" Scar asked frantically as I came out of my hiding place. The girl then grabbed me with another vine- a HUGE vine.
"Who... are you? *cough!*" I asked as she nearly choked me. She slightly let go.
"I am Rosette, daughter of Poison Ivy. And I will have my revenge for what all of you have done!!!" She shouted grabbing Robert.
"No, Lucy!" Scar said frantically again as Rosette lifted me up higher.
"It's ok, Scar. Lucy's got this." Birdie said reassuringly.
"Stop!" I shouted as Rosette nearly choked him to death. She turned to me.
"P-please! Let them go!! Please don't do this!! Harley wouldn't have wanted this!!" I shouted trying to get through to her. If she's Aunt Ivy's daughter, then she must know my mom.
"How do you know that name?" She asked curiously lowering me down and letting go of the vine around my stomach. I panted out of breath.
"I'm... I'm... Har...ley... Quinn's... *pant* daughter." I explained looking up at her. She looked at me curiously.
"T-that's impossible! I'm her daughter!!" She explained, but she was very hesitant. Wait a minute? I thought. My Aunt Ivy and mom had a kid?!
"Then it means... we're half sisters!" I explained and Rosette slightly nodded in agreement.
"I can't keep up this charade any longer, I was told to give my sister something when I find her. Or at least that's what mom said."
"Ok, but before you do. Can you let go of my friends."
"Fine." She said lowering them all down. The Justice League then arrived.
"Took you long enough!" Erica shouted irritable.
"I'm sorry that I caused all this mess." Rosette said apologetically. Erica then turned to her.
"Eh... knowing me, it'll take only a few hours before I forget about it." Erica explained as her brother helped her up.
"You must be Reverse Flash's daughter."
"How could you tell?"
"The uniform. And you're Interia's." Rosette explained turning to David. He then explained that they were half siblings.
"I'm sorry... what is going on here?" Miss Martian asked in bewilderment.
"Oh well, turns out I have a half-sister. This is Rosette." I explained with a smile.


The Justice League let Rosette inside after she cleaned up her mess to explain what she was doing there. She now lives in New York and had heard about Young Justice team and so decided to track us down out of boredom.
"What can I say? Criminal activity is in my blood." She also explained what she wanted to me. Letters from my mom. In her own words, my mom wanted her to give them to her "sister", but Rosette honestly didn't know what that meant. She later explained that she couldn't stay and awkwardly asked for a phone. Miss Martian even gave her a spot in YJ if she ever came to Happy Harbor again! Rosette and I were now at the airport. Mom was thrilled when she found out that Rosette had found me. As we waited I turned to Rosette and said, "hey, do you have a cell phone?"
"Of course! Who doesn't?"
"How about we share contact info, so we can y'know keep in touch?" I suggested. She looked hesitant at first and then smiled.
"Sure. I mean, we're practically sisters!" She said making me laugh. Mom finally got down there and hugged us both. I quickly told her what had happened while she was gone. Then they left. I wasn't sad, I was happy. I finally had a sibling! I finally had a family!

Author's Notes
To me this seemed a bit short, but you can tell me if it was or wasn't. I just happened to be in the mood to write and couldn't stop. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed and what do you think of Rosette? Tell me your opinions in the comments!
P.S. Happy early July 4th for anyone in the U.S. If you don't live in the US, then have an awesome day tomorrow :)

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