Chapter Thrity-Six: The New Arrival

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Before we start, this chapter is one of the shortest chapters I have ever written, so I'm sorry! But I wanted to give you guys something to read while I decide what to do next! Enjoy :)

~Mount Justice, Living Room~

Birdie's POV
We were all sitting in the living room on Mount Justice when Theodosia came in all excited.
"Hey Theodosia! What's up?" I asked her.
"I have great news!!" She replied becoming even more excited by the minute as everyone looked up at her waiting for the news.
"I'm going to be a big sister!!" Gasps and shocked faces were seen around the room.
"Yeah!! We're so happy for you!" Some of my teammates said.
"What's with all the excitement?" We all turned to see Miss Martian standing the doorway.
"I'm going to be a big sister!!!!" Theodosia said excitedly showing Miss Martian a sonogram photo. She smiled.
"Tell your mom and dad I said congratulations!"
"Ok. I will." Theodosia replied going back over to us as some everyone congratulated her.

Author's Note
Like I said... short XD Please leave suggestions for what I should do next!! I'm out of ideas! I'm also sorry for keeping you guys so long for this, I wanted to elaborate this story then decided not to! (Lazy writing I know, but I wanted to give you something for the time being while I'm busy with schoolwork!)
Till next time,

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