Chapter Thrity-Three: Our Worst Nightmares

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The following words are very important to the story and will be highlighted in BIG BOLD letters:
Oh! And thanks HopeWayne for your TEN awesome suggestions for chapter ideas!

~Tim's apartment~

Honey's POV
I woke up and drowsily went downstairs to get some breakfast. I smelled the delicious aroma of pancakes as I walked to the kitchen.
"'Morning, mom." I explained stretching and yawning.
"Hey mom." I turned to see Aidan hunched down and yawning.
"Did you sleep ok?" I asked my brother curiously.
"Yeah. I mean, I guess. I don't know. I just feel weird all of the sudden." He explained wiping his eyes and getting some cereal.
"Did you sleep well?" Dad asked coming in from the living room with a cup of coffee and was wearing a suit, which is pretty normal to see in this house.
"I slept great, Dad!" I explained cheerfully while beaming.
"Actually I was asking, Aiden." My dad grunted and my mom gave me a side eye. Something's wrong. My dad never grunted, and my mom never gave us a side eye- not once! Why are they acting like this?
"I slept ok." Aiden replied shrugging. Mom immediately stopped cooking pancakes and came over to Aiden, cooking and nurturing him.
"Ooh!! You poor baby!!" Ok, something is really wrong! Mom never does this, she has her own subtle way of making sure we're happy and loved. She's never been this overprotective before.
"Mom, the pancakes are burning." I explain glancing at the pancakes and she checks on them shrugging and putting some on a plate for. I look her eyes wide with concern.
"M-mom? Are you ok?" She looked at me, eyes gleaming with fury.
"Do I look ok? I wished I never had you. You're nothing, but a FAILURE." She explained madder than I had ever seen her in my life. My eyes started to cloud with tears.
"Oh! You gonna be a baby and cry?" She said in a mocking tone.
"Mom!!! T-this isn't- this isn't you!!!" I shout running upstairs to my room. I slammed and locked the door behind me. I breathed in and out.
"It's going to be okay, Honey. Just breath. Everything is going to be fine. Just close you're eyes and wake up." I explained to myself and closed my eyes and opened them again, but nothing had changed. How did I know that? Well-
"Get down here, you little FAILURE!!!" Well, that is why I knew. How am I going to get out? For now, I might as well get ready. I looked at the clock, it was 8, on a Monday, had to get to school. So I got dressed and got downstairs with my backpack, it wasn't actually upstairs in my room like it usually is, it was under my mom and dad's bed, and by the looks of it, it hadn't been used in what? A few years? Maybe more? Once I got all of the dust off, mom said I had to go to school on my own. Walking. In the rain. Is she insane?! Without an umbrella?! Once I got to school, something felt... strange. I looked around and finally saw Scar, Lucy and Janie talking over by Scar's locker.
"Hey guys!" I exclaim cheerfully waving at them. They are always happy to see me. Scar notices me first but gives me the side eye, just like mom this morning.
"You expect US to hang out with YOU? You're just a FAILURE! I mean, have you seen your grades?!" Scar asked scoffing as she, Lucy and Janie laughed like bullies. I backed away terrified and into my teacher's classroom.
"How nice of you to, "drop in", Miss Drake." I turned to my teacher and smiled.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, Mrs. Teal." I explained smiling at my teacher as I walked up to my desk in the front row. Mrs. Teal slapped her papers on the desk.
"What are you thinking?! A FAILURE doesn't belong up here!!! Go in the back!!" She shouts at me. I blink in confusion at her, but nod going into the back to some scary kids.
"Hey there." A boy next to me mutters under a black hoodie.
"Leave her alone, Ernest! Don't make me hurt you!" A girl with a nose piercing and a streak of maroon in her black hair shouts in my defense.
"Shut up, Claire!!!" The boy shouts back.
"SILENCE!" Mrs. Teal shouted at them. The door opened and Scar, Janie and Lucy came in. Late, might I add, which is very out of character for them. My teacher smiled at them.
"Hello girls. Would you help me pass out report cards?"
"Yes, Mrs. Teal." They said in sync with fake smiles. I couldn't believe what they were wearing! Scar took off her red faded hoodie to reveal a white tank top and jeans. Who wears tank tops in school?! Isn't that even allowed?! They passed around report cards and finally to me. Janie did a fake laugh while covering her mouth. I raised an eyebrow at her in confusion, but tried to ignore her as I looked at my report card. No way!! I've gotten four Fs, three Ds, and one C! This wasn't possible!! This couldn't be my report card!!! I couldn't possibly be a... be a FAILURE! As I walked home, I looked at the report card again, this has to be a dream. And somehow... I've got to wake up.

~Arthur's Brown's hideout~

Aiden's POV
I woke up on a uncomfortable wooden floor. Something feels weird. I think as I glance up and see my sister smiling down at me.
"Ah!" I shout jumping up from the ground.
"Hey, bro!" Honey exclaimed smiling at me and punching me in the arm. She looked different, her blonde hair was knotty and put into a braid, she was wearing punk attire, sparkly purple eye shadow, sparkly pink lipgloss and was smiling the creepiest smile I had ever seen!
"Hey. Where are we?" I reply, rubbing my arm and wiping my eyes in exhaustion. Her smile faded as she tilted her head like a confused kitten. She then smiled again.
"You know silly!! Remember?! We ran away!!! We're at grandpa's!! You told me to come! I wanted to be just... like.. YOU!" I take a few steps back at her mention of wanting to be like me, and how we were at grandpa's. I knew I was not a good influence, I had lied to Honey millions of times to keep her away from the dangerous things I did when we were little. She pretended when we older not to know, but really she knew. And she knew that I had a good heart, somewhere. She would die before taking this life!
"What do you mean grandpa's house? They've been dead since before we were born." I explain chuckling nervously.
"I know that silly! I mean grandpa! Mom's dad!!!" Honey explained excited, like she would be on her birthday, or mine, or any of the rest of our family. I then realized what she said. We couldn't be here! In that monster's house! But it was true, Arthur Brown, our grandfather, came into the doorway and smiled at me.
"Hello, Aiden! 'You sleep well?" He asked with a smile. I ran out of the house and didn't look back. "I want to be just like YOU." My sister's words made me shiver. I had to get out! I had to... somehow.. wake up.

~School gym~

Janie's POV
I walked into the gym excited for our big match! I was one of the very few selected cheerleaders to be here for the game of Gotham Knights vs. Coast City Streaks!! Ahh!! I was so excited!! I couldn't wait!! I found my parents in the audience along with my sister and brother. Dad smiled at me proudly. I couldn't wait to impress him with my acrobatic skills!
"And now for the Gotham Knights vs. Coast City Streaks fiianl maaaacth!!!" The announcer exclaimed over the speaker as an air horn went off to get people excited. We started to do our cheer, but it suddenly went wrong... I crashed into Sadie, one of my friend's from the team's foot. I hit someone in the nose, and to top it all off, I broke one of the player's jaws with my foot! After that I went over to my parents, but then I was called over by Sapphire, the captain of the squad (the girl with red hair form chapter five, Spread Your Wings).
"Yes?" I ask as I nervously clutch my Pom-Poms. She looked at me with sympathetic. Uh oh. This can't be good!
"I'm sorry, Janie, but... we're kicking you off the squad."
"What?!" I exclaim as all eyes in the gym stare at us near the middle of the gym.
"Please, don't make a scene. Give us your Pom-Poms. You are officially no longer a MEMBER of the team for your reckless endangerment against fellow squad mates and our own Gotham Knights." She explained in a serious tone. I looked around the gym and felt like crying. I sighed and turned and gave Sapphire my Pom-Poms feeling defeated. My shoulders slumped as I exited the dream. This had to be a dream. I just gotta wake up! Somehow...

~Gymnastics area~

Alexa's POV
"Alexa!" I looked up at my Gymnastics teacher nervously. My dad sighed me up for Gymnastics. I expected this news, after all his family were acrobats.
"You're up!" My teacher explained focusing her eyes on the balance beam. I nod and go up on it and try a few flips. Only problem? I was HORRIBLE!
"You call that a flip?! You are awful! HORRIBLE!" My teacher said after I tried at 12 times, but it was no use.
"I'm trying!!!" I exclaim in annoyance. Or at least I thought I was trying. I breathed in and out getting off the balance beam, wishing my sister good luck and watched her do a flip and some handstands. I know I have it in me! I just know it!! This has to be a dream, no a NIGHTMARE! I. Have. To. Wake. Up!


Derrick's POV
I was about to experience very shy kids worst nightmare- public speaking!!
"Ok, so um... I chose to talk about Native-"
"SPEAK UP, Acrobat!" A boy shouted making everyone laugh.
"Andrew please! Go ahead, Derrick!" My teacher encouraged.
"Ok... I did my report on the Native Americans. They're- they're.. um... a very important... um... piece to um..."
"SPEAK UP!! I can't hear you!!! C'mon! You can be louder!! SPEAK UP!!" People shouted. I covered my ears.
"WAKE ME UP!!! WAKE ME UP!! GET ME OUT!!!" I shouted flailing.
Side note: If you're shy like me, you know the horrors of public speaking! Or just talking in general, especially on a phone!!

{Carmen's POV}
I woke up at the sound of my alarm blaring. I turned it off, got dressed and headed off to school. This was going to a great day! I thought as I walked into the halls of Gotham Academy.
"Hey you! Give us you're money!!" Someone shouted and I turned to see two boys bullying this girl.
"Stop it! Leave me alone!!" She explained covering her face.
"What are you going to do?! You're just a GIRL!" They taunted. That was the final straw. I fully charged at them.
"HEY! You heard her! Leave. Her. Alone! She doesn't want you here! Leave!!!" I shouted and with that they left. Well that was easy!
"Thank you!!" The girl exclaimed hugging me.
"It was nothing. What's your name?" I ask.
"Claire." She explains. Later on in the day after all my classes me and Claire were talking when suddenly I was pushed down on the ground.
"Hey what are you-" I began when I looked up, it was the same boys and some girl with at least five or six piercings and blue (with a purple streak) hair.
"What?! Ya' thought we were done huh?! We've come back for you!" The girl spat at me. I looked down at the floor.
"Ya' know, just because you're a rich kid doesn't make ya' special!!" She shouted as she chewed gum. I felt like crying and ran into the girl's bathroom.
"What?! You gonna cry?! You're WEAK!" She shouted as I ran. You see, I was one of those girls who acted tough, but was really broken inside. I just hope I get out of this nightmare before she kicks the bathroom door down.
Side note: ~Inspiration~

~Damian's house~

{Allen's POV}
I got home and am really nervous. I'm looking at my new test grade anxious. It's C+, 79%. Close enough to a B. I'm just worried about what father will think.
"Father?" I call.
"Allen? What is it?"
"Oh uh... I wanted to show you my grade." I say as my hands still shake. My mother looks at the paper and smiles.
"Nice job, Allen." She says kissing my head. I look at father anxious. He looks at it deep in thought. He smiles at my answers, but his expression immediately changes as he places my paper on our kitchen table and pats it. Something is wrong... he's never acted like this.
"I'm so... disappointed in you. I expected you to do better than this. You have LET ME DOWN." He explains eyes filled with pity. His words seem to be repeating in my mind. I lie my head down and start to cry, but then... slowly... start to drift off to sleep.

~Gotham Mall~

Cosima's POV
Scar and I decided to look around the Gotham Mall for some clothes for a Wayne Enterprises event. Scar and I entered this white, clean and, surprisingly, inexpensive and posh place (at least it looked posh). As I was looking around for a new dress, Scar grabbed my arm.
"What?" I asked giggling.
"This will look perfect on you!" She exclaimed with wide eyes and she showed me this cute little sleeveless, white dress. I smile and nod.

"It'll work great with my complexion!" I say dramatically making Scar laugh. We notice a saleswoman and call her over.
"Oh! Um... Ma'am? Excuse me? My friend would like to try on this dress!" Scarlett said politely while smiling at the sales lady.
"Oh yes, of course! Where is your friend." She asked looking behind us. She was ignoring me, I was standing right in front of her, and Scar even pointed to me. I didn't let it get to me and took the high road.
"Oh... um.. that's me!" I explained with smile. She looked down at me with her glasses at the brim of her nose.
"I'm sorry to tell you, miss, but um.. we don't serve your "kind" here." My "kind"? Oh no.
"You don't serve "our kind"? Ha! 15 year olds? What do you think we are? Aliens?" Scar asked jokingly with a smile. The sales lady was not amused.
"I know what you people do, you come in here, and steal everything you want! Well not here!" The sales lady says sternly.
"If you must know, I'm Mulatto. I don't see what my race has to do with the dress!" I say to sales lady quietly.
"Look, we don't serve BLACK people here!" She explains and my heart seems to break. How dare she say that! Scar and I left the store. I didn't feel right, I felt dizzy. Almost like I was waking up... from a dream--NO this was a nightmare.

~Jason's apartment~

Scarlett's POV
"Scar!! Scar!!" I opened my eyes wide and saw my mom shaking me. It was about 1:55 in the morning.
"What is it?!" I asked alarmed.
"Your father has been arrested." Mom replied. I bolted out of bed and ran out to our lawn.
"Wait!! Where are you taking him?!" I shouted in panic.
"He is a felon! He doesn't deserve to be walking in the streets!" The police officer replied.
"NOO!!!! DON'T TAKE HIM PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs clinging to the police officer.
"I can't do that!" He shouted and he noticed my mother and took her to.
"NO!!!" I screeched while crying. I started breathing heavily, almost hyperventilating and I immediately ran to Janie's house.
"J-Janie?! No! No! No!!!" I screamed. I searched everywhere. My entire family was gone. They were all gone!! I ran back to my house and curled up in a ball. The room spun, and I slowly closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Stephanie's POV
"They're awake!" I shouted as all our children's eyes opened at once. Scar was the first to shoot up.
"What happened?" She asked alarm.
"Fear toxin." I replied.
"Scarecrow got to you. All of you." Helena explained as I hugged my daughter.

Scarlett's POV
I ran over to my dad and hugged him.
"Hey! You ok?" He asked messing with my black hair.
"I... I don't know. We aren't dreaming anymore are we?" I ask looking up at him slowly starting to cry. Dad wiped my eyes and shook his head.
"No, it's all over." He explained kissing my forehead and hugging me.

Birdie's POV
"What exactly did all of you see? You looked terrified." Mom asked and we glanced at each other.
"Mind if we write it down?" I ask mom cautiously. She nods quickly and gets us each a notepad and pen.

Stephanie's POV
"Hey, what do you suppose they were dreaming about." Tim whispers in my ear as they are writing vigorously on the notepads. I look at them curiously. I lean in and whisper, "from what I saw, I think they weren't dreams at all, but Nightmares."

Honey's POV
The next day, I was in the cafeteria trying to find a seat when- no! It can't! The girl from my nightmare! Who had black hair and streak of maroon. She was talking to Janie. Janie noticed me and waved for me to come and join.
"Hey, Hon! This is Claire! She's alone for lunch so I thought that we could sit with her." Janie said smiling at me.
"Sure!" I explain beaming and sitting down to eat lunch.

Author's Notes
The importance of the highlighted words, aside from appearing in the nightmares:

FAILURE: Honey is usually very cheerful and keeps a positive attitude. However, she fears failing her family, friends and school, which is why she works very hard in school (her smarts from her dad also helps too)

YOU: Aiden, as you probably know rebels because of what his father wishes him to be. When he and Honey were little she'd follow him around and look up to him, which is why he lied about where he was going. Her saying "I want to be just like YOU" scares him because he knows that he's a bad influence her, and he doesn't want her to follow down his path (he is getting better)

MEMBER: Janie loves to do cheerleading at Gotham Academy. She can still show off her athletic skill, she never really thought that acrobatics was right for her (but everyone knows that she could've done it). Not being a MEMBER of the squad is her fear because she feels like she belongs, not to mention she's gotten to know some people outside the realm of superheroes and her cousins.

HORRIBLE: Alexa does do Gymnastics outside at her house occasionally. She is just scared and insecure about if she is great at it or HORRIBLE.

SPEAK UP: Derrick is shy and doesn't like public speaking. He knows that if someone asks to SPEAK UP that he isn't speaking loud enough, but it throws him off his game. (Basically this is me! XD)

WEAK: Carmen likes to act strong and not let people see her cry (unless it's a happy occasion) because she thinks it makes her WEAK. Some people just want to show that they are strong... but they are really broken. (This is also me sometimes)

LET ME DOWN: Allen fears letting his family down, but also his father. Like Damien before him, he doesn't want to let him down. Saying "You LET ME DOWN" hurts Allen because he sometimes feels like he's not good enough (Again, also me. I'm sure most people have felt like they're not good enough, sometime in their lives.)

BLACK: Now, the word BLACK isn't Cosima's fear. Her being belittled for her skin and her parents is. She knows that she has family and friends that love and support her, but she is still afraid of what people think of her.

DEATH: Scarlett doesn't fear DEATH for herself, she fears it for her family. Jason gave up his habits, using guns and cursing. She's thankful for him doing that. She also knows that being a member of the Batfamily DEATH is a possibility everyday. She knows that her dad died and came back to life. She doesn't want to be left alone, like Bruce was (well, Bruce had Alfred, but you get the point). She doesn't want to see her family, well spilt up or leave her so soon.

Phew! Hope you guys liked the chapter, sorry for getting so deep BTW XD. Surprisingly most of the nightmares were easy to figure out, although some I had to think a little (only maybe a few seconds or so XD) Oh! And yes, I did say I was taking a break, but it wasn't that difficult, I basically canceled four or five books and wrote a weird ending for Superhero Academy (which I am not proud of at all, it needs SERIOUS tweaking). The tie-in book to this, Love Stories, is sort of On Hold, I'm still trying to figure out the last "Day 1" chapter. That's all!
P.S: Word Count: 3,716 words! That's insane (at least for me it's a crazy amount). I couldn't wait to publish this BTW! I absolutely LOVED the idea! Finally, thank for... *drumroll* 1.52K reads! That's crazy! Thank you, dear readers😘

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