Chapter Twenty-Six: Their Silicon Souls

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*Ok, His Silicon Soul is a Batman Animated Series episode and there's this guy called Karl Rossum who made clones. That's all I'm gonna say... enjoy:)*

~Years before in Gotham~

"Well? What'd a' think? They'll be good candidates right?"
"Yes.. they will thrive."
"So it's settled then, Mr. Rossum?"
"Yes. Harvest the DNA. They will become our new clones."
"No! Please don't hurt us!!" Karl Rossum smirked at the terrified street rats, a boy and a girl.
"Oh. Don't worry, it's onl' gonna hurt a bit."
(Sorry if I creeped anyone out!)

(Lucy's POV)
I was trying to get my locker open when I saw Robert out of the corner of my eye.
"Hey, do you need some help." I sigh and turn to him then nod desperately. He laughed.
"Ok. What's your combination?" He asks and I explain it to him when I see one of my classmates, Juliet, looking over at us. I turn back to Robert. Oh no! She didn't!
"There you go." Robert says interrupting my thoughts. I turn towards my locker and smile.
"Thanks, Robbie!" I say giving him a big hug. I notice Juliet coming over and I quickly kiss his cheek. He slightly smiles at me as he wipes it off, embarrassed.
"Hi, Robbie! And hi...uh... what's your name, again?" Juliet says turning towards while raising an eyebrow. I smile annoyed. I hate her with a burning passion! :)
"Well, uh, I'm Lucy and I'm also his girlfriend. And also, another thing you you should know. I'm the only who calls him Robbie." I explain staring at her dead in the eyes and then go back to my own business. Then Robert walks away while Juliet follows after him...then gets distracted by another guy.
"Hey, I saw how you handled, Juliet there. Pretty awesome!" I jump and turn to my left where Juliet has gone off to and see Allen standing in front of me.
" the world do all of you sneak up on people like?!"
"We're the children of the Batfamily, Lucy. What do you expect?" Allen says shrugging and then glances over at Honey, in other words, not her eyes!
"She got eyes you know."
"Huh?" He says distracted.
"Honey." I say glancing at him as I get out my math book.
"What are you talking about? I know she has eyes!"
"Yes. However, while her skirt is cute, you are probably not looking at that. Why do all guys do that?!" I say enraged.
"We're guys. You're girls. That's all there is to it." Before I could respond the bell rang for first period.

~Mount Justice~

(Lucy's POV)
"Oh, good you're here!" Celeste says cheerfully hugging me from my left side.
"Hey," I laugh, "what's up?" I ask her and look around. Everyone was already here!
"We're waiting for Miss Martian." Tula explains and I nod.
"Oh good! You're all here!" We all turn and see Miss Martian standing there smiling. She then floats over to the monitors.
"So, uh, what are we doing today?" Erica asks curiously.
"You're going to fight Penguin and Twoface. It shouldn't be that difficult. All we need is a diamond that belongs to Happy Harbors museum." Miss Martian explains and we all slouch in disappointment.
"Hey! Someone's gotta do it!" Miss Martian points out while flipping through a file. We all nod and head out.

~Penguin's hideout~

(Lucy's POV)
We tried to fight Penguin and Two-face but it was no use. We headed back to Mount Justice.

~Mount Justice~

(Lucy's POV)
"You didn't catch them? How could you be so irresponsible?!" Beast Boys shouts and then the rest of the League joins in.
"Wait, hold on. They're just unprepared." Nightwing points out loudly silencing the room. Most of them nod and Miss Martian sighs.
"Go into the living room. We'll sort this out."

~Living room~

Scarlett's POV
I plop down on the couch defeated.
"What do we do now?" Martin asks turning on the TV. We all shrug and murmur "I don't know" to him.

(Lucy's POV)
As we were watching reruns of "The Green Hornet" (my dad loves that show XD) it hit me!
"Guys! I think I figured it out!" I explain and then we go to the Justice League.
"We told you to-"
"No! I have a plan!" They all glance at each other.
"We're listening." Red Arrow explains narrowing his eyes.
"I know who can stop them-their children." I explain.
"They have children?" Miss Martian asks raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah? Who doesn't?" I retort. Tigress slightly smirk as I say this under her mask. How could I tell? Expression. (Cuz I had to think of a reason!)
"Anyway, their names are Ozzie and Duela." I explain and it's discussed and we all decide to find them-together. I hope this works.

~Two-Face's apartment~

Honey's POV
"Duela?! Duela?! Are you here?" Lucy calls out in the dingy, yet big apartment.
"Hey, Luc! What's up!" A girl with black hair and green eyes calls as she sits next to a boy with black hair and brown eyes.
"I need to your help. Both of your help." Lucy explains turning to the boy. She starts introducing them to us.
"Everyone these are my "cousins" Ozzie and Duela." I wave slightly and Duela smiles. Flash explains to them what the situation is and Ozzie looks up at him while shuffling cards.
"So, will you help us?" I ask curiously. Ozzie smiles at me and puts the cards down.
"What do you think?"

~Later, Iceberg Lounge~

(Lucy's POV)
We follow Ozzie and Duela into the Iceberg Lounge, Penguin's club.
"Shh!" Ozzie says stopping us in our tracks. Duela rolls her eyes and continues going. Ozzie mumbles something but keeps going.
"Oh, I see you've found the Penguin's son!" A goon hollers at us.
"Yeah, thank you for reminding me." Ozzie muttered angry, I don't blame him, many of kids that I knew HATED their parents. Some didn't, and followed their path.
"Who knew villains could help heroes!" The goon says turning his head to me, Robert, Erica and David.
"Trust me, you wouldn't fit in." I explain to the man. We then fight.

⚫️⚪️~•TIME SKIP•~🔵🔴

(Lucy's POV)
"I'm impressed with you two." We turn to see Penguin slightly clapping for his son.
"Yes. It is. But that doesn't mean you can be heroes." Two Face muttered to Duela as he flipped his coin. Duela held Ozzie's hand as they both back away. Two Face turned to Penguin.
"Who should die first?"
"Your choice." Penguin said leaving the room.
"Hmm how about-"
"NOO!!!" Duela shouted running to her father and speaking quickly.
"Will you shut up!!" He shouted putting a gun to her head. Duela backed away, terrified.
"Enough of this! Just give us back the diamond!" Miss Martian says getting impatient.
"Make me." Two Face replies turning his back on them and pointing his gun up to the sky.
"I wouldn't suggest you do that." Liam says. He turns trying to make a cocky smile and then it quickly fades as Superboy punches him in the face.
"Ouch!" Scar mutters.
"We did warn you!" I explain.
"Not so fast! I've been thinking of demolishing this place. This is the perfect time." Penguin explains throwing a match on the ground.
"Get out!!!" Miss Martian shouts. Duela and Ozzie hesitate.
"Cmon!!!" I shout at my cousins.
"We're sorry, Luc! You know that we are just clones off of street rats, but there's more to that!!" Duela shouts and look at her in terror as she and Ozzie start to melt into metal parts.
"GO!!!" Ozzie shouts and I run.

Birdie's POV
As soon as the fire burns out I notice Lucy looking out to it.
"Luc, you ok?" I ask concerned.
"No... my cousins. I'll explain it to all of you. My cousins aren't-weren't really the son and daughter of Penguin and Two Face. They were cloned from street rats by a guy named Karl Rossum, I... I just didn't realize that they were machine. They've just melted away, my only family." After a few moments of silence, Scar speaks.
"Well guess what? You've got a family right here."
"Thanks, Scar." Lucy says smiling at her.

(Lucy's POV)
Scar was right, I do have a family... right here.

Author's POV
Finished! Now moving onto the next one😂 Thanks storyteller0714 for helping me choose the name Ozzie for Penguin's son. That doesn't sound right.... oh well XD

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