Chapter Five: Spread your Wings

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I wanted to see if there was a Batfamily video using the song "Wings" by Little Mix just because I was curious. It's DC women but that's even better!

~Gotham Academy~

Janie's POV
Hmm... I tap my pencil on my chin trying to decide which club to join.
"Ohh!" Honey explains with a smile beside, signing her name on the "History Club" sign-up sheet. I wasn't surprised. Hon loved history. I mean LOVED. She read a history textbook when she was six and finished it when she was eight! I then glanced at the clubs again and something caught my eye. Cheerleading? I shurg. Why not? I thought and sign my name.
"Cheerleading? That doesn't sound like you." Ax says coming over and signing up for "Video Games Club".
"Eh.. I just thought it's be an interesting, fun thing to do!" I say with a smile and squeezing my sister, as Hon chuckles at us.
"Hey." Scar says coming over to the sign up sheet.
"Did you sign up for a club yet?" Hon asks Scar. She nods and points to "Homework Club" and I notice my brother's name on the list.

Scarlett's POV
I glance at Janie.
"Why are you smirking?" I ask.
"It's nothing! Right, Jan? It's nothing." Rick says coming out of nowhere. Jan glances at him and smirks again.
"Yeah. Nothing. Ow!" She says as Ax "lightly" hits her shoulder. I roll my eyes at them as the bell rings.

~Wayne Enterprises, Conference Room~

Helena's POV
"All right, gentlemen and ladies, we are now going to discuss some changes that anyone would like to be done with anything at Wayne Enterprises."
"I think we should get a water cooler. The old one is almost busted." Randy say glumly.
"I'll look into that. Anyone else? Marcie!"
"I think we should get a whole new paint for this place. Something... Brighter!!" Marcie says putting her hands up and gesturing them into a rainbow looking at our transparent glass ceiling.
"I'll look into. Anything else? No? Alright meeting adjourned!"


Janie's POV
I'm outside the school and am calling mom.
"Hey mom, just wanted to tell you that I joined a cheerleading club and you won't have to pick me up till 4."
"Anymore criminals?" Uncle Damian asked over the phone.
"No, Damian. No more. Now what was it you were saying sweetheart?"
"No, not you Damian."
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm signed up for a cheerleading club and you won't pick me up til 4. Ok?"
"Got it. No! Don't go that root! It's too dangerous!"
"How is cheerleading dangerous?" I begin to laugh at mom.
"Oh sorry, Janie. I was talking to your Uncle Tim- no! Tim take a right not left- Ugh!- look. Ok, sorry. I'm trying to handle to things at once. I'll pick you up at 4 sweetheart."
"Bye Mom."
"Bye, sweet- Tim you're not listening!! It's a right, not a left!"
"Ok, Oracle! Quit shouting into my intercom!" Uncle Tim says over the phone as I hang up. I breath. Here it goes. I go inside the gym for tryouts.
"Great! Wonderful! Just one little adjustment... GET OUT YOU'RE HORRIBLE AND AWFUL!!! GET OUT OF THIS GYM!!!" A girl screams as I come in and the girl she was shouting at runs off sitting a chair, below a sign that said "rejects". About six of them were there and only three on the other side that said "Accepted"! Ok! Yep! Nothing to nervous about, I think feeling a lot less confident than from when I was outside.
"Next!!!" The other girl says and I look around waiting for someone to go up.
"C'mon, stick in the mud. Move!" I jump and go up to the table.
"Hello, I'm Tiffany and this is Bailey." The girl who was shouting had blond hair and shook my hand smiling. Woah! Her hand were so skinny. Bailey, a girl with brown hair and hooped earrings smiled also and shook my hand. Ow! Geez Bailey had a tight grip!
"Ok, let's see what you've got. My name's Sapphire, by the way." A girl with red hair, like mine, and looked.. Normal. She also had a clipboard. Hmm... I start doing some back and front flips, cartwheels and a spilt. Sapphire nods at the end of performance checking off things from her blue sparkly clipboard. Bailey, Sapphire and Tiffany begin to whisper to each other. Sapphire glances at me and they all nod.
"Congratulations, Janie. You've made the team." Sapphire says setting her clipboard down. A girl with black hair and dark blue highlights, made into a bun, comes over with some pompoms giving me the most fake smile I had ever seen and... Has she had some work done? I smile real big and go over to the "Accepted" area.
"WHAT IS WITH THE "REJECT" AREA!!! THIS IS A CLUB!! THEY ARE ALL ACCEPTED!!!" Sapphire shouts as Tiffany and Bailey quickly fix their mistake.

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