Chapter Fourteen: Merry Christmas! (Indescrible X Superhero Academy)

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"You wanted to see me, Question?"
"Yes, Hazel I did. The man is insane, we cannot defeat him. At least not alone. I need to you use this teleporter and bring the Batfamily from Earth 16 here? All right?"
"Don't worry I won't let you down, Question."


Scarlett's POV
I'm SO excited!! It's Christmas and the entire family is going to be at Grandpa's house!! Eek!! I'm so excited!!!


Bruce's POV
"Alright, alright, everyone settle down! Ok, a toast. To family. To friends. And to the new year. Merry-" A teleporter opened up and a girl appeared.
"Are you the Batfamily?"
"Yes. Who are you?" I ask as we put our drinks down.
"My name is Hazel Dev. I'm from Earth 132. I come from a school called Superhero Academy. I need your help."

To be continued...

Author's Notes
Hi! Merry Christmas or have a lovey December 25th (when that day comes!)! Guess what?! Today's my birthday!!! I'm turning 14!! Isn't that exciting!!😀 Thx catmikaelson for the happy birthday!

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