Chapter Seven: Arrested

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Aidan Jack Drake's Tape, 9:34 pm. Juvenal Trial?: Date is being determined.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Hello, I am going to ask you a few questions. Is that alright?

I don't have a choice really. Sure.

Officer Renee Montoya:

Aidan Drake.

Officer Renee Montoya:


Officer Renee Montoya:
Full name?

Aidan Jack Drake.

Officer Renee Montoya:
What does your middle name come from?

My dad's dad.

Officer Renee Montoya:
You don't call him a grandfather?

Not really, I- we, my cousins and I, didn't know our grandparents, they're all dead really.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Are you sad about that?

I don't know.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Moving on. Father's name?

Tim Drake.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Mother's Name?

Stephanie Drake.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Mother's maiden name?


Officer Renee Montoya:
*Flips through file* Her father is the Cluemaster. What is her relationship with her father?

She despises him. Why is that important?

Officer Renee Montoya:
Because he has escaped from jail.

*Shurgs* My mom would never get him out of jail. Can we move on?

Officer Renee Montoya:
Sure. Do you know why you are here?

No. I was sitting on a bench in a park and a cop showed up and arrested me.

Officer Renee Montoya:
You were arrested for stealing the dog tags of Darius Wayne from Gotham Museum.


Officer Renee Montoya:
He is an ancestor of Bruce Wayne.

Oh right, he served in the American Revolution. Why would I steal dog tags? What proof do you have?!

Officer Renee Montoya:
Calm down. *grabs backpack* This is yours, correct?

Yeah, so?

Officer Renee Montoya:
*Pulls out dog tags* We found these in your backpack. *Hands them over* be careful, they're delicate.

I didn't steal them!

Officer Renee Montoya:
Look, I know your father and Bruce Wayne, but that doesn't excuse your actions. If you didn't steal them, then who did? The dog tags were in your backpack!

I was framed!!!

Officer Renee Montoya:
Alright, let's go a different route, tell me what you think happened.

~6:34 pm, Tim's apartment~

Aidan's POV
I'm looking for my shoes when a photo of mom and dad flies out of one of the boxes I was searching.

I smile staring at it. They look so happy.

Tim's POV
"Ahem!" I cough and Aidan jumps.
"H-hey dad!"
"What are you looking for?"
"U-um my shoes."
"They're on the stairs where you left them yesterday. Must I keep reminding you to pick your shoes up."
"Sorry dad."
"What are you holding?"
"Um... Well.. I... Uh!"
"Give me that!" I say snatching the photo out of his hand.
"Sorry dad... I just found it."
"It's ok. I've been looking for it anyway. Why do you need your shoes?"

Aidan's POV
"Carm and I have a project to do." My dad nods and let's me go when I tell him where we're going. Honestly I was lying. We were actually going on a date. I do know one thing, once dad finds out I'm going to be creamed!

~Outside Tim's apartment~

{Carmen's POV}
I'm sitting outside Adian's house wearing a new dress I bought today.
Carm's Dress:

Aidan's POV
I go out and see Carmen waiting for me. She waves.
"Ready to go?" She nods. We head to Bea's Coffee Shop.


Tim's POV
I peek through the curtains.
"He's defiantly not going to study with her." I mutter.
"Well, yeah, why would Adian not date a girl like Carmen?"

Stephanie's POV
"What?" Tim says looking at me confused.
"Tim, you know I love you to pieces, but you are so oblivious sometimes."
"Yeah, maybe, but at least I'm not oblivious to our love." Tim replies taking my hand and sitting me on his lap and kissing my neck.
"Tim.. Why?"
"What? I can't do that? Don't you enjoy it?"
"Yes... But that is not the point. Honey could come in at any moment."
"She's with Scarlett doing homework at Jason's. Fine. I'll stop." He says. I rest my arms on his shoulders.
"Sorry, my arms were tired." I says kissing Tim. He smiles.
"I'm sure they were "tired"."
"Do you realize how cute you are?" I ask him coming in closer.
"Do you realize how hot you are?" He asks kissing me again.
"You know you said the same thing when I snuck up to your window late at night."
"Yeah. I do remember." I smiling again. I was enjoying this maybe a little too much... But then a bell went off. *Ring, ring, ring!!*

Tim's POV
Steph rolls her eyes and I scowl at my phone in announce. She gets off my lap so I can answer the phone.
"Hello? Yes this is he. Dog tags? No I wouldn't know where they would have gone. Ok. Goodbye," I hang up the phone, "now, where were we?" I say when Steph kisses my cheek.
"I'd love to but I'm not in the mood." She says going upstairs.
(Sorry that part to me felt a bit weird and awkward but I didn't want to change it so that's what you all get!)

~Jason's apartment~

Scarlett's POV
I'm up in my room with Alexa, just starting to study ions.
"Ok so ions are-"
"Hey how about we take a brain break?" I suggest. Alexa looks up at my ceiling.
"Sure why not." We go downstairs into my kitchen and I grab two apples and we decide to watch something on Netflix.

~Bea's Coffee Shop~

{Carmen's POV}
Aidan and I start talking about different stuff and decide to go the park.

Aidan's POV
We were in the park it was quite quiet and peaceful until the cop showed up and arrested me!

Aidan Jack Drake's Tape, 9:34 pm. Juvenal Trial?: Date is being determined. (Continued)

Officer Renee Montoya:
So that's what happened?

Yes! I didn't even know they were in my backpack!

Officer Renee Montoya:
Fine, thank Aidan. *Turns* Yeah, Tony, can you bring in Carmen Wayne?

Carmen Wayne's Tape, 9:36 pm.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Alright, I'm going to ask you a couple of questions.


Officer Renee Montoya:

Carmen Wayne.

Officer Renee Montoya:


Officer Renee Montoya:
Where were you when Aidan was in the park?

I- I was with him.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Did he leave at anytime when you two were together?

No, aside from the obvious part of going to the bathroom.

Scarlett Sandra Todd's Tape, 9:40 pm. Relative.

Officer Renee Montoya:

Scarlett Sandra Todd.

Officer Renee Montoya:


Officer Renee Montoya:
Where were you when Aidan was arrested?

I was at home.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Do you have anyone that can confirm your alibi?

Yes. My mother and my cousin, Alexa.

Alexa Mary Grayson's Tape, 9:43 pm. Relative.

Officer Renee Montoya:

Alexa Mary Grayson.

Officer Renee Montoya:
Could you confirm where you were with *flips page* Scarlett Sandra Todd?

Yes. I was in her house and we were studying for her science test.

Juvenal Date: Two weeks.

~Tim's apartment~

Aidan's POV
I go into the living room and see dad on his laptop.
"Dad do you think I stole those dog tags?" Dad glances up at me and closes his laptop.

Found this yesterday and I just had to put it in! Now that I think about it might be Dick? Tell me what you guys think, I'm pretty sure it's Tim😕.

"No? Why?"
"Because it's not like you to steal. Lie to me, yeah, but not steal." There was a brief silence.
"Ok. Well I'm going to bed."
"Goodnight Adian." Dad replies. I felt a strange feeling inside. A twinge of happiness in my heart.

Stephanie's POV
"Aw!" Tim glances up at me.
"Hey." He says as I quickly kiss him on the cheek.
"That was sweet what you said to Aidan." I say.
"I was just pointing it out."
"Sure. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I say stretching and going upstairs.
"Night Steph."

~Gotham City Court, Juvenal area, two weeks later~

Aidan's POV
"Juvenal Court is now in session!" The judge says banging her gavel.
"Alright the case of Darius Wayne's dog tags stolen from the Gotham Museum. How does Aidan Jack Drake plead?"
"Not guilty." My lawyer replied.

~Safe house~
^Arthur Brown's POV^
I was sitting in my safe house. I put my gun down in a rage. Why am I feeling guilty. Why do I even care that he has been framed?! I sigh.
"Because he is not the one who stole the dog tags, and he is my grandson." Shoot! It was true he didn't steal the dog tags. I did. But how would I confess before cops found me?

~Gotham City Court, Juvenal area~

Aidan's POV
Someone came in with a man in handcuffs.
"Officer Bailey, what is that criminal doing in my court?" The judge asks.
"Found him around, Arthur Brown would actually like to make a confession first, before I lock him up. On the dog tags." Brown?! My cousins and I were shocked. My Grandpa was a criminal... So why would he confess to this?
"I took the dog tags. It's on the security cameras. I confess. I stole them." The judge banged her gavel after 15 minutes go by.

Stephanie's POV
I glance at the kids as they merely try to avoid my dad's gaze. I look up at him and almost cry. Tim holds hand. He'll never admit but, my dad, confessed not because he needed to, but because Aidan is his family.

~Wayne Manor~

Scarlett's POV
We were at grandpa's house. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Grandma opens the door and I glance to see...
"Bette! What a surprise! What are you doing here?" Grandma asks. Bette starts whispering something and goes downstairs leaving a girl around our age with us. I smile and we introduce ourselves.
"My name's Cosima." She says giving us a smile. Who knew Bette and Luke has a kid?

Author's POV
1747 words. Woah. Some of you may be saying "wait what?!"😱 Don't worry!😂 It will be explained next chapter! Sorry about Arthur Brown's confession, I wanted to finish this so bad so I can start the next chapter. Also the Juvenal trial was not realistic but I'm not changing it. Anyway goodnight😴. I'm going to bed!

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