Chapter Six: Jealousy

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Derrick's POV
Some say that jealously is the worst trait you can have. I thought of it as a disease, that was spread over to every country and every home in the world and now, I have it. I got it on Friday. The happiest day of the week is now the saddest. Scar. I think about her a lot. I don't think I should. She's always oblivious to those kind of things and THAT thing, but that's just from a relationship kind of thing, not family. THAT thing that I'm talking about I can't even say. It's starts with an L, you can do the math. (and no! Before you ask, don't believe anything that Sid from the Ice Age films tells you, it's not lice!) Anyway, I was walking around minding my own business when I noticed Scar.
"Derrick!" She says coming over to me.
"Hey Sca-"
"Hey Scarlett!" I was interrupted by Jack, one of the most popular guys in school, as he put an arm on Scar's arm. She glances at it and starts getting out of the arm grasp.
"What?" I stare down at my black converse as Jack looks confused.
"Anyway we've got that project right?" Scar says changing the subject. She hated telling people off.
"Yeah, want to do it now? I mean after you're done with acrobat boy over here! No hard feelings right Derrick?!" He says hitting my shoulder. Hard. Like hitting a shoulder against some lockers. (IRL that actually happened today (or yesterday depends when I publish this) when I was getting stuff from my locker! I'm fine don't worry!) I merely smile at him trying to hide my seething (IRL one of my vocabulary words!) anger inside. Calling me an "acrobat boy" is insulting to my dad's side of my family.
"Uh sure I guess we can do the project now! See you later, Rick!" Scar says running off. I walk off and wait for the day to end.

~End of day~

Barbara's POV
I look at my son as I pick my Alexa, Janie and Derrick.
"Derrick are you ok?" I ask him as Janie and Alexa get in the car.
"I'm, I'm fine." He says looking down at his shoes. I then glance at a familiar laugh as I see Scar saying goodbye to some guy and going into Damian's car.
"Are you sure?" My son nods and he gets in the car. He's just learned what heartbreak and jealously feels like.

~Later that day~


Hey! Are u home?


Derrick? Rick? You there?? Hello?


Derrick you're scaring me. Please tell me you can hear? Are you eating? Sleeping? Have you been kidnapped?!😱 please speak to me!


Derrick's POV
I didn't want to talk to Scar, no matter how concerned she was. She then called me.

~Jason's apartment~

Scarlett's POV
Did he SERIOUSLY JUST send me to voicemail!!!!! What the heck?! Something's wrong with him. Ok, Scar breath. I need to text the group chat.

My Girls!

Girls, I have a problem!!

What is it?

What's up?

Spill it out!

Lil' Bird:

Tell. Us. Now!

Ok... Derrick won't text me back and he sent me to voicemail!!!

That's it? I got all hyped up for that?!


Wait, Ax you know that Derrick ALWAYS text or calls someone back no matter what! I believe we have a dilemma...😕

Right... I forgot.

What do I do?!

Erm... For once I don't know what to do!

Text him again!

Lil' Bird:
That'll never work! Did you upset him in anyway? Offend him at all today?? Because we all know how timid and sensitive he can be.

Yep. It's not manly at all.


ANYWAY!! I didn't offend him, I don't think. Jack came over to talk to me about our project we're doing.



Wait what?!

Lil Bird:
I can see why he would get offended...

Agreed Bird.

Wait, what are you all talking about?

Nothing😏 You'll have to figure that out on your own.

Ok??? Bye!

Well that was... Werid. I need some more advice.

Hey Paige, mind if I come over? I need some advice!

Sure. I don't mind!

I close my phone and head downstairs.
"Uh, where do you think you're going young lady?" My mom asks before I can even open the door!
"Can I go to Paige's?" I ask.
"Do you have your phone?" I nod.
"Got a car?" I shake my head in a bit of confusion.
"No? Good. I'm going to drive you there."

Jason's POV
"Dad! Why!! I can just walk there!" My daughter whined.
"Scar. I don't want you to get hurt." She looks up at me with her almost looking like a puppy's.
"Fine!" She grumbles.
"Good." I say kissing her head. She smiles sheepishly as we go outside to the car.

~Paige's House~

It's the house from the show Arrow if anyone's wondering!😜

Scarlett's POV
"Text me when you want me to pick you up, ok?" I nod and dad drives away. I knock on the door.
"Hi Mrs. Queen, is Paige here?"
"She's upstairs in her room, Scar."
"Thanks!" I say running upstairs. I knock on Paige's door.
"Paige?- ah!!" I scream as an arrow files past my ear.
"Sorry! I didn't realize it was you Scar!" Paige says.
"It's ok, Paige!"
"Anyway," she begins putting her father's, now her, bow down, "you wanted to talk?" I nod and start explaining the situation.
"So that's it. I have no idea why he won't speak to me!" I say frustrated plopping her bed.
"Well, you do know that he likes you right?"
"Yeah, you didn't know?"
"No. He likes me!!" Paige nods and I text my dad to leave.

~Wayne Manor, 4:00 pm, outside~

Scarlett's POV
"Please talk to me Derrick!!" I beg getting on my knees.
"No!" He says coldly and scowling. I have been begging him all the way from his house!
"Please just talk to me Derrick!- Hmm!" I blink in surprise.

Derrick's POV
I couldn't take it anymore. I kissed her. I didn't know what came over me. Then I just walked off leaving her to stare at me blankly.
"Wait! Derrick!" She says running after me.

Scarlett's POV
"What happened?" Hon asks.
"Derrick kissed me!" They all stare at me wide eyed.

Dick's POV
"He what?"
"He what?!" Jason says more enraged. Scarlett walks off.
"Mind if I talk to your son?"
"Sure, just don't kill him Jason!!"
"No promises!!" He replies and Damian sighs.

Author's Notes
Hi! Sorry I took a break from writing this book. The ship ScarRick is happening!! (*Squels!!* If you have another name for the ship, let me know!) Anyway, this has been cut short (the chapter) because I've got homework to do.
Wish me luck!🍀

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