Chapter Thrity-Seven: The Getaway Trip

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Birdie's POV
I looked in awe at the resort we were staying at in Santa Prisca (author note: for those that don't know, this is actually where Bane was born!) It looked gorgeous! I can't wait to just have a relaxing vacation with my family... and my uncles' quarrels are always entertaining too!

Honey's POV
I felt extremely jet lagged after we got there, so I decided to take a nap once I got to the hotel room. Aiden was nice enough to ask if I was ok and promised to get me a non-alcoholic Pina Colada, AKA my favorite drink! Sure, Aiden may seem rebellious, but in the end, he cares about his family-- despite him denying it.

Scarlett's POV
Janie, Alexa, Birdie and I decided to go down to the beach and swim in the water. Our parents are joining us, but they're just going to be chatting and lounging on the beach. Honey was sleeping in the hotel room because of jet lag, and the guys were hanging out in the bar area.

Selina's POV
I looked out into the distance at the ocean where Janie, Alexa, Birdie and Scarlett were playing and smiled. They looked like they were having fun! But then my eyes darted to a man with gray hair and a slim body. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. My thoughts were interrupted by a kiss on my cheek. I turned around and smiled when I saw Bruce holding my drink and his.
"Hey there, handsome." I said still smiling as I grabbed my drink and kissed him.
"What were you looking at?" Bruce asked me curiously as he sipped his own drink.
"That man over there. Does he look familiar to you?" I asked tilting my head in the man's direction. Bruce got closer, squinting his eyes.
"Maybe a little." Bruce admitted.
"Yeah. I think he might be Thomas." I explained turning back to my husband.
"Catman! Are you sure?" Bruce asked.
"Well, no. I'm not positive. But the man has a bit of similarity to him." I explain, leaning on the wooden stairwell and squinting my eyes to look at the man again. Seconds later Tim, Jason and Damien began to argue as Dick attempted to be peacemaker. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at the scene. Those boys never changed. I sensed Bruce was hesitating to go over.
"Go. I'm not going anywhere." I said turning my head to wink.

Janie's POV
The girls and I crashed on the couch in my family's hotel room and decided to watch some TV. A news report came on about a cat themed villain stealing from small jewelry shops in the area. As I was trying to figure out who it was, the door opened with a click and I saw my mom in the doorway.

Barbara's POV
"Did you see the news?" I asked my daughter and the girls.
"What news?" Birdie asked.
"The news about the jewel thief."
"Yeah. Why?" Janie inquired.
"Because, it's Catman. He was retired. Or so we thought." I explained.

Scarlett's POV
As soon as Aunt Babs says this, Uncle Dick burst through the door, and explained to my aunt where he had been located. He changed in the bathroom and then left, giving my aunt a kiss on the cheek and waving goodbye to us. Aunt Barbara let out a sigh, getting out her laptop and her Bluetooth speaker.
"Do you want us to help, Aunt Barbara?" Birdie offered.
"No, but thank you for the offer, Birdie!"
"Birdie, Scar, Alexa, Janie, are you girls in here?" Grandma called from the other side of the door while knocking.
"Yeah, we're in here, Grandma." I replied.
"I need you girls to come out here for a second!" Grandma replied walking away from the door. We shrugged and walked out of Janie and Alexa's hotel room.

Honey's POV
I came out my hotel room and was surprised to see Grandma and my cousins standing in the hallway, with Grandpa sitting in a chair behind Grandma.
"What's... going on?" I ask glancing around at everyone in the hallway.
"We don't know." Aiden explains as he turns to Grandma for an explanation.
"Catman is on the loose, somewhere. The question is where to find him. After thinking about this long and hard, I have decided-"
"We have decided." Grandpa said, interrupting Grandma. She sighed.
"Yes we! Anyway, we have decided that we will let you help us, by looking around the hotel for Catman." Grandma explained and we all got super excited, this was going to be great!! She gave us a description of what he looked like before adding: "Now, just be careful!" Grandma said with a warning glare and we all nodded. My grandparents have each other a look, but didn't say anything else.
"If you find anything, we'll be around!!" Grandpa added before we left.

~An hour later (AKA author is too lazy to type out the kids search party😁)~

Scarlett's POV

I sighed. We looked for an hour and couldn't find Catman like Grandma had described. We went to the bar, found Grandma and Grandpa and explained that we couldn't find him.
"It's alright. It might have not been him, anyway." Grandpa explained.
"Wait. Isn't that him over there?" Grandma asked squinting at a man in the hotel lobby. It certainly looked like who she described. Grandma cautiously went over to the man.

Selina's POV
"...Thomas?" The man immediately turned around. Looking at him up close, it defiantly was Thomas Blake. He looked about the same except for black hair slowly turning gray.
"Well, Well. As I live and breath, Selina Kyle." He said with a smirk.
"Surprised to see me?" I asked him while my mouth quirked up in a smirk.
"Yes. What do you want?" He asked cooly.
"Why would I want something from you?" He asked him curiously.
"C'mon, Selina! We are two retired villains who would never see each other again. You would never come up to me and talk casually like this. So... what do you want?" He asked a hit aggravated.
"Come to the bar this afternoon. I have questions for you." I explain in a serious tone. He glanced at me.
"Hmm... I might not show up. Just want to warn you." He explained before turning towards the stairs of the hotel.

~That afternoon~

Selina's POV

Thomas showed up as promised and Tim, Jason, Dick, Damien and Helena were present, along with me and Bruce. Helena had a mic in her ear, so Stephanie, Cassandra and Barbara were listening to our conversation from upstairs in Cassandra and Jason's hotel room.
"So, are you going to ask me questions or are we going to sit here all night?" Thomas asked in annoyance, clearly not wanting to be here.
"Look, we just need to know if you know anything about the robberies that have been taking place, with a criminal using your name. Do you know anything about?" Tim asks, standing from his chair. Thomas was silent for a while, pondering over his answer.
"...He's my son." Thomas admitted, looking up at Tim.
"Oh." Helena said genuinely surprised.
"He's going to take something that's every... precious to me." Thomas explains as his eyes twinkle.
"What is this object that's so precious to you?" My daughter inquired as she leaned over the table beside Tim and squinted at Thomas. He smirked.
"That's something I won't tell you. It's not like I'm the only person who has something they want to keep. Isn't that right, Selina? You still have that Nine Lives Statue, don't you?" He asks and everyone turns to me. I shake my head as I glare at him. He's just gotten cockier with old age.
"You kept the statue?" Bruce asked slightly aggravated.
"Of course!"
"You said you gave it up nine years ago."
"Can't we talk about this later?!" I snapped whipping my head around and glaring at him. No one said anything. Probably didn't know what to say.

I decided to head to bed, while the rest of them questioned Thomas to get some answers on where is son was going next.

~The Next Morning~
Helena's POV
I woke up at 9am and groggily made my way over to the nearest coffee machine, to find my husband, Daxton, already there with two cups of coffee. I smiled and took the cup from him. I was enjoying this peaceful silence until I heard arguing coming from my parents' bedroom. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"I'll be back." I promised giving my husband a kiss on the cheek.
"Bruce, it was years ago! It's one statue!" My mother argued.
"It maybe one statue to you, Selina, but you stole Gotham Museum property. It costs millions of dollars to replace!" My father replied. Mom scoffed and they continued arguing as I smirked, drinking my coffee.

{Damien's POV}
I went to get coffee, but then heard father and Selina arguing. I found Helena watching the scene and leaned up against the wall opposite of her.
"Trouble in paradise?" Helena asked with a smirk.
"NOT NOW HELENA!!!" They shouted in unison before going back to arguing.
"What are they arguing about?" I whispered to my half-sister.
"Over the Nine Lives Statue." She whispered back as we both drank our coffee.
"I'm going to the boardwalk where it's more quieter. Want to come with me?" Helena asks and I nod. I asked my wife, Hope, if she wanted to come, and she said yes. So Helena, Daxton, Hope and I all went to the boardwalk to relax in a quiet setting.

Scarlett's POV
I slammed the door on Aunt Barbara and Uncle Dick's hotel room and slowly slid down the door.
"Trying to get away from the arguing?" Aunt Steph guessed and I nodded quickly. She nodded in agreement as she gave me a sympathetic look. I turned my attention to mom and Aunt Barbara looking at Aunt Barbara's computer very intently.
"What are are doing?" I asked curiously as I slowly made my way over from the door.
"We're listening to the conversation your grandparents, Aunt Helena, and your uncles had with Catman." Aunt Barbara explained not looking up from the computer as Mom smiled at me, letting me sit next to her on the bed. I decided to listen too, surprisingly it drowned out the noise of my grandparents arguing. Catman talked about his son, who's name was Jonas. He also talked about where his son would be, but wouldn't explain what the item he wanted was. He gave some details, that it was cloak and had to do with the Egyptian gods. As I listened, mom went outside to stop my grandparents from fighting anymore, and it worked. As soon as she closed the door, it hit me. I realized what Catman was talking about.
"What if he's talking about the Cloak of Nefertiti?! The one that grants you Nine Lives!" I explained my theory and mom and my aunts gave each other a look.
"It could be possible." Aunt Barbara explained.
"Yeah. Defiantly. We'll track him down and see. When's his next heist?" Aunt Steph asked turning to Aunt Barbara.
"Tomorrow night." Aunt Barbara replied. Aunt Steph smirked.
"Well good news Scarlett, all of you will go on a mission!" Aunt Steph explained as I smiled in excitement. Our first jewelry heist! I'm so excited!!

~The next evening~

Aiden's POV
Scar told us her theory and it turns out she was right. Catman II was arrested, Thomas Blake checkout of the hotel and we could finally enjoy our vacation!

Author's Notes
Hey guys!
I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, or updated yesterday like I promised. I was busy with school and just life in general. Anyway, you may have noticed that we got a new cover. I want to thank dcgirlssociety for that. I really love them, and they're amazing! I also made a profile pic for myself. I decided I got bored of the young justice photo (even though I promised I would keep it til the DC streaming service comes out). This was also another one HopeWayne ideas that was written in July. I might use the other ideas that she gave me, but I don't know yet. So send me ideas if you guys can!! Also, isn't this amazing?! I actually updated and got it out on a Tuesday!! One final thing before I leave: This Book is coming to an end. It's been a long time coming. I might stop at forty five chapters. I'm starting to run out of ideas, and I think it's a sign (to be fair, I was going to end it anyway). I may or may not have a fourth book (that'll be a surprise😉). The ending will also shock you and possibly make you cry. Oh, and uh... I'm sorry that this chapter was awful! Seriously, it's bad😂
Bye! Remember to leave suggestions!!!

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