Chapter Twenty-Eight: Joker's Break-in

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*Before you ask, no, unfortunately, the Injustice League from YJ does not appear in this break in. I just put Joker breaking-in, but this video and photo came to mind as I wrote the title. Yes, I am writing down the chapters before I actually write the book before I forget. Plz! Do not judge me! Enough said!* I'm using the song Rockabye Baby by Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul and Anne-Marie. I unfortunately can't play it w/ lyrics from YT bc it's not working right. Oh, I don't know if you could tell, but I use songs for each chapter!😂 Anyway, instead enjoy this photo from my phone! :)

~Mount Justice, Living room~

We decided to compare our parents, see who was the worst of the worst... because we had nothing else to do. I guess?
"Ok, Theodosia, go!" Althea said pointing to me as we sat Criss Cross Applesauce on the floor of the living room.
"I have a mother who can manipulate people's emotions and a father who can shape shift into animal he wants-and he's green."
"I have a mother who is a White Martian from Mars and my father is a clone of Superman with human DNA from Lex Luthor." Celeste explains after me.
"I have a father who was beaten and bombed by the joker and brought back to life by the Lazarus Pit. My mother didn't speak her entire childhood." Scar explains.
"My father is a billionaire who is secretly the vigilante Green Arrow. My mother is the Black Canary who can do a sonic scream that knocks people out." Paige says drawing a figure eight with her finger out of boredom on the floor.
"My father is the second world's greatest detective and my mother was a failed robin." Honey explains speaking for her and her brother Aidan.
"I have two nearly indestructible parents. My father's a kryptonion and my mother's an Amazon." Althea explains.
"I have a mother who was a henchwoman for two insane speedsters and a father who is the opposite of the speedster Impulse." Erica explains.
"My father was an insane fanboy of the Flash." David adds.
"My father is the son of Wayne Enterprises' CEO, Lucious Fox. My mother is the first Batgirl who spends a lot of time with her aunt." Cosima explains, although reluctantly considering it's not very interesting.
"My father is obsessed with riddles." Robert replies.
"I have a mother who is the 2nd Batgirl, and later was shot by the Joker and my father was the first Robin who's parents died on the night of their performance." Janie explains.
"My mother is the daughter of the Batman and Catwomen and is heir to the richest family in Gotham's... "throne"? My father is the son of Hugo Strange." Birdie explained.
"My father is the fastest man alive." William says sounding bored. He then got up to get a snack.
"My parents are Green Arrow and Black Canary." Paige says.
"My mother is the villain Cheshire and my father is Red Arrow, the clone of Green Arrow's sidekick, Speedy. What a great life!" Lian says sarcastically and Paige takes her hand. Lian smiles back at Paige, they've become awfully close lately.
"I had a mother and a father who hated and loved each other at the same time."
"Wait what? How is that possible?" Honey asks.
"Well-its complicated!" Martin shouted getting defensive.
"Geez! Sorry!" Honey says putting her hands up in the air.
"My father is the grandson of the leader of the League of Assassins." Carmen explains.
"My mother and father are destined to be together for all eternity." Heather says sadly.
"Wait, really?" Carmen asks in disbelief.
"Yes. They get killed and then the cycle starts all over again." Heather replies sighing.
"My mother was the sidekick of Icon and my father is an Atlantian." Tula explains.
"I can top all of that! My father is a psychotic clown who made my mother fall in love with him." Everyone blinked and the entire room went silent.
"Ok, Lucy wins." Althea says.
"What?!" Most of us shout at Althea and then we start arguing.

👽Miss Martian's POV👽
"Hey Team! HEY!" I snap and they all jump and turn to me.
"Um... y-yes." Erica asks awkwardly trying to lean against the green couch to control her balance. I slightly look at her with concern and continue.
"Can you please be a little more quieter? I'm trying to find the Joker's location, so if you don't mind-" Before I can even finish they promise profusely to be quiet.
"Good... I hope you can keep that promise." I slightly mutter under my breath and go back to work.

~A few minutes later~

Scarlett's POV
We all start whispering quietly when suddenly we hear a noise coming from the main entrance.
"What was that?" Birdie asks terrified, the same as everyone else. We all creep into the main entrance only to find Miss Martian knocked out.
"Mom? Mom?!" Celeste calls in desperation as she tries to wake her mom up. We hear cackling in the distance, it could only mean one thing. Joker was here. And he wasn't leaving until we give him something he wants.
"You have something that I want." He says creepily from the shadows, the only thing to see is his eyes and that famous smile.
"W-what is it?!" Celeste asks nervously trying to protect her mother's unconscious body.
"To kill you all!" He explains coming into the light with a gun. A shiver goes down my spin. This man-no- psychopath was somehow Lucy's father, and killed my own.
"I'll start with you, dear Scarlett." He explains. A breath and exhale a slow, shaky breath.
"You know I remember killing your father, such a stubborn boy." He says with a laugh and that infamous smile.
"And your mother as well, being shot in her spine." He says turning to Janie, Derrick and Alexa. They look at him with wide and teary eyes.
"You're a MONSTER!!!" Janie cries out pointing her shaky finger at him as the siblings are huddled together.
"Such fools. I honestly have no time for this!" He shouts irritated.

Althea's POV✊🏻
I couldn't let this go on. My vision was clouded by tears from what Joker was saying. I knew where the communicator button was, it was used for interrogations when the Justice League wasn't available. I flicked it on. Hopefully they would get this.

(Lucy's POV)
"NOOO!!!" I shout putting myself in front of my father. His eyes slightly soften seeing me. He puts the gun down and then puts a few inches from my head realizing what he is doing.
"C- c'mon dad. You can't shoot me. I'm your- I-I'm your- I'm your daughter!" I say nervously smiling at the psychopath. He smirks, he's never done that before, and looks down at his gun.
"You're right, Lucy, you're right," he pauses and his expression changes as he puts the gun back where it was, "I just haven't tried!" I am frozen to the spot and look at him wide eyed with terror.
"So which one of you should I kill first?" He asks pointing his gun around the room. A miracle then happens, as a red arrow flies past me and hits his gun.
"AHHH!!" My dad shouts in agony. We all then turn to the entrance door as the Justice League and the Batfamily come in. He is arrested and one question remains: Who shot the arrow?
"I did it." Lian says stepping out of the shadows with a guilty look on her face. She then turns to me.
"Luc, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" I interrupt her by hugging her.

Lian's POV🏹
I am shocked at first, but then smile and hug Luc back.
"You should thank Althea too. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have known that all of you were in danger." Beast boy announces and Scar goes over to hug Althea, and so does Luc. However, Janie seemed less than pleased.
"How can you all celebrate at a time like this?!" She snaps at us.
"What do you mean?" Althea asks losing her smile.
"You all heard what he said about my mom!!!" Janie shouts before leaving the room.
"Janie!!" Ax shouts and waves Derrick to follow her after her. Nightwing then leaves to talk to them. Poor Jan...

Author's Notes
My first full week of summer!! I also think I made Joker pretty terrifying. I don't know! What do you guys think? Also I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever!! As you know this book is on hold along with many others, so I'm really sorry!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also I was wondering, I found this superhero template from Divineart and I don't know how to put everything like name, stats, etc in, does anyone know how?? If you do please tell me!! (I don't want to have to do it on the computer!)

An example:


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