Chapter Twenty: The Reverse Flash's Daughter

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~Mount Justice~
Adian's POV
"TEAM! Get in here quick!"
"AH!!" Miss Martian looks at down at me from hovering as I fall from two speedsters flying past me!
"Haha, sorry dude!" William said scratching his head as David laughed his head off beside him.
"You're both dead to me..." I explain as they help me.
"*Ahem* Gentlemen? Could we get back to task at hand!"
"Yes..." We mutter.
"Good. Now you are going after a very high profile criminal."
"Uh... Red Hood?" I guess smirking and Scar glares at me.
"Joker?" My sister guesses. Miss Martian shakes her head.
"Reserve Flash."
"What?!" David exclaims and we look at him.
"Uh, I mean... sorry... I've never caught a speedster before... lived with one but-"
"Aw! It's ok bud, he can't catch two speedsters!" William explained wrapping his arm around David. David slightly smiled and shrugged.
"Yeah.. I guess." We all exchanged glances as we headed for the bio ship.


Honey's POV
"Ah!!! Get away!!! Who is this girl?!" Will shouts at David.
"Maybe it was a bad idea to stay in the bio-ship?" I suggest.
"Erm... we already... ugh... tried! That girl... is way to fast!!" Althea exclaims groaning after "Reserve Flash's sidekick" beat us! At least that's what she was called... we've got know idea what her name is. All I know is she's got red hair... this seems to be a running trend with speedsters... *bart allen, wally west, barry allen. I could be wrong, correct me if I am!*

⚡️William's POV⚡️
"No... stop!! Please! Listen to me! It's me, Erica! It's David! You're brother!! I'm sorry, but I have to take you in, I'm sorry!" I stop from speeding around this "Erica". They're siblings?! How?! My head hurts just thinking about it!

~Mount Justice, Computer Room~

Scarlett's POV
We finally caught this girl in a cage. The Justice League was there too. Apparently she was really dangerous. I can sort of see why considering she was working with Reverse Flash.
"I thought you said you wouldn't go back to him?" David asked the girl.
"You think I wanted to, David?!" There was a bit of silence.
"Mom would be alive if you hadn't gotten out of our hiding place. They wouldn't have killed her." David explained and the girl stood up, speeding over to him. Somehow, he knew she would do it and put his hand up to stop her fist.
"Grr!!! Why won't you ever let me win this!!!"
"Because you should know that you never win this, Erica!" David shouted.
"You two know each other?" Miss Martian asked interrupting them. They stopped fighting looked at the floor.
"We're siblings." David said glancing up at her.
"Half-siblings." Erica added glancing up at Miss Martian as well.
"You have the same mother."
"We did. My father shot her in the head." Erica explained looking at the League.
"Well, it says here that your mother was Alex Murphy." Miss Martian explains going over to the computers. They both nod crossing their arms and leaning against the cave's wall.
"I'm sorry to ask this," Miss Martian went on, "but, what happened to you two?" David glanced at his half-sibling urging her to tell the tale.
"Our mom was a henchwoman for both Reserve Flash and Inertia. She got pregnant both times. She thought she could sell us for money," our eyes went wide and Erica continued, "that didn't though cause our mother loved us too much to give us up. She quit her life and we moved the countryside." Miss Martian went over to the computer and looked up a recording police had found, the recording of their mother's murder.
"That recording was from when we were playing with recorders acting like TV interviewers with mom." Erica explained.

"Go into my room!"
"But why mom? We want to stay here!" Erica begged.
"No! Just go upstairs! Ok?" Their mother replied nervously.
"Ok... ok."
"Where are they?!"
"Our children!!! Give them to us now! You will pay for this! I uh, could make up to you..."
"Don't touch me!"
"Aw, c'mon baby, you have to have some feelings still left for us..." Inertia's voice rang out, probably grabbing her chin. I glanced over at Cosima as she covered her ears in disgust. I don't blame her! Who knew they could be such pigs! (*To be honest, I don't feel right about putting this in either, but I did, so...*)
"Both of you!! Shut up! I don't care! Don't you dare ask if I loved you both once!!! All right! I admit it I loved you both so much! But that was then, this is now! I wanted to sell them, but I couldn't! It was too hard seeing their eyes and their smiles..."
"I'm sorr-"
"Don't touch me! Neither of you care!! I'm not giving them to you!!"
"That's too bad..."
"M-mom? What's going on? Who are these people?"
"E-Erica. They're no one. They're just- AH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, EOBARD?!" Their mother shouted terrified.
"Sorry, sweetheart but all good things must come to an end, it's a shame we'll have to see you go..."
"N-NO!!! PLEASE NO!!!"
"Shoot her!!!"
"NO!!! MOM!!!? WHO ARE YOU?! WHY DID YOU MONSTERS DO THAT?!" Erica cried. I glanced over at them. They just looked at the floor. I couldn't tell, they might have been teary eyed.
"I'm your father. My name is Reverse Flash. I am wanted in at least 64 states. You will come with me or be killed."
*End of Recording*

Birdie's POV
"I'm sorry for your loss." Miss Martian explained to them with sympathy. They glanced up at her with puffy eyes.
"We... we don't even know if she's alive..."
"You two can stay here as long as you want."

~One week later~

Cosima's POV
"Team! Get in here! We've got a mission."

~Central City Harbor~

We were at Central City Harbor. It was so quiet... too quiet. Like Gotham quiet.
"HELP!!" A voice shouted and Erica and David raced off. We knew one thing. This was their battle and they knew who they were fighting for.

Erica's POV💛
My brother and I sped off. It wasn't supposed to be possibly and yet we heard our mother's voice... how? She has died... I thought.
"Well, look who finally showed up!" Inertia said bitterly. I looked behind them. I couldn't believe it! It was our own mother! She didn't say anything and didn't look up at us.
"Give us our mother back!" I said enraged.
"Not if you can't catch us."
"We'll see about that." My brother challenged confidently. We sped around them for what seemed like forever.


David's POV💚
"M-mom?! How are you her-"
"Thank you for saving me, but I can't stay." Mom interrupts.
"I went into witness protection. I can't see you and my identity will have to be changed again. I'm sorry. I love you both so much! Remember to take care of each other ok?" She said resting her warm hands on our cold cheeks and her red wispy hair flapped a bit in the wind. She then turned towards the League.
"Please. Take care of my kids. They're all my joy."
"Of course we will." Tigress replied.
"Thank you." She said kissing our heads and we both gave her a hug before she got into a witness protection car and drove off.
"Hey, you ok?" Tula asks coming over. I shrug and she rests her head on my shoulder and I glance over at her and smile. I may never see my mom again, but... at least I have something else to look forward too...

Author's POV
Chapter's done! Next one will be up next Saturday, I hope! And yes, I hinted at Tula and David being in a relationship because I just thought that it would be an adorable idea and it's a fanfic so I can do whatever I want😊

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