Chapter Twenty-Three: Crisis (P1)

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~Wayne Manor, Batcave~

Tim's POV
"Oh god." I say looking up at the screen. "No! this is not happening!!" Helena shouts beside me placing her hands on her neck and looking up towards the sky. Normally Cass is calm put she was beginning to cry, fearing the thought of leaving our children.
"Do you think we'll have to leave?" Damian asks Bruce in concern. He looked up at the monitor.
"What choice do we have?"

~Gotham Academy~

Scarlett's POV
I walk out of school, fumbling with my backpack when I looked up at the school entrance to find Paige and Black Canary standing in front of me.
"Hi... what are you two doing here?" I asked curiously.
"I can't really explain this now, but what you need to know is that you will have to stay with us for a few weeks. You're parents... have gone away for a while." Black Canary explains.
"Why?" I ask curiously.
"There's not time to explain." Paige says quickly. I look at both of them and then nod still so unsure of the decision that I've just made.

~Later~ (I just realized throughout this series I couldn't just wrote time skip, but whateves! XD)

Scarlett's POV
I lied on "my" bed when my phone started to ring.

Scar's Ringtone (just imagine a modern version!):

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Aka: my own ringtone :)

"Derrick? Is that you?"
"Yeah. Who else would call you form this number?" I rolled my eyes.
"Why are you calling me?" I ask curiously.
"I just wanted to see how you were doing."
"Aw! Thanks. I'm doing... well, y'know, ok considering the circumstances. Where are you?"
"I'm at Holly's house. You know, Grandma's friend/Aunt Helena's aunt?"
"Oh yeah! God, we haven't seen her since we were, what? Like, seven?"
"Nine." Janie's voice corrected over the phone.
"Janie! Are you spying on me?!" Derrick asks his sister after being spooked.
"Maybe. I thought you two would actually flirt with each other, so I'm a little disappointed. Anyway," she continues as though that was so casual, "I need to talk to her. Put it on speaker." She urges Rick.
"Fine." He grumbles.
"So... what's up?"
"I've got a plan. We all need to go down to Wayne Manor to see what's up."
"Ok? Why?"
"Cuz, why would they just leave us without telling where they were going?"
"My sister's point is, will you help or not?" That was defiantly Alexa's voice.
"Hm... I'll think about it." I explain hanging up.


Birdie's POV
"Remind me again, how we all agreed to this. Second, why are we in the diner?" I ask sipping the last piece of my strawberry milkshake.
"I don't know! We just... uh, agreed!" Carmen said stretching her arm to grab one of Adian's fries. I smirk and then turn to Carmen.
"I meant Janie!"
"Oh, sorry." She replied slightly annoyed.
"We're meeting in the diner so that our "caretakers" or whatever, don't act suspicious!" She explained coming back from filling up her soda only to leave Scar in confusion and looking around. Derrick put his arm on the table.
"I didn't say to stop." Scar said going back to normal and looking at Derrick. He replaced his arm over her shoulder.
"Whining." Honey muttered while drinking her Sprite.
"You're whining, Scar. Stop it! Stop acting like a baby!" Honey scolded her and Alexa laughed at Hon being all motherly.
"I'm sorry." Scar mumbled pouting.
"Wait, a minute, Janie. We're the children of the Batfamily! You really think they are not going to be suspicious? I mean most of them are superheroes." I whisper the last part aware of people staring at us... again. People keep staring at us. It doesn't make sense. They can't know that we're the sons and daughters of the protectors of Gotham... can they?
"Oh, please Lil' Bird! They won't if they know we're here!" Janie explains snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I guess." I reply shrugging and nodding.
"Well, what are we waiting for, then?" Adian says impatiently. Janie nods and we each pay a small fee and leave the restaurant.

{Adian's POV}
"Ugh!! This stupid key won't work!" Scar says wiggling the door in frustration.
"Here let me try." I offer. Scar pouts and then I open the door.
"How did you do that?" Alexa asks with wide eyes, impressed.
"I didn't become the second world's greatest detective's son for nothing." I reply.
"I don't understand what that means, but great job!!" Carmen says clapping her hands and kissing me on the cheek.
"Quite with the gloating, Adian and let us in! It's freezing out here! And I could've sworn it was Spring!" My sister complains and I groan opening the door.
"Ok, let's go down to the Batcave, see what we can find and then go back to where we came from before they notice. Got it?" Janie asks still trying to warm her hands and we all nod heading down to the Batcave.


Cosima's POV
"I don't see anything!"
"Well, keep looking!" Scar replies. I nod quickly and then glance up at the Batcomputer.
"Hey, what about the computer?" They all look at me and then Honey rushes over hacking the system.
"I've hacked the motion sensors." She explained with a smile. (It doesn't make sense, but I wanted to put the YJ reference in anyway! XD)
"Is... is that good?" I ask. She nods cheerfully and then goes back to "serious business".
"Ta da!" She exclaims and we all congratulate her.
"Wait," Rick says and points to the computer. We all look at in horror.
"That's why they left." Janie mutters in shock and awe.

Gotham knows who you are... the name... WAYNE.

Author's POV
Hi!😸 Happy Earth Day BTW🌎! Sorry but this is a... cliffhanger😈 Basically the Batfamily left without their children bc the entire city of Gotham now knows who they are😱
Anyway, I may do the next chapter today, I may do it tommrow. Or yah know never do it again (in other words, won't complete it until MUCH later!)
Happy Earth Day, again ;)🌎

BTW, this is Holly:

Holly as Catgirl:

Holly as Catwomen:

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