Chapter 4- Side By Side

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Stan's POV
Kyle was able to stay the night in the hospital with me. The doctor and nurse knew I needed someone who was close to me to be near me. Kyle slept pretty hard. I got about 4 hours of sleep. I couldn't stop getting the image of me getting arrested out of my head. Getting taken away from Kyle would send me into insanity like I said before. Not the insanity I go into when I'm around him. That insanity is healthy. After falling asleep at 1:36 AM, I woke back up at 3:33. The clock was next to the mounted TV on the wall. The other hour and a half (approximately) of sleep took place from 4:54 AM to around 6:34 AM. The clock was facing me the whole time. Any second my eyes opened I was able to look up and see it. I kept glancing at Kyle next to me. I brushed a few wavy hairs away from his face and kissed his forehead. He woke up at 7:01 AM. I had been up. My phone screen was cracked from the crash. Daniel owes me some serious money. How hard is it to leave me alone? "You haven't gotten much sleep have you?" I guess the 2 semi-dark circles under my eyes were noticeable.

"No," I sighed while setting my phone on the small table next to my side of the bed, "You slept pretty good though." I said. "Yeah this bed is comfy." Kyle turned on his side to face me since he'd been facing the other way while he was sleeping. My arm was around him the whole time even while I was awake. I moved closer to him in the bed. My thumb grazed over his cheekbone. He smiled and kissed me. I took it happily by kissing back. What I was hoping for was no call from the cops saying I had to go down to the station. I was just in a car crash, can I just lay down with my boyfriend please? I hooked my arm around Kyle's waist. His green eyes gazed back into mine. "Do you need anything?" He asked kindly. "Yeah, like a thousand more pain pills." I sighed and pressed the red button on the bed to notify the nurse to come into the room. She came in a few minutes later. "Good morning, boys. What can I get you, Stan?" she asked me. "More pain pills please." I said.

"I can raise your daily dose to 2 a day but I can't go any higher. You can take them now if you want." She went into the locked cabinet and grabbed the big pill bottle. I swallowed them both down at once with the water she brought in last night. "Anything else?" She asked. "When's breakfast?" I've been hungry since 4 AM, but I didn't want the nurse to come in because Kyle would've woken up. He had been sleeping so peacefully. "We usually don't do it till 9 or 10 but I can go see if there's anything ready. What do you want?" The nurse asked me. "I could eat anything, whatever's there." I responded. When I meant I was hungry I wasn't lying. When she came back with a bowl of cereal and toast I plowed it down within 2 minutes. I let Kyle eat some with me. "I'm still hungry." I said. "How long have you been up?" Kyle wondered.

"Didn't fall asleep till about 1:30, woke up at 3, went back to bed around 4 and woke up around 6:30." He cocked his head to the side with that look of "You need sleep" I just laid back down after Kyle moved the breakfast tray onto the table. He'd been helping me a lot. Any time I needed something he got it for me or got something away from me when I was done. It'd only been a night of me being here but Kyle was still a big help. One reason of the infinitive that I love him. No call from the cops yet. Nice. Needing this to be all over with was a strong want of mine. It grew every single time I remembered it.

The crash, the pain, seeing Kyle walk into the room, going down to the police station, and then Kyle telling me it was Daniel who caused all this. That part stabbed me hard in the chest. Somehow, I managed to fall back asleep. Kyle cuddled up next to me. I had dreamed of moving in with Kyle and his Aunt Fiona. I was happy and felt much safer than being at home for some odd reason. My mom and I have a good mother-son relationship. Me and my dad do argue a lot, mostly about weed. We'll get into it about who's getting the supply or who has raps to roll joints. It's all pretty ridiculous to be completely honest. I've stopped smoking weed, for awhile at least. I've been busy with school and trying to comprehend the torture of not seeing Kyle a lot. It's not dramatic.

Going from seeing him every day to only a couple nights a week is a change. I'd spend the night sometimes but for the most part I haven't. My mom likes to have me home to do chores and be ready for school the next day. She knows it's been hard for me with adjusting to not seeing Kyle as much. She's been helpful and always tells me she's here to talk if I'm up for it. I always say thanks. My dad and I haven't exactly talked about Kyle. He doesn't hate him. I think he's just shocked that I'm gay and in a relationship with my best friend of most of my life. He asks about him every now and then. He still talks to Gerald. Kind of pisses me off but he's an adult and gets to make his own decisions like who he talks to and hangs out with. I still can't imagine having parents like Sheila and Gerald.

Getting trapped in my room would set off my anger, badly. I've been told to go to anger management by many, even Kyle. He's said it in arguments or just as a joke or in a simple conversation that involves it. After my happy dream of living with my boyfriend, a fight that me and Kyle had replayed as a dream. That can actually happen apparently. A few things were different. Like where we had the fight. We had it at his house but in the dream it was at mine. My room was rearranged differently. I was wearing a different color sweatshirt and Kyle was wearing jeans instead of the pajama pants he wore in the reality of the argument. The whole thing happened over me letting myself get pushed around by Holly. Kyle was sick of it and yelled at me. The dream did a pretty good job of playing out what happened.

"You let this happen to yourself! You're not a fucking dog, Stan. Get off her leash for Christ's sake!" Kyle speaks loudly. He's standing in front of me on my bedroom floor. "I'm not on a leash! I don't want any more drama with her." I say without yelling. "How much longer do you plan on dating her? She's turned you into something your not!" Kyle says. "She's not always bitchy. It's none of your fucking business anyway so why are you concerned?" I yell at last. "Because I'm your best friend, dumbass! I care about you and seeing you getting walked all over hurts because you're only doing it to yourself to let this keep going on." Kyle gets closer to me. "I DO NOT LET MYSELF GET WALKED OVER SO STOP SAYING THAT! YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE YOU KNOW THAT KYLE? QUIT TALKING ABOUT HOLLY FOR GOD'S SAKE! LET IT GO ALREADY!" I scream in his face, anger flowing in waves through my voice and my eyes. Kyle pushes me. He does it again, a lot harder this time around. I push him harder than he pushed me, both times included. He hits the wall. I walk up, my lips a few inches from his. We're glaring at each other for several seconds before I finally just threw myself into kissing him. He kissed back forcefully. The anger came out in the kiss. We both wanted it nonetheless.

That's when I woke up in panic. Sweat covered my forehead. I slowly took my sweatshirt off, raising my arms hurt all over. I felt as if I was burning up. Kyle was still asleep on his side. He'd been facing me the entire length of my dream. Leaving the hospital sounded like a good idea. I couldn't just leave though. My parents were notified but still hadn't shown up yet. Funny thing I had thought about them, because my mom walked in the door 10 seconds later. "Stan oh my god you look awful!" My mom was appalled at my appearance. The dark under-eye circles, my cuts and my bruises didn't look great. "Thanks mom." I said sarcastically. "We were here last night but you had gone to the police station." My mom told me. Kyle woke up at the sound of our voices. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Marsh." He sat up. "Hi Kyle. Thank you for being here with Stan. It means a lot to us and to him." My mom looked relieved that I wasn't dead. I was relieved too.

I wasn't ready to die. Since Kyle's alive I want to be alive too. "Holy shit!" My dad suddenly walked in seeing my face. "It's really that bad?" I looked over at Kyle. He shook his head and slung an arm around my shoulders. My mom pulled up a chair near the bedside and my dad sat on the couch near the window. It was nice having a private room. Lots more room than I needed but I'm still grateful. "I'm sorry this happened." My mom looked at me with hurt eyes like it was her fault. "It wasn't your fault mom. We know who did it." I let her know that we were aware of who tried to kill me. "Someone did it on purpose?" My mom asked surprisingly. "When we went to that camp this kid named Daniel tried to get with Kyle and he was jealous of me. He tried shooting me when you and me had first gotten there." I explained about what Daniel did and why he did what he did.

My mom seemed to want to cry. I saw her glance at Kyle. "Kyle, can we talk to Stan alone for a minute please?" What the fuck why? Kyle left the room like my mom asked. "Don't be mad at me okay Stan? But in a way it's almost like Kyle let this guy come after you." She was not speaking these words. How dare she! How motherfucking dare she! Kyle didn't do a damn thing wrong! "Kyle saved my fucking life that day I almost got shot! Don't you ever fucking say he would let someone try to hurt me!" I yelled at her furiously. "Stanley! Watch who you're talking to!" My mother shot back. "Kyle loves me and would do nothing but try to keep me safe. You and you are NOT going to fuck up this relationship, do you hear me?" I looked at both my mom and my dad. They looked stunned at what I had thrown into their ears. I'm not letting anyone talk shit about my boyfriend like that. He's nothing but kind and sweet to me.

"We'll have to see what medication you're being given. It's making you act out terribly!" My mom stood up from her seat in the chair. My dad placed a hand on my mom's shoulder and led her out of the hospital room. Kyle returned from outside. "2 glares from both of them." Kyle told me. "Fuck them, I'm not living with them if they're gonna seriously blame what Daniel did on you." I wasn't going to stay under the same roof with two people who think my boyfriend caused my 2 almost-deaths. He saved me from the first one. He couldn't of done anything for this one. It's okay though, because I'm breathing again. I'm alive. "I'm sorry." Kyle apologized for...what the hell was he apologizing for? "Why? You didn't do anything wrong" I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to sit on the bed we'd both been previously lying in.

"Just...from the beginning. Saying I wanted to hide our relationship which I of course did not. Not coming out here to see you during the week more. I'm just so-" "Don't even blame yourself. That's all in the past, Ky. What's happening now is right now." I didn't want Kyle dwelling on mistakes made in the past. It was a waste of time. We all make mistakes. Kyle's human, I'm human. If I do end up going to live with Kyle, I know I'll be seriously happy.

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