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Name: G4o5T (ID #64057) (aka Ghost) (real name: Anri Casper)
Age: physically 17; 20 years old
Gender: male
Orientation: panromantic demisexual
Family: mother (deceased)
Powers/skills: Can turn invisible, intangible, and has access to certain kinds of ethereal energies. (It's a bit finicky to control, though) He's had six years of conditioning as a gladiator, and as such is a pretty skilled fighter in many different areas of combat. However, he doesn't really like to fight unless necessary, and will generally just choose to phase away. He has a metal prosthetic right arm and his mask is technologically based to help him maintain a corporeal, physical presence in this realm and to help him control his powers
Affiliation: Gladius (against his will) and eventually FADE
Relationship Status: none

Anri Casper was only 11 years old when he and his mother were in a terrible car accident during a cross country road trip. Terribly wounded and out in the middle of nowhere, Anri was convinced this was the end. He lost consciousness due to blood loss and pain, and when he came to, people were pulling him out of the wreckage. He thought they were saved. Then he watched one of them rip a piece of shrapnel off the car and drive it into his mother's chest, finishing her off...

Six years had passed since Anri was pulled from the wreckage. In that time, he'd been forcibly trained and conditioned to fight for the amusement of his captors. The operation was known as Gladius. Over the years since the start of their organization, they've kidnapped kids and teens, taken orphans off the streets, and conditioned them for their games. Most of those in captivity get experimented on, be it for the amusement of the fights, or for the simple need of a guinea pig. Anri was one of those kids. It was in one of these fights that Anri's arm was so badly wounded it was replaced with a robotic prosthetic.

At the age of 17, he was used as a test subject for a project regarding ethereal energy. Gladius wanted to harness the seemingly unlimited supply of the powerful energy, and as such we're working on ways to breach into the ethereal realm. Once they opened a breach big enough, they sent Anri in to see if it would be safe to send scouts in to harvest it. However, things went very wrong very fast, and Anri will never be the same because of it.

Overwhelmed with ethereal energy and practically frayed between the realms, Anri was a presence with no physical form. In an attempt to remedy the situation, Gladius fashioned technology to help keep Anri corporeal and keep his form focused in this realm, as opposed to the ethereal. The technology is based in his mask, which is why he wears it at almost all times. He can use his powers on command, but they also tend to act up without his consent, causing him to hardly ever be completely corporeal.

Despite it all, Ghost really does try to be a good guy. When he's not in the gladiator ring, that is... Outside of the fights, G405t is generally friendly with the other captives, and tries to maintain positivity. It isn't always clear though, as he is quick with smart retorts and sarcasm and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.

Comment your form if you want to roleplay with 64057!

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