Amun and Anu

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(These characters maaaaaayyyy or may not have been hardcore inspired by the music above... XD)

Name: Amun-Ra (goes by Amun)
Age: 22
Gender: male
Orientation: straight
Family: orphan, Anubis (brother)
Powers/Abilities: fire manipulation and resistance, the ability to shift into a Phoenix bird, can use Egyptian spells, can heal wounds (to a certain extent) and can empower others (sort of boosts their power level with his supporting light)
Affiliation: himself and his brother (eventually FADE)
Relationship Status: single

Name: Anubis (goes by Anu)
Age: 20
Gender: male
Orientation: homosexual
Family: orphan, Amun-Ra (brother)
Powers/Abilities: can use Egyptian spells, can cast a sort of fake "judgement day" upon people. It gives the sense of having your soul weighed, bringing forth guilt and sin in your mind and often serving to disorient or even sometimes mentally unhinge people. Can shift into a white jackal, and will, on occasion, get a strange feeling around someone that usually ends up dying within the next week or two. (This isn't very often. He doesn't use his powers as much as his brother. The only one he usually uses is the jackal and spells)
Affiliation: himself and his brother (eventually FADE)
Relationship Status: taken

Orphans since birth, Amun and his brother can't remember a time when they weren't on their own. For years, they didn't even have names. They lived off of scraps, growing up in and around ancient tombs and pyramids. They avoided civilization for a while, their only real interaction being with the occasional archeologist or tourist. It seemed a miracle that the two children were surviving on their own, and as stories spread, the boys themselves began to meld with the myths and legends they lived among.

After a particular story about a man trying to rob them of what little they had being attacked by a phoenix and white jackal, the brothers were given their names; Amun-Ra and Anubis. Most people considered it to be some running joke, the natives having a little bit of fun with their local orphans, but as time went on and their infamy grew, some people started considering that the occurrences might be more than just coincidence.

While the brothers don't consider themselves to be any sort of ancient gods incarnate, they'll sometimes play along, as it helps to get money in their pockets and food in their stomachs.

Amun and Anu eventually move to America, and will do almost any job if it pays enough. Growing up without even having a real name to call your own can sort of mess with your view of the world...

However, they aren't afraid to back out of a job if it's get to a point they don't agree with. They can seem rude at times, and possibly even full of themselves, but they're fiercely loyal, and are more lost in life than they would ever admit. Once you get them to trust you, they can be a lot of fun to be around.

Amun is more hotheaded out of the two of them, and is more likely to get into a fight. Anu isn't afraid to fight, and is still quite the force to be reckoned with, he's simply more easy going and fun loving. He also seems to care about his clothes/fashion a great deal more than Amun. It's something the older one will tease about, but he knows what's taking it too far. He and his brother are extremely close, and messing with one of them means messing with both of them, so be careful who you're messing around with.

There's definitely more to these two than meets the eye.

Comment your form to role play with our favorite Egyptian brothers!

And yes, I know Ra's animal or whatever is technically a falcon. But you know what? I think a large fire bird with the power of revival works just as well. If not better. XD XD

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