Noven & Lucas

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A/N: the pic at the top is the only reference I have for them... so we'll put them in this chapter together XD XD

(Boy on the right)
Name: Noven Peters
Age: 18
Gender: male
Orientation: homosexual
Family: used to consider the gang Terror his family. No longer
Powers/Abilities: he's skilled in combat and quick on his feet
Affiliation: used to be with Terror, now he's unaffiliated
Relationship Status: taken

(Boy on the left)
Name: Lucas Ivro
Age: 18
Gender: male
Orientation: homosexual
Family: mother deceased, father is the CEO of IvroCorp
Powers/Abilities: he was a part of the lacrosse team at school, and enjoys physical activities
Affiliation: unaffiliated
Relationship Status: taken

Noven was homeless until a local gang took him in off the streets at the age of eight. The gang raised him, and quickly became his family. As their infamy grew, so did their power, and soon the group was known in the city, and in cities around them, as Terror.

Lucas was raised in a simple household with his mother and father. His mother died in a car accident when he was twelve, and it only served to bring the remaining family closer. He was top of his class, and nearly everyone at school knew him. He's friendly, considerate, and isn't afraid to crack a few jokes. He and his family were well known, due their father being the CEO and founder of IvroCorp, a large technology and weapon manufacturing company that was known and revered throughout the world. Despite the workload, his father always tried to make time for his family, even if the effort was usually unsuccessful.

Noven, nickname Nova, became an important member of Terror. His skills earned him respect, while his modesty and unwavering loyalty earned him friends. Terror was like one big, dysfunctional family, but it was a family nonetheless, and it was all Nova had ever known. He wouldn't want it to change. That is...until he met Lucas.

After a hit on the CEO's house resulted in Lucas as a hostage, Noven started to realize that the lengths the gang would go to weren't sitting well with his conscience. Lucas's father would do anything to get him back, but he was also faced with the fact that if he handed IvroCorp over like Terror wanted, then the safety of the world would be compromised...

Terror got as much out of Lucas as they could, demanding money and certain equipment. The CEO did what he could, unable to bear the videos sent to him of his son undergoing various tortures.

When Terror demanded he hand over IvroCorp to them, he was faced with a difficult decision. His son, or the world.

Displeased with the length of his hesitation, Terror decided they would execute Lucas on live TV to make a point to the rest of the world what would happen if they were tested. If it meant they didn't get IvroCorp, so be it. They could wait for another opportunity.

It wasn't until the gun was pressed against Lucas' head that Noven finally snapped. He set off an explosion to distract the others, then grabbed Lucas and ran, his mask falling off in the process. (Terror members wore masks to hide their identities around people not inside the gang)

Now wanted by the gang for betrayal, and the police for participating in the gang, Noven is on the run. Wounded by the explosion/panicked gunfire of the gang, wanted by Terror, and declared dead on national television, Lucas sticks with Noven.

Noven lives with the guilt at having not saved him sooner, and also being part of the reason Lucas has PTSD from his time as a captive. Lucas wants him to forgive himself, but he knows Noven never truly will.

Lucas has a small stutter due to slight brain damage during the explosion, but it only shows up occasionally, and he and Noven are working on it, so he's getting better.

Noven has a few scars on his body from his time in the gang, as well as a tattoo that runs up his spine and peeks out over his shoulder.

To Noven, cussing is a part of his every day language. Lucas doesn't like it when Noven cusses, and will usually give him the stink eye if he does.

Noven and Lucas obviously like each other, but they haven't quite admitted it yet. Sometimes they'll hold hands or cuddle, but they claim it's simply for comfort, or because it's cold, or to help with Lucas' PTSD.

Yeah, sure, guys. I'll believe that when cows fly ;)

Roleplay with one, or roleplay with both! It's up to you! Just fill out the short form and let me know if you want to RP with Noven, Lucas, or both!

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