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It wasn't what Jimin had expected it to be.

There was definitely aspects about it that aligned with the stereotypes: bright white clouds beneath them, angels floating by with golden halos above their heads, and sun rays beaming down on them all. What Jimin hadn't expected, was that there was basically an entire city built out of marble and gold, skyscrapers making him feel extremely tiny.

It was luxurious, and he definitely felt out of place.

"I don't really know what I was planning when I brought you here to be honest." Jungkook sighed, arms still cradling Jimin. "If I put you down you'll fall back to earth because you're not holy." He paused. "That's what happened to Lucifer."

Jimin nodded, looking up at Jungkook's face. He still was in absolute awe over how beautiful he was. The sun rays doused Jungkook in a golden glow, silver sparkles shifting in the light and shimmering against his cheekbones. For some reason, his heart sank the longer he observed the angel. Maybe it was because that he knew that Jungkook would lose absolutely everything if he continued to sacrifice for them.

He looked down at the clouds below them, wispy layers of white shielding them from the earth below. "What's that look on your face?"

Jimin exhaled sadly, looking back up into Jungkook's eyes again. They were pools of molten silver, both mysterious and inviting at the same time.

"I think..." He paused. "I think I don't want you to do this." He spoke softly, watching as Jungkook's face fell. "Can I explain why?"

Jungkook opened his mouth as if to say something but quickly closed it, shutting his eyes and nodding. "What did you expect to happen when you brought me up here? That God was going to pity me? I'm Lucifer's son, it's not going to happen." He sighed. "I don't want to have to keep fighting. I love you with my entire being, but I don't want you to keep hurting yourself for me."

Jimin brought his hand up to Jungkook's face as he noticed tears well up in the angel's eyes, pooling in his tear ducts. "I will always love you. Always. But we just keep self destructing over and over. We get peace for what? A few weeks at most? I don't want to live in fear of losing you all the time, and I know that you don't either."

"I've been doing it for so long I've just accepted it." Jungkook whispered. "I have to fight for you. That's how it's been since the beginning, that's how it'll always be."

The silver in his eyes had dulled into a slate grey and his wings drooped - it was a look of defeat. "You don't want to fight for me? And you're deciding that now? When we got this far?" A tear slipped down his cheek, looking like molten gold as the sunlight hit it.

Jimin shook his head, smoothing his thumb against Jungkook's cheek and wiping away the tear.

"It's not that. It's just that I know that it's never going to get easier for us. We were doomed from the start." He sighed. "I'd die for you again, but I just don't want to see you get hurt again." Jimin could feel tears well up in his own eyes as well, his heart sinking as the words he spoke felt strangely final. He had spoken too many goodbyes as of recent, and never imagined that Jungkook would be one of them. "I love you. I'll never find anyone else who could possibly compare to you, but I just can't watch you suffer because of me anymore. Too much of our relationship has just been tears and pain. I've hardly had time to enjoy your presence without fear looming over me."

Jungkook's grip on Jimin tightened as he squeezed his eyes shut, more tears leaking onto his skin.

"So what are you trying to say?" He breathed. "After all we've been through now you're going to leave? Now? As we're at the final step? Jimin I can fix this for us, I know I can." He was desperate, trying so hard to convince Jimin that what he was saying was wrong. They could prevail, he knew they could.

Jimin shook his head, looking away from Jungkook to admire the gleaming city ahead of them.

"You don't know, that's the problem." He sighed. "Think about this logically, do you really, really, think that God is going to accept the fact that you brought a former demon up here? Let alone one that you were supposed to destroy?" He sniffled. "I can't even live up here without you carrying me everywhere. Did you expect him to grant me wings? Me? Of all people?"

Jimin looked down again, the swirling clouds staring right back at him. "He's going to make you stay here, and I can't. I wanted to believe that it would work, but now that we're actually here..." He shook his head. "I'm sorry Jungkook."

Jimin felt a few of Jungkook's tears drip onto his neck.

"Please, Jimin." Jungkook cried. "How are you so accepting about leaving me?"

"Because being here and looking at you.." Jimin sighed. "You belong here. I don't. I'm sorry." He looked back up at Jungkook, leaning up to plant a kiss against his cheek. "You know I'll always love you. I died for you, and I'll do it again."

It was when he spoke these words that Jimin's internal thoughts became confirmed, he didn't want to do it, but he knew it had to be done. Jungkook and him couldn't live in heaven together, but heaven was where Jungkook belonged. There was no way around it.

And so, it was final.

Jimin planted one last kiss on Jungkook's lips, relishing in the sweetness for one last moment. While the angel was distracted, he managed to wriggle free from his grip. Just as Jungkook has promised, the clouds didn't cushion him as he slipped out of Jungkook's arms - he fell straight through them.

Falling was scary, but maybe the look of terror on Jungkook's face before he slipped through the clouds was scarier. He knew the angel wouldn't give up, but he hoped deep in his heart that he would. Jimin loved him. He wasn't leaving because he wanted to, it was because after what felt like centuries together, he finally came to terms with the fact that they were doomed.

The wind whipped through his hair, cold night air clawing at his skin as he fell further and further from heaven, and from the one he loved the most. He knew he couldn't open his eyes, from how intensely the wind was enveloping him, but he was glad. If he saw the earth slowly get closer and closer, he was sure he would die from fright.

As he fell, he finally allowed himself to break. Sobs wracked his body, tears flying up into the sky as he seemed to fall faster and faster. He didn't know how he had kept his composure fairly intact until now, but he could hardly think as overwhelming heartbreak consumed his mind and body. He lost him. For good this time.

Jimin knew that when he hit the ground he would die, and there was no possible way he could go to heaven.

This was it.

No more pain. It hurt, and he cried until he didn't have tears anymore.

Jungkook. He thought. If you really love me you'll stay in heaven. Stop the cycle, stop the pain. Just live.

And then, it went black.

execute me i DARE you. i'm back and heartbroken so my characters don't get to be happy either. jk, there's still one more chapter and an epilogue so who knows what'll happen
- charlie

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