The Lab

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Blaze's POV:
I was supposed to watch Clyde today. There wasn't much to do. I did lose him though. He ran off with Hawk and I trusted hawk to make sure they wouldn't do anything bad. I was wrong. I watched them go into the lab and Billy came around the corner. Billy would be pissed if he knew they were in the lab. But I had to tell him. "Where's Clyde?" "I let him go with Hawk and they just went into the lab." I looked at the glass window and Billy saw Clyde inside messing with something. "Oh shit. Listen-" Billy pushed me out of the way and stormed into the lab. I followed him and Hawk nearly jumped out of his skin. "Shit." Hawk said as he dove behind one of the counters.

"Clyde, what did I tell you?" The blonde looked up at his father and said "I just wanted to see it. I'll never come in here again." "You're damn right you're not. Hawk! Get your ass up!" Billy said. Hawk stood up and him and Clyde walked out of the room. Billy and I looked around and didn't see any scientists. "Where are the scientists?" I said. "I don't know." Billy replied. I looked at a table which had plants on them. I walked over to them and Billy grabbed my arm. "What?" I said. "Those are the plants. With the spores inside." I looked at them again and slowly backed away. "Shit. You're right." "Billy, Blaze, what's going on?" Lyra asked. The both of us turned around to see Lyra looking at the two of us. "Nothing. Clyde and Hawk were messing around in here." I said. "I know. He told me. He's upset that you got onto him." Billy scoffed and said "he shouldn't of been in here." "I know." Lyra reassured Billy. I noticed Clyde standing behind Lyra, terrified of his father. He got that trait from Lyra and the rebelliousness from Billy. "I'm sorry, mom." He said. Lyra turned around and said "it's ok." Billy walked over to him and said "no it's not. How many times have we told you to stay out of the lab?" "H-Hawk said it was ok." Billy pinched the bridge of his nose and said "Jesus." Lyra sighed and said "Clyde you know better." Billy looked down at his son who looked up at him in fear. "Don't do it again." Billy said sternly. Clyde nodded and Billy walked away. Lyra sighed and kissed the top of Clyde's head. I closed the lab door behind me and said "he'll cool down." Clyde shook his head and didn't say anything. Lyra half smiled at me and then said "come on, Clyde." I watched Clyde's chest puff out like Billy's does when he's mad. The two of them walked away.


I turned around to see Tiger sitting in the doorway of the lab. I picked him up and he meowed in my arms. I walked to Hawk's quarters and knocked on the door. He opened it and said "is Billy mad?" I nodded and said "yeah he's pretty mad." Tiger meowed in my arms again and Hawk said "can I have him?" I handed Tiger to him and he set him down on his bed, walking back over to me. "Where's Billy now?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. He's probably at his quarters." Hawk nodded and stepped out of his room. "I'm gonna go talk to him." He closed the door and walked away from me. I walked towards the rec room to see Halo and Max. Halo walked over and hugged me. "What's that for?" I asked. "I missed you." She said. I pulled away from her and sat down. "What happened?" Max said. "Clyde and Hawk." Halo sighed and said "what did he do this time?" "Him and Clyde went into the lab." I replied.

Lyra's POV:
Hawk walked into Billy and I's quarters and said "can I talk to Billy?" I bit my lip as I leaned to look at him in his office. "Let me go see." Hawk nodded and Clyde walked past me. "Clyde, I'm sorry." Hawk said. Clyde looked at him, anger in his eyes. He looked just like Billy. "Just drop it." Hawk grabbed his arm and said "hey, don't be a dick when someone's apologizing to you." Clyde yanked his arm away from Hawk. "Asshole." He spat. Clyde turned around and stormed to his room. I sighed and said "Hawk, I'm sorry." Hawk shrugged and didn't say anything. I walked to Billy's office and said "hey." He looked up and I said "Hawk is here. He wants to talk to you." Billy stood up and walked past me, not saying anything. I walked to Clyde's room. He had his hands balled up into fists. I closed the door behind me and Clyde turned around and saw it was me. "Calm down." I said. He huffed and said "I can't. I'm so mad. Dad, doesn't let me go anywhere or do anything. I'm almost sixteen." I sighed and walked towards him. I cupped his cheek and said "dad doesn't let you do anything because your father and I have had so many traumatic things happen to us. I almost lost you when I was pregnant with you. I could've died. But if it hadn't of been for your dad, you wouldn't be here." Clyde looked up at me and said "really?" I let go of his cheek and nodded. "You look just like him you know. You just don't have his mullet." I said. Clyde chuckled and I kissed the top of his head. "Hawk is talking to dad so everything should be resolved." "Dad won't hurt me will he?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what?" "Will he hurt me? Like he's hurt other people?" I shook my head and said "no. He's never even hurt me. You're his son. He'd never hurt you." Billy walked into the room and Clyde immediately looked at him. Billy stepped forward and said "Hawk explained that it was his idea. I'm not mad, ok?" Clyde nodded and said "ok." Billy patted his shoulder and said "you can't be anywhere near the lab. Promise me." Clyde nodded again and said "I promise." Billy patted his shoulder and walked out of the room. "Get some sleep, ok?" I said as I went to walk out. "Hey, mom?" I turned around and Clyde said "if something were to go down, do you think dad would let me have a gun?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. Possibly." "Would you?" "Yes." I closed his bedroom door and left the room.




There's unidentified organisms on the ship

Now calculating numbers

















Multiple enemies detected

Repeat: multiple enemies detected

I looked over at Billy who had already been woken up by the computer voice. "We need to get everyone together now." He said. I nodded and said "I'm going to get Clyde."

Here's the update and I apologize for not updating and actually finishing this book. This book is kicking off now I'm so sorry

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