The USN Auriga

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Lyra's POV:
I stood in the kitchen and was making breakfast. Billy was currently in the bathroom fixing his hair, yes he still has a mullet it's ridiculous. "Yooooo." Blaze said as he sat down at the table. I turned around and said "hey." "Is Billy ever going to run this ship? It gets weird when he's not running it." Blaze said. "I know. He's going right now." I was currently making breakfast for the whole ship, waiting on everyone to show up. Maia walked in, wearing a bow on her back. "No weapons at the table." I said. Maia groaned and said "aunt Lyra, come on. What if I just set it on the ground?" "As long it isn't on my table." Maia nodded and said "hey Blaze." He nodded to her and Max walked in, her hair went all the down to her butt. As Max got older she got prettier and prettier. "Lyra." She walked over and hugged me. I hugged her her and said "what's that for?" "That's because I love you." She said. Orion walked in and was messing with a screen in his hand. Billy came out of the bathroom and sat down at his usual spot. "Where is our son?" He asked me. "Probably with Hawk." I replied. Max smirked a little and said "they were trying to sneak into the lab." Halo walked in, her dark hair flowing towards the dip in her back. "They are trying to sneak into the lab. I told them it's stupid but they wouldn't listen." Halo said. Zane came in behind her and said "that's all they ever do. Hawk is a bad influence on Clyde." Connor walked in and blinked a few times, analyzing everything in the room. "Connor. You don't have to do that." Maia said. He shrugged and said "I feel like I have too. Dad does it." "Dad's a weirdo." Maia replied to her younger brother. Calypso walked in with David who said "I'm not a weirdo. I'm an android." "We know." Call said as she shook out her hair. Call looked the same, still wore skirts with tights and heels. Zane said "do you ever change your style?" Call looked up and said "what would you like me to do?" Zane shrugged and said "change it up." "I like this." She said. Newt walked in, giggling at something. "What's with the giggling?" Max asked. Newt shook her head and said "they're getting yelled at the scientists." I sighed and said "lovely." Billy lit up a cigarette and I said "you better put that out when Clyde gets here." "Hawk does it around him." Billy replied. I looked to Halo and she nodded. "He does. I tell him you don't like it but he doesn't listen." Ripley looked across the room at everyone and said "those scientists are cooking something up in that lab. I don't like it." "Why do fucking scientists have to be on the ship anyway? Do we really need them?" Billy asked. David went to say something and Maia said "dad, don't." Connor smirked and Bullet and Cat walked in. Running footsteps were heard and Hawk ran in with Clyde. "Shit, man." Hawk said. "Were you two trying to sneak into the lab?" I asked. Hawk shook his head and said "no. Pfft." Billy stood up and put his cigarette out where Clyde couldn't see it. I grabbed Clyde by his ear and pulled him over to where Billy was sitting down. "Ow!" Clyde yelled. His father smirked as he sat down and I let go of his ear. Clyde groaned and held his ear. Hawk sniggered and I said "you're not too old enough for me to do that to you." Hawk immediately shut up and sat down next to Halo. Breakfast went normal, like a normal day. If I'd to know what was to come in the next few days, I guess I'd tell you that, this was the start of everything falling apart, once again. For a final third time.

All military personnel report to training at once
All military personnel report to training at once

Hawk stood up and said "bye." He turned on his heel and Clyde went to follow him when Billy grabbed his arm. "Dad!" Clyde groaned. Max smirked a little and said "one day you'll be ready." She patted Clyde's head and Halo smiled at Clyde before leaving. Zane shook his head at the fact Clyde was ready for battle. Ripley said "that means all of you." Bullet looked up and said "I'm coming. Just had to get one last bite." Cat huffed and said "training is so annoying." Her English accent bouncing off the walls. Newt stood up and walked out with Ripley. Maia grabbed her bow and said "maybe I'll teach you something later." "Maia." I said. She smirked at my son who grinned evilly at me. I rolled my eyes and Connor kissed the top of his mother's head before walking out of the room with his elder sister. Blaze leaned back in his chair and said "god." "What?" Billy said. "Dude, I'm tired. I feel like we don't even sleep anymore." Billy scoffed and said "you're right about that." Clyde said "well, what am I supposed to do today?" "You could come with me. Orion and I might have some gross stuff for you to play with." I said. Clyde perked up and said "what is it?" "Some nasty mud some of the scientists brought off a planet. They gave it to me to store. Said that it might help us. Your mom and I have to test it." Orion said. Clyde nodded and said "fine. It's better than going with Blaze." "Excuse me?" He said. Clyde rolled his eyes and Billy said "don't treat your uncle like shit. I'm the only one who gets to treat him like shit." Clyde smirked, the same one his father does. Call giggled a little and Blaze raised his eyebrows at her. "David and I are going to the infirmary. We got a whole new case of medicine that we have to stock." The two of them left and Billy stood up as did I. He kissed me and Clyde gagged. Blaze flicked him on the back of the head and Clyde said "ow! Hey, what'd I do? What'd I do?" "You're parents aren't gross. They created you." I smiled at my son and said "come on." Blaze grabbed Call's hand and said "you're with Billy and I today. Let's roll." She bit her lip and Blaze led her out of the room as Billy followed. Orion, Clyde and I headed to our lab. I grabbed the case of pink muck, setting it on the table. Clyde said "it's gross." I took the lid off and said "here." Clyde stuck his hand in it and tried to fling some on me. "No." I said. Orion winced and said "don't do that, buddy." I began to write some things down and was doing work. The room was silent except for the occasional squishing of the goo Clyde was playing with. "Hey, mom." I turned around and said "what?" "Come here." I walked over to where he sat and he held his hand out. I looked at him questioningly and my computer beeped, causing me to look at it. Clyde grabbed my hand and I felt a squishy substance on my hand. I turned to look at my son who was smirking. "Clyde." I said. He let go of my hand and then wiped whatever he had left on his shirt. "Don't do that. You're going to ruin your clothes." Clyde rolled his eyes and said "mom. You worry too much." I huffed and said "did you really have to do that?" Clyde shrugged and said "it's funny." I heard my brother snicker and I eyed him. "Oh, you think this is funny?" Orion nodded and said "yeah." I rolled my eyes and wiped the pink ooze off my hand, going back to my work.


The day had ended and everyone was heading back to their cabins on the ship. I sighed as Billy walked into the door, Clyde playing a video game on the tv. "How was your day?" I asked him. He shrugged and said "the normal. Except for Blaze flirting with Call." I was unbelievably tired and I said "all I wanna do is go to bed. I don't have anything to do tomorrow so I'll have Clyde do some lessons." Billy nodded and said "ok." I looked over at Clyde and said "time for bed." He sighed and turned his video game off. "Come on." Billy said. Clyde walked over and looked up at his father who kissed the top of his head. Clyde half smiled up at him and Clyde went to walk away and then said "mom? You coming?" I nodded and said "I'll see you in the bedroom." Billy nodded and walked the opposite direction as I followed Clyde. We walked into his bedroom and he quickly changed into something to sleep. He got into bed and I said "you're all good right?" He nodded and said "yeah." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. I was walking out and he said "hey, mom?" I turned around and "yeah?" "Why do we live in space? Hawk talks about this place called Earth and how he was born there." I sat down on his bed and said "because you were born in space. That's why. And also, Billy and I entered the military at young ages. This is all we've ever known. I've never been to Earth. I'd like to go someday." "Then why don't we go? Like a vacation." I shook my head and said "I want too. I'm tired of space." "Can you show me some pictures of you and dad? When you guys were younger?" I nodded and turned on the screen in his room. I accessed the photos and began scrolling through some of them. There was a picture of me and Donovan and I said "wow." "Who's that?" "He was one of my friends. He died in battle." Clyde sat up a little and I kept scrolling and I got to a picture of Hudson and I. A deep sigh left my lips and Clyde said "who's that?" "That's William. But since we were in the military he went by Hudson. You go by your last names. So when you're dad and I met, he was Hargrove and I was Sarko." "But now you're Hargrove too." He said. I nodded while smiling. "Yes. Hudson saved my life a couple of times. And one of those times happened to be the day I found out I was pregnant with you. I didn't even know. If he hadn't of been with your dad, I would've died." "You'll tell me the story right?" I shook my head and said "not tonight. But another time." I closed the screen and Clyde laid down. "Goodnight, my love." I said to him. "Goodnight, mom."

Here's the first chapter!! And this book might take off quick. With the action. I apologize if it happens too soon but this is the last book in this series and I've been writing this series for a long time. I'm trying to finish it so I can do more things. This book will not be rushed at all. Because if I rush it the writing and story will be shit. It just might go a little fast.

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