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Ryu Koh's Point of View

I hoped that giving Jason my ancestors sword would allow him to trust me to help him when more of the truth came out about all of this. I don't like how Sanity didn't tell him a lot about this but it's not my secret to tell, so I won't.

I sighed and adjusted my mask as I walked into the Iceberg Lounge, I could tell Sanity was doing the same. I don't like the mask but it's necessary, I don't want to be pointed out by anyone later it would make how we are currently living difficult. The police are already after Sanity, as are the Heroes and Heroines of this city, she can't go out much because of it, even if they cannot charge her with anything. If I'm a suspect it would be difficult to survive and both of us would be limited. I'd like that less.

So the mask is necessary. Is it annoying? Yes. Can I tolerate it? I can try. Does it make me want to sneeze like a kitten? Defiantly.

All the same. It's a shame.

I rhyme sometimes in my head, it surprises me too.

It's a side effect from being in this city. I swear. Scouts Honour.

I'm not a Scout. I can't make that.

I should probably start paying attention to my surroundings if the glare that Sanity just sent my way has anything to do about it.

The Iceberg Lounge is grand in design and size. It is arranged to resemble the speakeasies that were popular during the Prohibition of Alcohol in America. It had tables that were evenly spread out and spaced just so that one would barely hear the conversation happening on the table over. Along with the balconies and bars that were elevated slightly to ensure the staff could make out customers or so that the other guests were sat far enough from the main area that they were more introvert but not far enough away to lose the atmosphere of the club or to not be able to hear the live music played on the centre stage. The stage might as well be an iceberg itself, it is hard to tell from here and will probably be hard to tell from there too. There were platforms for the entertainment to stand on and there were live penguins and other sea life in the surrounding pools too. If I looked closely I would be sure I could see a shark in there too.

We moved deeper into the scene to one of the VIP rooms towards the back, it had plush carpeting and the same colour scheme with layering in the ceiling to resemble the rippling of water, just like in the rest of the joint. The chandeliers cast the room with a pale blue glow that made me feel calm and relaxed before we were told that Mr. Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot was ready to see us now, and we were escorted to his office.

Cobblepot was a short fat man who had a strange taste for unfashionable expensive suits. I think it might be because he wants to believe he's upperclass, he's really not.

This room is similar to the other ones except it has more stuff in it. I really wish I could be more specific but I don't know what half of this crap is, and crap is the only way to describe this because stuff would imply that at least some of it is useful. I think that because most of this is gold and hold is never useful.

"I've been told you two had somethin' for me?" Cobblepot said.

Sanity nodded and moved her hand to her pocket and removed the necklace from it, and holding it up in her hands and turning to him.

By the necklace I mean the Queens Five Diamonds necklace that she stole 3 nights ago.

I can tell Cobblepot realises this too because of how he suddenly becomes interested in the meeting instead off just pissed off, he also looks amazed and confused at the same time which is to be honest fair. But. Still.

"How'd ya get that?" Wow. I didn't think it was possible but his accent and the way he speaks is annoying me already.

"Well," Sanity spoke up. That was her job to do the speaking, it was my job to make the muscle sweat and keep eying me. I'm good at it. The way they eye me and sweat say so. "I created a copy, thievery isn't really my thing. Don't get me wrong I'm good at it. But I'm better at the whole forgery thing." She gestured with the necklace still hanging loosely between her fingers. "Figured you would be able to get more for it if it wasn't hot, so I made sure people weren't looking for it." To tell you the truth, that is the forgery. It also has the tracker in it, the one that Jason and I will follow. Not that he knows I'll follow him but... "I don't want much, 7g's will probably do to be honest." She said, it's worth 3times that. The real thing is anyway. But he looks suspicious, he should we're practically giving it to him.

"Why should I work with someone I ain't ever 'eard of? Eh?" He really is annoying.

"Look here I don't like my father," Here we go... "And my father is the Joker. That means we have something in common. I'd rather make deals with someone who has common interests than someone who would gladly break him out of prison, like Black Mask did." Sanity actually shocked Cobblepot with the venom that came out of her mouth causing him to flinch slightly.

"How come I haven't heard o' ya 'til now, eh, sweetheart?" He questioned. I mentally grimaced at the pet name...

"I've been training to take the bastard down with the League of Assassins since he kicked me to the streets." She answered bitterly.

He smiled slightly at the idea of Joker no longer being a problem for him. "Please, now that all pretences are off, call me Penguin, a flightless bird but one with style!" He said raising his glass.

Checkmate. Sucker.

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