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Sanity's Point of View

I yawned stretching my arms out above my head as I looked towards the window, Ryu left the curtains closed when she got up this morning, she's nice like that, but the sun is still coming through the gaps between the two.

I looked at the clock and the time read 9:30 so I got up had a quick shower and got dressed I threw on a pair of faded jeans and a Nirvana backless summer top, despite the fact that it rained yesterday it was still pretty hot around the city. I wasn't planning on going out anyway but still, so there was no need to hide my white hair.

I actually almost never go out for that reason, my white hair kind of stands out in a crowd, not that I mind it's just that I'm a criminal and white hair would just make it too easy for the police to...

Do I smell bacon?

"Bacon!!!" I scream running into the kitchen and sitting down at the bar when a plate is put in front of me and yeah it has bacon, and miniature cheese stuffed sausages. I look up at my best friend. Ryu.

She was wearing her black hair in a braid that goes over her right shoulder. A black hooded jumper that I just know has I'm silently correcting your terrible grammar written on the back. It has a zip going down the middle that is only halfway done up and falling off one shoulder, her left. Underneath that she was wearing a low cut red vest top, as well as black high waisted skinny jeans. Some black wedged boots with silver buckles, a pair of black leather fingerless biker gloves, and a red beanie complete the look.

As I finish my heaven on a plate I look at her again, she is smirking whilst leaning on the work surface and she has that look in her eyes that say you're being ridiculous, but I love you anyway, and you are so getting laid tonight.

Now I'm going to break the fourth wall here and tell all you fangirls (and guys) out there that, and you better pay attention to this, but we are not together... not like that. Sure we sleep with each other, but that is because the men in this city and where we came from are all... Yes all. Stupid. Players. Both. Workaholics. Or Gay. So yes we sleep together but as my mother figure told me when I found out she slept with my half brother, A girl has got to get laid, and at one point in your life you will figure out that the only people who are worth your time... Are the ones you probably shouldn't sleep with. Wise words. So yeah I sleep with my best friend. Ship it if you want, but don't be upset if I end up with someone else.

"Going somewhere today?" Arching my eyebrow in question.

She looked at me. "Shopping."

Wait. I went shopping a few days ago what do we need? So I ask her that and she walks a few steps forward grabs the edge of my plate and says "Bacon."

I look at her dumbfounded. Gain my composure, sort of. Stand up flinging my stool backwards and my hands in the air and scream "What do you mean we're out of bacon?!?"

And Ryu just looks at me "You," she paused lifting the plate now in her hands up and to the side gesturing with it before finishing with "Ate it all."

I look at her again go to sit down. Forget the chair is no longer there and fall on my ass. What does she do? She laughs, and I laugh too. This is why we are best friends. Because she is actually capable of doing this to me, making me laugh, after I helped him be free...

She must have noticed me thinking about him because she pulled me up and into her arms, combing her fingers through my still wet hair, and whispering it will be okay and you will be able to see him again soon and part of the plan remember, repeatedly in Korean and Japanese and Mandarin, because Ryu is not only hot but also Asian, even if she doesn't like people knowing where in Asia.

I don't ask even though I know she would tell me, because she told me she would, but I just said no. It's personal to her. Just like this, Gotham, is personal for me. But we all deal with the personal stuff differently. She deals on her own. And I deal with others. People I trust, mind you I'm not crazy.


I'm not.

My name is Sanity for a reason.

I pull back from her arms and she rises on her toes and kisses me on the forehead. I smile. Even though smiling hurts right now, it's nice to know I have someone there for me, I never had that the last time I was in Gotham.

But that was when my Father kicked me out into the streets. I still remember him yelling that I could mess everything up for him if his secret came out, that I could ruin everything. Well I plan to ruin everything especially now, but the worst part of the memory was looking up and seeing my mother in the window not doing anything to help me. It hurt. I'm glad she's dead now, even if I don't want to feel this way, I do. Nothing can change that. Not now. She lost her chance. They both did. And he's going to suffer for what he did to me.

He abused me.

Claimed I was weak.

Told me I could ruin everything.

Called me a freak.

Abandoned me.

To the streets of Gotham.

She raised me.

Not him.

Not my Father.

A man who not only haunts my memories.

But also the city.

This city.



I'm angry now and I have every right to be. He hurt me. He was going to pay. And that was part of the plan. I came back to myself, and I looked at Ryu.

She had that crazy smile, that one that says she is ready to kill someone, the one that says she is thirsty for blood, and that she's ready to hunt. Don't worry they're just metaphors-well the second one is anyway- she's not a cannibal... I think, I mean I've never actually seen her eat a person but... I'm just kidding she's actually vegan.

It's why she cooks, I can't cook vegan, she can cook bacon.

I want bacon, but we're out of bacon... It makes me sad...

I shake my head and smile. I look at Ryu, she looks less ready to kill now and more like herself, well she always looks like herself but... I could say more normal, but we all know there's no such thing as 'normal' regardless of the fact society argues otherwise... You know what I mean... I hope.

"I better get started on the next part of the plan if I want to get to him sooner." I tell her and she smiles.

It's a sad smile before nodding and saying "I miss him too." She then grabs her keys turns to me and says "I'll go get bacon now."

"You do that!" Shout after her while she is in the hall, and she laughs before closing the door to our flat.
It was a couple of hours before I heard Ryu get home, I probably would have gotten worried if I didn't know she could handle herself well and still not get arrested.

I was sat in my workshop working with the Queens Five Diamond necklace. It was a cute space with tables around the edge of the room all of the tables were cluttered with papers and blueprints and plans and other stuff, like parts for grappling guns or repairing my body suit etcetera etcetera.

She came in and wrapped her arms around my shoulders kissed my temple and asked "What are you doing?"

For those of you interested I'm looking through a magnifying glass, a few of them actually, at the slightly rose pink carbon glass material in my hands that was shaped just right to look exactly like the diamond inside the necklace that I'm using as reference right now. But I give her the short answer, mainly because I don't need to repeat that out loud, you don't need to hear it again, "I'm making a copy."


"It's all part of the plan."

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