Professionalism In Editing

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Tim Drake/Red Robin's Point of View

All it took was one look at Dick's staggering condition, and I had made up my mind.

I would no doubt get chewed out by Bruce for this later but I'd rather let her get away than let Dick get hurt worse. It was obvious he was drugged and we had no idea what with, he needed medical attention, fast.

I had a brief look at her while she blew a kiss and jumped over the edge before moving towards Dick.

"Tim?" He whispered as I got close, I sighed. The drug had to be fast working, unless he continued the chase while drugged...

"Yeah, Nightwing" And after a thought, giving into the the tiny Batman in the back of my head, "No names in the field"

He mumbled something into my neck before going limp, with unconsciousness. I sighed and brought my hand to my ear, "RR to O,"

"What do you need?" Barbra replied

"I need to know what Nightwing was working on just now, he was chasing someone right?" And after a brief pause as she waited for me to continue, I added, "I also need a car to take Nightwing to the Batcave, his target seems to have gotten the upper hand and now he is unconscious with an unknown drug in his system."

She sighed. "I'll have Agent A bring a car to your coordinates immediately, do you know how the drug got into his system?"

"There a no punctures in his costume or on any exposed skin." I replied. Remembering the fact she blew a kiss before leaving, "It is possible the drug entered his system through his mouth. I suspect, due to her flirtatious behaviour, she may have kissed him. She was also wearing freshly applied lipstick"

"Okay, I'll let AA know." she paused and started snickering "How do you know it was freshly applied?"

"It was slightly smudged, and, yeah there is some on his mouth" I sighed as Oracle laughed harder, "It was either freshly applied or really cheap, and if it was cheap, it would have come off by now completely and had to be reapplied... so either way."

I hooked my grappling gun to a nearby fire escape and lowered both myself and Dick into the alley, the woman disappeared into, and waited for Alfred to arrive with the van.

After a few minutes a black van backed into the alley and Alfred exited the drivers door and opened the back doors removing a gurney. Awkwardly, I manoeuvred Dick onto the gurney and helped Alfred to get it back in the van.

Alfred shut the doors at the back and I nodded to him before grappling onto a different roof to the one I found Dick on and watched as the van headed towards the manor.

Static sounded in my ear. "What have you got for me O?" I asked, hoping she had found out what Dick was working on.

"N didn't have any leads to follow for any of the major cases he is working on at the moment, so I can only say that tonight was supposed to be a routine patrol." I sighed, this was not what I needed to hear if I was going to catch this person, whomever she may be.

"So I'm guessing you haven't heard anything about this new player in the crime world?" Now it was her turn to sigh.

"No, however where you found N was not on his route for this evening, but an alert went out 40minutes ago to GCPD about a break in at the Gotham Jewel Emporium which was on Nightwing's route."

"Thanks O, I'll head over there now"

"GCPD are already canvassing the scene now, I'll be listening, and will contact you if I find out anything else. O out."
It took 25minutes to get to the crime scene at the Gotham Jewel Emporium. I landed a few feet behind Commissioner Gordon and Detective Bullock who were talking about the break in.

"Commissioner" I said to get his attention "What do we know?"

"Red Robin. We don't know much, all of the guards posted through out the building were accounted for, and no one saw anyone go in."

"Were there any guards on the roof?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"No, due to the fact that the buildings on either side are so much taller than the Emporium they didn't think to post any one there. But there is a window looking into that room on the roof, but it's locked from the inside."

"What was taken? Any suspects?" I already know that the thief wasn't anyone I recognised but there was always a possibility the police have heard something we haven't.

"The Queens Five Diamond necklace, it was moved here earlier today." Answered Detective Bullock "It was done professionally, nothing else was taken whoever it was knew what they wanted and what they were doing." With an after thought he added, "We think it could have been Catwoman"

I shook my head, "It couldn't have been Selena, I would have recognised her."

"You saw her?" I nodded,

"Yeah, familiar accent but not local, she got away, there were complications" I sighed thinking about Dick "What about the actual crime scene, please tell me she left something behind."

Bullock shook his head "Nah, everythin' was disabled- floor lasers, pressure panels in the floor, motion sensors- the lot" he said whilst moving the matchstick in his mouth "Like I said professional job."

"Cameras? Aren't they on a separate system to the one inside?" I asked trying to be thorough.

"I just finished talking to the company" said Detective Montoya as she walked up to us, shaking her head. "The cameras were looped and the backups didn't record, we have no record of the crime being committed."

"Inside job?" Asked the Commissioner

"Possible," I said bringing my hand up to my ear, "RR to O. Can you do a background and financials check on everyone who works at the company the cameras are registered to."

"On it, O out"

"It's being looked into," I said turning back to the others "What else have we got?"

"No fingerprints, used all their own equipment, nothing left behind. Place is clean." Added Bullock

"Sure it wan't Catwoman?" Inquired Commissioner

"Positive," I nodded "New player. I'll be sure to ask Nightwing more about her when he wakes up."

"Wakes up?" Montoya asked looking at me with the same expression of shock on their faces.

I nodded "Yeah, I found him on the edge of consciousness 30minutes ago"

"So this new player is kick ass enough to take out a Bat?" Said Bullock

I glared at the Detective "No, the suspect wears a chemical weapon as lipstick that can knock out a grown man for who knows how long?"

The static burst in my ear again. Bringing my hand to it, "What now O?"

"Nightwing is waking up, you might want to get to the Cave, it looks like you both got this one."

"Will do. RR out." I turned to the others, "He's waking up," then I turned to the Commissioner "I'll update you if we have anything new"

He nodded. I flew.

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