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Jason Todd's Point of View

Before getting on my bike I send a text to Ryu:

Just found out Sanity is my sister. In need of answers. Come and find me. ASAP.

I find myself having to delete, and restart the text twice because she doesn't need my anger or frustration, it's not her fault, even if she did know and didn't tell me.

It wasn't her secret to tell, Jay.

Damn you voice of reason, shut up and let me be angry.

At least take it out on those who deserve it. She was nice don't ruin it.

Fuck. Damn the voice of reason in my head that is always right.

I get on my bike before I break something. Killing rapists sounds like a good idea right now.

I drive into Gotham proper at a speed that would probably put a F1 car to shame, and make my way towards the Narrows.

I'm about a block into the Narrows and I hear the scream of a woman. Parking my bike in a shadowed alley, I jump off and run towards the scream.

"What's up sweets? Don't you want to play?" Is what I heard an attacker say when I got close. There were 3 in total, one with a rusted chain (now dubbed Mark) as a weapon, another with a broken shard of glass (from here on Steve), and the leader (John)

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to treat women that way, you dirty scumbags." I growled.

None of them turned around but I did get the reply "Don't worry man, there's plenty to go around." From Mark.

I pull out my gun and point it at him, when the woman starts to cry I click the trigger and remove the safety. Before they can realise what's what I shoot Steve in the back of the head. "But what if I don't want to play?" I asked Mark and John.

Both of them turned around and John revealed a knife from his pocket and glared daggers at me for ruining his 'fun' the sick bastard.

John runs towards me, and starts to swing his arm hoping to get a hit in, after about ten minutes of dodging I grab the guys wrist and break it. Grabbing the knife as it falls I use it to slit the fuckers throat. When he falls to the floor his hands reach up in a pitiful attempt to stop the blood flowing from his neck.

I turn to the other guy, dubbed Mark, and he move to fight me before he is impaled by a sword, just like the one I have in my armoury.

"Glad you could make it." I say as Mark's lifeless body drops to the floor, a puddle of blood starting to form. "Tell me, did she think I didn't have the right to know I had a sister?"

"She didn't know how you would take it. You know, after everything that happened."

I was about to reply to that when I heard a small sob, from behind a dumpster. The girl that was attacked. I hit my hand on my head and pit away my gun.

Walking over to the source of the noise I find the girl was actually a lot younger than I first thought. When I thought she was 18 maybe 19 it turns out she was about 16 or 17, possibly younger. She has muddy red hair and green eyes, she was also wearing ripped jogging bottoms, a vest top, with a baggy checkered shirt that seemed 3 sizes too big for her. Her shoes looked torn and had holes in them, but seemed to do a good enough job at keeping her feet warm. She didn't see to have anywhere to go other than the streets, but also didn't seem to resort to hooking yet which was good.

I call back to Ryu, "Have any of those dirtbags got cash in their wallets?" Then I turn back yo the girl, "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, can you tell me your name sweetheart?" I said calmly.

"Genevieve." She said, "Are the guys dead?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded. It's a shame that the children of Gotham can't have the innocence they would get in other cities. I get handed a large pile of cash and give it to Genevieve.

"Here, this should be enough to keep you going for a few weeks or so." She took the money and smiled weakly.

"Thank you," she paused realising she didn't know my name.

I was about to answer with RedHood when I remembered I wasn't wearing my helmet so I just answered, "Jason"

She nodded a ran off to get back to wherever she was staying before it started to get really dark.

I turned back round to Ryu and remembered where we left off, the only difference this time is that I was upset about it now, the anger having left my body. "Do we have the same mother or father?" I asked the same question as earlier in the cave, dreading the answer more this time round, at least then there was a chance Bruce would've lied to me about it.

"Mother." She said.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, "A few years after Sanity was kicked out her mother left him, for someone else, and became pregnant again. Joker had also gotten remarried and was on the way to having a second child, when the RedHood gang had them killed in order to persuade him to put on the mask and pretend to be their leader. During a struggle with Batman at Ace Chemicals, he fell into a vat of chemicals and his body was mutated to what he looked like now." She paused to let it all sink in, "Even after your mother left him she still didn't try to find Sanity and take her back in. That's what hurt her the most."

"That means Joker was someone else before he became what he is now." I whispered.

Ryu nodded, "His name was Jack Napier." She then laughed slightly, "Sanity's civilian name is Blair Napier, even though she doesn't like him she still has his last name."

There was a long silence before Ryu grabbed my hand and started to drag me out of the alley.

"Where are we going?"


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