Chapter 1

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*no ones POV*

Hiruzen sat at Naruto's hospital bed while listening to his giggles. "Monkey!" He yelled, giggling. "Dogfish!" He yelled again. Hiruzen sighed. Hes been doing this for hours on end, yelling out random things and giggling. The citizens have gone too far. On that day, he was on his breaking point, and when the citizens tortured him, he turned insane. "YUR A NEWB!" he yelled and then bursting into a fit of giggles. "noob newb nuub" He started to say to himself. "Damn, what happened to him?" Tsume asked as she walked in. "The citizens have gone too far and he turned insane" Hiruzen saiid, not moving from his chair. Tsume growled angrily. She was one of the few who knew the difference between a jailor and an actual demon. "Damn civilians!" She spit out angrily, prepared to walk out the door to give them a piece of their mind. "NO DOGGY DOGGY! Sit!" Naruto said. "What?" Hiruzen asked in suprise. "Doggy doggy will get hurt if doggy doggy go and play. Me no want doggy doggy to get hurt. Doggy doggy is nice and fun" he said. "Well then, I guess I have no choice but to stay here" Tsume said happily. "Yay, doggy doggy stays here! Then Konoha will die! And then me will be happy!" Naruto yelled and then started to giggle. Hiruzen and Tsume stared at him with fearfull, wide eyes. They knew he had the intelligence and power to kill most, if not all, of the people here. Only a few accomplished jonin and anbu would be able to survive. If Naruto kept that idea in his head, he might actually accomplish it, especially with the power of the kyuubi. "Three, is old man. Look old after thinking!" He said and then giggled again. Hiruzen sighed. The council meeting about this incident would be in a few minutes and he had to leave. "Tsume, can you make a clone to watch Naruto, because we have to go to the meeting in a few minutes" He said. She nodded and quickly made a clone as he walked out.


Hiruzen opened the door to the meeting room and sat down at his seat along with Tsume. "Now we may start" He said. Danzo an old man with bandages covering his eye, started. "The demon brat has killed many citizens. We are here to discuss, wether or not he shall be excecuted or not". A few of the ninja council growled angrily at the "demon brat" part. Tsume scoffed, "its not like we could actually capture him. With the Kyuubi's power, hes fast and strong. A combination that goes well together. Not to mention hes insane" She said. "Its not his fault if he killed them or has gone insane" Shikaku said, "The people pushed him over the edge, something they shouldnt have done". "It doesnt matter if he was pushed over my the people or not, we still need the evidence" Homura said. He didnt have anything against Naruto and neither did Koharu, another civilian council member. In fact, he was actually with Hiruzen after watching one of the torture sessions on the magic ball that Hiruzen had. It was gruesome, and painful. Something that shouldnt be done to a little boy like that. "Why do we need proof when the villagers will most likely admit it willingly" Shikaku said. Soon, the civilian council grew quiet. Suddenly, someone started to giggle and a blonde haired boy dropped from the ceiling as everyone looked at him suprised. "Doggy doggy clone wasnt fun" He pouted. Suddenly Danzo yelled "Anbu sieze him!" as masked figures dropped from the ceiling and the shadows closed in on the little boy.

Sorry for the lack of words on this chapter and the lack of bold for the ANs (I have no clue how to make bolded characters because there is no button for it). Ive had a writters block(is that what its called?) which isnt normal for me. Forgive me and dont take my cookies!

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