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I am insanity. I am madness. My name you ask? Well its Naruto. The thing is, no one cares anymore. They called me demon, monster, when they themselves were the real monsters. Want to know the story? Well here it is.


"Get him!" One yelled. They chased me down the dark alley. It was a dead end, which meant I was a dead man. I started to cry. It cant end like this! "Hello demon" Someone said standing over me intimadatingly. "Look at him cry!" Another said as the others laughed. The nailed my by the hands onto the wall and started to torture me. Finally, the main course came. "Lets burn him alive!" Someone suggested. I was hanging onto the shred of sanity I still had left. Eventually I would lose that sanity and give in to the madness. They poured oil all over me and then brought the torch. They set me on fire. Suddenly...I felt rage. Madness. I didnt care if I died. I would be able to kill all of them. I ripped my hands off the nails and suddenly people started to vomit. I looked down at my self and saw...nothing but blood, muscles, and bone. Its like my skin faded away. Suddenly something took over. I started to giggle. That giggle turned into manaical laughs. The laughs faded away as I started to speak, "You will all die, ALONG WITH YOUR FAMILIES AND KONOHA!". I blurred in and out, place to place as I slashed their throats, arms, knees, anything that looked painful. I laughed as I heard their screams of pain, their wails, begging for mercy. No mercy for them. "AHAHAHAHA!" I laughed as I killed them. Soon, blood painted to walls and the floor was a red river with white bones. I stood there giggling until I heard a voice. "N-Naruto? What have you done?". It was the Third Hokage, someone I used to respect. "I just wanted to play" I giggled. "P-Please help us l-lord third" Someone gurgled from the mess of bodies that laid on the ground. "Aww, your still alive? I guess ill have some more fun then!" I leaped on to him and ripped his face apart with my teeth. "S-STOP NARUTO!" the old man yelled. Suddenly, something hit the back of my head, and everything went black.

Hey guys its me. Sorry for the short chapter, I didnt have much time to write. Hope you enjoyed the story so far!

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