chapter 4: a whole new world (part 2)

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Godorah was flying with ghidorah and neo, neo was slightly falling behind because he was a LOT smaller than them and not as fast

Ghidorah wasn't really happy with the fact that they're going to visit godzilla and her friends, but she didn't really have a choice because she clearly can't force him, seeing as he's obviously more powerful than she is

- godorahs POV -

As me and the others flew i noticed a huge island, this must've been the place that ghidorah told me about so I decided to check it out

Godorah: ok I'm going down there to see if this' the place, neo stay here with your m- ........

Neo: my what? Dad?


godorah: j-just stay here with ghidorah!

Ghidorah smirked at my words so I spoke to her telepathically


ghidorah: too late~

godorah: WHAT?!

Ghidorah: just kidding

I scoffed and decided to fly down to the island

As I made my way towards the ground, I could already hear noises from a multitude of different creatures

Godorahs mind: hmm,those noises could be kaiju, but none of them seem to be the same as godzilla.

But suddenly I came in contact with a strange presence, a strange feeling ran down my back, but as I focused more I realised I was feeling the presence of other alpha kaiju, I got the same feelings when I met ghidorah, so one of these could in fact be godzilla

I finally landed on the beach, the floor was soft, I scooped up a handful of sand and sniffed it trying to get the scent of other alpha kaiju

I'll know if its godzilla because she's the same species as me, I got a scent, it was definitely A godzilla, bit it was different somehow, it felt......... smaller

I followed it until I ended up walking into an open field

I walked around the area and noticed the dents in the rocks the claw marks on the grass and the burns on the (former) trees

Was this something kind of battlefield?
Or a training ground?, or is it something else

But I felt another sensation running through my body, an alpha kaiju was definitely close by

I stood still and a red aura surrounded me, I was testing out my telepathic abilities to detect another beings whereabouts, and I succeed, and it only took a few seconds

Godorah: phew,.....come out i know your there..

As soon as I spoke a figure made its way out the bushes, she had dark skin, a large shell on her back, similar to bauzire, her tail was short and she had spikes on other areas of her body, I had to admit she was quite.......attractive

- no ones POV -

the kaiju walked out of the woods and revealed herself to be


Height: 341ft

Godorah closes his eyes and for a moment his eyes flashed pure white but he opened them again

Anguirus: yo, hey wait a minute how did you know I was there?

godorah: I can feel the presence of other kaiju, especially alphas......Anguirus

Anguirus: oh alright i- HEY! how do you know my name?

Godorah: godzilla told me about you, but I also your mind

Anguirus: what?!

Godorah: yeah sorry, I probably should've given you a warning

Anguirus: well yeah! You can't just snoop into people's minds like that!

Godorah: I just wanted to make sure it was actually you, i didn't go through your...sensitive memories so don't worry

Anguirus: okaaaaay, so who are you and what do you want?

She took a defensive stance, just in case I was a hostile creature, in which I'm not unless I'm threatened

Godorah: my name is godghidorah, or godorah for short

Anguirus: wait! Your godorah?!?

Godorah: yeah, i thought that was pretty obvious

I undo my wings and I show her my dorsal plates and tail

Anguirus: holy hell dude! Godzilla told me all about you!

Godorah: oh wow, really?

Anguirus: yeah, I've been wondering what a "male" is, at first me and godzilla thought they where annoying but godzilla told me that you weren't annoying at all

Godorah: cool, is godzilla here right now?

Anguirus: yeah, but she isn't really in the mood to see someone right now, she's sorta having kne of her "temper tantrums"

Godorah: meh, don't worry about it I can handle her

As I walked, anguirus followed and she told me where exactly godzilla was

But as I walked and talked with Anguirus, something crashed into me knocking me down

as I looked up with an expression of both shock and anger, the thing that crashed down into me was, a woman?


Height: 325ft

Rodan: who are you and what do you want?!

Anguirus: whoa whoa whoa!! Rody its ok, that's godorah!

Before rodan could say anything, I punch her in the face which sends her flying (no pun intended)

Rodan crashed into a mountain but quickly recovered as I saw her weakly flying towards me again

Rodan: oye idiota! ¡¿Por qué diablos fue eso ?!

Godorah: uuuuuuuuuuuuuh what?

Anguirus: she's speaking Spanish, trust me we don't know what she's saying either

Rodan: grrrr idiota

Godorah: whatever, anyways what do you want

Rodan: thats exactly what I was about to ask you, until you punched me into a mountain!

Godorah: hey! I wouldn't have ounched you if you didn't tackle me

Rodan: hmm, you should have had better instincts

Godorah: hey!! You wanna go bitch!?

Rodan: hell yeah pendejo!

Anguirus: hey guys I don't think you sh-

Rodan and Godorah: QUIET!!

we both clashed and started throwing punches, we both looked serious on the outside but on the inside we were actually enjoying ourselves

She kicked me down to the water but I quickly caught my breath and flew out of the way and she smirked and I smiled back

Godorah: hey, not bad there

Rodan: (chuckles) Gracias

We continued to beat each other down, even though I was holding back A LOT!

I decided to spice things up a bit and charge up to my godzilla form

Rodan: what the!? GAH!!!

I uppercutted her sending her flying upwards but she was able to balance herself and we continued

I landed a punch to her gut, disorienting her, but she smirked and did a front flip kicking me back down to the water

I flew back up and I decided to use my tyrant lancer to finish this fight

It didn't work as I saw her still in the air, but she was heavily injured

We kept going until I landed a haymaker to rodans face, sending her crashing down to the beach

When I got there she was laying on the ground, defeated so I decided to walk over to her and give her a senzu pill

Rodan: h-huh?

Godorah: eat this, it'll heal you

Rodan was reluctant, but she ate it and it did as I said it would, her wounds were healed and her energy was restored

Rodan: whoa!!! What was in that?!

Godorah: (chuckles) handy isn't it?

Rodam: hell yeah!

Anguirus cane rolling at us and squealed in excitement


Rodan: It was questionable at first, but you really must be godorah, goji told us about you! Also what was that form you used?

godorah: hey yeah I am godorah and I'll tell you about it later and also I would love to fight you two but I'm actually here to find godzilla, is she here now?

Rodan: yeah, well she's not really in the mood for visitor's

Anguirus: yeah she's sorta having one of her "temper tantrums", mothras trying to subdue her

Godorah: hey don't worry, I can handle her

Rodan: you sure?

Godorah: hmph, positive

Anguirus: ok, she's over there

She points East to another oart of the island, in which i walk to to see godzilla fighting,.............bug larva?


mothra: not until you calm down

I was about to step in but I kinda wanted to see how this all played out

Yhey kept squirting wierd webbing around godzilla, trapping her within it

When I saw her fall down, I knew shes lost that battle

She kept struggling for a while but after she blew off some steam she finally stopped squirming and calmed down

The bug larva were exhausted after using so much webbing
I was about to go down and set goji free but then another kaiju showed up, she had butterfly wings and antena on her head

She started carrying godzilla to a Cave and I decided to speak up

Godorah: a-ahem

Mothra and godzilla turn around to see me standing outside the Cave

Godzilla: g-godorah?!?

Mothra: oh, your godorah?

I nod my head

Godzilla blushes when she realises she's still jn mothras arms and in her web

Godzilla: m-mothra get me out of this!!

Mothra: oh, are you embarrassed?

Godzilla: yes!

Mothra giggles and cuts the webs, setting godzilla free

Godzilla gets up and cleans herself off before walking over to me

Godzilla: s-so godorah.....umm how've you been?

Godorah: as good as I can get with a thirsty dragon following me around

Godzilla: (chuckles) heh I can't say I envy you

Godorah: hm fair enough, so who is this?

I bend over to my side, looking at Mothra

Godzilla: oh this is mothra, she's sorta my co-queen of the monsters

Mothra extends her hand out, gesturing for a handshake, in which I accept and shake her hand

Mothra: its nice to meet you godorah

Godorah: same here mothra

Rodan, anguirus and two new kaiju walked into the Cave with all of us

Rodan: hey is everything ok? We noticed a distinct lack of roaring and yelling

Godzilla: yeah, everythings ok now

The new 3rd kaiju walks in, she seems very sleepy and groggy, she addresses herself as

Queen caesar: yo, my names queen caesar, and your godorah?

Queen caesar

Height: 356ft

Godorah: yep thats me

Rodan: ok now that we've gotten the introductions out of the way.......

Anguirus pushes through in front and yells

Anguirus: FIGHT ME!!!!!

Godorah: wow straight to the point huh?

Anguirus: yep!

Godorah: well before we start fighting, I think you all have a hunch if questions you wish to ask?

Rodan: we sure do!

Godorah: ok follow me and ill answer them, and then after that is when I'll fight you

????: I've got a question..

Godorah: huh?

Ghidorah flew down with neo in her arms

Ghidorah: when do we leave?

All the kaiju girls had a mixture of angered, shocked and fearful expressions on each of their faces

Kaiju girls: G-GHIDORAH!?!?!?

godorah: oh hey ghidorah

Anguirus: why are you so casual about this?!

Godorah: because I'm not scared of her

Mothra: but don't you realise what she's capable of?

Godorah: yep, and I'm not impressed

Kaiju girls(including ghidorah): WHAT?!

ghidorah: how where you not impressed by my power?!?!

Godorah: because, compared to me ....... your weak, simple as that

Ghidorah lowered her head in defeat

Godzilla charged at ghidorah, only for godorah to grab them both by the hairs and bash their heads together and throwing them in opposite directions

Godorah: ok you guys calm down, don't worry girls ghidorah isn't gonna try anything, so don't worry

The kaiju girls nodded but where still in their defensive positions


Neo finally took his chance to speak, catching the kaiju girls attention

Godorah: oh hey neo, you ok?

Neo: yep!

He ran up to his father and stood beside him

There was an awkward silence for a while until Anguirus spoke

Anguirus: godorah, goji.....

Godorah/godzilla: hm? Yeah whats up?

Anguirus: you didn't tell us godorah had a kid of his own!!!!!

She had sparkles in her eyes as she walked over to neo and petted his head

Anguirus: awww he's so cute! Especially with that purple hair!

Neo blushed and shook his head, and put on an intimidation display,trying to look well..............intimidating

Neo:!!! I-im n-not cute!, I'm an alpha kaiju! I'm not cute!

Anguirus: yeah, your cute alright~

He tried to push away, but he was enjoying the head pats and he pushed his head further into her hand and spoke

Neo: yay me good boi! :3

Rodan: gotta admit, he IS cute tho

Mothra: well goji, now you have a playmate for Jr

Godzilla: oh yeah

Godorah: jr?

Godzilla: oh right I didn't tell you, I guess you could say I also have experience with being a parent

Godorah: hm??

Godzilla: its ok jr you can come out

Just then a little girl came out from behind godzillas leg

Godzilla Jr

Height: 100ft

Godzilla jr: h-hello

Godorah was taken back, he didn't now godzilla had a child of her own, but he was friendly cause he didn't want to scare her

Godorah: oh.....hello there little one

He crouches down and waves his hand slightly, jr was a little intimidated with how big he was and she could feel and intense amount of energy coming off him

Godorah extended his hand for a handshake, jr was a bit scared because didn't now what he was gonna do but her mother assured her that it was OK

Godzilla: don't worry jr, he's friendly, he won't do anything to you i promise

Jr nodded and took his hand and shook it, he was surprisingly gentle for a kaiju with such power

Ghidorah: ok i think I've had enough of this lovey dovey crap, before we fight i wish to see godorahs full power

Godorah: huh?

Ghidorah: the last time we fought, you said you weren't even close to your full power, so I wanna see your full power right now!

Neo: yeah dad show them!

Godorah chuckles and walks to the centre of the field and the kaiju girls sat down to watch the show

Godorah took a stance to charge up

Godorah: I just want you all to know that I'm still in my supressed state so I won't be able to use ALL my forms

Kaiju girls: right

While the kaiju girls where watching Ghidorah once again picked neo up and held him like a cat

Godorah: ok i hope your all ready for this!

All the kaiju girls leaned in, in anticipation

Godorah; HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His hair turned completely golden and the girls watched in awe

Ghidorah: hey you didn't use that form when we first met!

Godorah: thats because I didn't need it

He charged up to his ghidorah form (stage 2)

And hy the end he grew more hair on the front of his widows peak, lightning formed around his body and his eyes seemed more.......menacing

Jr was actually very intimidated by this form, so she hid behind her mother, but goji patted her child's head to comfort her

Ghidorah: ooooooooh I like this look~

Kaiju girls: of course you do

Godorah: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

his hair was even longer than godzillas now, he kept the menacing eyes and now his pupils were glowing with a strange blue aura emerging from them

Ghidorahs mind: breed me daddy~

Godorah read her mind and noticed this and he spoke telepathically: dafuq?

Godzilla: damn this guy has some lungs on him!

Ghidorah: and look at that..gorgeous hair~

Godzilla: sooooo what? You have a hair fetishism now?

Ghidorah put her hands over neo ears

Ghidorah: fuck you

Godzilla rolls her eyes and continues
Watching her crush charge up to his next form

Godorah: *huff* I *huff* I just need to take a breath

Mothra: how, may I ask, are you doing this?

Godorah: *huf* *huf* i-i can alter my DNA, being a hybrid and all, so I can fully turn into a ghidorah or a godzilla, so this form you see before you is my "TRUE GHIDORAH FORM" and I also have a godzilla version of these forms

Ghidorah: this is very impressive!



Now he was in his godzilla mode!!!!

Godzilla: now THIS form is much more my speed~

Ghidorah: whatever I can't even tell the difference in power

Godorah: This form is different to the ghidorah mode because

The godzilla mode increases
. Deffence
. Stamina
. Durability
. Physical power

And the ghidorah mode inhances
. Attack
. Firepower
. speed
. Agility

Ghidorah: oh I see now..

Rodan: ok whats next?

Neo: yeah dad show us more!

Jr: yeah!

Godorah: alright then!

Both his hair,eyes and skin got darker and more detailed leaving the kaiju girls (mainly godzilla) with satisfied,shocked and impressed looks

Godzilla: i like this stage even more than the first!

He was now in his godzilla form (stage 2)

Jr: whoooooaaaaaaa!!! Its so sparkly!!!!

Godorah: heheh I guess it is kid!

Mothra: i must admit godorah, these forms of yours are very impressive!

Godorah: and none of these are even close to my full power!!!!!!!!

The kaiju girls: WHAT?!?

Godorah: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As he yelled he created a giant shockwave of atomic energy causing the kajju girls to fall down as he roars to the sky

The kaiju girls got up and stared at godorah, completely astonished by his incredible display of power, and to top it off, this wasn't his full power

Yet in the state he's in, its causing giant waves to form, trees to rock back and forth and even the volcanoes became more active

so he decided to detransform back into his base form

Jr: WOW!!!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Godorah: wow I'm surprised kid, a minute ago you seemed terrified of me, but now your just walking up to me like I'm a normal person (chuckles)

Jr: well... yeah but come on!! Thats was completely mind blowing!!!!

Rodan: yeah I gotta agree with jr on this one, thats some power you got there, but I still think we can beat you if wee all tried

She says still with a cocktail smirk on her face

Godorah: yeah well..... I am still in my supressed state, but I'm slowly getting better

The girls went wide eyed before caesar spoke up

Caesar: well we might as well fight you now since your in a weaker state than usual!

Rodan didn't believe this.



The girls line up next to eachother and got into their battle stances while neo and jr watched with their tails wagging and mothra sat beside them, also waiting excitedly


and just like that, godorah was in his godzilla form (stage 3)

Godzilla: ok girls let's give it everything we've got!!!!

Kaiju girls (except ghidorah): RIGHT!!!

ghidorah: tch don't tell me what to do!

They all rush at godorah who had a villainous smile on his face

But with one space wave of his hand a wierd sound was heard


Each kaiju girl made a certain sound





(Dont even ask)


Godzilla jr just watched with nothing but shock on her face but she and mothra both spoke




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