chapter 5: the line of business

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After defeating the kaiju girls, they where all dumbfounded by hodorahs power

Goji, ghidorah, and mothra were impressed by his display and wish to know more about him

Caesar, anguirus and rodan  were mainly concerned

How did he get this powerful?

Who is he truly?

What does he plan to do?

So many questions, yet godorah was about to answer some of them anyways

Ghidorah stood up, cleaned her wounds and walked over to godorah who was meditating

Ghidorah: okay then, since we got THAT ass whooping out of the way, how about we go to my ship?

Godorah: (no response)

Ghidorah: uummm, hello?


Ghidorah: hey godorah wake up

She put her hand on his shoulder

He clearly wasn't pleased by this as he grabbed her arm and flipped her over his shoulder

Ghidorah: (coughs blood)

Godorah: dont interrupt me when I'm meditating........

Ghidorah: g-got it...

She weakly spoke as she picked herself up off the floor, everyone was snickering amongst themselves, loving the sight of ghidorah getting bodied

Godorah: now what was you trying to say?

Ghidorah: I wanted to know if you wanted to see my ship now?

Godorah: *sigh*, sure, fine

Ghidorah: great!

Godorah: hmm?

Ghidorah: uuh, *ahem* I mean, good


godorah and Ghidorah: hm?


godorah: okay, on what specifically?





godorah: well I can't remember exactly how I got here, I was just born with these powers and I came from my parents, duh... yet I dotn even remember much about them, either

Godzilla: wow, born with a power like that? Impressive

Mothra: indeed, its a good thing you don't use your power like Ghidorah

Ghidorah: and whats that supposed to mean?!?

Mothra: you use your power to conquer worlds and to kill innocent people, just to quench your thirst for power and glory

Ghidorah: tch, whatever

Godorah: well, now that you mention it

Godzilla: what?

Godorah: well you see, me and my crew go around to conquer planets, but not in the way you think

Anguirus: what do you mean, "way that you think"?

Godorah: well, be and my crew conquer certain worlds, peaceful worlds prosperic worlds are off limits, we only take over the planets that have no hope, and no chance of redemption, even at that, we still save the good people of those worlds and take them to a new one, hoping they'll live a better life

Mothra: thats actually kind of sweet of you

Rodan: and what of the worlds that have no hope?

Godorah" well, why dotn I just show you

- timeskip-

Godorah had brought the kaiju girls to his ship and they went to the centre room, which seemed to have the main control panel for the whole vessel

He sat on the throne and played two fingers onto his forhead

And somehow a giant projection appeared onto the wall as the kaiju girls sat down in front of it

Godorah: this is a reflection of my past, it will show you basically what me and my group do for a living, unfortunately I can't choose exactly what memory so it'll just be a random flashback

Rodan: yeah, yeah just get on with it

Godorsh grunted before a few projection images show up before the actual flashback

Kaiju girls: huh?!?
What the hell are those things?!??!

Godorahs eyes widened

Godorahs mind: OH god...... not THIS memory!!!!!


Godorahs pov

Me and my crew were on our way to meet with a fellow king

The planet was beautiful but unfortunately....... the people there weren't very civilised, all they wanted to do was fight, but they cower in fear whenever me and my friends show up there

We flew for a while, nearly crashing into a few buildings, we also saw a bunch of people afraid of us

As soon as we landed and as soon as we exited the ship, the top saiyan elites started walking towards us

He knelt before me but I reassured him

Godorah: uuuuuh, heh we ummm,  we don't do that here

The king looked embarrassed as some lower level saiyans and my crew  snickered amongst themselves

King: a-apolagies your grace, i-its an honor to have you here, grand king godorah!

He extended his hand for a handshake which I except

Godorah: the honor is all mine king vegeta, now what was the reasoning for you calling me and my crew? Do you require our services?

King: gah! Uuuh, yes! We are in desperate need of your assistance my liege!!!

Godorah: okay then, what is the job exactly? And what does it involve?

King: follow me, I'll show you

We all walked into a dark room with a projector in the ceiling

King: some of our strongest and most elite soldiers were sent to recover a very sacred artifact

Godorah: oh? And what is this artifact?

King: well you see, apparently it has the ability to cure any injury in mere moments, similar to those senzu pills you carry around

Godorah: alright then, and what exactly went wrong?

Vegeta: well you see, when my soldiers arrived there, they were met with something..........unexpected....

Godorahs eyes squinted, showing his intrigue to the current situation

Godorah: how unexpected?........

The king sighed and showed me a few images of what seemed to be

Living dead people?

Helios: what the actual fuck?

Godorah: agreed, this is most unexpected....

King: well a strange virus had developed, allowing undead beings to return to the living world, but they become something completely different
They have a distinct thirst for blood and  a grave hunger for a living beings flesh
Most of them are just mindless beasts, but a few contain, exeptional abilities, allowing them to run faster, have enhanced strength and even, slightly growing intelligence, so much so that they can use the superpowers they had before they died, making them much more threatening, and to make things worse, if you get so much as a scratch, you'll be infected too

Helios tapped on my shoulder

Helios: are you sure we should go through with this dude?

Godorah: remember helios, we don't do this for the money, we do this, to save lives and to help people, making the world better, and imagine how much that artifact will help people across the cosmos

Hades: well when he puts it like that, it does seem worth it

Bauzire: indeed

Godorah: so,we're all in agreement?

They all nod

Godorah smiles

Godorah: alright then, well take the job!

King: amazing!!! We are forever in your debt!!

Godorah waves it off,

Godorah: dont mention it

We walked back to the ship after packing a few items, I saw neo playing with some of the children

Godorah: hey neo! It's time to go kiddo!

Neo: okay dad!

He ran back into the ship, excited to go on another mission

Just as we set off we saw the king, but he  had a devious look on his face

Godorah: hmmm, I wonder what thats all about

Helios: you alright bro?

Godorah: yeah, just curious about the mission is all

Helios: oh I see.., so what's the plan?

Godorah: well, first we need to find out the location of the artifact, and the survivors

Helios: and how do we do that?

Godorah: well the king told me that the survivors had already uncovered the artifact and are currently keeping it safe
So if we find them, we find the artifact...
........ wait

Helios: huh?

Godorah: why don't we just use the artifact to cure the infected?

Helios: hmm, that actually seems like a good idea, but if that's the case, then why haven't the survivors used it yet?

Godorah: good question, oh and by the way, I'm gonna need someone to stay on the ship with neo, I don't want those things anywhere near him, are you guys for that matter, so I suggest keeping the ship in the air

Helios: ok then

Gregar: hey guys, we're almost there

Godorah: already huh?, okay then let's go, I'll fly ahead of the ship, just to scout the planet

Helios: want me to come with you?

Godorah: no, you stay here and get everyone ready, the ships on auto pilot anyways

Helios: hm, ok,

He then walks over room a microphone

Helios: hey guys, get ready for landing, me and godorah are going to scout ahead

Godorah: heheh, not giving up easily huh?

Helios: hey man your my best friend, I ain't just gonna leave you

Godorah: (chuckles) Let's go then

Helios: right!

We both walk to the airlock and seal the doors behind us

We then opened the door and we shot out into space, just in front of the planet
But I then got a headache

Godorah: gah!!!

Helios: boss are you alright?!?!?!?

Godorah: y-yeah, t-theres just so much death, destruction, its just unbearable

Helios: maybe we should turn back?

Godorah: no, I'll manage

We flew down, only to see a deserted city

Godorah: wierd, I can't sense any power levels, or life forms

Helios: hmm, strange

Godorah: indeed, now let's see if we can find someo- huh?

Helios: whats up? Oh

We see what looks like a man in an iron suit, but something was off, as the dust settled, not only was he not alone,

He was infected

Godorah: WHAT

helios: THE

godorah: FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?

Zombie: raaaaaaauuauahahhhh!!!!!!

It lunges at us but I quickly avert it by flying upwards, but it flew back up me instantly

It nearly bit me but Helios jumped in front of me, taking the bite, luckily he has a metal arm, unfortunately It ripped off the fake skin suit around the robot section

Godorah: helios!!

Helios: don't worry about me!!!

Helios throws a ki blast at it,  blowing it almost in half

But the zombie looked like it wasn't fazed and the others arrived next to it, right on que

Zombies: (growls)



I throw a giant kamehameha towards the creatures and it instantly incinerated them all

Helios: you alright?

Godorah: yeah, just, a bit overwhelmed

Helios: meh, that's understandable

Just then we heard the ship entering the atmosphere but it still hovered above the civilisation

We flew back up to the ship and met up with Hades, bauzire and the others

Goldstinger: you guys alright?

Hades: yeah, we felt that kamehameha wave from on space

Godorah: just a minor........ obstacle, but we got passed it, no problem

Blizzard: what obstacle?

Godorah: weeeeell, zombies, fighting, ki blasts, you know the usual

Blizzard: ...........oke

Neo: hi dad!

Godorah: NEO?!?!?!?!?

Neo: yep! :3

Godorah gives Hades the death glare

Hades: what?, if these zombies were that easy to beat then taking care of neo should be no problem

Godorah growls and then sighs

Godorah: alright, but KEEP HIM CLOSE AND SAFE

hades: you got it bossman

Bauzire: anyways, what's our goal here?

Godorah: we need to find the artifacts that we've been sent here for, it looks like this

He passes them a picture of a small statue with a neon green glow to the inside and the outside of the rock

Bauzire: alright then, let's go

Me, my crew and my son were travelling through what looked like a train tunnel until we actually found a train

In front was a sign that said "safe zone"

Helios walked up behind me and asked

Hellios: so, does this mean there's non of "them" here?

Goldstinger: its a possibility but we don't know for sure

Blizzard kong: mhm

Godorah: right, neo stay close

Neo: o-ok

He hid behind me, this whole scenario felt like one of those horror movies we watch on film night when neo goes to bed, so obviously this would scare a child

We went up into the train, my guard up, the others had their weapons at the ready

We kept walking until we heard a voice

???: h-hello?

Me and helios took the lead and blizzard kong guarded neo

We walked through the carts until we found a table that looked like something a mad scientist would work on, there was glass in front of it, it had claw marks, must've been from "them"

And that wasn't the craziest part, there was a survivor on there, he had a leg missing, he mughtve been bitten and had to amputate his limb

We went to the glass and got a closer look at him

I tapped on the glass and spoke

Godorah: hello, are you ok?

???: g-godorah? Is that really you?

Godorah: yes its me, who are you? How did this happen?

???: n-no, you shouldn't have soke here, you have to leave, now...

Godorah: what? Why?

???: the creatures are, evolving they're getting stronger, faster and more intelligent

Helios: yeah we kinda picked up on that, we literally fought what looked like, yeah that was fun

Godorah: anyways were not leaving here without you, king vegeta said our job is to rescue any survivors

???: gh, no, thats not what this is, this isn't a rescue mission, its an execution...

Godorah: wha-


something broke into the room from the roof

Smoke covered the being, but as the smoke cleared up I saw something,..... unsettling

The creature had torn armour, a shield and its skin... it sorta looked like it was melting

It roared at us, me and helios weren't gazed though

Godorah: helios, open the glass, ill handle this.....thing

It roared again and we rushed at eachother

I tried to punch it twice but it blocked my attack with its shield and it tried to bite me, but I was quick to elbow its head and kick it across the room

Now, somehow it looked like it was actually getting angry, it threw its shield at me but I caught it and threw it back

And I mist not know my own strength cause it ended up, cutting the creature in half and it fell of the train, out of the car

Godorah: im sorry captain, but this is the end of the line

Helios: you okay boss?

Godorah: yeah, not even a scratch

Helios: thank god

Godorah: mh, now whats your name?

???: ghh, t-t'challa

Godorah: nice to meet you t'challa, now what did you mean that we shouldn't have come here, and that this is an execution?

Tchalla: t-this was all a trap to begin with...

Godorah: what?!

Tchalla: the Kings been luring anyone he sees as a threat to his throne to this desolate world, to send them to their deaths, thus must have been his last attempt, seeing as this planet is dying anyways

Helios: that bastard!

Godorah: then what about the artifact

Tchalla: there was no such thing....

Godorah: tch,grrrrrrrrr

I was overflowing with anger and rage

Godorah: are there any other survivors?

Tchalla: no, I'm the last one

Godorah: them were leaving......cmon

Godorahs mind: I can't believe this!!

Me and the king have been working together for years, so much so that I've even considered him as a friend of mine, and after everything we've done for him, he just leaves us to die here?!?!? He's gonna pay for This!!!!!!!!!!!

We walked out of the city and back  to the group and the ship, but there was something in our way, it was a zombie,  but it was different to the ones we've fought before, he had an insane amount of energy emerging from his presence

It was the glove! That was the source of his power!!

Not only that but he has an army of zombies with him

Godorah hisses, not wanting to deal with this bullshit

Godorah: everyone,  keep neo and eachothwr safe....

Everyone: wha?

Godorah rushes at the zombie mad titan and the creature does the same

Their fists clash and the zombie thanks uses the power stone to create a ki blade

It rushes at him with a barrage of swipes and slashes,  but none had any affect because he kept on missing

Godorah: I've had enough of this shit!!!!!

He rushes at thanks and shoulder barges him into a pile of rubble

And then he shoots a huge amount of ki at the spot where the titan fell

The zombie got back up with only a few scratches

Godorah: tch


godorah transformed into his godzilla mode stage 3 and he rushes at thanos only for thanks to use the space stone to teleport his punch to his face, disorienting him

Thanks then lunges at godorah and tries to bite him and


Godorah: RAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!

helios: godorah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hekios wanted to go help his friend but he couldn't, he wS too busy protecting neo from the zombies, along with the rest of the group

Godorah cried in pain as thanks bit deeper into his arm

Godorah passed out from the pain
And thanos stood up victorious

But then he realised that godorah had no blood on him

A smirk showed up on godorahs face

godorah: GOTCHA BITCH!!!!!!

he shoots a ki blast at thanos, blowing a huge whole in him

Thanos: (coughs blood)

But thanks once again created a ki blade but then multiple of them started to form around him, they all shot at godorah, and unfortunately, one of the blades hit him

Godorah: haaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Godorah jumps up into the air with his new scar(charging an attack) and he starts to notice something, he sees helios being overwhelmed by the horde

He saw the fear in neos face, as he was about to be devoured by the zombies

Godorah felt nothing but fear,anger and hate!!!

Godorah: no....... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He transformed for only a few seconds but he sure as he'll made an impact

He once again charges up an attack, he flew up, just barely below the atmosphere and charged up his extremely powerfull attack



At the least, a thousand kamehameha like beams were sent crashing down to earth at lightning speeds, completely eviserating the zombies and cutting off most of thanos' limbs completely cut off

Godorah: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

godorah yelled as the transformation ran out and he detransformed and collapsed

Helios: godorah!!!!!!!!!!!

He ran to his friend

Neo: dad!!!!!!!!!!!!

He ran to his dad

-but just before anything else can occur godorah has to turn off the flashback-

Godorah: Gah!!!

He falls to his knees and t
Goji and ghidorah run to his sides

Godzilla: hey, you okay

Godorah: yeah, it's just .......uuhh that technique gives me serious dry eye, and it can be very exhausting, depending on how far back the memory is, how long it lasts and how powerful the event is

Anguirus: damn, so thats how you got your scar?

Godorah: well, one of them yes.... I need to sleep, just to rest my eyes, keeping them open for so long literally makes me feel like I'm walking kn my eyeballs

Ghidorah: aw man, I kinda wanted to go to my ship today

Godorah: tomorrow

Ghidorah: (giggles) sure thing

He sighs and walks to his sleeping capsule

Godorah: you girls can either stay here for the night or go back home, its your choice

Ghidorah: oh how kind of you~

Godorah: QUIET, I'm going to sleep , cmon neo time for bed

Neo: (yawn) okay dad

Godorah took neo and placed him jn his capsule, even adding a blanket to it to make it more comfortable for him

Goji, ghidorah and the rest of the kaiju girls all stayed there that night, sitting on the couches and putting blankets and pillows over themselves to keep warm because they are in Antarctica

But to helios' capsule, we hear a small roar and a bang on the door

Aaaaaand that's it for this chapter,
Sorry for taking so long,  I hope you all enjoyed this chapter everyone!!!

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