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When Peter finished his homework, which took longer because he got distracted by the internet, he went down to Mr. Stark's floor. Thinking about the pros and cons of installing repulsor technology on roombas.

"Underoos!" He was greeted as soon as the elevator stopped on the floor. "Finally decided you're good enough for me?" Mr. Stark stood in the corridor in a band t-shirt and jeans, looking as though he'd just been in the lab.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Dr. O'Connor from R&D said something similar last week and I definitely see you more, so I don't think you can use phrases like that to greet me Mr. Stark." He smiled at the man anyway, always enjoying spending time with Mr. Stark.

"I can and I will." He said with a grin, beckoning Peter to follow him into the labs. "Ever since you got your own labs you do all your tinkering down there." Peter was trying to figure out if that was true when Mr. Stark added, "and I keep telling you to call me Tony."

"I can't do that." Peter protested immediately, "it'd be weird."

"It wouldn't be weird." Mr. Stark countered with a scoff.

"It would be like seeing your teacher at the Mall."

Mr. Stark made a face and Peter couldn't help but laugh. "No. Seriously though, you should stop calling me Mr. Stark. Especially when you wear that outfit that makes people think you're my son. People have been complaining."

"Was it Happy? Because he just stood there for five minutes trying to process..." Peter stood in front of his main workbench, or the space Mr. Stark let's him use, trying to figure out what he was going to do.

"Why do you call Happy, Happy but call me Mr. Stark?" He mock pouted.

"Because no one ever told me his real name and it's too late to stop now?" He watched as Mr. Stark choked on the drink he was holding. "KAREN, bring up my project folders."

Holographic files appeared in front of Peter and he sighed not really wanting to work on any of the projects he already had open. "Mr. Stark?"

"Kid, you're killing me."

"Do you think sticking repulsors on roombas would work? Or would I have to design a new cleaning robot altogether?"

There was a long pause. "Why?" Peter looked up to see Mr. Stark had a thoughtful look on his face as he sat down in his rolling chair.

"Well, I was thinking about the tour. The Tower tour and well – do you ever get tired of people asking about one fight or battle the Avengers did? Roombas could reenact them! Problem solved." Peter span around in his own wheeled chair waiting for a response.

"Because of the corporate use, you'd probably have to design your own." Mr. Stark was uncapping a bottle of water, picking up a second bottle too. "I like the idea though. If you get the designs and code down and send it to me I'll have the robots made while you're at school, that way it'll be done for when your class is here."

Peter caught the bottle with ease and got KAREN to start a new file in his projects. "Could you send repulsor blueprints so I can work on getting it onto a small robot, I can use it for War Machine too."

"I hope you plan on making them different somehow, not just a paint job though." The blueprints had shown up on the holoscreen, he was just glad that Mr. Stark wasn't going to make him attempt to reengineer the tech from scratch.

It would need a power source. "I'll give War Machine a nerf gun." Peter started to sketch the designs with a StarkPen on the table and watched as the model began appearing as a 3D object in the air. "I'm thinking of starting with the one's just you are involved in. Afghanistan. Iron Monger. Hammer. Vanko. A.I.M. There's less opportunity for the press to say you're reminiscing." Which.

Which reminded Peter of his earlier conversation with Miss. Pepper. "Mr. Stark, I know it's not really any of my business, or anyone's business really - but have you thought about telling people about Siberia?"

Mr. Stark had tensed, which was understandable really. Siberia was incredibly personal for Mr. Stark and Peter didn't personally know anything about it.

"It's just," Peter began, thinking over his thoughts for the best was forward. His Spidey-Sense was a gift send, letting him know that this wasn't a dangerous conversation to be having. "I was talking to Miss. Pepper earlier and it came up that things people want kept secret often have ways of resurfacing - and it can be bad if it's not acknowledged to a point beforehand. Like the excuses for my DNA just incase I grow extra arms or something. Or the S.H.I.E.L.D. Drop." He watched Mr. Stark carefully, pausing when it seemed like he was suffering a flashback of some sort. "Siberia is something people want to know, reporters want to know. It went down in a HYDRA base."

"You're right." Mr. Stark's voice was quiet. "Someone will leak what happened. I— £%@!" Peter was quiet as he watched Mr. Stark become frantic.

It took some time for Mr. Stark to calm down from his panicking and Peter did his best not to mention any of the things he'd said or muttered. They were private, even if Peter was in the room.

"I suppose you could create an action plan for when it does leak, before you're ready to actually tell people? Hint at what happened maybe? If people already know some of the details then it'll be less like news when it happens." Peter wanted nothing more then to hug Mr. Stark and offer some kind of comfort but he knows from experience that Mr. Stark doesn't like being touched. Hopefully, suggesting alternatives for right now will help his building stress and anxiety.

"Yeah, that. Yeah." Mr. Stark muttered before turning to the project he was working on. "I don't need to think about that right now. FRIDAY queue it for when I'm with Pepper."

Peter took that for what it was an offered a distraction for his mentor. "Mr. Stark? How
Many Ten Rings Robots should I make? And should the Mark I have it's own design, because it was different? Maybe have a cover it can put on itself to show the changes made for Iron Monger?"

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