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Early Saturday morning Peter woke up sprawled to his bed and checked his phone, to see that Ned had sent him a Spiderman themed meme sometime after Peter had fallen asleep. He took a while scrolling through tumblr to send Ned a meme in reply; which would probably be something Star Wars related because it's always something Star Wars related when they do this.

He hadn't patrolled per se, but after he had dinner with Mr. Stark and Miss. Pepper he went to a few nearby children's hospitals. He doesn't do it often, because superheroes regularly visiting them would make them a target. But he enjoys making the kids feel special and happy even when they're sick. It wasn't super late when he'd gotten back either.

But after the conversations he'd had with Miss. Pepper and Mr. Stark he had yesterday he thought he'd give them space to talk about it. He'd let them both know he was back though and in his rooms.

While there he'd spent most of the rest of the night sketching designs on a StarkPad for the various characters in his robot theatre. Which had spread to mock designs for an actual theatre/stage area, he was thinking that because of the size of the robots they'd have to either be on a wall that was at an angle where people can stand in front of the display or be in a sunken pit.

He personally liked the sunken pit idea better because it meant that they could have charging stations under the main floor, hidden from view. He also debated having projections where actual video could be used - Mr. Stark might have to use B.A.R.F for some of those though and Peter was hesitant at asking. Later, maybe. But not two weeks time.

Hearing his stomach growl and cursing radioactive spiders for increasing his metabolism he got up with the intent of digging around for something he could just eat in the kitchen area of his floor.

He did not intend to see Deadpool, wearing the actual leather suit, with a maid's costume on (over the leather suit), making a lot of pancakes.

"Uncle Wade what the £%@!"

Initially, Peter thought that the fact he'd sworn was what made his Uncle turn around and stare at him. And keep staring at him. But the second Wade started talking Peter only served to get more confused.

"I don't know if I'm proud that you just swore, or impressed that you spoke symbols."

"I didn't speak symbols? What are you talking about?"

"Yes you did, you said £%@! and it— see! It just did it." He gestured in such a way with the frying pan that the pancake in it fell to the floor. "£%@!" Peter could tell he was pulling a face under the mask. "I don't know why the words are doing that we're not in a comic."

Deciding he was too tired to ask for better clarification, Peter tried to address the issue at hand. "Why are you in my apartment? And why are you wearing a maid's costume over the suit?"

"Oh well, I wanted to come say hi! I'm in the area, some Accords people approached me and. No. Don't make that face! I'm not hiding from the police, promise. They want to make a contract, I'm going to be an Avenger Petey!"

Peter stared in disbelief. "You're going to be an Avenger?" He might've laughed if he didn't know his Uncle was one of the most blatantly honest people he had ever met.

"Yeah! Apparently, someone told them I can teleport but fly business class when entering other countries, probably a member of the X-Men, and they looked at my record. Did you know I have less civilian death then Captain America?"

Peter did know that, and he sat at the island and immediately a plate of pancakes were put in front of him. Well he was hungry. "Are you going to sign?"

"Maybe," Wade said sitting down with a plate of his own, mask lifted up to reveal just his mouth, "I don't know. I get why the Accords are happening, but I'd like some sort of reassurance that we could deny a mission. I mean, you know the kind of jobs I take, and I got discharged because I didn't agree with some of the missions the Army wanted me on. I'm good for he moment on payment, my last job was Bullseye and he payed me four billion to not kill him, so it's not like I'd expect to get paid - though medicare might be nice, painkillers that actually help me are expensive as £%@!"

Peter turned that over in his head as he ate, the pancakes being surprisingly good. It made sense on one level and as far as Deadpool was concerned the US Government would theoretically gain more if he signed then Wade. "Well, I can't see you being forced to do something, it's just about the only one of Roger's argument's aside from 'Save Bucky' the public know, I can't imagine the UN allowing you to be used as an assassin or mercenary for one country specifically, can't see General Ross being allowed to pull any of the manipulation he did on Mr. Stark on you really. And I suppose it makes sense too. The Avenger's just lost two spies, you've got enough of the training to make up for Black Widow and Hawkeye in a battle scenario like New York and you heal fast and can't die. There's a mental health issue though, you'll never pass a psych eval. No offence."

His Uncle didn't seem offended though, in fact he seemed contemplative. "I can see that, how the UN handles me signing would set the tone for other known heroes, villains or whatever's with mental issues signing and how it's handled. Can't imagine I'd be allowed on a mission on my own."

"Individual contract maybe? Get a good lawyer, and a psychiatrist to work with you, determine hard lines that would set the tone for how you work with them. I know Mr. Stark and The Vision both have individual for tech reasons, like if The Vision died they couldn't study his body afterwards." Honestly, Peter thought that Wade would end up being allowed on missions where they expect a lot of structural damage or where he can get away with structural damage without causing harm to the lives of civilians. It didn't happen all the time, but how much damage created in a fight was not something the voices in Wade's head always agreed on compared to, say, not killing in front of children. "They might want to put a camera in your suit, or have a camera on a harness over your suit. And you'd need some kind of leeway for mental reason."

"Hmm. You're right! And I know just the lawyer!" Wade got up and started cleaning the kitchen and Peter wondered if the maid outfit might be a reminder that Wade should clean up the mess made in someone else's space, it would explain why his own house was such a disaster zone. "So Petey! What were your plans today."

"I'm building a robot theatre to recreate superhero battles."

Wade spun around so fast and yelled "Can I write the script?"

Peter smiled, "I can't promise the SI team won't make you change some of it but—" he didn't get to finish as Deadpool jumped in the air pumping his fist in that stereotypical teen movie move, only to slip on the pancake that fell to the floor earlier and fall onto his back.


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