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Peter Parker had quit the robotics club in the months after the Civil War, and, after Vulture, he didn't rejoin. He didn't rejoin band either - though stayed on as a member of the Decathlon Team. He did need the time for his actual internship.

Though the internship at Stark Industries was originally nothing more then a cover story, the people who bought Avengers Tower from SI had to sell it back when they realised they had no idea how to work the Arc Reactor Power Source or ensure it continued being safe. As such the building was put back in use and actual interns were needed.

Though Peter's job was much different from that of a regular intern, having his own labs and even a floor in the building for when he stayed overnight, he did his own projects many of which were related to the Avengers. After all he has a cover story to maintain.

The internship with SI sounded like a great idea for high schoolers to believe but actual interns and scientists were smarter and required a more solid cover story for just why he has full clearance and his own labs. Not that any of Peter's classmates actually believe that he works for SI.

Since Peter became an official intern during the Civil War and the appearance of Spiderman it wouldn't take too much for his secret to be exposed, so he'd improvised - and his story was later approved by Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan. He was the person who had made Spiderman's web-shooters before he had Tony Stark become his official sponsor. Then Tony, upon hearing there was a kid genius in Queens working on superhero tech, decided to be his mentor and offer him access to better technology to work with (and the protection he required to not get kidnapped by General Ross).

He, of course, had to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) saying he wouldn't tell anyone Spiderman's identity without his (Spiderman's) express permission. In fact, he's not even allowed to tell people he knew it.

Ned laughed at that before asking Peter if he was required to sign one himself.

Peter thought about it and shook his head. He trusted Ned and said as much, though Peter wouldn't be allowed to take Ned up to the labs - or his personal level really - unless Ned a) worked there or b) signed an agreement, but he wasn't going to make Aunt May sign one and so long as neither went into his rooms then it wasn't that much of an issue.

Peter thought that the best part about actually having an internship was that he was getting paid when he logged in time in the SI labs.

His lab floor didn't just hold his personal labs but conference rooms and offices Peter may need in the future. There were separate lab spaces for different project categories.

So far he'd only had two labs dedicated to Spiderman technology, one for the mechanics and one for his experimentation with web fluid. The rooms were right next to each other and separated by an indescribable glass variant that could move into the ceiling if the two labs needed to become one for any particular reason.

He also had labs for Avengers related stuff, SI related stuff, and his own projects. Though his projects would often bleed with one of the other categories it was good to have a place they could develop before picking where to tell KAREN to put the files on the SI system.

He liked having KAREN around too. FRIDAY was of course on the floor and in the labs, but KAREN took precedence to the point where visitors would assume FRIDAY wasn't even on the floor. Just like they assume KAREN isn't in the rest of the building.

This was because Peter kept to his own floors in the SI building or the one's that had few people on them rather then the main lab floors. He did spend time with the other interns and some of the scientists, he made a point to visit regularly so others knew him and to always be respectful and he enjoyed working with others and learning something new. However he mostly kept to his own.

Which was why it was odd that KAREN suggested Peter dropped into the R&D labs on his way back up from Legal; where Peter had to ask for a mock contract to present to Dr. Hank Pym and Dr. Hope Van Dyne for a collaboration project, hoping that it would help ease the immediate friction and paranoia the approach would cause.

"Is something wrong at R&D KAREN?" He asked while stood in the lift.

"No nothing's wrong, just" the AI paused as if deliberating "some of Midtown's robotic's club were picked to visit the Robotics Department here at SI. Considering no one at school believes you work here I thought you might benefit from showing your face. Riley Bode is struggling on some of the advanced code too."

Well. Peter thought. It's not a bad idea. "Who came on the trip?"

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