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Peter managed to stay out of Flash's way after the Academic Decathlon practice and the first half of the next day. However, Flash had managed to corner him just before the end of lunch.

"Listen Penis. You may have the staff and half the Team believing your lies but you're not fooling everyone. I'll manage to expose you yet just wait."

"Do you have any idea how wrong that sounds?" Spiderman had apparently slipped into Peter's everyday persona, but he was so beyond caring right now that he didn't see the point. "Look Flash, I don't particularly care for what you believe or not, but this," He tried to gesture to their current position, "is a little over the top."

The bell went and Flash let Peter go, the latter having no idea what was going through his classmate's head.

Peter couldn't really say he was paying attention to Mrs. Warren after that and thankfully she didn't call on him to answer questions, only to make sure he'd gotten the homework assignment at the end of the lesson.

He imagine's that by now she'd told the rest of the teaching staff he was at Stark Industries last week if Mr. Harrington had heard it. But Mr. Morita might have mentioned the meeting after school if that's the case.

The last lesson of the day was Phys. Ed. With Coach Wilson and Peter payed attention with the same amount of enthusiasm as Michelle, only focusing on not letting people know of his powers.

At the end of the day he was getting out of the Gym kit and back into his civilian clothes listening to Ned's chatter.

"Hey are you going to SI today or do can you come over to build some lego sets?"

"Sorry Ned." Peter told his friend. "I can't today. I'm actually getting picked up from school today and going over."

"Really? It's been ages since Happy picked you up from school? It is Happy right?"

"Yes Ned," Peter said as they exited the locker rooms and went to their lockers. "It is Happy that's picking me up, but uh, the meeting with Principal Morita?" He said it quietly hoping Ned got the hint.

"That's today? Why're you whispering? It wasn't a secret yesterday."

Peter sighed. "If it ends up on the internet then reporters will show up and start on about me being Mr. Starks illegitimate child or something."

"Are you?"

"No!" Peter sighed, getting a message telling him to meet them at Reception. "Look, I'll message you over the weekend, if I'm not at SI we can meet up on Sunday?"

"Sure. It'd be good to just sit down like we used to. Have fun in your meeting."

When Peter went to reception he was ushered into Principal Morita's office almost immediately and saw that Aunt May and Miss Pepper were already sitting down.

"Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with you, I'm not sure I understand why we're having a meeting today Miss. Potts." Mr. Morita began, sitting at his desk. "While I understand that there has been incidents with Mr. Parker claiming to be an intern at Stark Industries, we've tried to discourage his claims to this—"

"What do you mean claiming to be?" Miss. Pepper's no nonsense tone cut off Principal Morita. "The purpose of this meeting is that I require an employee of mine, that employee being Peter, to be at Stark Industries working on a project presented to us by the United Nations. That means that Peter will require time off school and an education plan that will allow him to keep up with his classmates while working on the project."

"Are you trying to tell me that my nephew is being punished at this school because you don't believe he works at SI?" Aunt May looked as terrifying as Miss. Pepper and she's always scary in Peter's opinion.

"The school's misunderstandings aside, we have a strict attendance policy here at Midtown. Peter has had too many unexplained absences both in class and on field trips. We can't authorise his absence."

"Do you have them on record?" Aunt May asked and Peter wondered what she was thinking.

"Of course I have Peter's file right here."

Aunt May flicked through the file and passed it to Pepper, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"You mean, that the school completely ignored that fact he has Super-Genius related boredom and refused to assign additional work to keep his intellectual growth stimulated so he doesn't get bored and lose all interest in learning altogether?" This seemed a little scripted and Peter had a feeling that FRIDAY was tasked with hacking his file beforehand so they could talk about it. He wasn't even sure that was in his file. "And this week at the end of September? He was in our medical facilities then wasn't he?"

"Yes. Adrian Toomes dropped a building on him because Peter took his daughter to Homecoming. I called the school to explain that, why is that listed as unexplained?"

"I think super villain attack is explained." Pepper agreed. "Not that these absences count towards any kind of exclusion, mind you. Midtown's strict attendance policy is in place due to the correlation between attending class and the results in finals. Peter has not only maintained his average grades but there's a marked improvement from when he started working regularly with us." That was true, though he hadn't known that he was considered a Super-Genius until he'd done the I.Q test at SI, it was explained to him then that being able to better comprehend the work he'd been given in school lead to his slacking off. "This being despite the absences, while going through stressful times, and apparently, while suffering unwarranted punishment." She looked a very ashamed Principal Morita. "Shall we stop wasting my time?"

"I severely doubt that Peter recovered from an incident like that in only a week." Principal Morita huffed, choosing to ignore everything else.

"Enhanced Healing." Aunt may said effortlessly. "His uncle on his mum's side is Deadpool." She sounded so blasé about the whole thing that Peter was just a little worried that his secret identity would be revealed. But then again, Deadpool has had little contact with Spiderman. "He's the mercenary that can regrow limbs, it's my understanding there have been cases of the same superpowers showing up in one family."

"That's not why Uncle Wade is immortal though." Peter pointed out because he really wasn't comfortable with lying. "Or how my powers work."

"Yes, you developed them after the negligence of the staff on the Oscorp trip."

"The radioactive spiders?" Principle Morita raised his eyebrow and Peter just groaned, knowing he was referring to Spiderman.

"He stole my origin story for his aesthetic." He could hear both Aunt May and Miss Pepper trying to hold back his laughter, unsure of if Principle Morita could hear them too. "It's a long story that's irrelevant to the conversation."

"Yes. Let's get back to that."

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