"Write about stealing his thunder." Prompt

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A/N: I'm not ready with what I've been planning for this book to start back up yet, but I've been inspired to post a small prompt as a thank you to the fans who are being oh so patient. Thank you.

It had started out rather small actually. Just moving Thor's hammer from one hook so he could get his coat that had been under it.

Peter knew that part of why he could lift the damn thing was because he was so young, there's hardly enough time to really make the mistakes the hammer would consider unworthy. Though he had to admit the fact he could lift it at all was impressive to a point he didn't really know how to handle it. Normal sixteen year olds don't have to make the same choices he does after all.

They don't have the responsibility he does.

Or the responsibility he's given himself if Mr. Stark is to be believed.

But that's not like he told everyone he could lift it so yeah, it started small.

A move here or there where it was convenient. But then Thor got more comfortable in the Tower. More sure of the fact that he could actually do petty things that he probably thought was funny, like placing the hammer on a seat he particularly liked or on top of a tin of biscuits. After he found out about the Civil War he'd been a tad hesitant.

The chair he could live with. He sometimes sat on the ceiling to throw people off after all, Peter understands the need for a power move. But he was kind of hungry, so he ate the biscuits and put the hammer back.

FRIDAY and KAREN had collected videos of a slightly confused Thor trying to figure out what had happened, even more put out with the fact that no one was owning up to it.

But it's not like Thor has asked him, Mr. Stark had taken great pains to ensure Peter doesn't meet the Revengers. Which probably made the whole thing funnier, especially when Peter realised FRIDAY and KAREN were treating it as a meme.

Then he was on board.

Still small though, Peter began escalating. Moving the hammer to the other side of the counter, or moving the food container or whatnot with the hammer. Putting the hammer on different seats, or the same seat on the similar common area set up on a different floor.

By this point Thor has caught onto the fact that someone in the tower is deliberately messing with him, everyone else has too, though he's surprised the only people who actually call him to swing by the Tower to move an inconvenient magic hammer are Happy and Miss. Pepper.

Then again he still hasn't met the Revengers. Though there's been a polite request to always wear the suits and clothing specifically picked out and tailored just to make him look like Mr. Stark's son. The suits look good on him, and he can wear t-shirts under the blazers and jackets so it's not that bad really.

Peter might get a bit too into the habit of calling Mr. Stark 'Dad' though and the first few times it's exactly as embarrassing as that time he hugged Mr. Stark while he was opening the car door.

He meets Loki first.

Which was a given really considering he's the God of Mischief and, according to FRIDAY and KAREN, has been having a massive amount of fun from Peter moving Thor's hammer.

Loki doesn't visibly pay attention when he enters the room, though Peter's sure he wants to say something there's still a large amount of hesitation regarding Loki staying on Earth as it is. Peter's pretty sure that's the only reason Thor and Dr. Banner didn't go to the Compound.

The God looks kind of pissed off though and when Peter opens the door of the fridge he realises why. Thor has apparently left his hammer in the fridge.


"When's he coming back?" Peter asks because he remembers being told something about New Asgard and the UN so it could take a while really.

Loki himself looks a bit put out by the fact Peter's actually talking to him and, yeah, Peter probably would be put out too really. But he answers, "A week."

"Well Miss. Pepper's not going to like that." He pauses, still looking in the fridge. There are left overs under that he can eat instead of making something himself, which he doesn't want to do really. He won't be full, but he wouldn't be so hungry he'd starve waiting for takeout. "What's the likelihood of him calling it to wherever?"

"He had an axe now." Loki replies again. That he can work with.

"Well the food will have gone bad by then." Without waiting for a reply he reached into the fridge and placed the hammer on top of the fridge before starting to warm up the food.

At the weird choking noise behind him Peter asks over his shoulder, "Are you hungry?"

"That won't do both of us." He's still trying to regain his composure if the slight pitch means anything.

"It won't feed me. I was going to order thai as well." He looked at the God to see him looking back, there's a bit of confusion there. Peter's sure he's being allowed to see that though. "Hey, KAREN. Who else is here and have they eaten?"

"Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner are in the lab and would love thai food. Should I double your regular for Mr. Silvertongue?" Loki sent a weird look to the ceiling and Peter wondered if it was because of the downplay of the order or the name KAREN had given him.

He chose to only elaborate the name, feigning ignorance to the rest. It'll be funnier. "She wasn't sure what to call you given your recent history regarding choice of name, eventually something more, well, You, was picked rather then Odin or Laufey. If you don't like it you can ask her to change it. Are you hungry?"

Loki's face was stony but Peter could definitely tell that it was because he was trying to keep his composure rather then because he was angry. None of his senses were telling him Loki was a threat right now after all. Instead of answering verbally he just nodded and KAREN placed the order. There'd be a forty minute long wait before the order got to the Tower.

Peter ate his food in silence, with Loki observing. Normally he'd chatter on but Loki didn't seem prepared for the overwhelming nervous teen that Peter usually was. Even if Peter had matured much more over the months.

It's not long until the food is done and Peter cleans up instinctively, despite the dishwasher, before making his was toward the elevator. Pausing by the fridge to pick up the hammer.

Loki clears his throat when he does. "What are you going to do with that?" It's more curious then reprimanding, of course - God of Mischief.

"I'm going to take it to school with me." He answers with a shrug.


"No. Now I'm going to help whoever's delivering food up here to bring it up, but if you could get the science bro's out of whichever lab they're in, I haven't actually met Dr. Banner yet."

He's in the elevator when KAREN patches through the lab audio.

«I think I just met your son?»
«I told Peter to stay away from you»
«He's getting food.»
«Of course he is»
«He got Thor's hammer out of the fridge»
«He's a good kid»
«What, Tony?»
«Says he's taking it to school with him»
«He is not»

Well he can't have everything.

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