Chapter 5

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I woke next to Drake. We were in an unfamiliar bed. "Good morning, beautiful." He had jeans on, but no shirt. I was in my same clothes from earlier. My wrist had a bandage on it and the day before came flooding back to me.

"Where am I?!" I jumped up. This room screamed Drake, posters were all over the walls. "This is my room in my family's mansion." I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I was pulled back. I bit my lip. Drake whispered into my ear.

"I'm sorry about before, it had to be done." I bit my lip harder, blood running down my chin. Drake draped one arm over me, wiping the blood away. "My love, I truly am sorry. Your screams pained me." I pushed him away.

"What did you do to me?!" I started to wonder if he slipped me a drug. "We just had to change your scent." I looked at him, puzzled. "Our rival pack, Silverback, is after you."

The words hit me rock hard. I stood, walking towards the door. Drake appeared in front of me, his speed making my hair fly crazily. "Oh no you don't." He wrapped an arm around my waist, dipping me and running the other hand through my hair. He kissed me.

The door opened, bumping into Drake and making him fall on top of me. The position threw Kyle for a loop. He growled. "Kyle it isn't what it looks like!" I pushed Drake away, running at Kyle. He slammed the door in my face. "Kyle..." I turned to face Drake. "You jerk!"

I opened the door and stormed off after Kyle. "Kyle, wait up! Please let me explain!" I left Drake sitting there, anger and sadness inside of him. I bumped into Kyle at the head of the stairs. We toppled down. Kyle stood first, rushing to my aid. I looked up into his eyes, the first thing I saw was hurt.

"Kyle, it wasn't what it looked like!" Kyle looked away. "Kyle please!" He turned to a wolf and left. I fell to my knees, crying in my hands. I had known Kyle for almost all of my life, and now I'm afraid I've lost him for good. Drake ran down the stairs. Seeing me on the ground, he immediately thought Kyle had hurt me. "Iris, what did he do to you?!" He knelt beside me, smelling for blood. I looked up at him, anger in my eyes. "It's not what he did to me, it's what you did! Why would you just kiss me like that!?" I couldn't help myself. I slapped him.

He seemed stunned, but his wolf took control in anger. The next moment I was pinned against the wall, Drake staring menacingly into my eyes. His eyes had turned black. "Drake, please!" He tightened his grip on my wrists, then noticed something I wished he hadn't. His eyes returned to normal. "Are these cuts?" He dropped me. Then I saw the look I hated getting from people. He gave me a look of pity. I pushed him aside, running out of the front door. I ran through the woods, not stopping until I heard a growl.

"Drake, just leave-" I turned around, trembling with fright. It was the guy from the Silverback pack that attacked me before. "So, they tried to change your scent did they?" There were three other guys, all looking at me like I was theirs. One of them touch the side of my face. I slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me!" The leader laughed. "Feisty, I like that." He took a good whiff of my scent, smiling at me. He gripped my throat and pinned me against a tree. He put his face next to mine, smelling my hair. "So... beautiful."

I kicked him in the side. His eyes were full of anger. He dropped me to the ground and kicked me repeatedly. I coughed blood. "How does it feel?! Huh?! What's that?! I'm sorry, I can't hear you over your cries of pain!" He laughed, kicking me again, this time as hard as he could. Being a wolf, that sent me flying through trees. I flew right through the trunks, making them fall with a crash. I could tell a few of my ribs were broken. All of the wolves screamed. Three wolves that I remembered from the meeting ran to my rescue and took them out. I couldn't breathe, something inside of me told a rib had punctured my lung. Two of the wolves ran over to me. "Help me carry her to Bruno!" They lifted me up. Soon I was at the foot of Drake, Kyle, Lionel, Connor, and Bruno. Others surrounded us. Bruno looked at me, tears in his eyes. "I'll have to stop the bleeding, line up her ribs, drain the blood from her lungs so she can breathe, then heal her internal organs, and so much more painful things." I felt myself slipping from life as I couldn't breathe. Drake was freaking out. Zack appeared beside him. "Alpha, calm yourself." Bruno looked at me, mouthing the words sorry. First he gave me a shot which turned my body numb, stopped the bleeding on the outside, then he turned me over on my side. He ripped my shirt, I felt strange being exposed to them all like that. Drake looked away, growling. Bruno cut a hole in my back. He slipped a tube inside, draining all of the blood out and onto the ground. He patched up the wound then rolled me back over onto my back. He felt around my ribs with his hands, pushing at some things and pulling at others. My whole body was numb, I couldn't feel any of the pain. It still hurt to see it all happen to me, though. I could breathe better, but I was hyperventilating, which didn't help me at all. After hours later he finished healing me. I felt great, like he healed more than just those wounds. I could feel my body now, but no pain came to me at all. It was strange, I haven't seen Bruno in days after that. The dance was in a day and I was feeling great. I had tried on my dress five times that day, making sure that I hadn't gained any weight between times. Hannah was ecstatic. "Omg this is going to be awesome!" She showed me her dress as she stepped out of the bathroom. It was a dark purple, almost midnight blue. It sparkled elegantly and flowed around her body. It highlighted her eyes. She shrieked with delight at my expression, she looked great. "Well, of course I'm no exception to you, my beautiful friend." She winked at me. "Ok, since the dance is coming up we need to eat super healthy. If we gain even a pound we are finished!" We laughed. She looked me over before telling me to put the dress away. "You look fabulous, but let's not wrinkle them." We changed out of them and into our normal clothes. I had taken a shower before trying on the dress, not wanting to get it dirty. I felt like taking another shower, and it was well deserved. I stripped down and stepped in the warm water. When I was finished I dried off and put on the outfit I had set out for me. I heard an impatient knock on the door. I fumbled with my brush and opened the door. Drake was standing there, a worried look on his face. "Are you ok? You were in there for a while." I shot him a look. "Were you waiting this whole time?" He shrugged, grinning. "And yet you shake it off like it was nothing!" I slapped his arm playfully, still combing my hair. "Your hair looks beautiful." I blushed, seeing how it shines in the light. "I'll be in the guest room." Hannah's mom walked by. "It mine as well be yours, considering you always sleep here now!" She was speed walking in her exercise outfit, getting ready to go jogging with her knitting friends. "See you mom!" Hannah came out of the room, shooing Drake aside. "Iris, let me do your hair!" I sighed, she never let up when it comes to my hair. "No, you do it every time!" She ignored me, slamming the door in Drake's face for what seemed like the 50th time this month. She sat me down on a small stool, getting the hair dryer out of the closet. After a while my thick, brown hair was dry. She then straitened it even more than it already was, grinning at her work. "I know I'm beautiful, but you don't have to pamper my hair!" I laughed at my remark. She laughed with me. I glanced at the clock. My stomach gave a fierce growl, making Hannah jump. "Oh, I see. It's 3:45, after all, you must be starving!" She tugged me along to the kitchen, grabbing the fridge handle. She looked through the massive thing, picking out ingredients for something that seemed healthy. She sat out lettuce, tomatoes, unions, carrots, broccoli, cheese, ranch, cucumbers, pickles, red peppers, and so much more things. "Hannah, if I eat this I think I might turn green!" She laughed. "Oh, come on. It's healthy and it will make you look good!" I was confused at the last part, but I didn't care. Soon she had put together the biggest salad I had ever seen. She handed me a fork and started to dig in. I sighed and stuffed my face. I must admit, she made a mean salad. I was full and feeling healthy. "Now to burn the carbs." She handed me a water bottle and a hair bow. "We're going to go jogging, no excuses!" She grabbed me and pulled me outside into the sunlight. I've never been rushed so much in my life. "Wait!" I put up my hair and was thankful I had on cut shorts and a tank top. She pulled me along with her, keeping a steady pace. We stopped at the park to take a water break, I was panting like a dog. She laughed at me, taking a big, long swig of water. "Not bad, I'm surprised you kept that pace!" She jogged all the time, that was probably nothing for her. We walked along the park, smiling at the small children playing. There was a team of volleyball players who needed a few more people for there teams. We agreed to play. I wasn't as good at volleyball as I was a soccer, but that didn't stop me from scoring three points for my team. "Not bad, new girl." I turned to see a tall, blonde haired and brown eyed guy, about my age. He grinned. "Thanks, I would love to stay but me and my friend have to be going now." I turned to face Hannah. She nodded, taking another sip from her half-empty water bottle. I waved bye to the stranger, but he grabbed my wrist. "Why are you leaving so soon?" I felt uneasy, turning back to face him. "Let. Me. Go." He narrowed his eyes. "Make me." Hannah backed up. "Iris, please don't start anything!" I held my hand up to silence Hannah, she knew how rough I could be. She gulped. "Who ever you are, I suggest letting me go before I make you change colors." He laughed, tightening his grip. "Oh really? I'd like to see you try." I wrapped my hand around his wrist as he held mine. I pulled him closer, kneeing him in the stomach. I wasn't finished yet. I swirled him around me, letting him go as he hit a tree. He fell to his knees. A growl came up from his throat, I knew it was time to go. "Lets go, Hannah!" I took her hand and broke out into a run, she hurried to keep up with me. I didn't want her to know they existed. I knew he would find us soon, I ran to reach the house. I hoped we would run into someone like Kyle or Drake. His Alpha authority should make that guy back down. Just as we rounded a corner, I heard Hannah scream and her hand was no longer in mine. "Hannah!" I swirled around, seeing the guy from before holding her by her hair. "What up, losers?" I narrowed my eyes and stomped towards them. I stopped in front of him and Hannah, feeling someone standing behind me. "Iris take Hannah, I'll handle this." It was Bruno. I kicked the guy in the wrist, hearing a snap. He dropped Hannah and I eagerly pulled her away from him. Bruno and that guy stood face to face. I heard Bruno mutter something under his breath. "Silverback." I ran as fast as I could, dragging Hannah behind me. She yelled. "HE TOOK OUT SOME OF MY HAIR!" She loved her hair way too much. I kept my laugh inside of me, knowing it would make her even more mad. I took a glance behind me at her, she was staring angrily at her blonde hair. I giggled to myself and opened the door to her house. I dropped Hannah's hand and fell forward as I felt a fist plant itself firmly in the center of my stomach. Hannah screamed. I acted as if I was unconscious, but the person hadn't hit me hard enough. I bit down on their arm, using my legs to push away from them. I kicked them in the stomach, but they grabbed my leg, twisting me around. I screamed as I fell on my stomach. They started to pull me back, I kicked at them with my other foot. They grabbed that one, too. I was very, and I mean very, flexible. I bent back, sinking my nails into their hands. They yelled, dropping my legs. I flipped around onto my back, pushing with my hands as I used both my legs to kick them in the chest. Hannah had fainted, typical innocent girl. The stranger fell back, out of breath. I gasped, it was a kid who went to my school. "Aden! You're a Silverback aren't you?" He gasped for air, holding his chest. His chestnut colored hair framed his face, his hazel eyes looking into mine. "It's a trap, they're after Drake." He coughed blood. I gasped, running past him and upstairs. I ran to the guest room, seeing his clothes and everything else torn to shreds and thrown everywhere. I ran to my room. It hadn't been touched, thankfully. I heard a grunt, running to the closet. I opened it, seeing Hannah's parents tied up. Todd was unconscious, Jose looking up at me thankfully. I took the gag out of her mouth. "Hurry, Iris! They chased him into the woods!" I nodded, grabbing my phone from my pocket and calling Kyle. He picked up after the first few rings. "Yeah?" I was breathing heavily, jumping out of the upstairs window in a hurry. I hit the ground and stood. "What was that?! Are you ok?!" I took a breath. "I need a ride to find Drake, can you trace his scent? Oh yeah, bring a few wolf friends." I could hear him cursing. "Ok, I'll be there in five." Before he hang up I added something. "Make it three!" I put my phone away, running over to the cars. I looked around them for wires, not seeing any. I hastily opened the door, scared for an explosion. I searched for anything, a clue they were in here. I found nothing. "Iris, what is it?!" I turned to see Kyle and four others I didn't recognize. "It's the Silverback, they're after Drake! One of them is inside with Hannah, Jose, and Todd. Someone help them please!" One of the guys ran inside as Kyle and the others shifted. "Trace his scent for me, hurry!" I jumped on his back, holding onto his black fur as he ran. We soon made it to a clearing, Drake and two other wolves fighting. Kyle dropped me, all four of them joining in. Soon the Silverback wolves were dead, Drake shifting back. "Drake!" I ran over to them, the others shifting. He had cuts all over him. Kyle held me back. "Iris, calm down." I thrashed in his arms. Drake started to heal, no one touched him. Steam rose from his cuts as most of them disappeared. Kyle let me go as Drake looked up. "Drake!" I ran into his arms. He stuck his head in the bend of my neck, taking in my scent. "Don't worry, I'm fine." He wrapped his arms around me, a feeling of protection washing over me. "Drake, please promise me that you won't risk your life to save mine." He kissed my neck. "I'm sorry baby, I can't make that kind of promise." I pushed him away. "Drake, I'm serious!" He took my hand in his. "So am I." The other wolves awkwardly stood there. "Dismissed." They shifted and ran off, Kyle going with them. My phone beeped. I reached into my back pocket and pulled it out, seeing two new messages. One from Hannah, the other from Bruno. I looked over Hannah's message.


Hey girl, woke up. Aden told me how you beat him up, thats my sis! Mom dad are fine, ttyl.

I grinned, typical Hannah. I read the message from Bruno.


Iris, are you ok? Took care of the Silverback, is Hannah ok? Text me pls.

I texted him back.


We are fine, be at house soon.

I put my phone away. "Take me home, I'm tired." Drake grinned, lifting me up in his arms bridal style. I giggled. He carried me off into the woods, taking his time.

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