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The next morning for school, Julianna woke but kept her eyes closed, not ready to adjust to the light yet. She felt someone lying down beside her but figuring it was just Lexi, she didn't think much of it.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a sleeping Sam LaRusso beside her, Julianna went to scream before a hand covered her mouth from behind her. "Don't scream. You'll wake her up." It was Robby. Julianna instantly sat up. "What the hell are you doing here?" Julianna whispered yelled at him.

"Sam was really drunk last night and needed a place to stay. When the cops showed up, I saw Lexi and she said to just come here." Robby quickly told her and Julianna's brows shot up. "The cops showed up?!?" Robby looked at Julianna as if she were crazy. "Wow... you really can't handle your alcohol, can you? Whatever. Come on. Let's get you some breakfast." Robby mumbled, leaning to the bed and wrapping an arm around Julianna's shoulders since she was a little hungover and headed to the kitchen.

"Hey. Thanks for letting us crash here last night." Robby said, joining Johnny in the kitchen while Julianna lied down on the couch. "It's no problem. But, look, I'm gonna have to tell LaRusso about this. It's his kid." Johnny said and Julianna drowned out the rest of the conversation until they heard a knock on the front door.

"Johnny?" Julianna cringed at Mr. LaRusso's voice. "Do you want me to-" "Johnny, come on, I saw your car outside. Julianna? Come on, I know one of you is in there, open up."

Julianna shot up and pointed to her room. "Go. Go back to my room." Robby nodded, running to Julianna's room as Julianna walked towards the door, slowly opening it just enough to show only her face. "Hi, Mr. LaRusso."

Daniel gave the girl a small smile. "Hello, Julianna. Is Sam here?" Julianna instantly nodded. "Yeah, no one left Moon's til really late so she asked if she could sleepover. I hope you're okay with that."

Daniel sighed. "Look, just let me in." Daniel went to open the door but Julianna kept it where it was, making Daniel give her a 'really?' look. "Mr. LaRusso, look, you know teens, we get drunk, we do stupid things-" "Just let me in Julianna." Julianna shook her head and tried to close the door all the way until Daniel kicked it open, making the door hit her in the face.

Julianna fell to the ground but was immediately pulled up by Johnny who set her on the couch before fighting Daniel. Julianna weakly looked up, her eyes burning from the headache that was growing. Her eyes landed on Robby and Sam who were walking out of her room. "Dad, stop!" Sam cried and Daniel instantly stops, turning to his daughter. "Sam. What happened? Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Sam quickly let out as Johnny walked over to the couch, lifting Julianna up and letting her lean on him for support.

"You okay kiddo?" Johnny asked, moving hair out of Julianna's face and she nodded. "Cool as ice."

"Why didn't you call or text us?" Daniel yelled at Sam and Robby quickly took a step in between the arguing LaRusso's. "Mr. LaRusso, it was my fault. I brought her here." Daniel laughed, pointing at Robby. "Wait, now, don't even start. I gave you a second chance. This whole thing was a mistake. You know, you wanna end up like them, that's up to you. All right, come on, Sam." Daniel said, pulling Sam but she stood her ground.

"Please, Dad." "Sam, I don't wanna hear it. Let's go." Daniel said again, pulling Sam out of the Lawrence house. As Sam passed Julianna, she grabbed her hand, mumbling a tiny thank you before letting go and walking with her dad.

Julianna felt a pang in her heart as the sight of her brother. She knew he was close with the LaRusso's so she did the only thing she could think to do. She stumbled over to him and gave him a big hug.

And slowly, Robby hugged back.


"Got you some pencils and some paper. I wasn't sure what you needed." Johnny said, rummaging through the school supplies he found lying around the house before reaching his hand to the backseat, handing Robby the backpack. "Thanks."

"Couldn't find any extra Trapper Keepers like Jules. Sorry about that." Johnny sighed and Robby shrugged. "I don't know what that is." Robby mumbled, making Julianna let out a small snort.

"You okay? You two nervous about your first day?" Johnny asked and Julianna smiled, feeling as if she was a little five year old going to her first day of Kindergarten. Julianna shook her head at her dads question as Robby sighed.

"No, but... Just feel bad about Sam and the LaRussos. I know you don't wanna hear it, but Mr. LaRusso was good to me. Miyagi-Do Karate helped me out a lot. Look... All I'm saying is, maybe you guys can learn a thing or two from each other." Johnny sighed, looking back and forth between Robby and Julianna. "All right, you guys better go."

"Thanks for driving us, Dad." Robby mumbled, hopping out of the car but waiting outside of it for Julianna. "Thanks, Dad. For everything." Julianna said, leaning over and hugging him and Johnny hugged back. "No problem. Now go. Before your late on your first day. I can see Lexi waiting for you at the doors from here." Julianna laughed, getting out of the car and as she looked towards the entrance of the school, Lexi was there waiting for her.

She quickly walked up to the twins, giving Robby a small smile before linking her arm in Julianna's.

"How was your hangover?" Lexi taunted as Robby walked off to Sam. Julianna shrugged. "It wasn't that bad. I was a little confused when I woke up though." "Oh, because of who took you home?" Lexi asked and Julianna froze, turning to Lexi. "I thought you took me home..."

Lexi shook her head. "No I didn't... Hawk did."


After Lexi told Julianna everything she did the night before, they found a seat at a table for class as Hawk and Miguel took the table in front of them. "Dude, you kissed Sam?" Hawk asked as they sat down and Julianna turned to Lexi to find her already looking at her with raised brows and a jaw dropped. "Yeah." Miguel answered, making the two girls throw their hands to their mouths to cover their gasps but Miguel heard the sound of Lexi's hand hitting her cheek and turned around.

"What? You two are very loud." Lexi shrugged out and Miguel scrunched his face. "It's not like I was planning on kissing her." "Doesn't matter. You kissed someone's girlfriend while you have your own. Honestly, knowing Tory, I'm surprised she hasn't tried to murder you or Sam yet."

Hawk turned to Julianna at the sound of her voice, he gave her a soft smile that made Julianna's stomach do flips. "Jules. I-"

Someone cleared their throat from behind Hawk, making the four turn to face him. "Hey, man. Just wanted to say, I wet the bed till I was 13... There's nothing to be ashamed of." Lexi instantly snickered and Julianna quickly kicked Lexi's leg from under the table. "Get the hell out of my face!" Hawk snarled to the boy and he immediately ran to his seat.

"It's important to remember to be tolerant and accepting of all of our peers, regardless of... Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" The lady on the announcements yelled and Julianna turned to the speakers in confusion. "I don't care, move!" Another voice screamed and Julianna could've sworn she had heard the voice before.

"Samantha LaRusso. I know what you did and now you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you, bitch!" Tory spoke slowly into the mic and Julianna turned to Miguel with a worried face. "I think Tory's striking."

The bell rang and Lexi grabbed Julianna's hand, dragging her to where Tory would be.

Julianna and Lexi skidded to a stop when they saw Tory and Sam in the halls, circling each other. Julianna and Lexi were standing behind Sam while Julianna gave quick glances to Robby who was behind Tory every so often.

"I saw what you did at the party. You kissed Miguel." Tory snarled and the crowd gasped. Before Tory could even let Sam say a few words, she lunged at her. Hawk threw his arms out, pushing back Julianna so she didn't get hit but neither of them were really thinking about it.

The two girls continued fighting until Robby ran in, trying to break it up just as Julianna felt someone stand beside her, Miguel. As soon as he saw Robby's hands on Tory, he freaked out, running and tackling Robby.

"Dammit! Where is he going?" Lexi asked and Julianna turned to see where she was looking and saw Demetri running down the opposite end of the hallway. "I don't know. It's Demetri. Probably running to get a teacher or something."

The girls felt someone push them backwards as Hawk stood in front of them. "Oh, it is on!" Hawk screamed, punching a kid coming right at him. "Hawk!" Julianna screamed before someone rammed right into her, slamming her into the lockers. Julianna groaned at the pain, opening her eyes and saw Anthony punching her. "What the hell, dude? We're both in Cobra Kai!"

"You're friends with the enemy, bitch!" Anthony screamed, sending a punch to Julianna's stomach. Her ears were ringing from hitting the lockers but from behind Anthony's shoulder, she could see Moon walk up, trying to break up the fight with her words before two boys came barreling towards her. Lexi grabbed the hook of Moons backpack and threw her behind her and tried to fight off the boys.

Anthony had an arm over Julianna's shoulders and collarbones as he punched her repeatedly in the stomach. Julianna tried to use her legs to kick him or push him away but her legs were just barely short enough to where she couldn't reach him.

Julianna could see Stingray, walking down the hallway, beating up the Miyagi-Do kids and getting one of the boys off of Lexi but the the other was stronger. "I got it." Lexi reassured the man and Stingray nodded, looking for more people to fight when he saw Julianna. He marched over to help her before realizing the person fighting her was in Cobra Kai as well. "Ah, shit! I don't know what to do!"

Stingray watched as Anthony repeatedly punched Juliana in the stomach and he finally decided, grabbing Anthony by the shoulders and throwing him in the locker across the hallway.

Stingrays move didn't last very long because as soon as Julianna caught her breath, Anthony was coming right at her again. Julianna was walking backwards, blocking every punch or move he sent to her. She felt herself walk through a pair of double doors and she was on the second floor by the stairs. A few feet away from her, she could see Sam and Tory fighting as Miguel sat perched up on one of the pillars and Robby tried to get up the stairs.

While her head was turned watching the scene around her, she didn't see Anthony sending a kick to her face until she hit the floor and felt someone get on top of her.


Lexi was on the first floor fighting the random guy she had never even seen before when Demetri ran down the hallway, Hawk right behind him.

Demetri ended up beside Lexi as she tried to block the boys punches. "You okay?" Demetri asked her just as Lexi sent a kick to the guys stomach but all he did was stumble away before running back over to her. "I'm trying."

The boy sent a kick to Lexi's head and she quickly ducked just in time and slid on the floor to get behind him as Demetri grabbed onto Hawk. Lexi shot up and kicked the boy in the back just as Demetri kicked Hawk, sending both boys into the trophy cases.

"Sorry Eli." Demetri said as he stared down at Hawk and Lexi smirked, staring at the guy that she fought. "I'm not sorry." She quickly spun around, kicking the random boy in the face, knocking him out.


Julianna moved out of the way just as Anthony sent a punched to her face, making him hit the linoleum instead. When he brought his hand back up, his knuckles were all bloody. She brought her knee up, kneeing him in the balls, making him groan and fall beside her.

Julianna quickly got up and went over him. "You should really get something to protect that thing. My knee keeps finding it." Julianna spoke slowly, her voice dark and cold. "Next time you try to fight me, I'll rip it off." With that she kicked him in the stomach, making him slide across the floor and hit the wall.

Robby screamed from behind her. Julianna whipped her head to see what was happening and saw Robby get off the floor from under Miguel and elbowed him in the face. When Miguel got up, Robby kicked him in the knee. "Robby stop!" Julianna screamed but Robby couldn't hear her over the rage boiling inside of him. He kicked Miguel one last time in the stomach and Miguel flew backwards

And fell right over the edge of the railing.

"Miguel!" Julianna screamed, her voice traveling to the first floor, making Lexi, Hawk and Demetri all turn their heads. Julianna ran over to the railing just as Miguel hit his back on the handles of the stairs.

Julianna felt all the air leave her lungs as she stared at one of her closest friends unconscious a floor below her.

"Robby, what did you do?" Sam screamed and Julianna slowly turned to face Robby beside her. Robby looked back and forth between Sam and Julianna before running away. "Robby! No, wait!"

Julianna looked to where Robby ran off to and then back down at Miguel. She sighed before practically running down the stairs, stopping a few steps above Miguel. Julianna sat down on the stairs, pulling her knees up to her chest as Lexi and Demetri ran up the other side of the stairs to get to Julianna. As soon as Lexi could, she wrapped Julianna in a hug, stuffing her face into Julianna's shoulder.

Julianna let out a chocked sob as the police officer pushed Hawk away from Miguel a closer to the three. It was such a rare sight to see, Julianna crying but now, she had been seeming to do it soon often as if it were her air to breathe.

Demetri had shaky breaths as he pulled Lexi into his side, wrapping his arm over both girls shoulders, pulling them slightly away from Miguel as if it could help in any way.

As Julianna tried to catch her breath, she felt a hand grab hers. She knew exactly who it was, squeezing her hand tighter in his grip.

And Hawk squeezed back, too.


Julianna and all the other kids had to go the hospital for check ups and when Johnny came, he stayed with Julianna most of the night before leaving to check on Miguel.

Julianna was sure the whole floor could hear Carmen yelling at her dad so she wasn't very surprised when he didn't come back to the room. After all, Julianna just had a few bumps and bruises while Miguel wasn't waking up and no one had heard from Robby.

When Julianna was allowed to leave, Lexi's mom drove her home and Julianna walked into her empty house. She looked around, biting her lip before heading to her room and getting into bed.

As Julianna lied in bed, her thoughts roamed free from how quiet the house is. Usually there was always noise in her house, whether it was Johnny yelling at the loud TV or training Miguel or Lexi screaming the lyrics that played through Julianna's radio.

Julianna hated the quiet. She hated that who she couldn't contact her brother or dad after calling them multiple times. She hated that while she's worried about her brother and dad while one of her best friends was fighting for his life.

Julianna got off her bed and quickly stuffed her backpack with as many clothes and essentials she could fill in there before walking out of her house. She didn't care who late it was or how cold it was or how far the walk was, she just wanted company.

As soon as she got to the Gomez house, she started knocking on the door, not stopping until it was open.

"Jules?" Julianna's brows furrowed at the voice. It wasn't Lexi or Mrs. Gomez. She looked up and looked eyes with Joseph before wrapping him in a hug. She has forgotten he came home from boarding school.

Joseph stood confused for a second before hugging the girl back. "My dad... My dads not home and he's not answering. Miguel's in the hospital and it's so quiet in my house, Joey. It's so quiet." Julianna whimpered into the boys chest.

"Julianna? Sweetheart?" Mrs. Gomez called out front he kitchen. Julianna pulled away from Joey and smiled at the woman. "Hi Mrs. Gomez. Can I stay here for a while?"

Mrs. Gomez gave the girl a motherly smile before nodding. "Of course, Sweetheart. Let's get you settled in."

-Unstan Anthony 2021😌✨
we are done with season 2!!

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