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"Come on, Miguel! Time to haul ass!" Julianna screamed, standing on the back of his wheelchair as Johnny sat in it, riding along side Miguel as he tried to do the obstacles Julianna set up for him. "Yeah, Come on! Move those gimp legs!" Johnny yelled just as Miguel was going over the last hurdle before falling face first.


Miguel did sit ups while holding a keg and Johnny quickly filled his solo cup as Miguel was going up, splashing beer on him in the process. "You're doing great bud." Johnny said, slapping the keg, making Miguel fall down faster.

Julianna turned to her dad with a smile. "Can I have a sip?" Johnny looked down at the cup then back at Julianna and nodded. "Yeah sure." Julianna's eyes grew big. "Wait, really?"



"Let's go, Diaz. Move it!" Johnny cheered as Miguel walked up the little cement steps and started going across the wooden beam.

"Look at that, I'm getting the hang of it." Miguel said a little too cocky for Johnny and Julianna's liking. Julianna smirked, raising her brows. "Really?"

Before Miguel could even answer, Julianna pulled a nerf gun out from behind her back and started shooting Miguel as Johnny threw a yoga ball at him, making him fall.


Julianna sat criss cross on her coffee table as Miguel had his feet under it, pushing it up and down. "Come on! Feel the burn!" Julianna unenthusiastically said as she scrolled through instagram.

Johnny put his feet up on the table beside Julianna, causing more weight to go against Miguel and his legs fell. Julianna whipped her head to her dad. "Your fat legs ruined it."

Johnny turned to Julianna in shock, pointing a finger at her. "Hey! Don't call my legs fat!"


Miguel tried again on the wooden beams. He caught the ball Johnny threw at him and dodged all of Julianna's bullets and when he got to the other side, Miguel ran to Julianna's arms for a hug. "Hell yeah!" Julianna cheered as Miguel spun her around.

After they threw away Miguel's crutches and wheelchair, they sat in the house, thinking of names for a new dojo.

"What about Johnny Lawrence Karate?" Miguel asked from the fridge to get two waters. "Or Strike Hard Karate?" Julianna asked as Miguel threw one of the bottles to her.

Miguel sat down beside Julianna and sighed. "Come on, Sensei. We're trying to help think of names for our new dojo." "How long does it take for Facebook messages to get delivered?" Johnny asked, ignoring Miguel's words and after neither of the teens answered, he spoke again. "Ali lives in Colorado so probably a while, right?"

"It's instantaneous, Dad." Julianna sighed and Johnny slammed his computer shut. "Okay, what about All American Karate?" Julianna asked, leaning over the table a little bit. Johnny shook his head. "You're just saying that cuz you like that show. Plus, it's not good enough. We need something that tells everyone we're the most badass dojo in the Valley."

Julianna snickered a laugh, pealing the wrapping off the water. "Too bad Cobra Kai's a badass name." Julianna sighed and Johnny pointed at her, raising his brows. "What if we just keep that? But we spell out cobra with a K. They can call us triple K."

Miguel and Julianna looked at him as if he were crazy. "Like KKK?" Miguel asked quietly. Johnny took in a deep breath before nodding his head. "Yeah, that's probably a bad idea. All right. Whatever. We'll figure it out. First, we need some students. I already got you two, Lexi and Joey, right?"

Julianna shook her head. "Mrs. Gomez said Joey can't. She doesn't want to have to send him to boarding school again if he doesn't control himself. But, Kreese has been kicking out a bunch of kids. They'll come crawling to us." Johnny smirked, fisting bumping Julianna. "That's my girl."

"But, wait? Where are we gonna train?" Miguel asked and Johnny waved his hand. "You let me worry about that." Miguel nodded and Julianna turned to him, patting his shoulder. "Go and change out of these sweaty clothes. Lexi's gonna be here any minute to take us to school."


When lunch rolled around, Mitch walked over to the Cobra Kai table and when he went to take a seat by Hawk, he quickly put his feet up, stopping him. "Sorry. Party's full."

Mitch looked around at the cafeteria before looking back at Hawk. "Where am I supposed to sit?" Hawk scoffed. "The rejects table. Over there." He nudged his head to the table in the corner where very few kids sat. Just as Mitch was about to walk over there, he heard two girls laughing a few tables away. It was Julianna and Lexi.

Mitch turned to Hawk and smirked. "Thanks, but I know somewhere better I could sit." Mitch walked right passed Hawk before walking to Julianna's table where Joey, Julianna, Lexi, Moon and Bert sat. Hawks eyes followed Mitch and he instantly glared when he saw where he was going. "Can I sit here?" Julianna turned her head to Mitch's voice as she smiled, nodding her head. "Yeah, sure. Come on." Mitch mumbled a thank you as he took a seat on the other side of Bert who was sitting next to Julianna. Lexi was in front of Julianna with Joey on one side and an empty seat for Demetri on the other while Moon sat on the other other of Julianna.

"Hey, where's Demetri? He's usually here by now?" Lexi asked and Julianna looked up, her eyes growing wide at what was happening right behind Lexi. "Shit." Lexi turned around and instantly grew angry at Kyler drawing on Demetri's cast.

Lexi shot up and made her way over to the boy, Julianna getting up right after her. "Hey, Lex. Remember, don't hit or you'll get expelled. Don't hit or you'l-" "Hey guys. Check this guy out. Standing around with a dick on his hand." Kyler announced to the whole cafeteria.

Lexi grabbed Demetri's good hand and started walking out of the cafeteria, pushing Kyler's shoulder as she passed, pissing off the boy. Kyler pushed Lexi, making her stumble a little and Julianna quickly got in between them, pushing Kyler as hard as she could. "Hey! Back off!"

"This isn't your fight, bitch!" Anthony yelled, butting into the argument and pushing Julianna, sending her backwards and falling over, bringing the trashcan down with her. "Oh Shit! Sorry Jenna!" Kyler sang as he laughed at the girl, him and Anthony doing a little fist bump.

Lexi ran over to Julianna, grabbing her arms and pulling her up. Julianna felt her heart race at everyone laughing at her as Lexi took her and Demetri out of the room.

From across the room, Miguel and Hawk watched. "So that's who you're friends with now? I'm surprised Jules still even tries talking to you." Miguel said with disappointed voice, making Hawk looked down, defeated.


Julianna walked into her chemistry class late after going to the office to get a sweatshirt to wear from the school because her shirt was all sticky. She quickly handed Mr. Smith a note to excuse her tardiness as she took a walk off shame to her desk in the back beside Hawk. Julianna kept her eyes down as she took her seat, too embarrassed to meet anyone's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Hawk asked and Julianna ignored him, pulling out her notebook. Hawk sighed, leaning back into his chair. "Come on, Sunshine. Talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about." Julianna shrugged as a granola bar wrapper was thrown at her desk. Julianna looked up at the sound of laughing and glared holes into Anthony's head.

"Jul-" "Lets just work on the project. I'm free after school tomorrow, that good for you?" Julianna asked, looking up at Hawk with raised brows. Hawk stared at her, knowing she was still embarrassed from lunch. He felt bad he hadn't done anything to help her. Defend her. He could hear snickers from the front of the class and looked up at Anthony who was laughing at his phone, even from far away, Hawk could see it was Julianna falling. Someone caught it on video.

He felt rage practically pour out of him but when he turned back to Julianna, he felt calmer looking at her, at how close he was sitting with her. Hawk realized he never answered her question and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, tomorrow after school works great."


As soon as that class was over, Hawk marched over to the rest of the Cobra Kais and stared down Anthony, who was laughing with Kyler. When Kyler noticed Hawk, more specifically, how angry he look towards Anthony, he hit the boys shoulder lightly and gestured to Hawk.

Anthony turned around, still laughing until he met eyes with Hawk. "The hell was that at lunch?" Hawk grumbled under his breath but Anthony heard him from Hawk getting right up in his face. Anthony looked at Hawk in confusion until his eyebrows raised and he understood what Hawk was talking about. "You mean pushing Julianna into the trash? Hey, man look... I didn't mean to do that but it was pretty funny and the bitch deserved-" Anthony was cut off by Hawk grabbing onto the collar of his shirt and ramming him into the lockers.

"You lay another hand on her or you call her a bitch again... and you're dead. You hear me?" Hawk whispered, his voice dark and cold and he could've sworn he saw a slight light of fear hit Anthony's eyes. "I said do you hear me?" Hawk asked a little louder, pushing Anthony into the lockers harder and Anthony nodded vigorously. "Yeah, man! Yeah! I heard you!"

Hawk let go of Anthony, making him stumble a bit. He sent one more glare to the Lewis boy before walking to his next class.

From across the hall, Lexi and Demetri stared with wide eyes at Hawk threatening Anthony. "Did he just-" "Yep." Lexi answered Demetri in shock. The bell rang for the next class and Lexi turned to go before noticing Demetri's eyes watching the new drawing on his cast sadly. Lexi sighed, taking a pen out of the pocket of Demetri's flannel. "Wh- What are you doing?" Demetri's stuttered as Lexi started writing on his cast.

I love your big dick -Lex

Demetri stared down at the cast with wide eyes as Lexi brought his arm up to her lips, kissing the drawing, her slightly red lipstick staying on the cast.

Lexi smiled, looking up at Demetri who was staring at her as if she was the only person in the world. Lexi smiled, going on her tippy toes and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Is that better now?"

Demetri nodded his head vigorously with a big dopey grin, making Lexi laugh. "Good. But make sure Joey doesn't see that. He'd kill both of us."

I'm sorry for any secondhand embarrassment i may have caused with the trash incident BUT PROTECTIVE HAWK

also i just love sharing photos of jacob and i'm sure many of you have seen this but-


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