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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇 𝓂𝒶𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓈¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"I don't know how to say it any plainer. Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to work together." Sam persisted and Chris sighed. "Even if we wanted to team up it'd never work. I was in Cobra Kai. Their style mixes with ours like..."

"Oil and vinegar?" Nate asked and Lexi's face scrunched. "Isn't that salad dressing?" Chris nodded at Lexi. "I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation."

"They were friends, dipshit." Mitch scoffed. "Not at WrestleMania 3, Penis Breath." Chris shot back, making Mitch adjusted himself in his seat more to face Chris as Julianna rolled her eyes, resting her forehead on the side of Miguel's shoulder. "Okay, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call me Penis Breath."

"Why are you okay with anyone calling you Penis Breath?" Mitch scoffed. "You know what? Screw this. Come on, let's go." Mitch and the other kids of Eagle Fang started to get up and Julianna pointed at Bert.

"Bert! Sit!" Bert looked at Julianna with wide eyes and sat back down in his chair as the rest of Eagle Fang started to walk out. "Hey, Pussies!" Demetri screamed, catching Julianna off guard, making her jaw drop as him and Lexi walked up to the rest of Eagle Fang.

"This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want!" Lexi yelled as Demetri pointed at Mitch. "Since you were one of them, you're an asshole too. So are you." He said pointing to Bert. "So was Lexi and Jules." "Don't call us assholes." Lexi muttered and Demetri realized how bad his words sounded and grabbed her hand.

"Well, so was I! Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley-" "Run by the crusty king of assholes himself." Lexi added and Julianna tried to hold back a laugh. "So if by merging Eagle Fang..." He turned to Lexi. "Weird name by the way." Lexi just shrugged, letting him continue. "Can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it!"

Julianna and Lexi smiled proudly at Demetri as he shook his head. "I'm sorry or all the 'assholes'. I usually take pride in my grandiloquence but it's an emotional time."

The Eagle Fang boys nodded, taking a seat on the couch and Lexi quickly kissed Demetri's cheek. "Good job, babe." Demetri smiled down at her, placing a quick kiss on her lips and smiled. "Why thank you. Now... where do we start?"


"We're all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at Miyagi-Do." Julianna asked and everyone nodded. "But we're deadlocked on a new name, Gi design, Post training snacks and Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol.." Demetri said and Julianna quickly wrote it down. "Not good... at all really but it's a start." Lexi mumbled when a cat started meowing from outside.

A big smile grew on Bert's face as he got up from his seat and walked towards the door. "Aw, I think your cat wants to come in. Here, kitty, kitty." As Bert walked outside, Miguel turned to Sam. "I didn't know you had a cat." Sam shook her head in confusion. "We don't."

Before anybody could even think about her answer, Bert was thrown through the kitchen window. Julianna didn't hesitate to run over to him. "Bert!" Julianna slowly helped him up as he coughed. "No cat." "Yeah, no shit." Lexi grumbled back when the door opened.

Hawk, Kyler and a three more Cobra Kai boys walked in and Julianna slowly pushed Bert behind her and beside Nate. "It's payback time, Rhea. Let's go." Kyler said as they walked towards the group, making the Miyagi-Do/Eagle Fang group walk back towards the couches as the front door opened.

Anthony, Tory and two more boys walked in and Julianna felt her blood boil at Anthony sending her his all to well known smirk. "Heya, babygirl." He sang lowly as they walked towards them. Julianna watched the crazed look in Tory's eyes as she stared at Sam. "Heard you were throwing a party. Hope you don't mind if we crash."

"Tory, you don't have to do this." Miguel practically begged as Julianna turned around to Hawk as if saying the same to him but he wouldn't meet her eyes. "It's too late. This ends tonight. No mercy!"

The Cobra Kais ran up to the group. Anthony running right to Julianna to punch her but Julianna quickly blocked it. Julianna took a few steps back so she could be able to move around and not be cramped into a corner and soon enough she found herself on the little bridge in the LaRusso house.

Anthony ran up to her and Julianna quickly grabbed onto the handles of the bridge, kicking her feet up to hit his face and sending him to the ground. She took a deep breath, wiping some hair out of her face when someone came up behind her and started to wrap their arms around her neck.

Julianna quickly sent an elbow into the persons stomach, kicking her knee into their kneecap, making them fall on the ground. She turned around to face the Cobra Kai boy and quickly spun, kicking him in the face, making his head hit the railing of the bridge and fall to the ground.

Julianna turned back around and saw Anthony starting to get up so she quickly jumped over the guy she had just hit and ran out of the little sanctuary area until she was by the stairs.

Anthony was right behind her and sent a punch to her head. Julianna moved out of the way just in time so Anthony's fist went into the wall. Julianna grabbed his other arm, kicking him in the stomach and twisting him around so his back was to the wall and continuously kneed him in the stomach.

Anthony shook his arm free from the drywall and while Julianna was busy kneeing him, he weakly reached for the vase on the little table and slammed it into Julianna's head.

Julianna immediately fell to the ground, grasping her head in pain when she noticed Anthony stalking towards her. She quickly lifted her leg up, kicking his kneecap before sweeping his legs.

Anthony fell to the ground as Julianna slowly got up, a little wobble in her step as she walked towards him. "I told you to stop messing with me asshole." Julianna grumbled, going to kick Anthony but he caught her foot, pulling him to the ground. 

Julianna didn't even have time to process her head banging into the hardwood floor before she felt a tight hand around her neck and felt herself being lifted off the ground. Her back hit the wall and she was faced with an angered Anthony Lewis. He sent her a look that Julianna could only describe as crazy.

She flailed her legs around, trying to get out of his grasp and kicking him in the stomach but he didn't budge. She could feel the little air leaving and entering her lungs as she started to grow dizzy. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lexi practically sprinting to her before a boy came out of no where to fight her. She kept her eyes on Lexi as she coughed for air, faintly hearing her best friend scream.

"Stop it, Anthony! You're going to kill her!"


After Kyler flipped Miguel over, he started cheering, highfiving Hawk. "Hell yeah! Hell yeah! These suckers never had a chance, baby!"

Hawk looked around the LaRusso house at the chaos happening around him when he started to hear voices replay in his head.

"I told you, only the strong will survive." -Kreese.

"Kreese has got in your head." -Miguel.

"What happened to you?" -Jules.

"When you came into my dojo, you were softer than a baby's ass." -Johnny.

"Never underestimate your enemy." -Kreese.

"This isn't the boy I fell in love with..." -Jules.

"I made you what you are. Not Kreese! He doesn't give a shit about you." -Johnny.

"I don't know if you wanna be like Hawk, not everyone's his biggest fan of him at the moment." -Lexi.

"The enemy of your enemy is your friend." -Kreese.

"If I'm talking to my Hawk... please come back." -Jules.

His breathing started to grow shaky as his eyes fell forward where two boys were beating up Demetri, flipping his arm around to break it again. "Hey! Yo, Hawk. Free shot!"

Hawk felt his anger overflow as he ran towards the three. Demetri shut his eyes, ready for Hawk to hit him but instead, Hawk jumped over him, kicking one of the boys in the face and grabbing the other one by the neck, flipping him onto the glass table.

Hawk started walking towards Demetri who immediately started walking backwards. "Look, man. I'm sorry. For all of it." Hawk said and Demetri stared at him in shock. "Do you wanna help me win this thing?" Demetri nodded his head and they grabbed hands, leaning in for a bro-hug

As the boys pulled away from their hug, they could hear a weak cough from across the room and someone scream. "Stop it, Anthony! You're going to kill her!"

Hawk and Demetri's eyes widened as they turned to face the stairwell where Lexi was fighting a boy from Cobra Kai, trying to get passed him to get to Anthony who had Julianna in a chokehold, pining her against the wall. Anyone could see her face turning red from her loss of air as she clawed his arm for air, trying to kick her legs back to kick him but she kept missing.

The boy fighting Lexi punched her in the face, making her fall into the mirror beside her and onto glass. Demetri and Hawk ran over as the boy started lifting Lexi off the ground and she flailed her legs around.

Demetri grabbed onto the boys shoulder, spinning him around and sending a punch right to his face before kneeing him in the stomach and sending a kick to his face when he bent over. Once the boy was down, Demetri grabbed onto Lexi, holding her tight in his arms as he moved hair out of her face. "You okay?" Lexi weakly nodded her head and Demetri quickly kissed her.

Hawk stomped up to Anthony, the sight of such a weak Julianna made his blood boil. "You're dead, Lewis!" He yelled, his voice dark and cold as he sent a quick to kick to Anthony's stomach, making sure not hit Julianna. Anthony let go of Julianna from Hawks harsh kick and Julianna fell to the ground, not catching herself as she coughed for air. As soon as Lexi saw Julianna hit the floor, she pulled away from Demetri and ran to her friend, pulling her into her chest for a hug, running and hand through her hair for comfort.

Hawk walked up to Anthony, sending a punch to his face and Anthony rammed into the wall, checking his nose for blood but before he could bring his hand away from his nose, Hawk sent another punch to his face and a kick to the stomach right after.

As Anthony was bent down, Hawk grabbed his shoulders, throwing him to the ground and getting on top of him, sending punch after punch to his face that reminded Lexi and Julianna of Hawk beating up Brucks.

Julianna's eyes fell to the scene in front of her and she tried her best to sit up, pushing herself out of Lexi's arm and tried to get up and walk over to Hawk.

"Hawk. Stop. Come on. Hawk." Julianna breathed out, her voice all scratchy as she pulled Hawks shoulders to get him off of Anthony. She finally got him off as he sent one last punch to Anthony. Julianna noticed Anthony trying to get up, his face all beat up and bloody. Julianna glared daggers at the boy, stepping in front of Hawk and kicking Anthony in the face, knocking him out. "Asshole." Julianna grumble before turning around to face Hawk, instantly noticing how angry he still was. He looked like he was ready to murder someone, his fists clenching and unclenching as his nostrils flared.

"Hawk. Hawk, look at me." Julianna whispered and it was almost as if a switch went off in Hawks mind when he looked at Julianna, his angry eyes disappearing and turning into worry.

He quickly walked up to Julianna, cupping her cheeks in his hands. He rubbed his thumb across her cheekbone as he looked into her eyes. "Are you all right, Sunshine?" Hawk asked, moving Julianna's chin up so he could see her neck, more specifically, the new bruise already growing.

Julianna nodded, looking back at Hawk and smiled softly at him as her arms went around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Hawks arms fell from her face and went around her waist. "I got you, Sunshine. I got you." Julianna felt her heart beat across her body. Julianna just held onto Hawk as tight as she could, stuffing her face into the crook of his neck.

Julianna heard a little chuckle a few feet away from her and open her eyes to see Demetri and Lexi standing, Demetri had his hands cupped around Lexi's face as he placed a quick kiss to her forehead before pulling her into his side.

"Thank you." Julianna mumbled to the three and she could feel Hawk smile into her shoulder, tightening his grip around her waist as Demetri smiled. "We'll always save our fair maidens." He mumbled, pulling Lexi closer to him, his words making the whole group smile.

From behind them, they could hear fast footsteps coming their way and saw an out of breath and bloody Miguel coming towards them. "Have you... Have you guys seen Sam?" Miguel asked in between breaths and Julianna pulled away from her hug with Hawk but kept her arms around him as she turned to Miguel. "I saw her run out by the dojo."

Miguel's brows furrowed at Julianna's cracked voice before noticing the bruise on her neck and his brows shot up in concern. "Are you okay?" He quietly asked and Julianna nodded as she tried to walk over to him but failed so Hawk swooped in, up and keeping his arm around her waist as they went to find Sam.

When they got to the dojo, Julianna straightened up at Tory cornered by Sam. "Stop!" Miguel screamed as they all ran up to them. "Tory, the fight's over." Julianna mumbled to the girl and Tory turned to her, slightly frowning at the bruise on her neck before shaking her head. "No. It's not. This will never be over, LaRusso. You hear me?"

"You know where to find me." Sam instantly snapped back, as Tory walked over to Miguel, Hawk, Julianna, Lexi and Demetri, staring at the former Cobra Kai students. "Traitors."

Tory got right up in Hawks face, making Julianna pull him back a bit. "You better watch you back." Tory turned to Julianna and gave her a sickeningly sweet smile. "You too. I can't control Anthony." As she walked out, Demetri stopped her. "They won't have to. They have friends watching it for him." Tory glared at the group before walking out. Julianna turned around, watching the girl leave when she felt a hand slide into hers, squeezing it tightly.

we despise anthony lewis in this household😌

tomorrows chapter is sadly the last one for this season tho😔


its a little crowded in that corner but i like it 💃

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