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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨cobra kai's head bitch¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Ladies and Gentlemen, you've been waiting a long time, but we're finally here." Julianna heard Daryl's voice echoed throughout the arena. Jules was standing in the hallway just outside the main room where the All Valley would take place. She jumped around in her Miyagi-Do gi, shaking her hands around to try and calm her nerves.

Demetri turned to Julianna beside him with a slightly disgusted face, watching as she paced and shook her hands back and forth. "Can you stop? You're creating a breeze and I'm getting cold." Demetri asked and Julianna stopped, giving him a glare but the boy ignored it, giving her a big smile. "Thank you."

Eli looked back and forth between Julianna and Demetri with furrowed brows before walking up to Jules, grabbing her hands to stop her from pacing. "You okay?"

Julianna took in a deep breath as she nodded. "Of course!" She said, lying through her teeth as an anxious laugh left her lips. "I'm just competing in a karate competition against my brother who is on the enemies team and my best friend who is on my dads team!" Julianna said, still laughing before she continued to ramble. "And I was the champion last year so what if I do horrible this year and ruin my reputati-" Eli cut Jules off, letting go of her hands and cupping her face, pulling her into a kiss.

Julianna felt her heart rate slow as she slowly started to calm down. When Eli pulled away, Julianna opened her eyes to find Eli smiling at her. "You got this." Eli said and Jules took in a big inhale, nodding. "I got this." She said, reassuring herself as Daryl announced Miyagi-Do to the stage.

"Okay kids, let's go." Daniel said and one by one, all the Miyagi-Dos ran into the main room one by one.

"Last year's champion, Julianna Lawrence, transferred to Miyagi-Do! Let's get a round of applause for her!" Daryl yelled as Miyagi-Do got into their line. The audience and Miyagi-Do cheered for Jules as she dropped her head in slight embarrassment.

Eli, Demetri and Joey all cheered over-exaggeratedly, Demetri and Joey each grabbing one of her shoulders and shaking her as Eli got behind her, putting his hands on both of her shoulders and jumping.

"This next dojo took last year's title. But they're under new management." Daryl yelled, making Eli stop jumping, everyone freezing and getting back in line as Daryl continued to introduce Cobra Kai. "And last year's runner-up. He may be wearing a new gi, but one thing's for sure, Robby Keene and his team are ready to strike!" Daryl screamed and Julianna started to shake her hands at her sides at the mention of her twin.

"Hailing from Reseda, defending champions and still the most badass name for a dojo, here comes Cobra Kai!" Daryl yelled and after a few seconds, Kreese and Silver walked out from the side hallway, Cobra Kai behind them.

The two senseis chose the spot directly across the stage from Miyagi-Do, both of them raising their chins highly to look powerful against Miyagi-Do. Jules gulped as she looked over all the Cobra Kai's. Julianna's eyes locked with Robby and her brother smirked, giving her a small nod.

Julianna felt a little relieved at him nodding to her and slowly nodded back before looking over the rest of the Cobra Kai's. Julianna gulped when her eyes locked with Anthony's. The boy smirked and Jules clenched her jaw in anger.

Hearing a low huff from beside her, Jules turned her head to Eli, the boy watching Anthony angrily. "He better hope we don't have to fight each other." Eli muttered.

"And finally... this dojo is making their All Valley debut, though you'll recognize a few familiar faces." Daryl yelled, making Eli and Jules' eyes leave Anthony and turn to Daryl as he continued. "Every year, a new dojo rises up the ranks. Does this newcomer have what it takes to win it all? Please welcome Eagle Fang Karate, led by Sensei Johnny Lawrence!"

Julianna smiled as her dad ran out of the hallway, Lexi right behind him. When they got into their spots right next to Miyagi-Do, Julianna and Lexi's eyes met and the two gave each other big smiles.

Lexi's eyes then met with Demetri's, the boy giving her a big smile and two thumbs up. Lexi laughed at the action, giving him two thumbs up in return as she laughed.

"At the end of the day, only one of these dojos can be crowned Grand Champion." Daryl yelled and the crowd roared. Daryl smiled at the applause, laughing slightly. "Welcome to the 51st annual All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament!"

"Miyagi-Do's, bring it in!" Daniel yelled and the kids turned around from Daryl to Daniel. Daniel smiled at all of his students. "Some of you have been here before and for some of you, it's your first karate tournament. I still remember my first All Valley, where I stood here proudly with my sensei. Where I faced down the bullies of Cobra Kai. Now getting here hasn't been easy. There've been some bumps in the road, to put it mildly." Daniel said and Eli looked down at Jules beside him, slowly reaching for her hand.

Julianna smiled at the feeling of Eli grabbing her hand. She looked down at their hands before looking back up at Eli, smiling widely. Eli looked down at Jules, his eyes locking with hers before they both turned back to Daniel as he looked over all his students.

"Remember what's at stake. If Cobra Kai wins, our dojo closes for good." Daniel said and Julianna's smile faltered, all her worries washing back as she clenched her jaw. Daniel laughed, as if he had not just put 300 times more pressure on his students then they had before. "Now, let's get out there... and show Cobra Kai what we're made of. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sensei!" The Miyagi-Dos yelled, some of the students trying their hardest for their voice to sound more determined. Daniel smiled at the response, clapping his hands as he stepped back away from his students. "Great! Go ahead and warm up."

Julianna let out a breath of relief when he let them go. She went to go a few feet away from Daniel to warm up and stretch but Daniel called her back over to him to talk privately. "Julianna, a word?"

Jules nodded, walking back towards Daniel with raised and intrigued brows. "What's up?" She asked and Daniel sighed. "I just wanted to check on you. You seemed to be a little stressed back out in the hall and now with Robby and Johnny here..." Daniel started before he shook his head. "I just want to make sure you're okay." He said, making Jules chuckle.

"Got it. You want last year's champ at full game, not out of it." Julianna explained, shrugging her shoulders, but Daniel shut his eyes, shaking his head crazily. "No. I just wanted to say that it doesn't matter if you try your hardest if your head is not in the game. I wanted to make sure you're okay." Daniel said before putting both of his hands on Julianna's shoulders. "You don't need to win this."

Jules smiled at the man, nodding her head. "Thank you, Sensei." Jules said and Daniel smiled, nodding his head as he took his hands off her shoulders. "Of course. Now go and stretch with your team." Daniel said and Julianna smiled, nodding her head and running to her team.


The first part of the competition was the skills section. Every single member of the dojos had to go up and perform something. Jules worked with nunchucks Daniel had taught her, Lexi showed off her flips, Joey performed with wood breaking and Anthony did the same thing as Joey, but instead of wood, it was cement, making Cobra Kai automatically win when Anthony smashed his head through a block of cement.

"And just like that, Miyagi-Do has been snake bit as Cobra Kai takes the lead, with our qualifier rounds up next. " Daryl announced as Anthony bowed to the audience before slowly walking off stage. Julianna groaned at the boy's ego and cockiness, turning to Daniel as the rest of Miyagi-Do started to huddle up.

"I can't believe Cobra Kai beat us in skills." Sam groaned and Jules turned to Sam, shaking his head. "I thought we had that in the bag." Julianna spoke softly. Eli looked down in defeat, shaking his head sadly as he shrugged. "It's my fault. I couldn't break the last board. Sorry." Eli said and Daniel instantly shook his head, pointing at Eli.

"Okay. Forget that, okay? You all did great. We're on their heels. This is far from over." Daniel said and Julianna smiled, looking how quick Daniel was to push everyone to their best.!

From the other side of the room, Johnny shook his head angrily at the scoreboard, his arms crossed over his chest before he turned around to his students. "How the hell are we in sixth place?"He yelled and Lexi gave him an encouraging smile.

"The skills events are weighted differently. Gold medals are ten points, silver-" "I don't give a shit about the math. What do we need to beat Cobra Kai?" Johnny interrupted Lexi and her face dropped, her mood instantly changing as she glared at him. "Uh, math." Lexi said, making Johnny straighten up, slightly embarrassed.

"To catch up on points, we need to win as many matches in the qualifying rounds as possible." Lexi explained and Devon nodded in agreement with Lexi, smiling widely at Johnny. "The further we get, the tighter the vice around Cobra Kai's metaphorical balls." She explained and Johnny immediately smirked, nodding his head. "Okay. Good. Now you're speaking my language."

"Ladies and gentlemen..." A man that was not Daryl spoke into the mic. Everyone's conversations slowly drowned out as they turned to the short bald man standing on stage with an awkward smile. "The male and female division qualifiers are about to begin. And with them, we enter a new era!" The man yelled and the crowd erupted in cheers.

The man chuckled at all the cheering, his hand going to his stomach as he leaned back almost cartoon-like before he continued. "That's why we need a very special guest to kick things off. Let's give a big All Valley welcome to multi-Grammy-award winning, international superstar, Carrie Underwood!"

Julianna's brows furrowed, shocked yet confused by the man's words, but when Carrie Underwood herself walked onto stage, it only confused her more. "What?" She whispered as Eli and Joey squinted at the woman, both just as confused as Jules and Demetri watched the singer with an amused smile, a small laugh escaping his lips.

"Hello, All Valley!" Carrie cheered and the audience, and even some of the competitors, screamed for her. Carrie smiled as she looked around the building before she turned back ahead of her. "I am so honored to be here. I didn't see a lot of karate growing up in Oklahoma, but you guys know I love to compete, just like these wonderful young men and young women."

Julianna, still confused as to why Carrie Underwood was there, just laughed, her hands going to her mouth to stifle them as Carrie continued. "One thing I have learned is that everyone gets their shot, their chance in the spotlight. Everyone gets their moment." She spoke into the mic before looking back and forth to all the students around her, a small smile on her face. "This one's yours."


After a while, the competition was down to just the quarterfinalists. On the boys side was Eli, Joey, Demetri, Anthony, Miguel, Robby, Kenny and Xander, the boy Julianna fought to go to finals last year. And on the girls side was Jules, Lexi, Sam, Devon, Tory, Piper and two girls from two other teams.

"All right, folks. We've witnessed some great fighting today. But you ain't seen nothing yet. Because we have arrived at the quarterfinals!" Daryl announced, standing in between the boys and girls.

The crowd roared in excitement, the noise almost hurting Jules from how loud they were but that only excited her more, happy at how many people even showed up.

First up was Tory and Devon. Lexi cheered as Devon walked on stage. After they bowed to their ref and each other the ref started the round.

Devon and Tory ran at each other, sending punches at each other but they each blocked each other. Tory sent another punch Devon's way and the girl blocked it, while she was busy blocking that punch, Tory punched Devon in the gut.

"Point!" The ref yelled, pointing at Tory. Devon sighed, shaking her head. "You got this!" Lexi screamed and Devon looked back at her, nodding her head and getting back into her position.

The referee looked back and forth between Tory and Devon, making sure they were both ready before he started the fight. Tory was the first to make a move, heading towards Devon with punches and kicks back and forth, Devon just backing away while she blocked them. Devon stepped back, her foot barely out of bounds as Tory hit her.

"Point!" The referee screamed, making everyone from Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang turn to him, all knowing the point didn't count since she was out of bounds.

"Come on, ref! She was out of bounds! Where are your eyes?" Johnny screamed at the ref but the man shrugged, making Johnny scoff. Devon and Tory got back into their spaces, getting into their fighting positions.

"Fight!" The ref yelled and Tory didn't even give Devon any time to do anything before she kicked her in the chest, knocking her to the ground. "Point! Winner!" The ref yelled, lifting Tory's arm and when he dropped it, Devon scoffed, walking back to her team.

Lexi gave Devon a small smile, lifting her arm up so she could wrap it around the younger girl and when she did, Lexi shook Devon's shoulder. "You did good, Dev. You'll have it next year." Lexi said and Devon smiled, looking up at Lexi with a hoping and daring smile. "Yeah, maybe I can even beat you next year."

Lexi let out a dry laugh, shaking her head as she slowly removed her arm from around Devon's shoulder. "Yeah... Don't get too ahead of yourself, okay?" Lexi said and Devon chuckled, nodding.

Loud cheering from Miyagi-Do made Lexi turn her head to see who got onto the stage and her eyes widened and a big smile grew on her face as Demetri walked towards Xander. "Yeah! Demetri!" Lexi screamed, making Demetri turn around as they bowed, sending Lexi a happy smile before the ref started the fight.

Xander looked out of it, not as competitive as Julianna remembered him being. "What is wrong with him?" Jules whispered and Chris, who was standing behind Jules, rubbed his hands together and sighed. "Last I heard of him, he lost all his motivation after he didn't win last year's All Valley." Chris said as the referee screamed. "Point! Alexopoulos!"

Julianna turned to look back at the fight, Xander on the ground and Demetri watching him with wide eyes, walking backwards to his spot. Julianna watched with wide eyes as the boy struggled to get up.

"How did he even get this far into the competition?" Jules asked and Chris sighed, shaking his head. "Pity." Chris spoke, making Julianna turn to him. Chris looked down at Jules, shaking his head. "That competition ruined him."

Julianna looked at him with a confused look before scoffing and shaking her head, turning back ahead. "Yeah, sure. Thanks for that." She muttered just as Demetri kicked Xander in the stomach, sending him to the ground.

"Point!" The referee screamed and Julianna cheered, sure she felt bad for Xander but she was more excited and happy for Demetri.

This time, Demetri walked towards Xander, sticking his arm out to help him up. Xander looked up at Demetri, smiling slightly as he took his hand, Demetri helping him up.

Xander and Demetri slowly walked back to their spots and got into positions. The referee looked back and forth between the two boys before bringing his arm down, yelling "fight!"

Xander ran towards Demetri, catching everyone off guard. Demetri's eyes widened. Demetri blocked all of Xander's punches and while Xander was too busy try to hit Demetri, he was guarding himself. Demetri noticed and caught Xander's fist.

Xander went to hit him with his other hand but Demetri pushed it away and hit him in the stomach. "Point!" The referee yelled and Julianna's jaw dropped.

"Winner!" The referee yelled, throwing Demetri's arm in the air. Demetri laughed in excitement as Eli, Jules, Lexi and Joey all screamed and cheered for him. When the ref dropped Demetri's arm, Demetri ran towards his team, pulling Eli and Jules into a group hug.

Lexi knew Johnny might yell at her, but she didn't care, she was happy for Demetri. Lexi ran towards Demetri, pulling him into a hug as soon as he pulled away from Eli and Jules. "Newcomer Demetri Alexopoulos is heading to the semis!" Daryl yelled as Lexi and Demetri pulled away, Lexi running back to Eagle Fang so Johnny wouldn't yell at her.

Lexi walked back to her team, Johnny watching her with arms crossed. When she walked up to him, Johnny smiled. "You're up next, Gomez. Don't screw it up." Johnny said and Lexi's brows raised, a small smile on her face. "Do I ever?"

"Uh... I don't know... You didn't make it to the quarterfinals last year." Miguel said as he walked towards Lexi. The girl glared at him, hitting his shoulder with hers before Miguel started to laugh. "I'm kidding!" Miguel laughed out, before smiling down at Lexi. "You'll do great."

Lexi smiled, looking back and forth between Johnny and Miguel before getting onto the stage, a girl from XMA karate getting on the stage as well. The two met in the middle and bowed before turning to the ref, bowing at him and getting into position.

"Fight!" The referee yelled and the girl Lexi was fighting immediately kicked Lexi in the chest. Lexi looked at the girl in shock, not expecting it. She quickly composed herself, wiping off her gi before getting back into position.

"Fight!" The referee screamed and Lexi wasted no time running at the girl.

The girl Lexi was fighting looked scared of how quick Lexi bounced back at her kick, only really expecting her to play defense despite being in Eagle Fang.

While the girl let her guard down, Lexi kicked her in the stomach, the Topanga girl falling back and hitting the ground. "Point! Gomez!" The referee yelled as the girl scrambled to get up, Lexi walking back to her spot proudly.

The girl walked up to the referee and Lexi slowly, getting into her position. The ref looked at the girl from Topanga Karate weirdly before he started the next round.

The girl held her guard up when Lexi came towards her, blocking as many hits Lexi sent her way. Lexi quickly noticed the girl's eyes watching Lexi's hands closely, making Lexi kick her leg out, sweeping the girl's feet and knocking her to the floor.

"Point Gomez!" The referee announced and Julianna screamed in excitement for her best friend. Lexi looked back at the Miyagi-Dos, watching Jules, Joey, Demetri and Eli making complete fools of themselves as they cheered for her. Lexi laughed, walking back to her spot.

The girl from Topanga looked back at her sensei before turning back to Lexi. When the ref knew both girls were ready, he started the fight.

As soon as the fight started, Lexi spun around, kicking the girl in the face, knocking her to the ground. "Winner!" The referee yelled, walking up to Lexi, grabbing her hand and lifting it in the air.

Jules screamed in excitement, her and Demetri running to go and hug Lexi as she came towards them but Joey pushed them back behind him. "Nope! I'm her brother! I hug her first!" Joey called out as he ran towards Lexi. When she got off the stage, Joey pulled her into a hug.


No one knew how or why it happened but after a few rounds and despite the normal All Valley rules, Demetri was back on stage fighting, the score at 1-1.

"Come on, Demetri!" Jules screamed as Eli clapped crazily. "You got this!" He added and Demetri gave them a worried but thankful nod.

"Fight!" The referee screamed, making Demetri whip his head back to Anthony.

Anthony ran towards Demetri, sending as many punches as he could. Demetri's eyes widened, blocking as many punches as he could but Anthony made it passed all of Demetri's blocks and hit him in the stomach. "Point! Lewis!"

Demetri groaned, kicking his feet against the ground as Anthony laughed, the two of them getting into positions again. "Fight!" The referee screamed and Anthony went to punch Demetri again. Demetri blocked all of them and went to punch Anthony back but Anthony grabbed his fist and pulled him back, sending Demetri to the ground.

As soon as Demetri hit the ground, Anthony turned around to look at him and slammed his foot down, kicking Demetri in the stomach. "Winner! Lewis!" The ref announced, walking up to Anthony and lifting his arm in the air, Anthony letting out a howl-like scream of victory.

Demetri hopped off the stage, taking steps towards Lexi who pulled him into a hug. Eli and Jules went to comfort Demetri but Jules noticed Anthony walking towards them and she clenched her jaw in anger, crossing her arms, making Anthony smirk as he hopped off the stage.

Anthony looked back and forth between Jules and Eli before turning to Eli, smirking. "Too bad your friend lost to Cobra Kai. Can't wait to mop the floor with you too, Lip." Anthony taunted, pointing at his own lip to reference Eli's scar. Eli went to touch his lip and Anthony snickered, walking away.

Jules clenched her jaw in anger at the boy and once he was gone, she turned to Eli, shaking her head. "Ignore him. He's just a stupid bully." Jules said and Eli gulped, making Jules put on hand on his shoulder, her brows furrowing. "You know that's not who you are, right?"

Eli turned to Julianna, his eyes going straight to the floor as he shook his head. "I don't know who I am these days." He said, shaking his head and Julianna frowned. "You're not defined by your haircut, you know." She said and Eli slowly looked up at her and she smiled, shaking her head.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved it. I was really digging the purple actually." She said, making Eli laugh and once his laughter died down, Julianna gave him a small smile, cupping his face in her hands. "But I love you for you." She said before pulling him into a kiss.

When they pulled away, Eli's smile became more confident and Jules nodded, one of her hands going from Eli's face to his shoulder, rubbing it. "So go out there and kick Anthony's ass." She said and Eli nodded, giving her one more quick kiss on the cheek before heading to Daniel.

"Next up in the quarterfinals, it's Anthony Lewis of Cobra Kai versus Eli Moskowitz of Miyagi-Do." Daryl announced and the crowd cheered. Jules slowly walked to the edge of the stage, standing in between Joey and Demetri as Daniel turned to Eli with raised brows. "Everything good?"

Eli nodded, his eyes on Daniel before he turned to the stage, watching Anthony crack his neck. "Never better. I know who I am now." He said and Daniel smiled, nodding his head. "And who's that?" He asked and Eli looked away from Anthony, turning back to Daniel with a cocky smirk. "The guy who's gonna win this fucking thing."

With that, Eli jumped onto the stage, slowly walking towards Anthony and the ref. After they both bowed at the ref and each other, they got into position.

As soon add the fight started, Eli ran towards Anthony, kicking him as many times as he could but Anthony kept blocking them. Remembering training with Anthony in Cobra Kai, Eli remembered the boy was better at blocking kicks than punches.

Eli started to throw punches left and right towards Anthony, the Lewis boy struggling to block all of them. Anything grabbed Eli's fist, catching it before the punch but he was so caught up in catching Eli's punch, he didn't notice Eli throwing another one at him with his other hand before he was hit in the gut.

"Point! Moskowitz!" The ref yelled as Eli backed up from Anthony, going back to his spot. Anthony glared at Eli, his nostrils glaring in anger as the two of them got into position.

When the next round started, Anthony ran towards Eli. Eli's eyes barely even widened as he took a step to the side, sticking his arm out and knocking Anthony to the ground. When Anthony hit the floor, Eli kneeled down, punching him in the gut.

"Point!" The ref yelled and Eli smirked. Anthony got off the ground, practically red in anger as got back into position. The ref looked between the two boys, his eyes looking at Anthony as if he were crazy before he brought his hand down, screaming "Fight!" before running back.

Anthony let out loud a yell as he ran towards Eli and Eli waited until Anthony was close enough to him before jumping, kicking his leg up and kicking Anthony in the gut.

When Anthony hit the floor, Eli's eyes widened, a big smile taking over his face. The referee walked towards him, grabbing his wrist and raising it in the air. "Winner!"

Julianna cheered for Eli's win, Demetri and Joey on either side of her, shaking her shoulder crazily just as excited as her.

When the referee dropped Eli's hand, he turned towards his team, a big smile on his face as he lifted his arms up and ran towards them.

Eli let out a loud laugh as he jumped from the stage and onto Joey and Demetri, the two boys barely being able to hold him up but they were all laughing and none of them cared.

Jules laughed at the sight of the boys and when they pulled away, Eli turned to her. He pulled her into a tight hug, spinning her around slightly, making Julianna laugh.

"Our next quarterfinal match will be Julianna Lawrence of Miyagi-Do Karate versus Piper Elswith of Cobra Kai." Daryl announced from the sidelines and Jules laughed, hitting Eli's back slightly. "Okay, okay. Put me down." Jules laughed out and Eli slowly put her down.

Eli kissed her cheek, muttering a "good luck", making Jules smile as she hopped onto the stage, Piper doing the same on the other side,

After they both bowed, they got into their positions. The ref looked back and forth between the two girls before throwing his hand down. "Fight!" He yelled before running back.

Piper ran towards Jules, sending as many punches as she could her way but Jules blocked every single one. Julianna raised her leg, kicking Piper in the chest but Piper had her hands up, blocking it.

Before Jules could even readjust herself for her next move, Piper kicked her on the side of the head. "Point!" The ref yelled as Julianna shut her eyes in pain, shaking her head slightly.

Once Julianna was all good, she and Piper got back into their positions and Piper cockily smirked at her. "Robby said Miyagi-Do was for defense only." Piper said, an obnoxious smile on her face that was pissing Jules off. Piper picking up on Jules' anger, smirked and shrugged. "And without your defense, you have nothing."

Jules tilted her head, giving the girl a dry and fake laugh that Piper giggled at before turning around and walking back to her side of the mat. When Piper's back was to Jules, the blonde's fake smile fell and she glared at her, slowly walking back to her spot.

Julianna got into fighting positions, waiting for the referees all clear and as soon as the next round started, Jules ran at Piper, kicking and punching. Piper scaredly blocked every hit before Julianna swept Piper's legs and when Piper hit the ground, Jules kicked the girl in the chest to secure her point.

"Point! Lawrence!" The referee screamed and Jules could hear her dad cheer for her from the sidelines.

Julianna stuck her arm out to help Piper up. The girl looked up at Jules with scared eyes before grabbing her hand. Julianna easily pulled Piper up and when they were standing face to face, Julianna gave her a cold glare. "In case you forgot, I was in Cobra Kai first, bitch." Jules muttered before letting go of Piper's hand and walking back to her side of the mat.

Julianna smirked as she saw Piper worriedly look baa as ck at Silver and Kreese before walking up to Julianna and the ref.  When the round started, Julianna ran towards Piper. Piper went to throw a punch to Jules but the blonde caught her fist and punched her in the stomach.

"Point Lawrence!" The referee yelled, lifting his hand on Julianna's side. Piper visibly gulped, readjusting her gi before walking back towards Jules and the ref.

Julianna smirked at Piper, almost to make her more scared and when the referee yelled "Fight!" Piper didn't even have time to take a step forward before Julianna kicked her in the chest, sending her backwards.

"Winner!" The referee screamed as he walked towards Julianna, lifting her arm in the air. Eli turned to look back at her team and Eagle Fang, everyone except Daniel cheering.

When the ref dropped her arm, Julianna smiled, running towards Eli. Julianna jumped off the mat, landing into Eli's arms as she laughed. When Eli put her down, he immediately cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

The two were pulled apart by Joey and Demetri, both of them cheering and pulling her into a group hug. Jules laughed at the hug and when they pulled away, all their smiles dropped at the look on Daniel's face.

"What was that out there?" Daniel whisper yelled as walked towards Jules and the others. Jules shrugged. "Eagle Fang." She said and Daniel rolled his eyes and licked his teeth in annoyance. "That's what I thought. How'd you pick up so much?" He asked and Julianna squinted at him, shaking her head. "Because I live with the guy who runs it?" Julianna laughed out before she shrugged. "Why does it matter? I won."

"You didn't win the right way." Daniel almost immediately snapped back and Jules just shrugged at the man. "Maybe my right way is different than yours."


Before Jules knew it, it was the semifinals. Left of the girls were Lexi, Sam, Jules and Tory and the boys were Miguel, Eli, Joey and Robby.

"And now, our first semifinal match will be Miguel Diaz of Eagle Fang versus Eli Moskowitz of Miyagi-Do." Daryl cheered into the mic, the crowd screaming.

Daniel turned to the audience before he turned to Eli, his brows raised. "All right. Don't forget to breathe out there. How you feeling?" He asked and Eli huffed, shaking his hands slightly to warm himself up. "I'm okay. Not exactly thrilled to be fighting my friend."

Julianna gave him a reassuring smile, bumping his  shoulder with hers to get his attention. "At least you know how he'll fight. Because my dad taught you too." She said and Eli nodded, feeling a little bit better.

Julianna gave him a small smile, nodding her head to the stage. "You got this." She said and Eli smiled, jumping onto the stage. Jules turned her head to Eagle Fang, watching as Miguel got on stage, Johnny and Lexi cheering "Go, Diaz!" from behind him.

When Eli and Miguel meet in the center, they share a few words before doing their handshake and getting into position. When the ref gave the all clear for the fight to start, Miguel ran towards Eli, sending him as many punches as he could. Eli blocked all of Miguel's punches and even tried to get a few kicks in himself but Miguel blocked those too.

At the same time, the two boys jumped into the air, kicking each other but both blocked and they fell to the ground. "No point, that's a block. Continue!" The ref yelled. Miguel and Eli quickly got back up, getting back into position.

"Let's go, Diaz!" Johnny screamed again. Miguel turned to his sensei, nodding. Miguel turned back to Eli and Julianna's eyes widened as Miguel jumped in the air, going to kick Eli in the face.

Just as he was about to complete the move, he lost his balance, falling to the ground in pain. Miguel let out a loud scream and Julianna felt a chill go down her spine.

"Miguel!" Jules screamed, jumping onto the mat and running towards Miguel. Jules kneeled down beside Eli, the both of them watching Miguel with wide eyes as Johnny ran up from behind them. Miguel had his mouth clamped shut since he hit the floor, not wanting to yell before he couldn't hold it back anymore.


but i loved all of it.

...except an*hony ofc😳

BUT NEXT CHAPTER (and most likely last💔) WILL BE OUT SOON

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