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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨into my own head¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Good news. Looks like it's just a pulled muscle." The nurse said to Carmen, Yaya, Jules and Johnny as she pressed her hand against Miguel's back before turning to Miguel. "It may ache, but you'll be fine." She said, giving Miguel a reassuring smile that he smiled back at.

Carmen let out a relieved sigh, her hand going to her heart. "Oh, thank God." She muttered, making Johnny, who was standing slightly behind Carmen and Jules, raise both of his hands up to rub their backs.

"So does that mean that I can keep fighting?" Miguel asked the nurse and she smiled, nodding. "They've given you 30 minutes to recover. So let the pain guide you. If it's telling you to sit this one out, I'd listen. I'll get you an ice pack." She said, Julianna muttering a small "Thank you." as she passed her to walk out of the room.

Once the nurse was gone, Jules turned back to Miguel, giving him a worried smile. "How's it feel now?" Miguel smiled at Julianna's worry, scooting over on his stretcher and patting the spot beside him. "Not bad. Just a little sore." He shrugged out as Julianna walked towards the stretcher, carefully getting on it beside Miguel.

Carmen sighed as she watched her son, not wanting him to fight and get injured again. "Miggy, you don't have to continue." She said and Jules immediately nodded in agreement. "She's right." Julianna abruptly interjected, making Miguel snicker. "Don't worry, guys. If something feels off, I won't fight."

Carmen watched Miguel closely before rolling her eyes and turning to Johnny. "Make sure he's okay." She said and Johnny nodded. "Of course." He said, making Carmen sigh, turning to Julianna.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's go." Carmen said and Jules gave Miguel a small kiss on the shoulder before hopping off the stretcher and walking out of the room with Carmen and Yaya and back to the main room.

"Robby Keene is ahead two-one as he and Joseph Gomez battle it out for a trip to the finals!" Daryl yelled as Julianna walked out of the hallway and headed towards her team. As Julianna stood in line with the rest of Miyagi-Do, Joey punched Robby in the gut, sending Robby back a couple steps.

"Point. Gomez. Score, two-two. Go to your sensei's." The referee yelled and Joey stuck his arm out, helping Robby up before walking to Miyagi-Do.

Daniel sighed, rubbing his hands together. "All right." Daniel muttered as Joey stopped at the edge of the stage, panting slightly. "I don't know how I'm gonna win this, Sensei. Robby's really good." Joey said, looking back at Robby who was talking with Kreese and Silver.

Eli shook his head, a small smile coming onto his face. "Well, you're taller. You have the high ground. That's how Obi-Wan beat Anakin." Eli said, making Joey turn back to Eli and the rest of the team, his brows furrowed and his face scrunched as he shook his head.

"Dude, I don't speak nerd." Joey said and Eli's smile faltered. Jules glared at Joey, whacking his leg, making Joey wince, turning to Julianna with a small glare. "I meant it in a nice way! I don't know what he means!" Joey defended and just as Julianna was about to reprimand him again, Daniel stuck his arms up and between the two, turning to Joey. "Just remember your fundamentals. Breathe in, breathe out. You got this."

Joey nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before the referee called Robby and Joey back to the middle. As Joey walked away from them, the whole team cheered for him.

As Joey and Robby got into position, Lexi came up from behind Julianna, taking the spot beside her. "How's it going with Miguel?" Lexi asked. Julianna looked back and forth between the fight and Lexi before turning back to Robby and Joey, sighing "Pulled muscle. He has thirty minutes to come out here or he's disqualified."

Hearing the conversation from the other side of Jules, Eli turned his head and leaned forward to look at Lexi from across Jules. "Are you even allowed to be over here?" Eli asked as Julianna brought her hand up to her mouth, chewing on her nails in stress.

Lexi scoffed at Eli's words, shaking her head. "I don't care. I'm worried about Miguel and my brothers fighting Jules'. I'm staying over here." Lexi said and Eli nodded, turning to Jules. His eyes widened at her hands in her mouth and he quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled it away.

"Be careful." Eli said, making Julianna turn to him as he continued. "You don't want to chew them so far down that they'll hurt when you fight." Eli said and Julianna nodded, turning back to Robby and Joey just as the last round of the fight started.

Robby ran towards Joey, going to kick him in the face right away but Joey raised his hands, blocking it. While Robby's leg was still in the air, Joey went to kick the one that was still grounded but Robby noticed.

Robby jumped, lifting the leg that was keeping him up into the air and went to kick Joey in the chest.

Joey's hands still up from Robby's previous kick, blocked the new one. The crowd went silent when Joey stumbled back but the referee raised his hand in the air, shaking his head. "That's a block. No point."

Joey let out a breath of relief, him and Robby walking back towards the center of the stage. "Fight!" The referee yelled and Joey jumped, going to kick flip Robby but Robby grabbed Joey's leg, pulling it and bringing Joey to the ground.

Joey groaned in pain. He looked up at Robby and his eyes widened at the Keene boy raising his foot in the air. Joey rolled over just as Robby slammed his foot down.

Joey grabbed Robbys back foot once his other one landed and pulled on it, making Robby hit the floor face first. Joey quickly got up and went to punch Robby in the stomach but just as he was about to, Robby lifted his foot and kicked Joey in the gut.

Lexi sighed when the buzzer rang, her eyes shutting as Joey hit the mat. Robby hopped off the floor with ease, the referee walking towards him and lifting his hand in the air. "Winner! Keene!" The ref yelled, making Joey curse under his breath, slapping the mat he was still lying on before he got up and walked towards his team.


"Up next, competing from the same dojo, give it up for Julianna Lawrence and Sam LaRusso!" Daryl screamed and Julianna turned to Sam, sticking her arm out for Sam to shake.

"May the best fighter win." Jules spoke, making Sam smile, shaking Julianna's hand as she nodded. "May the best fighter win." Sam replied with a smirk.

The two girls hopped onto the mat and walked to the center of the stage, Sam having her back to Miyagi-Do while Jules stood across from her, her back to Cobra Kai.

The referee looked back and forth between Jules and Sam before bringing his hand down. "Fight!" He screamed before running back.

Jules ran towards Sam, instantly kicking her in the stomach. Sam stumbled back, her eyes wide. "Point! Lawrence!" The referee yelled and Sam looked up at Jules, her brows raised. "Fair game?"

Jules smirked, nodding her head. "Fair game."

The two girls got back into their positions and the referee looked between the two before throwing his hand down. "Fight!" He screamed and this time, Sam ran towards Jules, throwing punch after punch to her. As Jules was blocking her punches, Sam grabbed Julianna's wrist pulling it towards her and behind, making Julianna stumble forward. Once Jules passed Sam, the LaRusso girl turned around and kicked Julianna in the stomach. "Point! LaRusso!"

Jules huffed, readjusting her gi as she smirked at Sam. The two of them walked back into center and into positions. "Fight!" The referee yelled and Julianna made the first move of going towards Sam. The two went back and forth throwing punches at each other. After about a minute of it, Julianna groaned, getting down on the floor and sweeping Sam's feet.

When Sam's back hit the floor, Jules shot up and kicked Sam in the stomach. "Point! Lawrence!" The referee yelled as Julianna huffed some of the hair that fell out of one of her braids out of her face, sticking her arm out to help Sam up.

Sam grabbed her hand and sighed as Julianna pulled her up. The two quietly went back to their spots as the referee walked up to them.

"Fight!" He screamed and Sam ran towards Jules. Sam yelled as she went to punch Jules. Julianna saw Sam's punch coming as soon as the brunette ran to her. She grabbed Sam's fist before it could hit her chest. Just as she was about to strike Sam in the gut and get her final point, she felt her own stomach lurch in pain.

"Point! LaRusso!" The referee yelled and Sam smiled. They were at a tie. Final point wins. Jules took deep breaths as her hearing fixated on the voice surrounding her. She could hear Daniel cheering for both of them even though Jules knew he wanted Sam to win, she could hear Lexi, Eli and her dad screaming their lungs out for her and she could hear Joey and Demetri practically howling in excitement.

She took one more deep breath before she realized she was standing alone and Sam was back at center stage in the starting position. Jules took slow strides towards center stage and once she got there, she got into position, digging the balls of her feet into the foam on the mat.


Sam ran for Jules again, sending punch after punch her way. Jules blocked all of them and even pushed Sam back hard enough to make her stumble back.

Jules went to kick Sam's side but the LaRusso girl caught Julianna's leg. Sam went to pull it in hopes it would knock Jules to the ground but when Sam pulled her leg, Jules jumped, wrapping her other leg around Sam, bringing them both to the ground; Sam landed on her back and Jules straddled on top of her.

As soon as Jules was steady on top of Sam, she raised her fist, striking Sam in the stomach.

"Winner! Lawrence!" The ref screamed and Julianna's eyes widened. She stood up from Sam, the ref grabbing her hand and in victory.

When the referee dropped her hand, Jules looked down at Sam, holding her hand out to help Sam up. When the LaRusso girl was standing, she immediately pulled Jules into a hug as Daryl laughed, walking to center stage. "Julianna Lawrence, last year's champion, is going to finals!"

Sam squeezed Julianna's hand, pulling her towards the Miyagi-Dos. The group erupted in screams and cheers, Demetri, Lexi, Joey and Chris all pulling Jules into a hug that made the girl groan, but laugh and hug back nonetheless.

Eli wasted no time to grab Jules from behind as soon as the group hug she was in ended. Julianna yelped, surprised by Eli's arms wrapping around her. He lifted her up a little less than a foot off the ground and spun her, making Julianna laugh. When Eli put her down, his hands fell to her waist and he turned her around to face him and pull her into a kiss.

Jules froze, a small smile painting her lips as she kissed Eli back. Slowly, her hand went to the back of Eli's neck, her index finger running over Eli's short hair. After a few seconds, Jules pulled away, still smiling as a small, embarrassed chuckle left her lips.

"Stop celebrating." Julianna laughed out, making Eli pull away from her slightly, his brows furrowed as he watched her in confusion. Jules shrugged, realizing most of her friends' eyes were on her after her statement. "I haven't won yet." She said and Lexi scoffed, wrapping a lazy and playful arm around her taller friend.

"Either way, you're going to the finals." Lexi sighed as she turned to the stage, her arm still wrapped around Jules. "Next up, Alexandra Gomez and Tory Nichols! The winner will take the last spot in the finals!" Daryl yelled and Lexi sighed, her hand dropping from Julianna.

Demetri laid his arm over Lexi's shoulders from behind and moved around to kiss Lexi's cheek. "Good luck." He mumbled and Lexi smiled. She turned her head around and kissed Demetri before pulling away and getting on stage, Tory doing the same from across from her.

The two girls stood just a foot away from each other, both of them getting into fighting positions. The referee looked between the two before throwing his hand in between them, yelling a "Fight!" before practically hopping backwards, not wanting to get hit by either of the girls.

Tory ran for Lexi, screaming as she went to kick her in the stomach but Lexi quickly jumped back and grabbed Tory's ankle, pushing her away.

Lexi took a deep inhale, running at Tory as she tried to keep her balance up. Lexi raised her foot, kicking Tory in the stomach. When Tory hit the ground, Demetri, Jules, Eli and Joey screamed; Eli, Demetri and Joey throwing their hands in the air.

"Point! Gomez!" The referee cheered. Lexi laughed in excitement before she noticed the angry look on Tory's face as she stood up. Lexi clenched her jaw, staring Tory down as they both got back to their spots. The ref walked up to them, looking between them with a glimpse of fear in his eyes.


Tory ran towards Lexi throwing a punch towards her face but Lexi caught it. Once Lexi's hand was around Tory's wrist, Tory maneuvered her hand around, grabbing Lexi's wrist. She twisted Lexi's hand around, bending it just enough to hurt her but not break her arm. Lexi winced in pain as Tory let out a grunt, using her other hand to punch Lexi in the stomach.

"Point! Nichols!"

Lexi sighed, rolling her shoulder as she shook her arm to get rid of the pain. "Bitch." Lexi grumbled under her breath. Tory glared at Lexi, cracking her neck as she got into her stance, Lexi doing the same after her. "Fight!"

Almost instantly, Tory kicked Lexi in the chest and the smaller girl of the two stumbled back. Quickly, Tory stuck her foot out, swung Lexi's legs out from under her. Lexi hit the floor on her tailbone, then her back and lastly her head hit the ground, bouncing off it slightly from how hard she fell.

"Winner!" The referee yelled, grabbing Tory's hand and raising it. Lexi groaned as she sat up, rubbing her head in pain. "Gomez!" Johnny yelled from the Eagle Fang area. Lexi turned and watched as he walked towards the edge of the stage, placing his hands on the floor of it and leaning forward so he was closer to her. "You good?"

Lexi slowly nodded, raising a shaky thumbs up as she started to stand. As soon as she was on her feet, Lexi started to wobble and Demetri, not even knowing if he was allowed on stage, jumped on and ran towards Lexi, grabbing her shoulders to keep her steady.

"Woah! Easy there, Tiger." Demetri said and Lexi shook her head, moving around Demetri to try and walk off stage. "I'm fine, Metri. You don't have to worry." She said and Demetri rolled his eyes, speeding after Lexi, grabbing her left arm and wrapping it around his own shoulders so he was supporting her. "Except I'm your boyfriend and I am going to worry."

When he heard Lexi sigh, Demetri turned to face her, giving her a big smile. "Don't worry. You've made me proud." He said before leaning towards her, placing a big and obnoxious kiss on her cheek. Lexi laughed out a groan, shaking her head and Demetri pulled away triumphantly, glad he got Lexi to laugh so quickly. 

Once they reached the edge of the stage, Demetri removed Lexi's arm from around him and placed his hands on her waist, lifting her up and placing her on the floor and once she was safely on the ground, now being held up by Jules who was trying to make Lexi feel better by saying Lexi deserved to win and she would want to fight against her more than she would Tory, Demetri climbed off the stage, standing on the other side of Lexi.

"Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do are neck-and-neck on the leaderboard. But there's a dark horse... Or should I say a dark bird that still has a chance." Daryl said before he raised his brows enthusiastically. "Will Eagle Fang Karate stay alive in our dojo race? We're about to find out." Daryl said before pointing at the jumbotron behind him, a countdown clock appearing. "Miguel Diaz has one minute to return to the mat!" Daryl yelled and Julianna's face fell.

"Really? A countdown clock?" She whispered, not wanting Miguel to feel pressured into competing. She turned to the hallway door Miguel would be walking out of if he decided to compete.

Jules didn't realize how long she was watching the doors until the audience started to countdown from 10.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!" A loud buzzer rang through the air and Jules felt a sense of relief at the fact that Miguel wasn't competing.

"Well, it looks like Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight." Daryl announced and Julianna looked up at Eli who stood on stage, sucking in a deep breath.

Daryl smiled, lifting up one finger and pointing at Eli. "Which means that the winner by default is Eli Moskowitz, who advances to the final where he will face Robby Keene." Daryl yelled, turning around and pointing at Robby in Cobra Kai.

The audience roared for the finalists, making Daryl smirk. "The finals are up next."


"Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is finally over. It's finals time!" Daryl yelled and the crowd roared in excitement. The sound was so loud and sudden, Jules gasped out a shocked laugh, her hand going to her heart, slowly turning to Eli beside her who was smiling at her reaction, grabbing her other hand and squeezing it.

Daryl smiled at the audience's reaction, nodding his head slowly. "Since Cobra Kai scored the most points, they only need to win one match to be crowned Grand Champion. But if Miyagi-Do wins both matches, the title is theirs! Ooh, high drama! Up first, the boys' fight! Good luck to all of our fighters! Let's go!" He yelled and the crowd cheered again.

Jules turned to Eli, giving him an encouraging smile. Eli looked down at Jules, smiling as his cheeks flushed. He brought their conjoined hands up to his face and kissed Julianna's hand before letting go and walking onto stage.

He sighed, rubbing his hands together as Daniel walked over. "Already took down Anthony. This is my chance to get back at Robby for what he did to me and Lex." Eli said, nodding as if it would stick in his brain more but Daniel instantly shook his head. "This fight is not about him. The biggest battle is always the one within. Concentrate, defense, focus, power. You find your balance, and those points will come. All right?" He said and Eli nodded.

"Competitors." The referee called out, wanting Eli and Robby center stage. Eli looked at the ref before turning back to his team, sighing. His eyes fell on Jules who was giving him a big smile, her hands conjoined as her knuckles sat just under her chin. "Go out there and kick some ass."

Eli broke into a smile, nodding his head. He turned around and walked towards the center stage. Once he and Robby were there, they bowed to the referee, then each other before getting into position.

"Ready and fight!" The referee yelled and Julianna huffed, her, Joey, Lexi and Demetri all lined up to watch the fight.

Neither moved for a few seconds, both of them just hopping on their feet until Robby went to kick Eli in the stomach but Eli blocked it with his hand. Eli went to return the kick but Robby grabbed his ankle, throwing it to the ground.

Robby ran at Eli, trying to throw as many punches to the face his way but Eli blocked them. Robby caught on and when Eli was distracted blocking a punch to his face, Robby used his other hand to punch Eli in the stomach.

Demetri groaned as Julianna let out a small huff, bringing her thumb up to her mouth to bite her nail in stress. Robby jumped in excitement, clapping his hands together. "Let's go, baby!" He screamed and Eli quickly shook his head, turning to the referee and making a "T" shape with his hands.

"Time out." He said and Jules straightened up. Her eyes flickered to Robby and from behind him, she saw Silver laughing, raising his hands in the air. Julianna gulped, turning and walking towards Eli as he headed for Daniel.

Once Eli was at the edge of the stage he sighed, shaking his head in defeat. "He knows all my moves. He trained at Miyagi-Do way longer than me." Eli said, his voice sounding almost hopeless as he looked back at Robby.

Julianna's eyes widened as an idea popped into her head, she looked up at Eli and smiled. "And you were in Cobra Kai longer than him." She said, making Eli whip his head to her, his brows furrowed. Jules smiled, nodding her head. "Put him on defense." Once he started understanding what Jules was saying, the edges of Eli's lips turned upwards into a slight smile and he turned around to the referee and Robby.

Jules immediately noticed a new set of confidence in Eli as he walked towards the center of the stage. When he and Robby met in the middle, Eli brought his hands into a fighting position, Robby doing the same a few seconds after.


This time, Eli made the first move sending a kick towards Robby's stomach. Robby blocked the kick and seconds after, Eli was sending punches towards his face. From her spot, Jules could see Robby's eyes widen as he tried to block every punch.

Eli kicked his leg out, hoping to sweep Robby's feet but Robby jumped over them, backing away from Eli.

At the same time, the two boys ran at each other, jumped and raised their legs to kick the other. Eli's foot hit Robby's stomach first, knocking Robby to the ground on his back, Eli falling on his side a few seconds after.

Jules and Lexi jumped in excitement, both of them clapping them hands as they cheered, Joey behind them, his hands on either of their shoulders as he jumped up and down, cheering. "Point, Miyagi-Do!" The referee announced as Eli and Robby got back into their positions.

"Fight!" The referee yelled and Eli ran towards Robby, jumping and spinning in the air, trying to kick Robby in the chest. Robby grabbed Eli's leg and pulled it, sending Eli straight to the floor.

Julianna winced, her fist going to her mouth as she bit her knuckle. Of course a part of her would be proud no matter who won but she was wishing Eli wins, hoping that if Eli won, part of his confidence could come back.

Eli quickly got off the ground before Robby could punch him. As soon as he was standing, Robby was sending another punch his way. Eli blocked it just as Robby sent two more kicks towards him. Eli blocked everything, taking closer steps towards Robby to try and punch him in the face.

Eli abruptly stopped punching, spinning around and kicking Robby. The two fell to the ground and the referee raised his hands, shaking his head. "No point. Blocked. Continue."

Robby ran for Eli. He went to kick Eli in the chest but Eli side stepped away, letting Robby pass him. Once Robby was behind Eli, Robby grabbed Eli's forearms and jumped backwards, sending them both to the ground.

Julianna's jaw dropped as Demetri gasped from how hard the two hit the ground. "This is getting very intense." Demetri said, turning to Lexi, Jules and Joey on his left while Eli and Robby pushed away from each other, shooting off the ground.

Joey slowly turned to look at Demetri from the other side of Jules as Lexi looked up at Demetri from right next to him, both of their eyes widened as they both nodded, agreeing with him while Julianna kept her eyes on the fight.

Eli ran for Robby, throwing punches left and right to him until they were right up against each other. Eli went to kick Robby's stomach but Robby pushed him back. As Eli stumbled back, Robby raised his leg and kicked him.

Julianna's eyes widened, a small gasp leaving her lips as she turned to the ref, the man raising his hands in the air as he shook his head. "No point. Continue." He yelled and Jules shut her eyes, sighing.

When Julianna opened her eyes, she saw Eli going to kick Robby in the gut but Robby jumped back, the tie of his gi unraveling after getting looser and looser throughout the fight.

Eli grabbed the open seam of Robby's gi, going to pull on it but Robby pulled back, making Eli ram into Robby's chest. Robby grabbed onto Eli's shoulders from behind but quickly, Eli grabbed Robby from over his head and bent down, throwing Robby over his shoulders and onto the ground in front of him.

Just as Eli was about to throw his punch at Robby to earn another point, the buzzer for their timer set off and everyone froze.

Julianna turned to the jumbotron with wide eyes, watching the blinking "00:00" before turning back to Eli and Robby, Daryl walking up to them.

"Unbelievable!" Daryl yelled as the crowd screamed. "These two amazing competitors have reached their three minute time limit in a 1-1 tie!"

Julianna turned to Lexi, her eyes locking with Lexi's wide ones. Lexi shook her head crazily at Jules, shrugging as she mouthed "I don't know."

"Their championship match will be decided, for the first time since 1985, by sudden-death overtime!" Daryl yelled and Julianna's head whipped back to the stage, her eyes widened even more than they were before. As the crowd cheered, Demetri sighed, shaking his head. "I hate sudden-death in Super Smash Bros and I hate it here."

Jules scoffed out a small laugh, shaking her head. "Tell me about it." She muttered, her eyes never leaving the stage as Daryl ran off.

As Eli looked over the audience, his eyes flickered back to his team. When his eyes met Julianna's, she smiled, giving him two thumbs up. Eli smiled, returning the gesture back at her before turning back to Robby. He bowed and Robby bowed back, making Jules blow a small, stressed bit out air out of her mouth as she rubbed her hands together.

"Go to your sensei's." The referee said and Eli nodded, turning around and walking towards the Miyagi-Do group. As Eli walked over, a wide smile grew on Daniel's face. "That was incredible."

Eli smiled, a small and out of breath laugh leaving his lips as he looked over his team before turning back to Daniel. "Any advice on the last point?"

Daniel turned to Jules across the huddle from him. Julianna smiled, nodding her head, making Daniel sigh, turning back to Eli. "Give him all you got."

Eli's smile widened, quickly bowing at Daniel. "Competitors , come back." The referee announced, stopping Daniel from bowing back to Eli.

When Eli turned around and started walking back towards the center of the stage, Robby stopped walking and ripped off the top part of his gi. Demetris eyes widened, leaning down towards Jules, his mouth agape. "What is happening?" He asked and Jules squinted at her twin, shaking her head. "I have no idea." She muttered back.

Eli turned to the referee, the man looking just as confused as him as he shrugged. Eli turned back to Robby, watching him throw his gi to Tory in the sidelines. Eli wasted no time untying his gi and Demetri's eyes widened again, elbowing Jules with an amused smile. "Oh look, he's doing it too."

Julianna let out a happy laugh as Eli took his gi off. She brought two fingers to her mouth and whistled as Eli turned around to face her. Eli chuckled at Jules and she smiled back, her eyes flickering from Eli's eyes to his jewel tattoo just above his peck. Eli smirked, throwing Jules his gi and winking before turning back to Robby and the referee, rolling his shoulders as he walked towards center stage.

"Next point wins. Good luck, gentlemen." The referee said, looking between the two one last time before bringing his arm down in between them, yelling a "fight!"

Robby made the first move. Jumping higher than Jules has ever seen someone jump. He raised his foot, aiming for Eli's face but the boy jumped back, Robby barely missing his face.

As soon as he landed, Robby went to kick Eli again, his foot landed just above Eli's knee and he pushed himself up, doing a backflip. Eli started to fall from the pressure in his knee. When his back hit the ground, he rolled. He put his hands behind his head and when he felt his palms touch the ground he pushed up, shooting off the ground and landing back in his fighting stance.

Eli ran towards Robby, who was still kneeled after landing his flip. Eli jumped on Robby, wrapping one leg around and over Robby's shoulder as the other went under Robby's arm. As he started to fall, Robby twisted Eli around so he would land on top of Eli.

Robby raised his hand to punch Eli in the stomach and Lexi gasped, covering her eyes and hiding her face in Demetri's arm. "I can't watch!" She mumbled as Jules stood beside her, her eyes never leaving the fight as she bit her knuckle.

Julianna watched as Robby slowly looked up at his team, his eyes falling onto the younger boy from the drive-in, screaming at Robby to win. Noticing he was distracted, Eli Kicked Robby's shoulder, making him roll and fall away from him.

Jules gasped, as the two boys shot off the ground. An airy laugh left Juliannas lips as she started whacking Lexi's arm. "Lex! Open your eyes!" She whispered and Lexi turned away from Demetri, watching the fight with wide eyes and a growing smile.

The two went back and forth, throwing kicks and punches to each other. When Eli sent a kick towards Robby's side, Robby grabbed his foot, raised his own elbow and jabbed it into Eli's inner knee. Eli groaned in pain as Robby let go of him. The referee shook his head, easing his hands in the air. "No point!"

Daniel sighed in relief, nodding his head. "It's okay. It's okay." He muttered. Jules watched him for a second, noticing the uncertainty in his face before she turned back to the fight.

Eli had a slight limp as he ran towards Robby. He spun around, raising his leg to kick Robby but the Keene boy grabbed his leg. Eli wrapped his arm around Robby's shoulders and jumped back, both of them falling to the ground. As soon as he hit the ground, Eli raised his leg and slammed it down on Robby's chest.

Julianna's jaw dropped, a happy laugh leaving her lips as Joey and Demetri cheered. "Point! Winner!" The referee yelled and Jules screamed, jumping onto the stage and running towards Eli, the rest of Miyagi-Do and Lexi right on her tail.

Eli turned to his team, screaming with them as he opened his arms out for Jules. She jumped into his arms, both of them screaming and laughing messes as he lifted her up and spun her.

When Eli put Jules down, he readjusted his hands around her waist and kissed her.

The rest of the group came running at the couple, pulling them into a group hug. "Your boys champion, Eli Moskowitz!" Daryl yelled, walking towards the group hug with the trophy in hand. Eli pulled away from everyone around him, walking towards Daryl and taking the trophy.

Eli looked down at the trophy, his eyes glistening as he looked over it before a smile cracked his lips. He turned towards the audience and raised the trophy in the air, screaming in victory.


Jules blew air from her lips to calm her nerves down. She hopped slightly on the balls of her feet, the two dutch braids that were resting on her shoulders hopping with her. It was now the last competition, her and Tory. Even though Daniel told her to not think about it, all that could run through the blonde's mind was that if she lost, Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang were no longer able to be open.

"What better way to cap off this exciting exhibition of karate than with a final match for the ages?" Daryl announced, walking down the middle of the stage. The crowd cheered, making him laugh. He turned to Cobra Kai, pointing towards Tory. "Representing Cobra Kai, the Queen Cobra herself, Tory Nichols! Coached by her sensei's John Kreese and Terry Silver."

The audience cheered for Tory, making her smile as Daryl turned to Miyagi-Do, pointing at Jules. "And representing Miyagi-Do Karate, last years All Valley Champion, Julianna Lawrence!" Daryl yelled and Jules took a deep breath, hoping to calm her nerves.

The crowd roared even louder for Jules than they had for Tory, making the Lawrence girl feel a bit better. Daryl laughed at the audience's reaction towards Julianna, waiting until the cheering died down before continuing. "Coached by her sensei, two-time All Valley champion Daniel LaRusso, who I've just been informed will be joined by Julianna's father, Sensei Johnny Lawrence."

Jules whipped her head to her dad, a small smile on her face at Johnny walking towards her, a smile on his face as Daniel ran on stage to talk to Daryl.

"Oh! I stand corrected." Daryl said after Daniel whispered something to him, making Jules turn to Daryl as Daniel started walking back towards Jules and Johnny. Daryl smiled, pointing at Johnny. "Fellow two-time All Valley champion, Sensei Johnny Lawrence!" Daryl announced, correcting himself.

Julianna smiled, she turned to Daniel, mouthing a small "thank you" that Daniel smiled and nodded at. Jules turned back to center stage, and started hopping in nervousness again.

Her dad noticed her nervousness and went to grab her shoulder, making the slightly nervous girl jump, calming down once she realized it was just Johnny. "Hey, kiddo you got this." Johnny said and Jules sighed. When he realized Jules wasn't taking his words to heart, Johnny spoke again.

"Win or lose, I'm proud of you and tomorrow we'll spend the whole day celebrating and making everyone a bunch of manwiches." Johnny said, a small smile on his face as he lightly punched her arm. Jules slowly started to smile at her dad before leaning forward towards the edge fo the stage, pulling him into a hug.

The man was startled at first but hugged back nonetheless. Jules smiled, closing her eyes. "I love you." She mumbled and Johnny smiled, a happy chuckle rumbling in his chest, making Jules laugh from the vibrations. "I love you too." Johnny mumbled back and Jules pulled away.

When Johnny's eyes met hers, he nodded. "All right. Ready to kick some ass?" He asked and Jules laughed, nodding. "Yes, Sensei." She said before her eyes flickered to Daniel. "If that's okay with my other sensei?" She said, making fun of Daniel slightly but the man sighed.

"I want you to win. Whether it's defense or offense, Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang." He said before he squinted, tilting his head slightly. "Just make sure you keep your anger in check... I noticed you getting a little angry throughout the other fights."

Jules laughed at his words, nodding. "Yes, Sensei." She said before the ref blew his whistle. "Competitors!" He yelled, calling Jules and Tory onto stage. Julianna started walking towards the center of the stage, meeting Tory and the referee in the middle.

"Ladies, good luck. Face this way." The referee said and they turned to him and bowed.

"Face each other." He said and the two turned to each other, their eyes locking intimidatingly as they bowed. They got into their fighting positions and the ref looked back and forth between them. "Ready?" He asked and Jules nodded, taking a deep breath as she readjusted herself.

"Yeah! Jules!" Julianna could hear Eli scream, Lexi letting out a loud, wolf-like scream that reminded Jules of the boys' screams from the previous fights. She smiled, cracking her neck as Tory bounced on the balls of her feet, watching Julianna closely.

"And fight!" The referee yelled, starting the last fight of the All Valley.

Jules ran for Tory, going to kick her side but Tory blocked it. She stumbled slightly but caught herself before she hit the ground. Tory stuck her leg out, going to sweep Julianna's legs but Jules noticed. She jumped over Tory's legs and spun, raising her foot higher and kicking Tory in the face.

"Point!" The ref yelled and Johnny clapped. "Yes!" He screamed as Tory groaned. The referee pointed to Jules, his eyes on the audience. "Lawrence. Score, one-zero."

Tory turned around and headed to Kreese and Silver while Jules stayed in her spot on stage, not wanting to lose focus.

When Tory came back and got into her fighting stance after Jules. "Fight!" The referee yelled and this time, Tory was a lot more aggressive. Julianna was quick, blocking all of Tory's blows to her. Jules went to kick Tory in the stomach but Tory beat her to the punch, hitting Julianna in the gut.

Julianna groaned, her hands going to her stomach as the ref raised his hand closer to Tory. "Point, Nichols! Score, one-one."

Jules shook off the pain, straightening back up and walking to the center of the stage to get into position. "Ready?" The ref asked and the two girls nodded. "Fight!"

Tory ran for Jules, sending punch after punch to earn a point. Julianna's eyes widened not expecting Tory to be so quick. She gritted her teeth, blocking all of Tory's hits before pushing her back. Tory stumbled backwards slightly as Julianna spun around, raising her fist and kicking Tory in the chest.

"Point! Two-one, Lawrence." The referee yelled and Jules sighed, pushing her two braids behind her shoulders as the crowd and her team cheered. Tory huffed in anger, fixing her gi and getting into her fighting stance, Jules doing the same right after.

"Fight!" The referee yelled and Jules ran towards Tory. Tory backed up at the girl coming towards her, blocking all of her punches and she even tried to get in a few herself but Jules dodged all of them.

Jules punched Tory and Tory stumbled back, her foot stepping out of bounds after Julianna had punched her. Julianna smiled, a happy laugh leaving her lips over the fact that she had won but all her happiness washed away when the ref walked towards the girls, shaking his head. "No point. Out of bounds."

Jules whipped her head to the judge, looking at the man as if he were crazy. "What?" She asked as the crowd started to boo.

"Come on, Ref! She went out after she got hit!" Johnny yelled and the referee turned to Johnny, shaking his head. Jules gulped, looking at the audience who backed her up, still booing.

She and Tory walked back to the center of stage and Tory could instantly tell Jules was out of it. Even she thought Jules had won, she took her second chance at the competition anyway.

She got into her stance and when the ref started the fight, she immediately kicked Jules in the chest, Julianna stumbling backwards, not ready for the kick.

"Point! Nichols!" The referee yelled and Tory's eyes widened. Julianna clenched her jaw, mad at herself for getting hit. She got into her fighting stance and Tory slowly followed after, turning to the ref. "Score's two to two. Next point wins. Ready?" The referee asked, looking between the two girls. Tory nodded while Jules didn't respond, angry with the man as she bit her inner cheek.

The man shrugged at Jules, throwing his hand down in between the two. "Fight!"

Jules tried to pull everything together and calm herself down as she ran towards Tory. Jules raised her foot, going to kick Tory in the stomach but Tory grabbed her ankle and pushed it away. Tory yelled as she went to punch Jules but Jules raised her hand, blocking it.

Jules kicked Tory to the ground. Just as she was about to punch the girl in the stomach to win the fight, Tory rolled away. When Tory propped herself up in a crawling position, Jules jumped towards her, wrapping her leg and arm around her, flipping them over so Jules would be pinning Tory to the ground.

Julianna raised her leg and in the midst of slamming it down against Tory, the Nichols girl tried to break free from Julianna's grip, her sharp nail catching right under Jules' eye, making an inch long cut down her face.

Jules yelped in pain, letting go of Tory. The referee raised his hands. "Warning. Injury to the face. Go to your sensei's." The referee yelled, pointing at the Senseis on either side of the stage.

Johnny scoffed from the sidelines. "Warning? Should be a point deduction!" Johnny yelled as Tory started to get up, her eyes softening when she saw Julianna bleeding and her eyes watering slightly from how close the cut was to her eye. "I didn't mean to. No, it was an accident." Tory whispered to Jules as Julianna went to touch her cut.

Feeling liquid at her fingertips, Jules pulled her hand away from her cut and saw a few blobs of blood on her fingers. Jules looked up at Tory, her face hardening as she pushed herself off the ground and passed Tory.

Julianna wiped the water from her eyes as she walked towards Johnny and Daniel, Eli making his way over from the small huddle of teens beside them.

"You okay?" Eli asked and Jules turned to him, nodding. "She got me good, but I can still fight. A small cut never hurt anyone." She said, laughing in hopes it'd stop the three in front of her from worrying

Johnny frowned at the blood on his daughter's face. Since his gi was red, he grabbed the sleeve of his gi and reached for Jules' face, wiping some of the blood. Julianna winced, and Johnny sighed. "I know it hurts but the blood could cause something bad to happen in the fight. And we don't want that to happen."

Jules watched her dad for a few seconds and took in a deep breath. Johnny smiled at her. "You got this." He said, Eli and Daniel nodding beside him. Jules looked between the three and smiled. She turned around and started walking back to center stage, the audience cheering.

Tory turned from her senseis, meeting Jules in the middle. "Ready?" The referee asked but Julianna was too busy trying to stay in concentration, knowing if she fell out of it, she'd feel the full burning pain in her right eye more than she already does. She squinted that eye as she got into her fighting stance.


Tory yelled as she ran towards Julianna. She sent her punches left and right but Julianna kept her eyes trained on Tory's hands, blocking all of them as she kept her hands up.

Tory suddenly got onto the ground and Jules, thinking Tory was gonna try to sweep her legs, jumped up. Only Tory didn't try to sweep her legs but she was going to kick Jules in the chest. Since Julianna was in mid-air, Tory kicked her in the gut instead.

Jules fell out of her jump, falling to the ground and landing on her back. She groaned as the referee walked towards Tory, raising her hand in the air. "Winner!"

When the referee dropped Tory's hand, Jules sat up, wiping the new flowing blood from under her eye, ruining her clean gi but she didn't care at the moment.

Tory ran towards her, her eyes wide and filled with concern. "Jules, are you okay?" Tory asked, kneeling down to Julianna's height. Jules looked up at Tory, confused as to why she was asking about her. Before Jules could open her mouth, Kyler, Anthony and the rest of Cobra Kai ran towards Tory, pulling her away from Jules and into a group hug.

Julianna opened and closed her mouth in shock, watching as Cobra Kai cheered just barely two feet away from her. Noticing one Cobra Kai member not celebrating yet, Jules turned her head, straightening up when she realized it was Robby.

Robby was watching Jules carefully, part of him wanting to walk up to his sister and check on her because of the smeared blood on her face but the other part of him not wanting to seem soft to Cobra Kai.

Johnny and Eli jumped onto stage, both of them walking towards Jules, each of them grabbing one of her shoulders and pulling her up. Once she was up, Eli wrapped an arm around her waist as Johnny rubbed her back comfortingly, leading her off the stage.

"Give it up for your new female champion, Tory Nichols!" Daryl yelled and Jules looked back sadly, watching as he handed Tory her trophy. Johnny frowned at the sad look on Julianna's face and patted her back before rubbing it again. "You did amazing out there." He said as Daryl continued to scream. "And the winner of the Grand Champion trophy and still the baddest dojo in the Valley, Cobra Kai!"

Jules looked down at the floor in disappointment, shaking her head. "I just ruined this for everyone." She muttered, shaking herself out of Eli and her dad's grip. "Jules..." Eli started, going to reach out for her but Jules turned around, shaking her head and pointing at the hallway, her eyes not meeting Eli's too embarrassed to look at him. "I'm gonna go to the infirmary. Get a band-aid and clean up my eye." She mumbled before turning around and walking away.


Jules sat on the little hospital bed in the infirmary, the nurse had already let Julianna change back into normal clothes and she cleaned Julianna's cut and put a hot pink band aid over it. The nurse that had helped Jules sighed, taking off and throwing away her gloves. "There we go. You're all patched up. You're free to go."

Jules nodded, biting her lip nervously as she looked up at the nurse. "Is it okay if I stay here for a minute?" She asked and the nurse instantly understood she wanted to be alone. She smiled, nodding her head. "Of course." She said, walking out of the room.

As soon as the door closed, Jules let out a tired sigh, dropping her head into her hands. She felt horrible, like Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang closing down is all her fault. She let that stupid out of bounds point get into her head.

She heard someone walk in but figuring it was the nurse, she kept her head down. When she felt the person sit on the bed beside her, she realized it wasn't the nurse.

"You ready to talk yet?" Eli asked and Jules shut her eyes. "I ruined it for everyone." She muttered, her words muffled from her hands still covering her face. She sighed, taking her hands off her face and sitting up. "If I didn't let that stupid out of bounds thing get in my head, I could've won, Cobra Kai would be closed and we could all still do karate."

Eli looked at her with furrowed brows, shaking his head. "Jules, it's not your fault. And that out of bounds thing... Everyone agrees with you." Eli said but Jules kept her head down, biting her lip anxiously. Eli sighed at the lack of reaction he got from Jules, making him continue.

"No one is upset with you for losing. We might not be able to do karate anymore together but that doesn't stop them from being your friends and always being there for you. They're all outside right now waiting for us so we can all go hang out because no one is upset with you." Eli said and Jules finally turned to him, sending him a small but thankful smile.

Eli smiled, glad he got a positive reaction out of his girlfriend. "So..." Eli started as he jumped off the hospital bed. He turned to face Jules, smiling as he stuck his hand out for her to take. "Are you ready to go m'lady?"

Jules rolled her eyes, holding back a smile. She took his hand and hopped off the bed. "Why of course." She said, her laugh finally escaping her mouth. Eli laughed with her, tightening his grip on her hand and pulling her out of the room. "I like the band-aid." Eli said , pointing at the band-aid on her face.

Jules snickered, swinging her and Eli's conjoined hands. "Thanks. Maybe I'll dye my hair pink." She said and Eli let out a dry and sarcastic laugh as they walked towards the exit of the arena.

As soon as Eli and Julianna walked outside to Lexi's car where the rest of Miyagi-Do was waiting, Jules shivered at the cold breeze hitting her arms.

Jules went to reach for her jacket around her waist and when she felt nothing there, she stopped walking. Eli let go of her waist, watching her with furrowed brows as she sighed, using her thumb to point inside the arena. "I think I forgot my jacket inside. I'm gonna go grab it. Just meet me at Lexi's car."

"Okay." Eli said, smiling as she leaned towards him, placing a quick kiss on his lips before she quickly ran back inside.

Julianna's running slowed once she reached the room she had just finished fighting in. She sighed, upset that she had lost after how hard she had tried.

Hers eyes went around the room, looking over the arena in awe. She remembered standing where she was now a year prior, just having started dating Eli, not having to worry about Kreese and Silver or the rest of Cobra Kai, just... happy.

When she looked back to where the Miyagi-Dos were standing throughout the tournament, she saw her jacket lying on the edge of the stage.

Julianna walked towards the stage, grabbing her jacket and putting it on as she walked back out towards the exit. The small sound of a sniffle made Jules freeze. Her brows furrowed in worry, looking back behind her to see if she could see who was sniffling but saw no one around. After a few seconds of looking around the arena from her spot, she gave up and walked out of the room.

From the small hallway, Robby sniffled, crossing his arms as he realized how much everything had changed for him and how his closeness with his twin sister was little to none.

Once Jules reached outside, she didn't feel as cold as she was before. She crossed her arms over her chest anyway and made way towards Lexi's car.

"Looky here! The princess is here!" A voice screamed and Julianna's walking faltered before she kept going. Her eyes shut in anger as she bit the inside of her cheek, not turning around to face Anthony as he slow clapped, laughing.

"I know you can hear me!" Anthony yelled, getting off the curb, annoyed that Jules was ignoring him. Julianna kept walking, raising her hand closest to him to flip him off, keeping her head forward and not meeting his eyes.

"Gonna go run to your perfect boyfriend who thinks you're just like him?!" Anthony yelled and Julianna kept walking, only making Anthony angrier. He bit his bottom lip as his nostrils flared. "He won't think you're all that perfect when he finds out you slash tires for a living!" Anthony screamed and Julianna froze.

Anthony chuckled, glad he finally got a reaction out of Jules. "Yeah! That's right! I know what you did to my car, bitch!" Anthony screamed and it was like he had pulled Julianna's last straw, all the same he had done to her finally collapsing beneath her.

"I didn't do shit to your car!" Jules yelled, speeding up to him before getting right in his face. Anthony chuckled, rubbing his chin before dropping his hand, giving Jules a hard, cold stare. "You're gonna pay."

Jules wasted no time sending a punch to Anthony's face. "That's for Lexi's hair." Jules grumbled while Anthony groaned in pain, bending down slightly as he held his burning cheek in pain. He had no time to recover from the punch before Jules grabbed the back of his head with both of her hands, letting her knee meet his face.

Anthony fell to the ground as Jules huffed, shaking her head at the boy. "That's for Eli." She muttered, her voice low but the boy deserved it after everything he had down to her. As one last thing, Julianna swung her foot back before swinging it back forward, kicking Anthony in the gut.

Jules watched as Anthony groaned, gripping his stomach in pain as he brought his knees to his chest. "And that one was for me." She muttered, giving the Lewis boy one last cold glare before spinning on her heels and walking away.

As she walked towards where Lexi had parked, her face contorted at Lexi's car no where in sight, Eli being the only one there with his motorcycle. "Where'd everyone go?" Julianna chuckled out and Eli smiled.

"To the restaurant." Eli said and when he saw Jules open her more to speak again he smiled, grabbing her hands reassuringly. "I told them to go." He said and Julianna looked up at him with furrowed brows, her lips in a small pout of confusion. "Why?"

"I'm the one that won. I want to do what I want and I..." Eli dragged out, his hands going to Julianna's waist, pulling her closer to him. "Want to have alone time with my girlfriend."

"But your girlfriend is sad she lost and just wants to lie down and go home." Julianna said, playfully wrapping her arms around Eli's neck. Eli smiled, his cheeks tinting slightly as he shrugged, not making eye contact with Jules. "I'm fine with that too."


As soon as Jules and Eli pulled up to Julianna's place, Eli got off the bike and once he saw Jules was off too, he excitedly turned to her, a big smile on his face. "How's Fred?" He asked as they walked towards the door.

Jules laughed, nodding as Eli grabbed her hand, letting their now conjoined hands swing. "He's good. You can go feed him when we're inside." She said and Eli's eyes widened and he eagerly nodded his head.

Once they got to the front door, Jules pulled the keys out of her pocket and started to unlock the door. Feeling something under her feet, Jules looked down and noticed she was stepping on a few envelopes. She groaned, trying to jiggle the key into the right place.

"Hey, can you grab the mail for me?" Jules asked Eli, her eyes on the doorknob still as she side stepped off the mail. She could see Eli bend down and grab the mail out of the corner of her eyes as she finally got the door unlocked.

She let out a hum of victory, opening the door for Eli as she gestured him to come inside. Eli put an exaggerated hand to his heart, handing her the stack of mail as he passed her.

"Where's his food?" Eli asked, walking towards Julianna's room as she walked into the house, closing the door behind her as she flipped through the mail. "Should be right by his tank." She said when an envelope with "Jules" written in the front in sloppy handwriting caught her eye.

She heard Eli let out a "whoop", making Julianna snickered, falling back onto the couch as she started to open the envelope.

She pulled the paper out of the envelope, leaving the envelope on the couch beside her as she opened the folded paper. She squinted when she started to read, instantly recognizing Miguel's handwriting.

Dear Jules,

You might be wondering why I'm writing you a letter considering I should be right next door. Only I'm not next door.

By the time you're reading this, I'll be at the bus stop on my way to go find my dad or I'll already be on the bus heading to Mexico. I know I just threw that on you. Sorry. I don't really know how to tell you what's happening an easier way so I'm telling you straight forward.

I'm going to go look for my dad. You're getting your own letter so my mom doesn't know about what I'm about to tell you but I want you to come with me. I won't be upset if you're not here, for all I know Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang win the All Valley and you're out celebrating by the time my bus leaves, but if there a chance you're home, I wanted to give you the option.

I know you and I know you wouldn't want to leave Eli or Lex but you are my sister and I want you there when I make the best decision of my life or the worst. Whatever you decide I'm okay with, I want you to be happy.

If you end up not going with me, please don't be sad I'm gone. A Miguel can't be without his favorite Jules without getting lonely so I'll be back.

The bus leaves at 8 o'clock.

I love you. Take care of my mom, Yaya and your dad for me

—Miggy <333

Julianna's hand fell to her lap, her eyes staring ahead of her in shock. How could Miguel leave? She didn't even get to say goodbye. She looked down at her watch and saw the clock read 7:55.

She scoffed, even if she wanted to go with him, she wouldn't have enough time to pack and go to the bus station. She tried to hold back her tears, not wanting to worry Eli when he came back in but she couldn't stop the tears from leaving her eyes and falling down her cheeks.

Eli walked back into the room, looking down at his phone. "Hey, we should get a cat now too. We can keep it at my place since your dad is more of a dog person but you can come anytime to see—" Eli stopped talking when he looked back up and saw Jules looking down at the letter, her eyes and nose red as tears cascaded down her face. Eli turned his phone off, pushing into his pocket as he sped towards her, sitting next to her. "What's wrong?"

Jules looked up at the ceiling, the back of her head sitting back on the wall of the couch. She raised her hand, handing the envelope to Eli as he started to sit down.

As Eli read over the letter, a knock sounded from the front door. Julianna sighed, pushing herself off the couch and slowly trudged towards the door. She sniffled and wiped her eyes as she swung open the door, figuring the person behind it was the group heading over after the restaurant but when her eyes fell on two police officers, Julianna felt her heart stop.

The two men looked around the house and passed Julianna before turning to her. "Are you Julianna Lawrence?" The taller officer said and Jules gulped. "Yes, officer." Jules muttered, watching Eli out of the corner of her eyes slowly lean forward on the couch to see who's at the door.

"You're under arrest for vandalizing and defacing property." The man spoke as the officer next to him reached for the handcuffs on his belt.

Julianna's eyes flickered down to the hand cuffs. She felt as if everything started to go in slow motion as the man's hands and his handcuffs came towards her. Julianna turned to Eli, her eyes softening at the worried look on his face.

Julianna took a deep breath and mouthed "I love you" to Eli before turning back to the officers. She watched as the officer with the handcuffs got closer and closer to her and just as he was about to grab her shoulder to turn her around, Julianna pushed past him and the other officer, running out the door.

She knew this had to be the dumbest thing she had ever done but her fight or flight kicked in and she thought it was better to run from officers than try to hit one.

She could hear the officers yell and run after her as she ran down the parking lot of the apartment complex. Instead of running down the driveway, Julianna hopped over the concrete wall that kept her apartments parking lot and the apartments parking lot next to hers separated.

She could hear the officers grunt as they hit the wall of the the parking lot, not being able to jump as fast as Julianna, causing them to ram into the cement. She looked back at the two officers, noticing the taller one reach for the walkie-talkie talkie on his shoulder as he called for backup.

Julianna ran down her neighbors driveway and turned just as the officers got out of her apartment complex.

She felt like her feet were gonna fly off her legs from how fast she was running. Luckily, she lived close to the bus stop Miguel was at.

As she ran, her mind started to wander. She started to think of Robby, realizing she'd end up just like he did for running. She felt bad she never really got to make amends with her twin. He was one of the most important people in her life and she never gets the chance to tell him that since they're always considered "rivals".

Jules thought of her friends. Lexi, Demetri, Joey and Moon. She thought about the last time her, Lexi, and Moon had a sleepover and the last time everyone was together for a movie night that turned into a food fight all because Demetri wouldn't stop talking during the movie. She couldn't picture her life without them and now, she was running away from everything.

Her mind then went to Eli; more specifically, her last moment with him. Was he still waiting at her house, wondering what had happened to his girlfriend? Did he follow the policemen, hoping they'd lean him straight to her? Did he start calling her dad and friends? Telling them what had happened?

She hated that she didn't know what was gonna happen next. She didn't know the next time she'd see Eli. What if that's his last memory of her for a while?

Julianna started to think about why she was in this situation in the first place. She slashed Anthony's tires. Sam was with her. Julianna's heart skipped a beat at the thought of the LaRusso's having their nightly family dinner when suddenly police show up to arrest Sam for helping and even slashing a tire herself. Julianna could already feel the guilt. Guilty for dragging Sam along.

She could hear her dad telling her to never get arrested and be like him. To never have to spend the night in a county jail and wait for some asshole to finally let you free. She could see her dad's face hearing the news. Getting Eli's phone call telling him Julianna was arrested but ran from the police. She could see the disappointment and the sadness in his eyes and it hasn't even happened yet.

Thinking of her dad, her mind went to Miguel and Julianna felt more motivation to keep running, using everything in her to run the last block until she reached the bus stop.

Just as she turned the corner, the bus started to drive away. Julianna's heart skipped as her eyes widened. She continued running, raising her arm as if it'd help her run faster and reach the bus. "No! Stop!" Jules yelled but no one could hear her.

Police sirens started to surround her as her eyes filled with tears. She kept trying to run, hoping that on some weird occasion, the bus would stop and she'd have enough time to get on before the police got to her.

Her feet started to slow as her hopes dwindled. She was practically gasping for air by the time she came to a full stop. Tired from the running and the start of her crying. The sirens got louder and louder around her as Jules let out a stressed cry, her hands flying to the back of her head in stress.

She could see the red and blue lights coming towards her on all sides. She pulled her lips into her mouth, trying to hold back any cry that was ready to slip as the police cruiser finally appeared in her line of vision.

There were four cars around her, one of them being the two officers that were at her door. Julianna didn't move this time but finally let out a small cry as the taller officer walked towards her, the handcuffs in his hands jingling with every step he took.

He walked around and behind the blonde, grabbing her hands from behind her head and putting them behind her back. Julianna jumped at the cold metal wrapping around her wrists and felt a chill go up her spine at the sound of the handcuffs tightening around her.

The officer led Julianna to his cruiser. She could hear him telling her her rights but she was too out of it. Her heartbeat was ringing in her ears and her breathing was echoing in her head as she looked around to see the people on the streets watching what was happening. The woman walking her dog watching with wide eyes, the young lady who had just gotten off the bus watching with a confused look and the man going on a walk with his two daughters trying to push his kids as far away from the scene as possible.

Julianna frowned as her head dropped. When she reached the cruiser, the officer opened the door for her and led her inside before slamming the door shut behind her, the sound so loud, Jules jumped.

She kept her eyes on the landscape out the window as the officer got into the front seat. When the car started to drive off, Julianna's heartbeat quickened, watching as the area around her soon became unrecognizable.


—so uh...
how's everyone feeling?😀


jules🤝getting second place in the finals🤝robby




with love, emily<333

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