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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨triple threat¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Jules sat on her bed, tying her shoes to head out to karate practice when a small knock came from her door. She leaned up so she was sitting upright as the person opened the door. Robby gave her a nervous look, a small smile on his face. "Hey, Juli. Can we talk?"

Jules gave Robby a wide smile, patting the spot on the bed next to her for him to sit. "Come on in, bro bro."

"I've been thinking..." Robby said as he walked in, fiddling with his thumbs as he sat down beside her. "We never really got to be siblings growing up. Mom had costudy of me and dad had you, the two of us hated the opposite parents."

Julianna's entire face scrunched, giving her brother an odd look. "Where is this going?" She asked, an uncomfortable laugh slipping through with her words.

Robby, still messing with his fingers, struggled to make eye contact with Jules. "Since we've both started doing karate, we got to get that bond. At the beginning at least, then I joined Cobra Kai, cut your boyfriend's hair... and Lexi's ear." Robby muttered the last part, only just barely earning Lexi's trust.

"Still mad about that." Jules grumbled but Robby ignored his twins words, knowing she didn't hate him. He looked up from his lap and to her. "But then I left Cobra Kai and that bond came back and I don't know about you but I like it. I like getting to be your brother. Be your twin." Robby said, hitting her elbow with his own during his sentence.

Jules chuckled, pushing him back as he looked away again, starting to grow nervous about the question he was about to ask. "So... since I'm going to school with you now too, I talked to mom and she said if it's okay with you and dad..." Robby took a deep breath before he looked back to Jules. He gave her a small, hopeful smile. "I could live here. For good."

Julianna's jaw dropped, opening and closing as she came up with no way to reply in that moment. She was so happy Robby got to feel comfortable being here this summer and honestly, she was hoping he stayed for good.

As his twins silence, Robby started to shake his head. "But that's only if you're okay with this. I completely understand if you—" Robby was cut off when Jules wrapped her arms around Robby and pulled him into a hug.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She cheered like an excited little kid on Christmas. Jules pulled Robby out of her hug and smiled. "I would love it." She said in a calmer tone.

"Even though dad will probably make us share a room so I won't have Tory over and you won't have Hawk?" Robby asked in a joking tone but sadly, the two knew it was a very real possibility.

Jules let out a dramatic sigh, her shoulders slumping and her lips pursing. "He'll probably buy us a bunk bed." She turned back to Robby and budged his shoulder with hers, smirking. "But like you said, we didn't get to have that growing up. I'm completely fine having that now."

She rested her head on Robby shoulder and felt him sigh before he rested his on top of hers. The twins sat like that for a while until Jules broke the silence.

"I call top bunk though."

Robby's chuckling made it difficult for Jules to rest her head on him and sat up.

"Of course. Just don't fall through and crush me in my sleep." Robby joked, holding his pinky out. Jules rolled her eyes and smacked Robby's hand away from her. "No promises."

"Let's go you two!" Johnny yelled from the front door of their home. Jules rolled her eyes, muttering a small "come on" to Robby as she hopped off her bed and started walking towards the exit of her home. She smiled when she saw her dad and Miguel waiting for her and Robby.

Miguel walked up to Jules, handing her her karate bag as Robby finally joined them.

When they got to Johnny's car, Jules climbed into the front seat, it was her day for shotgun. Her, Miguel, and Robby creating a schedule.

"Eagle Fang's going global, kids. Once we wing the Sekai Takai, people are gonna be lining up to put fangs on their backs. We're gonna need a second location, hundreds of gis, a training room with a couple of those ice baths." Johnny said over Julianna's music.

He looked back and forth between her and the radio before turning the volume down three notches, making it go from 16 to 13. Jules immediately grabbed onto the volume knob and turned it up one notch. "You always gotta keep it even." She muttered.

Johnny rolled his eyes as Robby looked to him through the rear view mirror. "Isn't that a little aggressive?" He asked, turning the conversation back to karate. Johnny nodded, looking back at Robby, who sat behind Jules on the passenger side, before he turned back to the road. "Hell, yeah. Gotta have ice in your veins to take over the karate game."

"What does Mr. LaRusso think of this? You're supposed to be going 50-50, right?" Miguel asked and Johnny rolled his eyes. "If LaRusso wants to open up a couple more dojos, he can be my guest. At the end of the day, people are gonna have to decide if they wanna learn karate from a car salesman or an actual sensei."

Jules, resting her elbow on the windowsill of the car, widened her eyes and raised her eyebrows at her father words. Just as she was about to make a comment on how it doesn't really sound like they're working 50-50, she watched her father miss the turn for the dojo.

Jules looked behind her, her eyes watching as the street got smaller and smaller. She turned back to her dad and shook her head. "Dad, you missed the turn for Miyagi-Do." She said, making Robby and Miguel turn around and check too, neither of them paying attention.

Johnny shook his head, looking to Jules in the passenger seat. "Nope. Gotta make sure you guys don't go soft on me. We may be a combined dojo, but we're Eagles where it counts. So before we go singing kumbaya in Miyagi's backyard, we're headed to the warehouse to break some bricks."

It was silent in the car for a few seconds before Jules abruptly turned around, holding her hands out in front of Robby. "Gimme some tape." She muttered and immediately, Robby started to wrap her hand.

"More tape, it is." Robby sang under his breath.

"What the hell..." Johnny muttered as the car slowed. Jules turned around to look out the windshield but kept her hands towards Robby so he can keep wrapping her hands. Her jaw dropped at the demolished warehouse where Eagle Fang once stood.

Still keeping her eyes on the destroyed building, Jules pulled her hands out of Robby's grasp, feeling like she had enough tape. She got out of the car at the exact same time as her father, Miguel and Robby a couple seconds after them.

Jules walked up and stood beside her father as he watched his dojo sadly. She looked away from her dojo and to her dad. Jules wrapped her arms around his and rested her cheek in her shoulder. "You don't need to have a dojo to be a dojo, right dad?"

Johnny didn't answer Jules right away, it was like his hearing had a ten second delay because of the sight in front of him. He felt Miguel and Robby each put a hand on his shoulders and he finally got pulled out of his thoughts.

He looked down at Jules and gave her a tight lipped smile as he moved his hand to rub her shoulder, comforting himself more than her. "Right."

The ride to Miyagi-Do was silent. Jules didn't even play any music. When they pulled up to the dojo, Johnny told the kids to go to the back while he talked to Daniel and Chozen inside.

"I feel bad for Sensei. He really loved that dojo." Miguel said as the three of them made their way to the back. Jules huffed, readjusting the bag on her shoulder. She looked around the dojo until her eyes landed on Lexi with Demetri, and Hawk. "Tell me about it. I have to break the news to Lexi. She really loved that warehouse."

Robby and Miguel turned their heads to Lexi just as she looked to them. She gave the three a big smile and waved wildly at them.

Jules sighed, her shoulders slumping as she thought about breaking the news to her. Miguel and Robby each put a reassuring hand on her shoulder as she walked towards the group.

As Jules got closer to the four, Hawk finally noticed her and smiled. "Hey, babe." He walked out to her, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her into a quick kiss. When they pulled away, Jules smiled up at him. "Hey."

"Where were you guys? Class started ten minutes ago." Lexi asked as Jules put her stuff down beside Lexi's. Hawk wrapped his arms around Julianna's waist from behind, leaning down to rest his head on her shoulder. Jules frowned at Lexi's question, biting her inner cheek as she nervously put her hands in her pockets. "My dad wanted us to get some Eagle Fang training done at the warehouse. Wanted to make sure we 'don't go soft.'"

"Completely undermining his and Sensei LaRusso's agreement." Demetri said before pursing his lips and nodding his head. "Sounds like your dad."

Lexi smiled at Jules, grabbing her arms to pull them out of her pockets and hold her hands. "That sounds like so much fun. Can I please come next time?" Lexi asked, practically bouncing in excitement. Jules knows Lexi isn't a fan of Miyagi-Do and it's push towards defense. She's always loved the aggression and offense that her dad taught.

Jules frowned at Lexi, squeezing her hands tightly. "I don't think there's gonna be any more of those, Lexi." Jules said, making Lexi's brows furrow. Jules took a deep breath before she spoke. "The warehouse was demolished."

Lexi let go of Jules's hands as her jaw fell. "Are you kidding me?" She asked as Hawks brows furrowed. "How can they do that?" Jules just shrugged. "Guess the guy who owned the building didn't want it anymore."

Lexi groaned, shaking her head as her eyes moved past Jules to Tory, who was fighting alone in the back of the dojo. "I was gonna talk to sensei's about putting Tory into some Eagle Fang for now. Ease her way into Miyagi-Do." Lexi said and Jules smiled at the idea. It's gotta be hard for her to go from hardcore Cobra Kai to Miyagi-Do."

Jules tilted her head and gave Lexi a small smile. "Hey, we can still talk to sensei's. I'm sure my dad will love it." Jules squinted, a small laugh leaving her lips. "Sensei LaRusso will probably hate it but we can do secret classes." Jules said and Lexi's smile widened.

"Speaking of talking to sensei's, we gotta tell Sensei's about our news!" Hawk said with a huge smile on his face. He excitedly punched Demetri in the arm before running off to the building to grab their sensei's. As Hawk past Jules, he kissed her cheek, making the girl smile with a small eyeroll.

Jules and Lexi turned around and watched the boys run inside. Once Jules was sure neither of them could hear her she spoke. "I still hate that logo." She admitted, putting her hair up into a ponytail. Lexi scoffed out a laugh beside her, shaking her head. "Oh, God. It's so bad. But... we have to support them, they're our boyfriends." She said and Jules sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and Demetri and Eli walked out of the building, pulling their sensei's after them.

The two boys made it to the sparring deck as Joey set up the easel that was covered in a tarp. "Can everyone gather around?" Eli yelled as Joey hoped off the sparring deck and moved to stand behind his sister as everyone started to crowd around Demetri and Eli.

"It's been a long road, but we're finally all on the same side. And as a reward? The toughest test any of us ever had to face." Eli started before Demetri shoved his hands into his pockets and began to speak. "The Sekai Takai is the most prestigious karate tournament in modern martial arts history. For over a century, fighters from across the globe have gathered every two years to compete for the title of the World's Best."

"If the All Valley is March Madness, this is the Olympics, plus the gladiator games and the kumite from Bloodsport all rolled into one." Hawk said, turning to Jules and winking. She helped him come up with the perfect list that Johnny would enjoy and when she heard her dad mutter a small "hell yeah" a couple people away, Jules knew it worked.

"If we win—" Eli cut Demetri off, loudly clearing his throat. Demetri opened and closed his mouth, looking abck and forth between Hawk and his peers. "Excuse me. When we win, the spoils will be life-changing." He corrected, earning a nod from Eli, silently telling him he could continue. "But it's going to take all of our focus and all the wisdom our sensei's have to offer."

"Yes, which is why we decided to take at least one thing off your plates. Coming up with our new dojo name." Demetri announced. Jules immediately turned around to face the three senseis, elbowing Lexi to do the same. "We've gotta see Sensei LaRusso's reaction to this." She whispered, making Lexi giggle.

The two girls continued to look back and forth between their senseis and their boyfriends so Demetri and Eli wouldn't think the two weren't paying attention to their speech. "Yes! After some spirited brainstorming and ad hoc focus-grouping and also a dojo-wide vote, we have a winner." Eli said and as soon as the two of them grabbed the tarp to reveal their new dojo and design, Jules and Lexi turned to completely face their sensei, eager expecting looks on their faces.

"We give you Miyagi-Fang Karate!"

It took everything in Jules not to laugh at loud as she watched Daniel's face pale and her dad smile. She bit her lip and she shoulders shook as her team applauded the new name.

"I mean... There's no way someone actually thought that design is cool." Lexi muttered, crossing her arms over her chest as she and Jules watched their sensei's walk into the building, Daniel practically stomping.

Joey, who didn't hear his little sisters words, let out a happy sigh, nodding his head. "That is so sick."

Jules and Lexi slowly turned their heads to face each other and as soon as they locked eyes, they started laughing, covering their mouths as quick as possible so Joey wouldn't catch them.


"Hell no!"

"What? Jules, you have to!" Miguel said as he and Robby followed Jules to their apartment from Johnny's car.

Jules turned around to start walking backwards so she could face the boys, shaking her head crazily. "Hawk and I are not doing a triple date with you two, Sam, and Tory!" Jules yelled. She would rather do just about anything else.

"You do triple dates with Lexi, Demetri, Joey, and Moon all the time!" Miguel yelled after her and Jules rolled her eyes. "Yeah! And they're living hell! And we all like each other! Sam and Tory still can't even speak words around each other. Do you know how awkward our sleepovers are? Lex and I have tried!"

Robby sighed, speeding up to Jules and she turned around to face forward. "Come on, Juli. You are one of the only people that are actually friends with both Sam and Tory." Robby tried to reason, but Jules only shook her head again.

"Have Lexi and Demetri go!" Jules said and Miguel rolled his eyes, catching up to Jules just as she walked into her apartment. "Come on, you know Lexi only tolerates Sam, plus, Demetri would probably say something to make it all awkward." Miguel said as the two boys followed Jules to the kitchen.

While typing on her phone, Julianna opened her fridge and pulled out a water bottle. "Not my problem." She said, closing the fridge with her leg and walking past the boys without even looking at them.

They followed behind her nonetheless and watched as she FaceTimed Hawk as she walked towards her room. In seconds the boy answered.

"Hey, babe? Would you want to do a triplet date with Miguel, Sam, Tory, and Robby?" Jules asked, not even giving time for Eli to say hello. Quickly, Jules stopped walking and turned around to face Miguel and Robby just as she reached her door. She turned her phone around too, letting Hawk see the two of them.

"Fuck no!" Hawk yelled, making Jules smile. She let out a triumphant huff and walked into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Miguel and Robby stood awkwardly at the door. After a couple seconds, Robby cleared his throat and knocked on the door. "This is now my room too, technically." Robby said quietly against the door.

The two could hear Jules groan before the door swung open, letting him and Miguel in. "I'm still not going."

i know there wasn't much jules and hawk scenes in this but i wanted to make this chapter more about just easing my way into writing for jules as a whole again if that makes sense but JULES AND HAWK ARE BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER AND IM SO HAPPY

i LOVED this season it was SO GOOD OMG

i already have a lot of this season planned so GET READYYYYYYY(i need part two out now i can't wait till november)

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