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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨Uncle Sam¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Jules waited by all the cars at Miyagi-Do while the other students were in the backyard. Hawk texted her saying he had a surprise he wanted to show her and now she was just waiting for him to arrive.

When she heard his motorcycle getting closer and closer, Jules looked up and her eyes widened at her boyfriend's new mohawk as he climbed off his motorcycle.

He looked up at Jules and smiled. "You like it?" Hawk asked as he walked towards her, doing a couple poses until he was face to face with her.

His hands grabbed her waist as she stared up and him, speechless.

After a couple seconds, Jules realized she needed to answer. She smiled and nodded her head. "I... love it!" Jules said, her voice an octave higher than she normally spoke.

Hawks smile dropped. "You hate it." He said and Jules quickly shook her head, not wanting to upset Hawk if he was happy about the new hair. "What? No!" Jules yelled, looking down at the ground. "I just might pay my brother to shave it off again." She muttered under her breath quiet enough for Hawk not to hear it.

Hawk didn't hear Jules and gave her a small smile. "I thought it'd be a cool way to represent America for the world tournament." Hawk said sheepishly, his cheeks pinking as he shrugged.

Jules smiled, raising her hands to cup Hawks face. "No, no, it's smart. Just..." Jules looked up at the mohawk. It was an eyesore, but if he really liked it, she would try her best to put up with it. She looked back to Hawks eyes and shrugged, a soft smile on her face. "Something I'm gonna have to get used to."

"Let's go, everyone! Partner up!" Johnny's voice could be heard from the backyard of the dojo. Jules and Hawk pulled away from their kiss and Jules smiled, grabbing Hawks hand with a small squeeze.

"Come on, we've gotta go." She muttered, leading him towards the backyard.

When they got there, Lexi and Joey were partnered, Demetri was partnered with Miguel, Tory and Sam were together, and Robby was with Chris.

When Lexi looked to see who walked in, Lexi immediately held back a laugh at the sight of Hawks hair. She turned away completely and hunched over slightly so she wouldn't hurt the boys feelings even though it was pretty obvious that she was laughing.

Joey turned to see what Lexi was looking at and he unashamedly gasped at the sight. With his jaw dropped, his laugh started to escape and he quickly brought his hand up to his face and bit in his knuckle to stop them.

Once her laughter died down a little, Lexi turned back around to face Jules and Hawk. She had to stop herself from looking at Hawk, knowing she'd start laughing again if she did and instead, smiled at Jules.

"You're partnering with me." Lexi sang, waving her finger to Jules to make her walk over. Jules looked up at Hawk beside her. She squeezed his hand and leaned up to kiss his cheek but Hawk saw it coming and turned his had so their lips met. He put his hand under her chin to stabilize her before they pulled away.

As Jules started to walk towards Lexi, Hawk turned to Joey. The older boy smiled, partially because he was excited to fight Hawk and also because of the mohawk. "You're with me, Mr. Liberty." Joey said, gesturing for him to come closer with a quick hand motion.

Hawk chuckled at the nickname, knowing it was very possible he was about it to get worse from Johnny as he walked towards Joey.

"The Sekai Taikai is coming. It's up to us to pick our eight most badass fighters." Johnny said, walking through the backyard as he watched all of the students partnered up and sparring.

"And there are no easy decisions. We know you all want to go to Barcelona." Daniel continued as Johnny started to walk towards his daughter, who was sparing with Lexi. A big smirk on his face as he leaned down to her ear. "You're dating Uncle Sam now."

Jules smacked him and he straightened back up and walked to stand in front of all of the students. "Some of you think you're shoo-ins, that you're at the top of your game, that nothing or no one can stop you." Johnny said as Joey won his fight with Hawk. Johnny's eyebrows shot up, something both boys noticed before he continued walking.

"And some of you think you're the underdogs, and you don't know if you have what it takes, and that you feel left out and left behind." Mr. LaRusso spoke as Lexi ran towards Jules, throwing handfuls of punches. While Jules was worried about blocking her upper half, Lexi jumped to the floor and swept Jules's feet out from under her.

"But it's a level playing field. Anything can happen." Johnny said as Lexi got on her knees and punched Jules in the stomach. Daniel, who was standing a few feet away from the girls, locked eyes with Lexi as she stood up, her arm held out to help Jules stand. Daniel nodded at Lexi, making her smile.

"Each and every one of you has a shot. So, as we make our evaluations, do your best." Daniel yelled as he walked away from the girls and towards the sparing deck.

"Now is not the time to puss out." Johnny yelled, meeting Daniel on the deck. The two of them stood on the steps and looked over their students. 

"Even though we're competing against each other, we are still one dojo. And it's time to bring out the best in all of us." Daniel said, not wanting any new rivalries to start because only eight students can go.

"So, which of you has what it takes to be in our top eight?" Johnny asked, a big smirk on his face.


"Forget it, Lex. There's no way I'm going." Joey said, his eyes going back and forth between the road and his sister as he dropped her off at school next day. "I don't even know if I'm allowed to compete since I'm in college."

"You're not gonna be 19 until November. All the competitions are 18 and under." Lexi said, waving her brother off. "You're going."

Joey shook his head, thinking there would be no way he'd make it since he just started karate earlier in the year. "There's only eight people allowed to go and you know there's really only one spot up for grabs." He explained as he pulled into the schools parking lot.

Lexi scoffed out a laugh, looking to Joey with an amused smile. "Oh, really? Who's your competition?"

Joey trilled his lips, really thinking about who had a chance at that spot. "Kenny, Devon and your boyfriend." Joey answered, looking to Lexi.

Lexi's eyebrows furrowed, shaking her head slightly. "What are you talking about, Demetri's on the seven." She said and Joey turned to face her completely, holding his hand up. "Jules, Miguel, Robby, Tory, Hawk, Sam, you." Joey counted, holding up a finger every time he said a name.

Lexi's eyebrows furrowed. She looked up at the roof of the car and started to do the math in her head. She realized she over counted people vs spots.



"There's no shot you two aren't going. Or Lex. It's really only that eighth spot up for grabs." Demetri sighed out, looking to Jules and Eli in front of his glumly.

They were at Julianna's locker before school started, Demetri and Eli stood on either side of her.

As Jules closed her locker, Hawk walked around her and reassuringly punched Demetri's arm. "Yeah, and it's yours for the taking." He said as they all started to walk down the hall, their spots now switched. Hawk was now in the middle, both him and Jules looking to their left to talk to Demetri.

Demetri shook his head and shrugged. "I appreciate the support, but I ran a statistical analysis. And while there is an 15% chance you're right, the smart money is on Kenny." Demetri said before he looked to specifically Hawk and gave him a lopsided smile. "I mean, he did beat you in that head-to-head. Cheap shot not withstanding."

Suddenly, Demetri's eyes widened and he pointed to both Hawk and Jules. "And did you see Joey yesterday? He beat you!" Demetri yelled and Hawk rolled his eyes, looking down the hallway in front of them.

"Yes, I was there." He muttered sarcastically before he looked back to Demetri. "And so what? Joey and Payne's got power. But so do you."

Jules wanted to speak up, to tell Demetri that there was no shot that spot wasn't his, but she didn't know if those words were true. She hated to admit it, but Joey, Kenny, and even Devon had just as much a shot as Demetri did.

She decided to lean forward to look at Demetri from past Hawk and smiled. "Don't count yourself out, Dem." She said, giving him a small but sweet smile.

Julianna's words actually made Demetri feel a bit better. With Hawk being the only one hyping him up while Jules was right there, he worried that she didn't think he could do it. Now that she said something, even if it was something little, Demetri was happy Jules believed in him.

Still, Demetri shrugged and looked ahead of him. "I prefer to focus on something actually achievable, getting into MIT." He said and Jules watched as Hawk looked down to the floor guiltily. Demetri didn't notice Hawk's change in mood and nudged his elbow against Hawk's ribs playfully. "Early Action decisions come out any day now, you know."

Eli sighed, licking his lips nervously. "Yeah, I know." He muttered. Thinking Eli was just nervous, about decisions coming out, Demetri shook his head reassuringly, a small smile on his face. "Hey, come on, man. Have no fear. I may not have confidence about becoming a world karate champion, but I know that MIT cannot turn down the Binary Bros."

Suddenly, Demetri's phone beeped. He pulled it out of his pocket and smiled. Turning back to Eli and Jules, Demetri showed the two his phone and started to walk a little faster. "Lexi's just got dropped off. I'll catch you guys at lunch."

Jules waved Demetri goodbye as he started to head towards the front doors of the school. She kept her smile up until her and Eli turned down a new hallway.

She turned to Eli beside her and grabbed his hand. "You still haven't told him?" Jules asked and Eli sighed.

"No, not yet. I just haven't found the time to tell him." Eli said, shrugging his shoulders nervously. Jules gave Eli a frown of a smile and squeezed his hand.

"The perfect time will come up, yeah?" Jules asked as they reached her class. The two of them stopped at the lockers by the door as Eli sadly nodded. "Yeah..." He muttered.

Suddenly, Eli's mood brightened a little and he smiled at Jules. "Do you have any word on Boston?"

Jules licked the inside of her cheek and shook her head. "Not yet. But the first round of Early Decisions goes on until the 15th so I've still got a bit." Jules said, looking back up to Eli and smiling.

Eli smiled, raising his hand to cup her cheek and leaned in to kiss her forehead. When he pulled away, he kept his face closer to hers. "There's no way you're not getting in." Eli whispered, his eyes never leaving hers.

Jules hummed happily as Eli pulled her face towards his and into a kiss.

The bell ringing made the two of them pull away. Jules looked up to the bell before she looked back to Eli. "I'll see you at lunch?" She asked, a small smile on her face that made Eli chuckle.

He leaned in for another quick kiss and when he pulled away, his thumb ran up and down Julianna's cheekbone. "See you at lunch, Sunshine." He muttered as Jules slowly started to walk backwards into her classroom and he started to walk backwards down the hallway.

—yall are never taking that stupid nickname away from me he will keep calling her sunshine until i die because it's cute but like a silly cute.

split this chapter into two because i can🥱🥱🥱and if there's any errors... my bad im at disneyland

i also caved out of Jules convincing hawk not to get the mohawk💔i'm sorry to everyone i let down😔😔

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