⚜♚16. Mehndi♚⚜

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



"Of course I win." I grinned, patting Arsal's cheek. "Beta, football main baap hoon main tumhara."

Shayaan grinned. "Stop bullying him now, Ro. He's about to get married."

"And you didn't win alone, you gadhay." Harris Emaad told me. "I was on your team." 

"But I did the hard work." I shrugged.

"Ro, pittay ga tu ik din, yaar." Shayaan shook his head at me, laughing.

*"Ro, you'll get beaten up one day, mate." 

Tomorrow was the mehndi ceremony of Arsal. To avoid disturbance and inconvenience to our grandparents, the wedding functions were organised in a hotel. From tonight, until the day after the Valima, we were going to be staying at the hotel. I was on annual leave, and I was feeling a little more relaxed, looking forward to spending this time with family- not that I would admit it out loud. Dado and Dada Jaan were going to make brief appearances at the functions, but would retire to their hotel room as soon as they felt tired.

Suddenly, I saw Yamna gesturing for me to come over from the side alley of the Tariq family home. 

"Liverpool will definitely win this time." I started up the debate, causing the guys to get into a heated argument over it.

With a cheeky grin on my face, I walked away. As I approached Yamna, I took her hand and walked further down the alley and out of sight of the guys. I then pressed her against the side of the house, trapping her between my arms. "Kya baat hai! Aaj chupke chupke milne ke liye khud bulaya aap ne?" 

*"How amazing! Today you yourself called me to meet you sneakily?" 

I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. At first she replied back eagerly, but then she pushed me back.

"I need your help." She said. "And you're sweaty." 

"I was playing football...like a pro. Of course, I'm sweaty." I grinned. "What do you need my help with?" 

"There's a problem." She looked worried.

"What's wrong?"

"I am an idiot. Rohaan, I read the submission deadline for a coursework wrong. It's tomorrow instead of four days from now." She winced.

"Oh s**t. Have you at least finished it?" 

"No..." She sighed. "For the first time, I didn't finish something at least a few days in advance."

"Wait... tomorrow?" I asked. "But we were all going to the hotel tonight."

And the hotel was nowhere close to Yamna's university.

"I can't go tonight." She admitted what I had suspected. "I need to finish the coursework and submit it tomorrow. The deadline is two in the afternoon." 

"Weren't you going to the parlour with the ladies at two?" 

"You see my problem now." She groaned, closing her eyes. "Mama is going to kill me for this. How can I be so stupid?" 

I thought about solutions to her problem for a few moments. "Look, get working on the coursework now, immediately. Finish it up. I'll drive you to your uni from the hotel tomorrow morning and you can submit it. Is there no way to submit it online?"

"No, I have to deliver it physically." 

"Okay, then I'll drive you tomorrow. Just finish off the coursework today." 

She hugged me tightly. "Thank you!"

"I thought I was too sweaty to have physical contact with Miss Yamna Yasin." I teased, wrapping my own arms around her.

"Mrs Yamna Rohaan doesn't care." She muttered. "I owe you one for this." 

"Awesome. I'll really love the repayment." I kissed her forehead. "Don't stress. It's not a problem that cannot be solved." 

"I'm gonna go and finish the coursework..." She looked up at me, but made no attempt to move. 

"Okay, go then." I didn't move either.

"There you are, you idiot...Oops. Sorry." Shayaan the stupid Bunny had to interrupt. 

Harris appeared beside him. "Where is... Oh!" 

I straightened up, moving in front of Yamna, knowing how embarrassed she must be. When I saw the two smirk knowingly, I glared at them both. "Don't even think about it. Walk away and pretend you didn't see anything." 

"Sneaked off for romance after causing an argument, huh?" Shayaan couldn't help teasing me.

"I'm not joking, Shayaan. I won't tolerate jokes or any form of conversation on this. Walk away." My jaw was clenched. 

I was younger than them both, less than a year but younger nevertheless, but I knew that I tended to come off as older, with my bossy and authoritative attitude.

I would take any s**t, any joke when it came to me. But not when Yamna was involved. Not when I knew she was embarrassed, given by how she was clutching onto my shirt from behind. 

And finally, the two seemed to realise it. They gave me apologetic smiles, nodded and walked away.

I turned to Yamna, whose cheeks were red and her gaze was lowered. "Go and get your work done. I don't want you to miss out on any of the wedding functions if you fall behind." 

"They..." She whispered without looking up.

"I promise you that this won't be mentioned again." I reassured her.

She looked up at me, and she seemed close to tears. "How do you know?" 

"Because neither of them would dare mess with me." I grinned. "You should know that by now." 


We make plans.

Then obstacles arise to f**k us up.

And then it seems that nothing is going right.

The morning of the mehndi, I was woken up by rapid knocking on the door.

"Rohaan!" Mama's panicked voice came from the other side.

I pushed back the duvet, and got up. This wasn't her 'someone's in danger' or 'it's a life threatening emergency' voice. This was her 'something hasn't been done right and it needs to be fixed immediately' voice, so I wasn't too worried. I pulled open the door. "Yes, Boss Woman?" 

"The decorators are arguing about the payment. They are refusing to finish the job." She sighed. "Rehan and Yasin have gone out for some work, and these guys are just giving us a hard time." 

"What about payment?"

"They are going back on what we all agreed on." She placed her hand on her forehead. "God, why do things go wrong at weddings?" 

"You have the file that Papa gave you? The one from the decorating company?" 

She nodded.

"Please go get it. I'll meet you outside your room in ten."

"Okay, honey." 


Fifteen minutes, I was flicking through the file in the lift as Mama and I made our way downstairs.

"Anything?" She looked at me nervously.

"Relax, Boss Woman. I know what I'm doing." 

"My stress levels are through the roof right now. Don't tell me to relax!" She clutched onto my arm. "I'll faint if this issue isn't resolved." 

"Oh Good God, Boss Woman. We don't need the extra drama."

We got out of the lift and headed towards the hall where the wedding functions were going to be held. When we entered, I saw the decorating team sitting around, laughing and chatting. 

"Right, who's in charge?" I asked.

A man stood up. "I'm the manager, Sam." He walked over to shake my hand.

"Rohaan. Our family is paying for your services. What's the issue?" I shook his hand.

"This lady here refused to pay the price that we agreed on." Sam gestured towards Mama.

"First of all, speak respectfully to her." I glared at him. "And second, what price are you claiming that we agreed on?" 

He quoted me a figure five grand higher than the agreed price. 

I opened the file and held it up for him to see. "This is a contract. You familiar with a contract is? It's binding by law. There was an offer, there was an agreement, and there are signatures of my father and a senior manager of your company." I pointed at the quoted figure. "This is the agreed price, and this includes the cost of all decoration items required. And additional costs will be handed to us with receipts, and will be paid for when required." 

The manager started to stutter. "Well, we... I..."

"Call up your boss and let me speak to him if there is an issue regarding this." 

"N-No, Sir. It's fine. There might have been a misunderstanding." He turned to his team. "Let's get on with it, guys." 

"Great. Any other issues, and your boss can speak to me or my father directly. I do not want anyone giving any trouble to any of my other family members." I warned him, before wrapping my arm around my mother's shoulders. "Let's go, Boss Woman. I believe you have other things to do to prepare for your Arsu's mehndi."

"I need another favour from you, honey. There's a bit of an issue with Arsal's outfit fitting. I've been telling him for days to go and sort it out, but dheet haddi ho tum sab."

*"But you all don't listen."

"You need me to go with him? Mama, he's not a baby." 

"Go, Ro. You'll get it done as quickly as possible. Arsal is too sweet to get someone to hurry up, and will be there till the evening."

"No he won't. It's his wedding function. He'll be in a rush today." I sighed. "But I'll go with him. Don't worry." 



I had ended up staying till Fajr, making sure the coursework was as perfect as it could be.

Naturally, I overslept.

"Yamna?" There was a knocking on the door. "Beta, it's twelve. Wake up!" Mama's voice came from the other side.



I actually screamed as I got off the bed. "No! No!" 

"Yamna! What happened?" 

I quickly put my glasses on and ran to the door, pulling it open. "I have to go. If I leave now, I might make it to university on time." 

"Why do you need to go to university today?" She looked confused.

"Because if I don't make it there by two, I will fail the whole module and I won't graduate!" I was sobbing. "I have to go."

"There was work due today?" 

"Mama, tell me off later. Where's Rohaan? Have you seen him around?" 

"He went with Arsal somewhere."

"Oh my God!" I sank down on the bed, placing my face in my hands. "I'll never make it on time in the public transport!" 

"Okay, don't panic. Take my car." She said, running a hand over her head. "In Sha Allah, you'll make it." 

I nodded and got up to go to the bathroom.

"What about the parlour?" She asked.

"I'll go as I am." I called out. "Right now, I need to ensure that I graduate."


<Rohaan: I effed up. I'm so sorry I forgot. One after another, there were tasks piled up for me.>

<Yamna: It's okay. I get it. I'm going now in Mama's car. Pray that I don't run into major traffic along the way.>

I threw my phone impatiently onto the passenger seat and sped out of the car parking. It was a blessing in disguise that my mother had brought her car too, in case it was needed for last minute wedding chores.

How could I have been so stupid?! How? How could I have mixed up the dates?!

I was starting to have a panic attack, and I glanced at the time on the display screen. 12:34.

It should take me just over an hour to get to university without traffic. And so far, the GPS was not showing any major traffic. I'll make it, In Sha Allah.



"Ready?" I patted my little brother's shoulders. 

"Mama is going to be fuming. It took so long to fix it." Arsalan turned to glance at himself in the mirror. He wore a dark green shalwar-kameez with a matching jacket. 

I myself wore a cream-coloured shalwar kameez and a light green/mint green shade of jacket. My outfit was matching Papa's.

"You are definitely going to get an epic 'I told you to go earlier'." I chuckled. "I'll be right back." I exited the room, taking my phone out of the pocket. Again, for the fifth time, I dialled Yamna's number. "Hamster, where are you?" 

Mama was already back from the parlour, as was Chachi, but there was no sign of Yamna. I knew she wasn't at the parlour with the twins and Tahira, because Haya had called me to ask me where she was.

Even Chachi was nervously pacing the corridor outside the rooms. She looked at me as I approached her. "Rohaan, any word from her?"

I shook my head. "I'm worried now." 

"I hope she made it in time otherwise she'd never forgive herself." She muttered to herself.

Finally, finally, we saw Yamna coming down the hall towards us.

"There you are!" Chachi and I both said in unison.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, noticing a slight bump on her forehead. 

She hugged Chachi, sobbing.

"Oh, honey, you didn't make it on time?" Chachi asked, sympathetically.

"I did. I made it at one fifty-five, and I fell as I was running up the stairs, but I still continued and handed it in. And then I got stuck on the M25 while coming back because there was a major accident..." Yamna hiccupped. "I was so scared that I wasn't going to graduate." 

"It's okay. You're here now. Just go and get ready." Chachi said. 

"Come here." I held out an arm towards Yamna. 

She timidly stepped towards me and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Turning to her mother, I said, "Chachi, you don't worry. She'll be fine. You carry on." 

Chachi nodded, and I led Yamna away towards her room.



Saba watched her daughter being led away by Rohaan. His gaze remained on her and was talking quietly to her, while Yamna nodded occasionally, wrapping her arm around his waist.

Saba felt satisfied that her daughter didn't face the difficulties that she had. She had almost left her education because her parents wanted her to get married. But after her father passed away, and then her mother, Saba focused on herself. She had no idea during those years where Yasin was, until they met by chance. At least Yamna had found her life partner easily, Alhumdulillah. 

In many ways, Saba had great sympathy and understanding towards Tahira. Their stories were the same, just on different timelines. She intended to give her full support to the young girl during her wedding. 



"I'll have no make-up, and my hair will be blah." I said.

"Just go and get ready, hamster. You'll be fine." Rohaan encouraged me outside my room door.


"Hamster. We're getting late." He turned to go, but I laced my fingers through his.

"You look handsome. Ma Sha Allah!" I spoke shyly.

Smirking, he took a step towards me. "Can you repeat that?" 

"Go. I need to get ready." 

"Acha? A minute ago, you were refusing to go even though I was telling you the same." He wrapped his arms around me. "Please repeat what you just said, hamster."

"Go. I need to get ready." I repeated, teasingly.

"Before that?"

"Ma Sha Allah!" 

He kissed my forehead. "You okay, right? No other injuries?" 

"I'm fine. I fell on the stairs, not down them. This bump is from hitting the metallic edge of the step." 

"I'm sorry the plans got effed up." 

"It's a wedding. If plans don't get messed up, it's concerning." I grinned. "Don't worry about it. It was my carelessness. I've learnt my lesson now." I turned to go, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Guess what?" He stepped closer to me. 


"I bought gajray bracelets for you." 

I turned to look at him. "You did?" 

He grinned almost shyly, which was strange to see on Rohaan Rehan Tariq. "I've noticed Papa tends to still give Mama gajray bracelets on weddings or special occasions. Figured that the apple shouldn't fall far from the tree, right?" 

"Phir aap hi mujhe khud pehnana." I said.

*"Then you are the one who are going to put them on my wrists."

"Sab ke saamne?" He asked.

*"In front of everyone?" 

I laughed. "Leave it. I don't think you can do something this romantic so publicly." I leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I'll see you downstairs." 


I had taken a shower, and dressed quickly. Using a hair-dryer to dry my hair, I brushed the tangles out and pulled it off my face with a sparkling clip. Putting on lip-gloss, eyeliner and mascara, I decided that I couldn't do more make-up than that by myself. I put on my jewellery, including the jhumka earrings, the necklace, the bangles and rings. 

The twins had arrived with Tahira, as per Mama's message, and I went to join them downstairs. 

I wore a mehndi green dress, with magenta and gold sequins on the bodice, with magenta sheer sleeves and a slim border of the same colour. Motifs and beads dotted the entire ankle-length frock. Underneath was a green lehenga with a golden border. The dupatta was heavier, magenta with multi-coloured patterns, including blue, green and orange, and it was adorned with mirror work.

"There you are! Do you know how worried we were!" Haya Appi greeted me at the door of the booked suite which was going to be the bridal room as well as a family chill-out room after each function. Haya Appi wore a long pink dress, with an orange and pink lehenga and a sheer mint-green dupatta that had a pretty golden border. The outfit itself was heavily decorated, with a red border and sequinned orange bodice and sleeves. She wore a heavy gold and emerald jewellery set, and her hair was up in a stylish up-do. The shades of her make-up were natural, but she looked absolutely stunning, Ma Sha Allah.

"Is that Yum-Yum?" Hoor Appi appeared beside her. She wore a long mustard-coloured frock with silver embroidery over the bodice and long-sleeves. Her dupatta was a light-gold colour. She had chosen a less heavy outfit due to her pregnancy. Her hair was curled and pinned back from her face. She also looked beautiful, Ma Sha Allah. "Yum-Yum, where were you?"

"What happened to your forehead?" The twins asked in unison.

"You know me. Clumsy cat. I got delayed because I went to submit my coursework." I stepped into the room and headed towards the bride. "Ma Sha Allah!"

"Finally, you're here!" Tahira smiled at me.

Wearing a green gharara with a kameez that was covered with heavy gold embroidery, she looked beautiful beyond words. The golden border of the sheer dupatta sparkled beautifully as it was expertly placed over her up-do. Her golden jhumka earrings practically brushed her shoulders, matching her necklace.

"Come on, choti Bhabi. It's time to take you to your dulha." Haya Appi smiled.

The four of us headed out. Hoor Appi asked me to be on Tahira's other side, while Haya Appi was on the other. "I'm going to be a little slower. Why don't you go ahead?" 

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course. You are our badi Bhabi, Yum-Yum. But even before that, you're our Yum-Yum." She smiled at me, squeezing my hand.

As we entered the hall, I felt self-conscious with my beautiful sisters-in-law (all three of them). We led Tahira to the stage, where she sat on the lower-adorned swing beside Arsal Bhai. 



I couldn't stop grinning... even more so when Tahira came to sit beside me.

Her big dark eyes, once filled with so much sadness, now sparkled brightly, and the smile on her face was wide and clearly expressed her delight. 

"You look beautiful, Ma Sha Allah." I told her.

"You look very handsome too, Ma Sha Allah. The colour really suits you." 

I felt almost shy at the compliments.

"Ro, let's go, yaar!" Shayaan called out. 

"What's going on?" Tahira asked me.

"The guys are going to have a little fun." I told her. I chuckled as I remembered how Ro and Haya Appi were challenging each other at Haya Appi's wedding. She had dared him to start dancing on his own on her Valima during a coin-toss dare game. And then Ro had dared her to take the microphone and compliment him and say positive things about him. It had been hilarious.

Of course, bhangra was mandatory. And of course, Ro was going to lead it. You can accuse Rohaan of many, many things, but you can never say that he was boring and not-fun. He was willing to go all out to have fun. He had sobered a little recently, especially since becoming a detective, but he was still fun-loving.

Ro was joined by Shayaan, Harris, Hoor Appi's brother-in-law Faizan, Ahmed, and other guys. I was laughing and enjoying myself until Harris and Shayaan came and dragged me onto the dance floor with the rest of the guys.

"No." I shook my head.

But the guys didn't listen. They raised my arms up, and I had no choice but to start dancing along with them. The Punjabi music loudly boomed in the hall, and everyone was having a great time. Even Dado and Dada Jaan seemed happy as they sat at the reserved table closest to the stage.

I returned to the stage a while later, and even the guys took a break so that the mehndi ceremony could commence. 

Mama came on the stage first. She wore an ivory floor-length dress with gentle gold motifs, along with a peach dupatta with a golden border. 

I smiled and stood up. The beautiful matriarch of our family, Ma Sha Allah. I leaned down to kiss her cheek. She patted my cheek before leaning down to put her hand over Tahira's head. Straightening up, she looked around before calling out. "Rehan, come on." 

Papa came on the stage, and Mama started the mehndi rituals. With my father sat on the seat beside my side of the swing, and with Mama on the seat beside Tahira's side, we waited for the photographers to take photos.

Papa hugged me, patting my back as he gave me duas, before I turned to hug Mama tightly. 

"My sweet boy." She whispered, also giving me duas.

After my parents came Hoor Appi, Farhaan Bhai and Ali. Ali wanted to try the swing, even though he, Arham and Maham had already sat on it many times before the event had started. I laughed and stood up, letting him sit beside Ali.

"Ali, for Allah's sake..." Hoor Appi sighed, before placing a hand on my upper arm. "Arsu, I'm so happy for you. Ma Sha Allah. May Allah bless you both with endless happiness, and may He keep away all pain and trouble from you guys. Ameen."

"Ameen. Just keep making duas for us like this, Appi." I smiled at her.

"Always." She pinched my cheek, fondly. "Our Arsu."

When Haya Appi and Aariz Bhai came up on stage with Arham and Maham, my niece immediately made her way to Tahira, watching her wide-eyed.

"I like this dress." With her small hand, Maham gently touched Tahira's kameez. "It's like a princess dress!"

"We'll have one made for you, just like this one." Tahira put her hand on Maham's cheek.

Maham looked happy.

"Mamu, If you sit on the swing, I'll push you guys from behind." Arham told me.

Haya Appi rolled her eyes. "Let's do this before my two troublemakers create chaos on stage."

I smiled. "They can do whatever they want." 

It was then Rohaan's turn, and Yamna came with him. 

"It was up to me, I'd smear mehendi all over your face." Ro teased me, hugging me and patting my back. "But, seriously. Congratulations. Your dream is finally coming true, Ma Sha Allah." 

I glanced towards Tahira, who was laughing and talking to Yamna. "Right beside your dream."

He followed my gaze and smiled. "I still have some freedom left."

"You heard of the phrase, 'dil main laddoo phoot rahe hain'?" I asked, nudging him in the ribs with my elbow.

*"Secretly pleased, without openly displaying the happiness."

He smirked, his arm around my shoulders now. "Menu tang na kar zyada. Main shuru ho gaya na te..."

*"Do not tease me too much. If I get started..."

Ro used a toothpick to get a whole gulab jaman and stuffed it all in my mouth, making my eyes widen. 

After I swallowed it, I glared at him. "Your turn will come soon, In Sha Allah. And I will get revenge tips from Haya Appi." 

He just chuckled. "Do your best. I'm not afraid, grasshopper."



As the dinner service commenced, I was making my way towards the dinner hall, starved. I hadn't even eaten breakfast due to the drama with my coursework.

Suddenly, a song began to play.

"Salma sitaron waali shagnan di shab aayi re,
Banno se banay ke milne ki jo rutt layi re.
Shehnayi youn gunji, sabki aankhein bhar aayi re.
Shehnayi youn gunji, sabki aankhein bhar aayi re.

Ho, solah baras ke do kadam, chauka ke bahar kya gaye,
teri kudmayi ke din aagaye.

Haye banno, pardesiya ke des ke, chaubare tujhko bha gaye,
teri kudmayi ke din aagaye.

I loved this song. It was such a beautiful wedding song for the bride.


 I turned and saw Rohaan walking towards me, holding gajray bracelets in his hand. My eyes widened. Is he actually going to do this?

"You should know better than to challenge Rohaan Rehan Tariq." He smirked.

And in the middle of the dance floor, where we were visible to everyone and anyone, he lifted up my wrists, and placed the first gajray bracelet in my right wrist. Of course, the photographer and videographer instantly rushed over.

Rohaan kept his gaze on me as he slipped the other bracelet on as well. I met his gaze, cheeks pink. "I wanted to do this on the stage, but I didn't want to steal Arsal and Tahira's thunder."

"I underestimated you." 

"Now you won't." Giving me a smile, he nodded towards the dining area. "Shall we?" He took my hand and led me towards the aromatic area.


As promised, Anabia Tayi introduced me to family friends as their elder daughter-in-law, and she spoke with so much pride and affection that it warmed my heart.

It was a truly wonderful evening, and the food had been absolutely delicious too- maybe even more so because I hadn't eaten anything all day.

After the mehndi event, we took Tahira to her room. Two mehndi artists were coming over to apply the bridal mehndi, as well as mehndi for anyone else who wanted it. It was going to be a fun night with the girls. 

When the mehndi artists arrived, one immediately started applying henna on Tahira's hands, as it was going to take longer, while Maham wanted to have henna applied first as soon it would be her bed time.

I sat around with Haya Appi and Hoor Appi, chatting about anything and everything.

But I started to feel tired. It had been a chaotic day, and the idea of waiting to have henna done seemed like a nightmare. I stood up. "I think I'm just going to bed. I'm tired." 

"You can get mehndi done after Maham." Haya Appi said. 

"I wish, but the idea of sitting around sounds very difficult now." I said, apologetically.

"It's okay. I'll apply some on the backs of your hands in the morning, if you want." Hoor Appi suggested.

"That would be nice. Thank you, Appi. Good night everyone." 

I tiredly walked down the corridor, looking forward to changing into my night suit and going to bed. At this time, I was grateful that I didn't go to the parlour. No pins, no hair-sprayed stiff hair, no scrubbing my face to get the layers of make-up off.

As I was almost at my room, I saw Arsal Bhai approaching, heading in the direction of his own room. I smiled at him, and reached into my clutch for my key card.

"Rohaan's in the pool. He's alone." He said as he passed me by.

I froze. I didn't dare turn to see him, my cheeks burning.

He chuckled. "Good night, Yamna Bhabi." 

I waited until he was in his room before I found my legs automatically rushing towards the lifts. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as I pressed the button to the ground floor. Once I stepped out of the lift, I headed towards a narrow hallway where I'd earlier seen the sign for the swimming pool.

To gain entry to the pool area, you had to scan your key card, which I obviously had on me in my clutch. After scanning it, I pushed the tinted door open and stepped inside. I could already smell the chlorine. 

Walking further up, I turned a corner and finally came into the indoor pool room. I walked towards the pool and I could see him swimming on the other end. The room was large, the size of the gym at our university, I suppose. The pool was Olympic sized, lit up by internal pool lights. I walked around it towards where he was. 

Clearly having heard me, he turned. "Yamna?" 

After dropping my clutch bag beside where I could see his towel and clothes, I lifted up my dress slightly, and saw his gaze move down to my anklet. I took a seat right there on the ground, by the edge of the pool, giving no regards to my dress.  I playfully dipped my foot in the water, the one with the anklet. 

"What are you doing here?" His ran his hands through his hair, slicking it back. 

His biceps bulged at the action.

My heart beat increased. 

Water dripped down his bare shoulders and chest.

I felt myself breathing rapidly.


"A-Arsal Bhai said you were here alone. I thought you could use some company." 

He pulled himself out of the water, wearing only a pair of shorts.

I think I died a little.

Grabbing the towel placed nearby, he placed it around his neck, before coming to sit down beside. He then started to rub the towel through his hair.

I dipped my other foot in the water too. It felt nice and warm.

He leaned back a little, leaving the towel on his shoulder, staring thoughtfully at me. "You look absolutely beautiful tonight. Ma Sha Allah. Yamna, I don't think you even realise how naturally beautiful you are." He reached down and took the clip off, letting my straight hair fall around my shoulders. "Listen, hamster, I know that I couldn't really help you today, but I'm glad you turned to me with your problem." 

"Well, turning to Mama would mean that I'd be in trouble." I smiled. 

"So, you didn't turn to me because you trust me with your problems?" 

"I'm starting to feel like I couldn't trust anyone more with my problems." I placed my hand on his cheek, moving closer.

It was weird, him freshly out of the pool in a pair of shorts, and me in a mehndi outfit, with my jewellery still on. 

My eyes started to feel heavy and I rubbed them in an attempt to erase the sleep. I didn't want to go yet. I wanted to sit here with him for hours.

"Come on. There's a tiring day ahead tomorrow as well." Smiling he stood up and held out his hand. 

I took his hand and gasped a little when he pulled me against himself. I stood there stiffly like a statute. 

He looked amused. "You can wrap your arms around me, Yamna. You're in my Nikah. It's halal." 

I closed my eyes for some reason, before wrapping one arm around his waist, and placing my other (trembling) hand over his stomach. Chuckling, he kissed the top of my head while wrapping his arm around me.

 "You're too cute, hamster. Ma Sha Allah." 

I smiled, holding on to him tighter and more confidently now.



Haya Appi had messaged me to come outside Tahira's room.

I went there and knocked lightly. 

The door opened and Haya Appi lightly pushed Tahira out. "Five minutes max, lovebirds. Because if Mama sees, we're all doomed." She closed the door.

Tahira looked at me wide-eyed, her palms covered in henna held up, as if in surrender. "I had no idea she was going to do that." 

I grinned. "I didn't either, but now that you're here, shall I show you something cool?" 

"They are waiting for me for the rest of the henna application..." 

"It won't take long. Come on." I headed towards the lift and heard her follow with a soft giggle.

"We're going to be in so much trouble." She whispered, following me into a lift.

I placed my hand on the small of her back, leading her out of the lift on the ground section. I led her opposite the pool area, down a similar narrow hallway on the opposite side.

Glass automatic doors slid opened and we stepped out into...a courtyard.


There was a fountain and benches around it. The roof was a glass dome, but currently it was lit up by gorgeous recessed lights, as well as fairy lights. 

"Oh my God." Tahira gasped out.

"Mama chose this hotel for a reason. She knew its secrets." 

She looked at me curiosity. "What do you mean?" 

"There are tales of a courtyard in a hotel in Lahore. I will tell you when we have more time." I smiled softly at her. "Let's get you back. We can come here another time." 

"Give me a hint. I'm curious." She said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders now and led her to the lift.

"Well, my Mama, a fangirl, directly met her favourite author, a.k.a. my Papa, in a courtyard in Lahore for the first time." I smiled. "It was during Mamu's wedding functions or something."

"That's so romantic. Ma Sha Allah." 

"You wouldn't believe how much she still fangirls over him, Ma Sha Allah." 

"I want a love like that." She looked at me. "I pray that decades from you, even we have a love that strong." 

"In Sha Allah. Don't tell anyone, but I've been secretly learning tips from Papa, simply through the art of observation. Like the gajray bracelets I gave you earlier." 

She leaned her head against me. "We'll be married and together tomorrow, Aslan. In Sha Allah." 

"I can't wait for our journey to begin." I kissed her forehead.

After I had made sure that Tahira was safely in the room, and after receiving a glare from Haya Appi, I walked back towards the room and stopped in my tracks as I saw Rohaan coming in my direction, stretching his arms up above his head. He was wearing black trousers and a black t-shirt, with a towel over his shoulder.

"Did you forget Bhabi in the pool room?" I teased.

"Dafa ho, grasshopper." He shoved me as we passed by each other.

*"Get lost, grasshopper."

I stumbled, but laughed. "Did you ask her to come before you or later? In case Mama sees us?" 

"Grasshopper ke bache, and where exactly did you go with Tahira?" 

"Let the night pass by, taking its secrets along with it." Was my simple answer. I paused and turned to look over my shoulder at him. "Rohaan?" 

"What?" He looked back at me.

"You're a good brother."

"What the f**k did I do?" 

I walked up to him and hugged him, patting his back. "You really are. Just take the compliment."

"You emotional little grasshopper." He playfully ruffled my hair. 

"I know you agreed to have a simpler wedding so that I could have a nicer one." I said. 

He looked a bit surprised. "Yamna and I both agreed. We didn't want to financially put pressure on Mama and Papa with two weddings. Wealth doesn't mean overspending. So we decided that we'll have a simpler wedding, as long as you get the wedding that you want. You waited ten years for it, grasshopper. You've earned it."

"Anything you need...anything, I'll have your back. You can count on me." I patted his upper arm.

"Go to sleep." He lightly slapped the back of my head and continued towards his room.

I smiled. I was truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. Alhumdulillah.


Arsal and Tahira's mehendi is done! Next is the wedding! 

Poor Yamna, barely managing to get her coursework submitted in time. However, how many of us haven't made silly mistakes in colleges/universities?

Favourite part?

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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