⚜♚19. Falling In Love (Again)♚⚜

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



"Mama, we need to talk." I said the moment my mother opened her room door.

"You're in trouble, honey." Papa grinned as he packed up the things.

It was the morning after Valima, the morning of our check out from the hotel.

Mama stepped aside to let me in, but I could tell that she at least had an idea about what this was about.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I stormed into the room as my mother closed the door and followed me inside. "My mother got attacked by my mother-in-law, and nobody told me!" 

Mama remained calm. "What did you want me to tell you? 'Congratulations on your wedding, beta, and by the way, I got attacked today!'?" 

"It has been two days already. You could have mentioned that to me at any point!" I spoke accusingly.

"Arsal, we're all mature adults here. There's no need to raise your voice." Papa said, firmly. 

"If I'm so mature, why was I not told this?" I asked him.

"We didn't keep this from you because you're immature, we kept this from you because it was your wedding, Arsal!" Mama sounded frustrated. "I'm okay. The woman was handed over to the police. There was no need to worry you." 

"That unbelievably disgusting woman! She neglected Hira all her life, and now she comes to our wedding and attacks my mother?" I was fuming and pacing the room angrily. "How dare she mistreats Hira and then comes here and starts acting like a mother?" I shook my head.

"This is why I didn't tell you. I didn't want to put you through this during the happiest time of your life, Arsal." Mama said, softly.

"But Hira had a right to know." I said, sharply. "You should have told her that her mother was here." 

"I wasn't just thinking of your wedding day being ruined, Arsalan. I was thinking of Tahira as well!" She said. "I know what it's like to have a parent ruin the most important day of your life, and I would never want Tahira to experience that!" She inhaled sharply, turning away.

"Anya..." Papa immediately walked over to her and placed his hand on one of her shaking shoulders.

"What did Nano do?" I was confused.

"It was your Nana, not Nano." Mama corrected him. "But what he did or didn't do is irrelevant. He has passed away, and I don't want to discuss his deeds any further. But my point is that I understand, Arsal. I wanted you and Tahira to have a happy wedding."

I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "You're okay, right?" 

"I'm fine, Alhumdulillah." She caressed the back of my head.

I pulled away. "Please don't hide things from me. Your problems, my family's problems, are my business too, and I want to be there for you guys."

"Arsal, stop stressing and enjoy your newly married life." Mama said, exasperated. "Go, and let us be in peace as well."

Papa grinned at me. "Yeah, kid, get a hint."

I shook my head and headed to the door. "Always treating me like a baby."


I turned to look at my mother. "Yes, Mama?" 

"Did you finish packing up?" She raised both eyebrows at me.

I winced sheepishly.

"Check out is in less than half an hour. And you still expect us to treat you like a grown up?" She asked.

"How did you even know that this argument will work in your favour?" I asked, confused.

"Because mothers well and truly know their aulaad." 

Chuckling under my breath, I rushed out of there before she reminded me of something else that I hadn't done



I didn't want to leave. This hotel was beautiful.

"Yamna, have you taken everything? Chargers, books, soft toys?" Mama asked. 

"Yes, Mama, I double checked everything." I dragged my bigger suitcase out, the one with the heavier dresses and shoes and the bellboy placed it on the luggage cart.

I went back into my room and Mama was holding up a book. "This was in the bedside table drawer." 


"Have another look, properly this time. I'll get all this luggage taken down with the bellboy." Mama ordered me, before dragging my remaining two smaller bags out into the hallway, the door closing behind me. 

I placed the book in my backpack and looked through every corner, wardrobe and drawer of the room. I even looked in the bathroom. I couldn't afford to leave a book or toy behind.

When I came out the room, I saw Tahira down the hall. She wore a dark blue tunic-style dress with large beige leafy patterns, and black leggings along with black stiletto heeled sandals. Her hair hung loose around her face and she seemed to be waiting for Arsal Bhai outside their room. She looked at me, smiled and waved and I waved back.

I headed towards the lift, messaging Rohaan.

<Yamna: Good morning! 🌞 Where are you?>

There was no immediate reply from him. I hadn't seen him at breakfast earlier either. Was he even awake? After a brief consideration, I turned and headed back towards his room. As Arsal Bhai and Tahira passed me by, I greeted them with a Salaam, and they warmly replied back.

"Forgot something, Yum-Yum?" Arsal Bhai grinned.

Everyone who knew me knew that I had a tendency to forgot. I had almost forgot my phone on our university trip to Yorkshire! 

"No, but I think someone else did." I replied. The check-out time.

They looked confused, but didn't question as I passed them by. I knocked on the door of Rohaan's room. "Rohaan?" The Do Not Disturb sign was hanging on the door. I knocked again, louder. "Rohaan!" 

The door opened and Rohaan stood there with shaving cream on his face and a razor in his hand, without his shirt on. "Come on in."

"Assalam Alaikum." I stepped in, blushing.

"Walaikum Assalam. Why were you knocking like the place was on fire?" 

"I thought you overslept!" 

"Of course not. I packed everything last night after I got back to my room, just so I could sleep in till the last minute." 

"Oh. Okay." I shrugged. "I'll go then. I was worried that you'll miss the check-out time and..." 

"So, you were worried about me?" He headed into the bathroom. 

I headed into the room and towards the window. "I was worried that Tayan would be charged for the late check-out. I wgas worried about my Tayan."

"Yaar, Yamna, shohar ka dil rakhne main koi bill aata hai?" He called out from the bathroom.

*"Yamna, do you get charged to say something to make your husband happy?"

I smiled, sitting on the bed. I caught the scent of his cologne from the duvet, and I breathed it in deeply. Oh good, I make myself cringe. "No, but if you don't hurry, Tayan will get the extra bill."

He came out of the bathroom. "Tayan ki chamchi." 

*Chamchi: sycophant.

"Aap ki bhi hoon." The words slipped out in the form of a mumble.

*"I'm also yours."

He looked at me after he had thrown his bag of toiletries into a suitcase. "What did you say?"

 "I said, yes I am." I stood up. "So what?" I avoided his gaze.

He stepped towards me. "You did not say that, Yamna." 

"I have to go. Mama and Papa will be waiting for me." I began to move past him, but he grabbed me in his arms.

"Dobara kaho." He gazed at me, intensely.

*"Say it again."


"Meri ho." He tugged me closer, wrapping his arm around my waist. I placed one hand on his bare chest, the other on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

*"That you're mine."

"I didn't say that. I just meant that I'm your chamchi too, hence I'm here waking you up just so that you don't miss the check-out time." 

"My chamchi, my wife... either way, mine in every sense." He brushed his lips over my forehead, so softly that it felt like a touch of a feather. "Unless, you don't want that?" 

"I...I didn't say that." I dropped my gaze, but when I saw his abs, I closed my eyes.

"Ignoring my possessiveness, you tell me, Yamna Rohaan. Do you believe that you're mine?"

A hint of boldness shot through me and I very softly kissed his chest. His skin smelled of his usual shower gel. I.e. Very, very attractively hot. 

My phone started ringing in my backpack. Saved by the bell. "Oh God, Mama's calling. I have to go." I moved away from him, grabbed my bag from his bed and raced towards the door.


I turned to look at him. "Hmm?" 

"Remember, we're next." He winked at me. "After the next wedding in the family, you won't be running off anywhere, In Sha Allah."

I smiled (and blushed!) and pulled the door open and ran out.

The whole Tariq khandaan was downstairs, with only Rohaan missing now.

"Where is that other son of mine?!" Anabia Tayi looked exasperated.

"I bet he got up last minute, and is taking his time to come downstairs." Arsal Bhai said.

Rohaan came a few minutes later, dragging his own luggage. "Assalam Alaikum. Am I late?" 

"Walaikum Assalam." The group replied in unison.

"Come on, Yamna." Mama called me. "Let's go home."

"What are you saying, Saba?" Anabia Tayi asked. "We're taking Tahira home for the first time. Mum and Dad are coming with us as well. Where do you think you are going?" 

"Bhabi..." Mama exchanged a look with Papa.

"Is it not your day off?" Tayan asked my parents. "Are you due at work today?" 

"No, we're all off." Papa sighed. "We just thought you guys would want to have a private family thing..."

"Chachu, come on." Arsal Bhai immediately said. "How could you even think that?" 

"I'm offended!" Anabia Tayi added. "How did you guys even think that?" 

"If that's how it's going to be, Yas. Nobody from the family will force you." Tayan said, jaw clenched. 

"Bhai, you know we don't mean it like that." Papa said. He glanced at Mama. "We'll go to their house."

"Sure." Mama smiled. 

Our group checked-out and made our way outside.

Rohaan put his sunglasses on and helped everyone load the luggage into the car, before turning to me. "You want to come with me?" 

I glanced around at our families. Papa was talking to Tayan, making sure that his elder brother wasn't offended. Arsal Bhai and Farhaan Bhai were helping Dado and Dada Jaan in the cars. Aariz Bhai was settling his kids in the car. Haya Appi, Hoor Appi, Tahira, Anabia Tayi and Mama were chatting. "Sure."

"Did you telepathically gain their permission or something?" Rohaan smiled.

"Mamu, I want to come with you! On the front seat!" Ali ran over. 

"Me too! Papa, let me out!" Arham shouted from inside the car.

"And me!" Maham cried from her booster seat.

"Kids, Mamu wants to go with Mumani." Haya Appi said, teasingly. "You'll meet him at home anyway." 

"No! Mama, please!" Arham pleaded.

Ali had already gotten into the front seat of Rohaan's car.

"It's okay." I smiled at Rohaan. "We'll see each other at your house, In Sha Allah."

"There's space for you as well." My husband said in a whisper. "Come on, hamster." 

Hoor Appi came over. "Ali, come out now. You're going with us." 

"Maham, Arham. No. Stay." Aariz Bhai also refused to let the kids out.

"Guys, it's okay. The kids can come with us." Rohaan said.

"Us? When was it decided that you two are going together, Yamna?" Mama teased me.

I glanced down at the ground, wishing for it to open up and swallow me.

"Fine, but Ali, go to the back seat." Hoor Appi said. "Mumani will sit at the front."

"Mama..." Ali began to protest.

"Or you can come with us." Farhaan Bhai joined Hoor Appi, placing a hand on the small of her back. "Go to the back, beta." 

Sulking, Ali got out. I got into the front seat, Arham got in beside Ali, and Maham's booster seat was brought to Rohaan's car, and soon she was strapped in happily as well.

"Alright, kiddos." Rohaan glanced in the rear-view mirror as he got in and put the seat belt on. "Ready?" 

"Can we get ice cream?" Arham asked.

"It's barely ten thirty in the morning, Arham." My husband replied. "And besides, we need to be there to welcome your choti Mumani home." 

"Why is she called choti Mumani? She's not short." Maham sounded confused.

I smiled at her cuteness.

"No, honey. When it comes to your Mamus, I'm older, so I'm your baday Mamu, and Arsal Mamu is your chotay Mamu. That's why Tahira Mumani is your choti Mumani." 

"And Yamna Mumani is the badi Mumani?" Ali sounded proud of himself as he asked.

Rohaan smiled at me. "Yes, she is. She's my wife, therefore your badi Mumani." 

The kids chattered nonstop to Rohaan all the way home. Ma Sha Allah. They adored him, and one after the other, they had stories to tell him, and he listened with such attention that it made my heart melt. He was great with kids. Ma Sha Allah.


Tahira was welcomed with love, warmth and affection, as expected from Tayan's family. 

The kids almost hijacked Rohaan, begging him to go out and play in the garden with them, but Haya Appi stopped them, saying that he needed to have breakfast. 

"Alhumdulillah, everything went smoothly." Anabia Tayi said, sitting back on the sofa.

The ladies were in the formal living room at the front, while the men and the kids were in the family living room at the back. 

"Have you ordered lunch via catering?" Dado asked her.

"Yes, Mum. It's all sorted. They should deliver it by twelve thirty." Tayi Jaan replied.

"Shall I make some tea?" I offered. 

"Yes, Yamna, do that, honey." Mama encouraged me.

"It's okay, Saba, I'll go." Anabia Tayi began to get up.

"I'll make it, Tayi Jaan. Please sit and relax." I stood up.

"I'll help her." Haya Appi stood up. "Come on, Yum-Yum, like old times." 

"Shall I come as well?" Tahira asked, uncertainly. "I want to get more familiar with everything..."

"Of course!" Haya Appi smiled. "Come. Hoor, join us. Us younger ladies should have our own gathering."

"Not offended at all, Haya." Her mother said, sarcastically.

"Why didn't you call Khadija over, Anabia?" Mum asked.

"I did, but she didn't sleep well last night and had a migraine, and since Saim and Laila couldn't come either because of Saim's work, she went with them to sleep it off. They'll come in the evening possibly." Tayi Jaan replied.

I headed to the kitchen with the twins and Tahira. Hoor Appi started familiarising Tahira with the kitchen, while Haya Appi and I began to make tea.

"Arsu is very sweet. He's good around the kitchen." Hoor Appi said to Tahira. "He can make a few delicious dishes. To be fair, because of Mama's demanding airport career, Ro has learnt quite a bit too."

"The biased Nand." Haya Appi teased her twin.

"Arsalan once made this pasta salad, and it was delicious." Tahira said, blushing slightly.

"Arsu is such a sneaky guy, right Hoor?" Haya Appi said.

"Yes, it's unbelievable." 

We laughed and chatted, and Rohaan walked into the kitchen.

"Get out. No boys allowed!" Haya Appi told him.

"Good thing I'm a man then." Rohaan chuckled. "Move. I need to make breakfast. I'm starved."

"Breakfast? Or did you come here to see the Mrs?" Hoor Appi teased him now.

I was standing by the stove with my back to them, having just set the milk to boil in a pan. I'm glad they couldn't see my face at that comment.

"Seriously, annoying twins, I need to eat." 

"Sorry. You need to wait for us to finish." Haya Appi shrugged, smirking at him.

The ladies had their backs to me and were facing Rohaan. I quietly took out bread from the bread bin and met Rohaan's gaze, before holding up two fingers, then three, asking him how many he wanted.

He ran a hand through his hair. Two fingers. I put the toast in the toaster. 

Sneakily I took the frying pan and put it on the stove. And under the pretext of putting the milk bottle in the fridge, I went to grab an egg from it as well. Rohaan kept the twins busy in conversation, and Tahira was laughing at their bantering. I pointed to the three ladies and shook my head before pointing to the stove.

Rohaan cleared his throat and nodded. "Right, you are going to regret it, twins. I'm going and asking the kids what they want to order for lunch, and they will get whatever they demand." He grabbed his phone and typed something. "Tahira, I forgot to tell you that Arsal was looking for you." 

"He was? Umm... okay, I'll go and see what he wants." Tahira excused and left.

"I'm going to tell the kids that they get to choose the meal." Rohaan turned to leave, and as expected, the twin sisters followed, protesting.

I smiled and made scrambled egg with toast for him. 



<Rohaan: I've told Tahira she's looking for you. She's coming out of the kitchen. Support me on this, and I'll owe you one. Sisters are being pains in my a**.>

I got up and excused myself, in the pretext of going to the bathroom. Tahira was just coming out of the kitchen.

"You were looking for me?" She asked, smiling softly.

"Y-Yes. I..." I cleared my throat. "I wanted to show you...the front garden." What the actual hell, Arsalan?

"The front garden?" She looked, confused. "We literally walked past through it to come inside." 

"I meant, from the upstairs window. It looks really good from up there." 

"Oh, sure." She still looked uncertain.

<Arsalan: You owe me BIG TIME. I look like a fool.>

<Rohaan: When don't you?>

<Arsalan: You really want to tease me when I'm in the middle of doing you a favour?>

<Rohaan: I owe you, grasshopper. Isn't that enough for you?>

I bit back a smile. Taking Tahira towards the front of the house, I pointed out of the hallway window. "Look." 

She placed a hand on my upper arm. "Did you want to be alone with me, Aslan?" 

I looked at her, taken aback, but didn't realise that this was an opportunity for me and Hira as well. Thanks, Ro. Now you don't owe me, but I'll never tell you so that you still think that you owe me. Rohaan Rehan Tariq owing you one was something very, very valuable, and the opportunity shouldn't be wasted. At all.

"Why wouldn't I want to be alone with you?" I stepped closer to her, taking her hands in mine.



I busied the twins in the living room with a conversation with the ladies, then returned to the kitchen. Yamna hadn't noticed that I was back, and she had her back to me as she hummed something. 

I leaned on the isle, watching her with a smile on my face. 

She turned with a plate containing scrambled egg and toast for me and she jumped, startled. "When did you come back?" 

"When you were humming something about how crazy you are about me." 

Her cheeks turned pink. "I was doing no such thing. I was humming...nothing." She slid the plate across the isle. "Here." 

"Thank you, Yamna. You are a valuable team member." I sprinkled salt and pepper on it, pressing my other hand over my stomach. "I am seriously hungry." I nodded towards the stove. "The milk."

Gasping, she turned around and quickly turned the stove off to stop the milk from spilling over. 

I cleared my throat. "I think I got rid of your tea team. Let me help you. It's the least that I can do."

"No, your breakfast." 

"My breakfast and I can both wait." 

We prepared the tea together, and I carried the tray to the family living room where the men were, while Yamna took it another tray to the ladies.

My father raised both eyebrows at me in disbelief.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." I grinned at him.

When I returned to the kitchen, Yamna wasn't back yet, and I wasn't even sure if she was even coming back. I took a seat on the bar stool and ate my breakfast, before my stomach gave me further baddua.

*Baddua: curse.

Yamna did come back and sat down beside me, placing her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her palm as she watched me.

"You want some?" I offered.

She shook her head.

"What's up, hamster?" 

She shook her head again.

"Fangirling over me?" I joked.

She got up, stood behind me and wrapped her arms around mine, resting her head on my back. "I'm yours and only yours." 

I could feel my amused expressions replaced by something intense. A rush over protectiveness rushed through me. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for this girl. I'd fight the whole f**king world for her.

She moved around and leaned forward to kiss my cheek.

"And I am yours and only yours, Yamna Rohaan." I gazed straight into her eyes as I said that.

She wrapped her arm around my waist and stood leaning her head against my arm.



We were still at Tayan's house during the late afternoon.

Rohaan and Arsal Bhai were playing with the kids outside. Ali and Arham had insisted on football, and were having the time of their lives with their Mamus.

"I want to play too!" Maham burst into tears. "But not football!"

"Maham, sweetheart, I thought you were colouring." Hoor Appi said to her, gently.

"I want to play Detective with Ro Mamu!" Maham rushed towards the guys. "Mamu!" 

Forgetting the football, Rohaan got down on his knee to speak to his niece. "What's up, beautiful?"

"I want to play detective with you. You are the robber and I am the detective!" Maham ordered him.

"But how will this work, sweetheart? I'm not fast enough to get away from you! I'll get caught easily." 

Maham giggled, her hand on her mouth. "It's just pretend, silly." 

"Maham, don't call your elders silly!" Haya Appi immediately told her off.

"Fine." He ran slowly. "You'll never catch me detective!"

"I WILL CATCH YOU BECAUSE I'M SUPER DECEKIVE LIKE MY MAMU!" Maham still tended to slip up on the harder words, but her oral vocabulary was pretty strong for her age, Ma Sha Allah.

It was such an adorable sight to watch.


Rohaan was still outside tossing a football around, as everyone else headed inside.

I made my way to him. "We're leaving."

He looked surprised. "Already? What about dinner?"

I shook my head. "Mama and Papa said that we have to go."

"You stay if they can't. I'll drop you off later." 

"No, it's fine. I think I'll go home with them." 

He approached me and took my hands. "You don't trust me?" He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"There's nobody I trust more." I whispered. "I..."


"You're going to think I'm silly." 

"Try me."

"I didn't think it was possible for this to happen, but I... I think I'm falling in love with you all over again. I'm falling so deeply that it scares me sometimes."

"Scares you? Why? You think I'll hurt you? Betray you?" 

I shook my head, tears in my eyes, ready to confess my true vulnerability to him. "Rohaan, not you. I think I'll mess it up. I think I'll not be enough. You're this amazing, brilliant guy, Ma Sha Allah. And I don't think I'm good enough, and I'm scared that I'll do something to mess us up."

"What if I tell you that I don't think I'm good enough for you? You're so good, so pure, that I'm worried that I'll corrupt you." He rubbed his knuckles against my cheeks.

"That's not true. Despite what you make yourself appear, you are good in a way that puts me in awe. Ma Sha Allah." I whispered up to him. "And I'm scared that..." 

He took something out of his pocket. "I wouldn't ever do this for anyone else." The pink hamster keychain swung in the air as he held it up. "I can promise you that, Yamna." He replaced it back into his pockets, and put his hands on my cheeks before resting his forehead against mine. "You're not silly. I know what you mean. I'm falling in love with you all over again as well." 

"While we are confessing..." I added. "I came to wake you up today mainly because I didn't want  Tayan and Anabia Tayi to get angry with you." 

He smiled. "So, it was concern for me?" 

"You have my back, I have yours." 

"Meri jaan." He kissed my forehead repeatedly, before pulling me into his arms. "And thank you for your concern over my breakfast too."

"If I was hungry, you'd do anything to make sure I get food as soon as possible. I know that as well as I know my name. And I'd do the same for you." I had my arms around his waist, tightly.

"Yamna!" Mama's voice came from somewhere in the house.

"I'm coming over tonight. We'll go for a late night drive, okay?" He whispered.

"I can't wait." 

He kissed me quickly and softly before I rushed towards the house.

But it seemed like there were other plans for me.

Instead of a late night drive with Rohaan, I ended up in a late-night drive across the country with my parents, leading to some unexpected chain of events.


The binge-writings days are over. I'm back to work now, but hope you guys enjoyed it while it lasted.

And, of course I had to end it on a cliffhanger.

Why is Yamna going across the country at night with her parents?

Favourite part?

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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