8: Finding out

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I woke up this morning feeling a little more apprehensive. I don't know why. Maybe because my toothpaste fell off my toothbrush when i tried to brush my teeth. Or because my toast got burnt quicker than usual.

Or maybe it was when all the boxes fell during my shift at howdy's. I couldn't put them on the shelf without it toppling over. Irritating me to no end.

I tried to shrug it off but even i couldn't set the feeling down to rest. So, after work i went home and decided a walk was needed to calm my nerves.

Today was a little chilly. So, i put on a white and soft oversized sweater. It has small flower details. Jeans with bell-bottoms and white sneakers with a red heart on the bottom of them. My (H/L) hair was put back with a small heart clip on the back.

Not bad for a show where rainbows threw up.

I walked outside and felt the chill breeze ruffle my hair. Starting down the path, I thought about wally. How he basically roped me in a acting part in the talent show. Which we start practicing for tomorrow afternoon.

Yet, that wasn't what was on my mind. I've been thinking about my time here. How i arrived and every strange interaction I've had. Poppy, Wally, Sally.

Clearly, Wally is the main character but is he supposed to be around so much? Especially around me. I have a strong feeling he knows a lot more than what he's trying to show.

Yet, Once again my brain is racking itself to death. I'm missing something. Something vital. Something i know about this place.

I retained so much information on sleepless nights that i forgot a lot. For example, Wally eats with his eyes.

He knows something. Wally, Acting strange. Well, Stranger than what I would call normal here.

I bet he knows i don't belong here. I need to ask him.

"Why, What a wonderful surprise. Taking a walk, My dear?" A soothing voice can be heard behind me and i turn to see wally standing there. Wearing a rainbow fluffy sweater with a red collar and buttons. Dark blue pants with white shoes to match. His belt was brown with a apple shaped buckle and i couldn't but find amusement in that.

His hair combed up perfectly like always.

"Yes. I am. You look nice today." I comment and he smiles warmly.

"Thank you, Neighbor. May i join you?"

I nod and he steps beside me. His sweet scent fills the air and my cheeks turn slightly red by how close he is. We begin to walk aimlessly together.

My mind starts to race.

How do I even ask? Will he act like I'm crazy? He can be terrifying sometimes....

"Wally..." I softly call his name and he hums in acknowledgement.

I hesitate...

How do you even say to someone. Hey im not supposed to be here. You're a puppet. In a show! Get me out of here!

"You know," He shakes me away from my thoughts.

"My life has gotten so much more exciting ever since you appeared." He says as he keeps looking ahead.

I don't say anything. Getting a little restless, A sigh escapes my lips.

"I don't belong here, Wally" I say slowly. He stops walking and all i see is his back.

He turns and smiles at me.

"Of course you do! Everyone loves you already. You're a perfect addition to our neighborhood. I'm glad you moved in." He says and i shake my head in frustration.

"No, Wally. I didn't move here. I woke up here. I'm from a different world. One that is my reality!" I say and he stares at me for a second.

He chuckles and looks at me like i cracked a good joke.

"That's a good one. You have such an imagination." He says and i step away from him. He noticed and takes another step towards me.

The wind picks up and i notice how grey the sky looked.

"I'm not joking. None of this is real. I'm getting sick of walking around clueless. I need to get back to where i came from." His smile leaves his lips.

"The joke is becoming old now, Neighbor." He said seriously and i huff in irritation.

"Fine. Don't believe me. I'll find my own way out." I mutter and i turn my back to him.

I didn't even take one step when he grasps my shoulder hard.

"You're meant to stay here, Neighbor." He says and i try to shrug his hand off.

"If, I am from this reality and i did move in. I should be able to move out! I don't need you telling me what to do!" I felt angry and misunderstood. Tired of being taken like a fool and scared about the strange occurrences.

"(Y/n). I'm not telling you what to do. I'm telling you what you can't do!" His voice wasn't cheery anymore.

"Who are you to tell me what not to do!" I counter back and he looked impatient.

"You're talking nonsense. This neighborhood is perfectly fine! You belong here!" He voice raises decibels and it made me more pissed. So, I turned around quickly and started to speed walk away from him. Blood rushing to my ears and this sweater was making me feel too warm.

Screw this place. I don't belong here and i won't let a blue haired freak make me feel like I'm crazy.

Julie can be seen walking with some flowers and i knew exactly how to make wally talk.

Enjoy this puppet boy.

I walked up to Julie and wally can be heard following me.

"Neighbor!" Wally shouted nervously.

Julie looked at us suspiciously.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" She asked and i open my mouth.

"Julie, I'm not from this rea-"

Wally came up behind me and he sounded agitated. Julie quickly tensed up as she saw him.

"Haha! I'm sorry Julie! Our kind neighbor here, Feels like she doesn't fit in with us. Isn't that a shame." Wally stares into her eyes and she blinks away nervously and clears her throat.

She looked at me and smiles quickly.

"Oh, That sounds terrible! You must feel homesick but im sure we can fix that! I would love to have you over tomorrow night for a sleepover!" She says and i stood there in disbelief.

Wally you fucking manipulator.

Wally's eyes sparked with hurt for a second but i turn and I smiled at Julie but deep down inside, I wanted to burn this whole neighborhood to the ground.

"I would love that!"

She smiles and tells me she'll see me then. Then quickly skips off. Wally quickly grabs my hand and drags me to a path.

"Let me go!" His grip tightens and i dig my heels into the ground.

"For the love of- (Y/n)!" He shouted and i look at him with anger.

"Leave me alone, puppet boy!" I said and he rolls his eyes.

"Clever." He mutters and i stop moving.

"What else are you gonna call me? Throwing your anger at me." He says angrily.

"I'll call you whatever i see fit! I'm tired of being here. Without an explanation!" I yell exasperated and he lets go of my hand.

"Oh yes because I'm the manipulator right?" He yells out in exasperation.

I freeze.

"How did..."

He noticed what he just said and his anger quickly subdued.

"What?" He said trying to play it off.

"How did you know, I called you a manipulator!" I walked forward. Everything was clicking inside my brain. How could I forget such a vital fact! He looked like that question scared him.

"I guesse-"

"Oh, Fuck you." My anger as at an all time high. The weather was exactly how i felt. The wind was strong, The clouds deep grey and the neighborhood looked abandoned.

"Language, (Y/n)." He warns and i laugh.

"You read minds." I deadpan and he doesn't say anything. He looked guilty.


"This whole time! You were reading my mind! Abusing what i was thinking! My own private thoughts! Yet, You have the audacity to act like I'm crazy!" I yell at him. My heart rushing.

Droplets of rain fell down but i was too livid to even notice.

"Not... All the time. If, It's too many at once. I can't make them out." He admits and i looked at him like he was crazy. Then i remembered he knows my thoughts about him and i feel betrayed.

Taken advantage of.

Lied to.

Taken an absolute fool of.

"You knew... You know!" I say looking at him.

"Everything..." I whisper and he stepped towards me.

"Don't you dare come near me!" Moving back a few steps. The rain pelted down harder. My hair and skin getting drenched.

Wally looked guilty and sighs.

"It's, Not that simple... None of this is!" He explains. His pompadour has come half undone. His long blue hair getting drenched.

"I... I need to get out of here. Away from you." My heart felt raw and it hurt to breath. Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks. Looking at wally made my heart ache.

"(Y/n)..." He says softly.

"I'm... Sorry. Please, Give me a chance to explain." He pleads.

My throat closed up and my tears finally spilled. Instead of answering, I looked at him with my eyes full of tears. His eyes widen and his hand reached out to me. I turned and ran off. I wanted to run away until i stopped breathing.

Instead i ran back home and fell through the doorway of my entrance. My knees hitting the floor as i cry fully. In confusion and in utter hopelessness.

I don't know why it affects me so much.

It's his character design to read minds but... The lines of him being a mere character and someone i personally know and become to like has blurred so much. I feel like he lied to me. He taken advantage of my behavior and thoughts.

Feeling like a stupid girl.

He won't even help me get back to where i came from. I genuinely felt like he cared about me.

Wally, You fucking liar.

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